Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-10-2023, 04:12 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Sacrilicious wrote:Specifically, I'm talking about this kind:

[Image: Screenshot-2020-12-17-at-19.38.11.png]

Lately I've found them nearly impossible to pass successfully, due to things like the car on the left. Any time the answer is even slightly ambiguous, it will consider my answer wrong.

If I pick all the squares containing any sliver of car? Fail

If I only pick the ones that contain significant sections? Fail

If I only pick the ones that contain large sections? Fail

At this point I've given up and I just do several (knowing they'll fail) until they give me another kind of puzzle. I can't imagine it's supposed to work like this, and there are easy ways to fix it, so I feel like I'm missing something here.

We're not dealing with very bright people here...
3 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(06-10-2023, 05:01 PM)Nintex wrote: *bois that never noticed Gwen Stacy*


*bois look up Gwen Stacy to see what all the hubbub is about*

goddamn, she ain't Trans. Mynicca
That's some tuck job if she is!
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(06-10-2023, 05:48 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
galaxy brain take, wrote:
Quote:Like I'm just trying to imagine the reaction if it was the other way around, everyone would be rightfully so annoyed to have a black character removed from his own franchise.
Okay, let's play the race reversal scenario.

Closest we get is when Min-Min was confirmed over Twintelle to be in Smash, a Chinese girl over a Black woman. We banned folks for shitting on Chinese representation in the ensuing fallout, even though people had a point that Smash is light-skinned as shit and overall has no canon Black characters playable.

So no. There is no way we'd allow people to say, in that instance:

"Prince of the Middle East."

"Fuck is this Arab music?"

"What's with his hair/look? Looks like a Fortnite character?"

And on and on without banning people for it, especially since it hasn't even been confirmed yet if the new MC is Black or not. That's the thing; in the hours this trailer has been out it has not crossed your mind that the new MC is also Persian too.

So not only have people presumed that the new MC is Black because of racial stereotyping, but they've been low-key shitting on Black people and culture in the process in general, as is typical of gamers whenever they get reminded for a second that we exist.

Ultimately, you don't get a pass to dog on one minority ethnic group in service of another. That's not how intersectionality works.

uhhhhhhhhhhhh kind of fucking is tho

I wonder what the reaction would be like if it turns out the character is Persian, but they wear their hair in dreadlocks?

Will the "cultural appropriation" maniacs be out of force demanding bans?
Princess Bubblegum calling for people to arm up should be in the hall of fame.
(06-11-2023, 03:15 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Princess Bubblegum calling for people to arm up should be in the hall of fame.

She should be in an asylum or a jail cell.
4 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, D3RANG3D, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 02:42 AM)Potato wrote: How are they talking about leaving because of lack of interest and attention? 

Trans people are way, way, way over-represented on the moderation team and bans are always favoured towards trans people.

These items are narcissists of the highest order. If everything isn't all about them then they just have the biggest hissy fits and shout genocide.
This is actually one of my top favorite things about They're so narcissistic and borderline sociopathic that they think simply declaring you're upset should cause others to immediately act in your favor. The threats to leave are basically the same horseshit behavior as making suicide threats, and as is typical only that one trans plural system I forget the username of was actually willing to carry out the threat and demand his account be banned. They have no concern for the community except for how the community can benefit them, it's an endless ongoing power struggle, a social climbing game of cliques, constant scheming, never-ending manufactured conflict over irrelevancies, etc.

Say this for Kyuuji they actually made demands that could be carried out: ban these video games from your video game forum. Everyone else, and not just TransERA, pulls the other card demanding unthinking allegiance without any specifics, it's because they don't actually care about whatever, it's irrelevant to why they're doing it. They don't care about Cyberpunk2077 or Spider-Gwen or whatever YouTuber they're cancelling today, they're using these topics for the larger struggle they think they're waging against their enemies. They can't be specific because it's a struggle without end and even more importantly nobody on has any kind of power to give them the "win" condition nor is it the place where they could even if they did. They don't want Cyberpunk2077 banned really, they want transphobia banned, well not banned but completely erased into non-existence. Nobody can do this and just as importantly they don't want it done because that means the "fight" is over, their every incentive is to keep finding it so they can keep "fighting" it. The complaining that the "allies" aren't doing their part in the "fight" is trying to shame them in order to grab power, only it's a stupid fucking "video game" forum so there's no power to actually grab leaving them desperate to find a way to "draft" everyone into the "cause" without sounding even more completely unhinged and insane.
Mad about Zelda:
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 02:28 AM)Greatness Gone wrote: If MCU posters weren’t protected this would have been an instant ban for dismissing accusations of sexual assault. I hate these fuckers so much.
Fj0823, post: 107091438, member: 17013 wrote:Crossposting from the Marvel thread:

