Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Yes, but what were Sophocles's views on the trans genocide? Did he even put one trans or black character in his play?
Garfield is better
(09-11-2023, 11:48 AM)Potato wrote: Yes, but what were Sophocles's views on the trans genocide? Did he even put one trans or black character in his play?

Even better, Tiresias is the one who tells Oedipus what he did, old man with wrinkled dugs
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Quote:While there's obviously some intentional hyperbole in this title and thread, staff aren't willing to have Era host a discussion on the industry's 'web of lies' when it comes to basic marketing. It's just not going to lead to any positive discussion.

Must protect the shills
(09-11-2023, 03:18 AM)benji wrote: UPDATE:

(09-11-2023, 01:17 PM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:
(09-11-2023, 03:18 AM)benji wrote: UPDATE:

[Image: F3d1kt7aIAA-i_r?format=jpg&name=medium]
Quote:So I don’t have a car so I walk pretty much everywhere. Almost every single time I’m out, I have to do the weirdly awkward “excuse me” and push past someone in front of me that’s walking at a literal snail’s pace in the middle of the sidewalk (keep in mind I live in a small city so our sidewalks aren’t super packed things where this is just a constant occurance you learn to just zone out like in NYC or something)

I dunno why I hate doing this so much. I’ll even try to slow myself down, but they STILL can’t keep ahead so I pretty much always end up having to speed up ahead of them. The worst is the rare occassion when they seem to be offended by me doing this, like, what?? I even had one time where the guy suddenly decided to speed up when I passed him and stayed up my ass until I just started speed walking to put some distance between us. Like what the fuck is that?

Anyway, that’s my dumb rant about somethint that doesn’t matter at all.
Quote:it’s a very serious topic, wasn’t sure if era was ready for it or not
Quote:the feminist thrill ride* that The Marvels looks like it will be when it hits theaters in November.

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(08-18-2023, 11:21 PM)Nintex wrote: From what I heard they're trying to sell Gearbox to plug the gap.

I still beat all these clowns by 3 months 

Deal with it
They paid how much for Gearbox?  Rondesoy
2 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower

Quote:This happened a few days ago, but it's taken a few days for me to make this thread, so here we are.

Things have never really been that great for trans people in Canada -- more "begrudging tolerance" than "enthusiastic support", but at least we have our right protected. Or, we did, at least.

I guess it's Canada's turn to start openly embracing genocide.
So it's a genocide if Canadian youth aren't getting gender affirming care from the state.  So is everyone in America getting genocided because there's no national healthcare system?  /showerthoughts
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
discord is the hotel rwanda
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, NekoFever
(09-11-2023, 06:49 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Quote:Things have never really been that great for trans people in Canada

correction: things were great for trans people in canada before Jessica Yaniv harassed a series of immigrant-run salons by demanding that the grandmas perform a feminine waxing procedure on his still-very-intact male genitalia, thereby highlighting how bad things had really gotten to the general public
(09-11-2023, 06:49 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Quote:This happened a few days ago, but it's taken a few days for me to make this thread, so here we are.

Things have never really been that great for trans people in Canada -- more "begrudging tolerance" than "enthusiastic support", but at least we have our right protected. Or, we did, at least.

I guess it's Canada's turn to start openly embracing genocide.

Quote:The conservative Anglosphere has too much brainrot targeting trans folks whether it’s JK Rowling instigating the UK gender critical movement, the American GOP being the American GOP, or the Canadian conservatives trying to mimic their cousins south of the border or across the Atlantic
3 users liked this post: Nintex, Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Lot of cool story bro posts
Quote:A fighter? Extremely bad.

HOWEVER, some guys tried to mug me when I was in high school and I was able to parry all their punches (minus one, okay) by somehow visualising a Dragon Ball scene in my head so uh, that, I guess.
Quote:I'm pretty sure if I was ever put in a position where I had to fight, I would fight dirty. We're talking "stick car keys between my fingers and punch someone in the gut with them" dirty. I'm not winning otherwise.
Quote:Honestly, I am probably ranked top 3 in the world? but unfortunately, if I fought anyone I'd likely kill them. I would be charged with murder and would have to go to jail, which would double suck because everyone would want to fight me (the only clear advantage I could see are 3 hots and a cot, and the opportunity to yell, "You think I'm locked in here with you? you're locked in with me!!!) and I'd end up killing even more people.

Also, I have incredible reach so, yeah top 3 in the world easy.

I wear steel-toe boots so my strategy would be to kick the other person in the shins/balls and hope for the best. But since I haven't been in a fight since elementary I can only imagine how bad it would look.
Quote:I'm 4'10 and often under 90lbs

So if it's a kid under the age of 12 I think i'd do pretty well. I'm athletic, and I've played a lot of Overwatch so I see good angles of engagement. I'd rate myself like a 9/10.
0/10 against anything else
Imagine an adult admitting they can take a kid under 12
Quote:Pretty good.
I was always naturally gifted as a kid and would always win schoolyard fights.
Did TaeKwonDo for about a decade and was generally the most skilled at the school in sparring.
Won 1st place at most regional tournaments I entered, and at a state tournament once.
Quote:Only "fight" I've been in with someone I didn't know was in 7th grade. Kid got mad because I was "in his way" and I told him "he could wait his turn".