Reading the tweets in spanish, the woman is talking about a payment dispute and then calls him a predator and a vulture without going any further. Plus she drops a "the anti racist group is the violent groups" and calls her involvement in the Poder Prieto initiative (Tenochs fight for more brown reps in LatAm Media) a mistake

I would take this with a grain of salt for now, her posts are almost exclusively about not being paid with the word "predator" in one of them and "vulture" in the other.

He updated it to
Quote:Nevermind, there is a direct sexual assault accusation.
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D
(06-11-2023, 03:15 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Princess Bubblegum calling for people to arm up should be in the hall of fame.
You're right, Hap, it would be real terrible if I started creating a place on the server to store these kinds of things for easy indexing:
[Image: bubblegumbefore.png]
[Image: bubblegumafter.png]

btw, did I mention you can search inside threads on here? Y'all might have missed the box.
Quote:Man, this is absolutely heartbreaking for me.

But more stuff is coming out. Now it's antifeminist tweets.
But what about your supposed gf who's getting abused?
Quote:"We all are potential rapists, murderers, sons of bitches, etc. Because we're human, not just because we have dicks. Don't bitch about it"

I apologize again for rushing to defend him and give him the benefit of the doubt. I really admired his push for Latino diversity in media, but this shit is vile.
Motherfucker, you only admired him cuz Marvel, nothing more.
6 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, Switters, BIONIC, D3RANG3D, YuYu, Boredfrom
(06-11-2023, 03:33 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:"We all are potential rapists, murderers, sons of bitches, etc. Because we're human, not just because we have dicks. Don't bitch about it"

I apologize again for rushing to defend him and give him the benefit of the doubt. I really admired his push for Latino diversity in media, but this shit is vile.
Holy crap, that's what he finds "vile"? lol
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, YuYu, Taco Bell Tower
(06-11-2023, 01:06 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Amalthea wrote:She's indeed like a witch, but more the kind that lures children in with a candy facade to eat them.

anyone else remember that time era got mad because people were downplaying/dismissing wicca as a legitimate practice?
I sure do and it was one of the admins that got mad enough to close the thread.
4 users liked this post: Switters, BIONIC, D3RANG3D, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

rras1994 wrote:

The “not worth the resources to include a female protag” is not a valid take

                         sexist to assume women are so shallow as to only ever want to play as women
is this?
It absolutely remains a valid take if the cost to include a second complete character outweighs how many extra copies they can expect to sell from it. Unless they're seriously positing that women will buy any game just to play as a woman. What's the sex ratio on NBA 2K look like since it added the WNBA?
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

RedSwirl wrote:I had no idea MegaTen originally stated with an eroge novel. I knew it started with some books, but all I heard is they were regular sci-fi/fantasy books.

it didn't

there's no such thing as an "eroge novel" unless you're torturing your definition of visual novels or actual books based on them

"eroge" like many japanese shorthand phrases is the start of two words, "erotic" and "game," and a novel is not a game, nor did the original novel have anything to do with gaming

as it was written in the 80s, it's from the beforetimes, the wild west when stories could contain a variety of elements and defy classification

the original book is the story of a nerd incel who learns how to summon demons via a computer and promptly becomes drunk with power and asks Loki to kill his bullies

Loki asks for female sacrifices and the kid offers his professor to him, who gets mentally assaulted and broken by Loki and helps bring him into the real world, which the main character then has to try to figure out how to fix

it has brief sexual content but it's far from the focus, it's a shitty sci fi fantasy book from the 80s, you could just as reasonably call stephen king's IT an "eroge novel" because it has a child sex orgy in it
Kinda afraid the incels might summon demons via a computer when Joker 2 comes out, ngl.
Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1686453924' wrote: 1686453924[/url]']
Mad about Zelda:


Some dude was pushing that Zelda was totally not a damsel in distress because she “planned” how Link was going to beat Ganondorf. And that Link was just mook doing the dirty work of Zelda, the true hero:

Quote:She's not a damsel in distress in either game though? She's not captured in either scenario and is acting on her own volition. Basically anything that happens in TotK is because Zelda planned it to be that way. She's not any more a damsel in the story than Rauru and Mineru, who did the exact same thing (bind themselves for thousands of years to stop Ganondorf). The post credits scene even shows that Zelda is the hero and Link is just a mook like the other Sages.