I studied Taekwando for years, but didn't have to do much. He tried to punch me, I ducked, he hit a locker behind me. He ended up breaking a finger and having to go to the ER.

No idea how I'd do in a fight now. 🤷‍♂️
Quote:Not a fighter but will do almost anything to escape the situation.

A guy cornered me and my German friend in a supermarket once, accusing my friend of “dogging” him. Friend just arrived from Germany, had no idea what that even meant.

I tried to explain that to the guy and he instantly starts walloping on me, with punches to my face and chest. Ironically we were in the beer aisle and I was right behind the six packs, so I instinctively grabbed a bottle and smashed it over his head.

He stood there just stunned, said “fuck you” then walked away. He took off before the cops came. An employee that witnessed the attack vouched for me and believed it could have been a lot worse had I not grabbed the bottle.

I was a bit shaken up but mostly fine. It was my poor German friend who was so bewildered, having just been in the U.S. only a day.
Quote:I got into a fight with a neighbor last year. I had noticed him and his family seemed to be monopolizing the laundry machines in the building - the room is right next to my place and his place was in the same hall so I could hear who would be using the machines as I got used to the sounds people made since my living room is right at my door. For instance, this guy open mouth no mask coughed down the hall during the entire pandemic.

I approached him when he was doing laundry once and just explained that it seemed like they were using it a lot lately (like from 8am to past 6pm throughout the whole day, multiple loads continuously) and it was hard to get in some time to use it. He immediately became enraged, started insulting me and then when I brushed it off he lunged and started hitting. He is around the same height as me but probably 60 lbs heavier though in a Homer Simpson way, while I work out and am mostly muscle. He got me in a grapple where he was holding me against a wall but I managed to force my way out and I was triggered into full fight reflex and was going at him hitting back and even choking him out. My girlfriend came out around then frantically screaming at us to stop.

Later, both parties called the police but his call got there first. They talked to me and I think I was somewhat lucky because apparently I harmed him much worse than he did me so that wouldnt look good for me, but my girlfriend heard him snapping on me and even though she didn’t see I suppose the police saw that made him look bad so it was a wash and they asked both parties to avoid each other.

I think he moved out a while ago though as I haven’t seen or heard him in a long time.
Quote:Idk tbh but we did have a new student at school show up who was expelled from like 3 other schools and tried to fight everyone but nobody would fight em yet I did and we both knocked each other out at the same time during drama class.

I earned their respect and we still catch up to this day.

So I'd say I'd be willing to hold my own if it came down to a situation. Not saying I'll win but I'll try.
Bob Hope in a dress for MK DLC please.
entremetGPT ban
Quote:User Banned (1 Week): Ableist Rhetoric
Quote:It's a nice list. I love the NES, even still today. The games have aged pretty well honestly.

I don't mind the big NCL games missing since they're always there, even if SMB3 is my favorite NES game.

I don't get the gimped Donkey Kong either.
(09-11-2023, 11:58 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:While there's obviously some intentional hyperbole in this title and thread, staff aren't willing to have Era host a discussion on the industry's 'web of lies' when it comes to basic marketing. It's just not going to lead to any positive discussion.

Must protect the shills

Many of the same idiots who mod Reeeeesetera are the same idiots who fell for crap like "blast processing", "100 million polygons a second" and "Cell Processor©®™"
2 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:(Also, congrats, trans men! The resolution exclusively targets trans women. Apparently your existence is totally fine and you can use whatever bathroom you feel most comfortable in, as long as you're an adult ✨ They'll still do their best to make sure you never make it to adulthood, though.)

That bitterness.  lol
Taco Bell Tower dateline='[url=tel:1694461931' wrote: 1694461931[/url]']
entremetGPT ban
Quote:User Banned (1 Week): Ableist Rhetoric
Quote:It's a nice list. I love the NES, even still today. The games have aged pretty well honestly.

I don't mind the big NCL games missing since they're always there, even if SMB3 is my favorite NES game.

I don't get the gimped Donkey Kong either.

A ban for that? 

Entremet probably pissed a mod .
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:I have anti anxiety meds. Would that be enough or nah
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
Quote:Say things that would imply a lack of faith in law enforcement, the government in general, or the justice system at large. Wear a shirt with a prominently displayed leftist figure or quote and don't be afraid to talk about why you believe in them or it, even if you don't in reality

Or you can serve on a jury as part of a civic duty and be part of the solution to all the problems you claim exist...or..

Quote:Show up dressed like a bum and reeking of alcohol, they'll prob send ya home.

Quote:Throw your summons in the garbage. They can’t prove you ever received it.

Yeah, nah, the first guy is right.  Just stick to the che Guevara tshirt strategy or whatever.
Juries are part of various genocides, just look at the conviction rates
Let's get a real expert opinion on this list

Quote:Rygar - Game is confusing as hell, sound is awful, boss room is basically a repeating pattern of BRRRUUUMMMMM BRUUUUMMMMM BRUUUUUMMMM noises. Combines the absolute worst elements of Zelda and Castlevania into a shit sandwhich. Neat main theme tho, you'll remember that for the rest of your fucking life.
River City Ransom - Ok, beat-em up, but better games on this list
Solomon's Key - It's an ok rip off of another puzzle game I forgot the name of
R.C. Pro-Am - Awesome game but the AI is completely broken and basically unbeatable after just a few races
Kickle Cubicle - One of my favorite games as a kid Pimp 
Kung Fu - Fun but simple arcade action
Trojan - Ok'ish action game
Baseball Simulator 1.000 - Yeah uh garbage
Air Fortress - Ok shmup
Kabuki: Quantum Fighter - This is literally a romhack sequel of the Batman game
M.U.S.C.L.E. Tag Team Match - There was a time when Bandai made trash like this
Low G Man: The Low Gravity Man - Very choppy animations even for a game released in the early 90's
Life Force - One of the better NES shmups with a great boxart too, Nintex recommends  Pimp
Rescue: The Embassy Mission - Neat and unique Spetznatz simulator but more of a novelty than an actual good game
Section Z - Confusing but good
3-D WorldRunner - Space Harrier clone, impressive tech tho
Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu - One of the 'big sprites' NES games which just means you see very little on the screen and all the processing power has been used up
Wrecking Crew - There's a reason why Nintendo pretends this doesn't exist
Dr. Chaos - Basically Goonies II with better graphics
California Games - Very fun, very weird, Nintex recommends this game Pimp 
Little Nemo: The Dream Master - This is a very good MegaMan rom hack, Nintex recommends Pimp 
Spy vs. Spy - Another novelty title
Donkey Kong - This is absolute trash on the NES, with even less content than the original arcade game. the Gameboy game is much better
BurgerTime - Literally a Donkey Kong clone
Kid Niki: Radical Ninja - Tried this on an emulator once because the character on the JP box looks like Goku. Trash game.
Lunar Pool - Absolute trash
Lode Runner - Lode Runner was never any good
Ikari Warriors - Very underrated, one of the first games where you can commit a genocide with 2 rambo dudes. I guess Jeff has no friends, Nintex recommends this game for people with friends. PROTIP: If you both enter the tank or helicopter at the same time and press A+B the vehicles clones into 2 tanks Pimp 
Spy Hunter - This was a clone of Bump 'n Jump, fun game tho, James Bond without the license
Tiger-Heli - Average helicopter game
Captain Skyhawk - How dare you underrate Captain Skyhawk like this, you fat fuck Pimp 
The Three Stooges - Trash
Classic Concentration - Should add camp to the title 
Renegade - You'd think that Jeff would enjoy this river city ransom clone but maybe he had a moment of clarity
Fisher-Price: Firehouse Rescue - You literally drive a fire truck up to a window from left to right. 
Deadly Towers - Basically Dark Souls 1987
Athena - Princess Athena fights monsters in her panties, what is not to like 10/10 Pimp  
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Polident, Taco Bell Tower
(09-11-2023, 09:36 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Quote:Say things that would imply a lack of faith in law enforcement, the government in general, or the justice system at large. Wear a shirt with a prominently displayed leftist figure or quote and don't be afraid to talk about why you believe in them or it, even if you don't in reality

Or you can serve on a jury as part of a civic duty and be part of the solution to all the problems you claim exist...

The controversial alternate cut of 12 Angry Men where Henry Fonda skips Jury duty and goes to a baseballgame
(09-11-2023, 08:27 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:(Also, congrats, trans men! The resolution exclusively targets trans women. Apparently your existence is totally fine and you can use whatever bathroom you feel most comfortable in, as long as you're an adult ✨ They'll still do their best to make sure you never make it to adulthood, though.)
Do they think anyone seriously fears women, even those posing as a manlet, in the wrong bathroom?

(09-11-2023, 09:36 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Quote:Say things that would imply a lack of faith in law enforcement, the government in general, or the justice system at large. Wear a shirt with a prominently displayed leftist figure or quote and don't be afraid to talk about why you believe in them or it, even if you don't in reality

Or you can serve on a jury as part of a civic duty and be part of the solution to all the problems you claim exist...or..
Or answer honestly and the state will dismiss you because they recognize you're a threat, you know, like I did and I was, surely this won't be a problem for our radical progressive activists of But that's none of my business...

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Antagonizing and Misrepresenting Fellow Members
hachikoma wrote:
Sirolf wrote:So now the racism about a country is tolerated on Resetera ?
a) obviously it is, have you ever peeked into the ukraine ot?
b) your posting hints that you're likely french. surely you're aware of france's historical and ongoing colonial ventures, the structural persecution of muslims, and the current cultural context of the police execution of nahel. there's no need to run defense for... the french government? in a thread about the french government doing very obvious and hamfisted racism. it is actually not racist to call out racism.
Banned for criticizing the Ukraine ot. lol

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Spam
stormfire wrote:
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynistic Slur
Arn wrote:I thought Antony was a massive waste of money before I knew he was a horrendous cunt. An atrocious signing in every way, as it turns out.

Wonder if the club regret their joint “Devil Inside” marketing campaign with Adidas.
2 users liked this post: BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower

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