That is a lot of copium.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
That is ignoring that she got stuck in the past just to suffer, failed again to stop Ganon, admitted that Link was OP and the GOAT and the only one able to defeat Ganondorf. Gameplay wise, her role of fixing and powering up the Master Sword by being stuck as a mindless dragon for 10000 years is entirely optional for the player perspective as they can defeat Ganondorf without it.

As much as I dislike the discourse of “the need of empower Zelda”, the character is hilariously misused and used as damsel in distress even when the story wants to believe she is “the bestest person ever”.I felt this two last games have made her look incompetent and whiny even if that is not the intention, because in the end is Link the one resolving everything (and to a ridiculous levels in ToK).

I think Nintendo would totally change the name of the franchise if they could get away with it with minimal loses, not because Sexism but for brand recognition (like how many people think Samus is “Metroid”) but is also clear they don’t have any intention of making Zelda, the character, something more than a reason to the plot to happen.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Wait... he spoke at a Georgia Waffle House?
Guess this mod never been out or watch the news or something.
(06-11-2023, 06:29 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Wait... he spoke at a Georgia Waffle House?
Guess this mod never been out or watch the news or something.
Bengraven wrote:Like, I hate to change the subject, but yeah, that’s the thing that I keep dwelling on right now.
shiba5, moderator wrote:He went from "filling" stadiums to a Waffle House.
shiba5, moderator wrote:
Quote:i mean... presidential candidates stop at restaurants of all matters, including fast food joints, all of the time. i don't think it's that weird.
I'm sorry, I guess I've just missed Biden at the local Applebee's.
Bengraven wrote:I think they're making a reference to some of the infamous fast food stops like Obama in the coffeeshop or this one that the tabloids ripped into Clinton over:

[Image: 150414122753-fast-food-bill-clinton-orde...-340xa.jpg]

SNL even did a classic skit about it.
2 users liked this post: BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:This is another one of the norms that they thought every president would follow because they naively didn't foresee anyone as pathologically corrupt as Trump coming to power
holy shit Spiders this is like 90% of their recommendations about the law
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:If I remember the story right, my father in law was once stopped at the airport in Chicago by the FBI because they thought he might have been the Unabomber.

He said it was like out of a movie; he went up an escalator and a few men were just standing there waiting to pull him into a room. They didn't really talk much. Said they just asked him a few basic questions like his name and where he was travelling. Then he sat there for like an hour, and they came back and let him go. Pretty uneventful, but weird, story.

But, yeah, Rest In Piss, Ted.
2 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, D3RANG3D
Sounds like a pretty shitty movie.
3 users liked this post: BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
you just know Princess Bubblegum looks like Ed Gein
(06-11-2023, 09:11 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: you just know Princess Bubblegum looks like Ed Gein

[Image: 0wJxUTN.png]
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(06-10-2023, 06:44 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(06-10-2023, 06:03 PM)Uncle wrote:
Quote:How about we call out the actual racism in the thread and the fact that if the music was from [INSERT WHITE BAND HERE] or if the MC was white-passing, no one would be posting this shit.

if the music had been from a white band that played beautiful high quality middle-eastern inspired music over modern shit, fuck yes
Quote:Musical style
Regarded as a progressive rock band,[25] The Tea Party's style fuses "blues, industrial rock, and psych-blasted progressive rock with Middle Eastern influences."[26] The band has described their style as "Moroccan-roll".[27]

Just want to say that Stu also did the music for Darkest Dungeon 1 and 2 and is the only reason I purchased the second game and OST.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(06-10-2023, 01:00 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Captain C, post: 107061198, member: 14600 wrote:Yeah I think it's safe to say here because it's a pinned thread about trans genocide, which is as "ignorable" as it gets on Era and will probably go under the radar.

Era has been very open about how little the majority (including people higher up in the community) actually care about trans people. It's lip service. at least until actual threads about someone's favorite author becomes an open fascist just to kill trans people, or about bills being pushed through almost unanimously to erase them from existence, where there's either no talk about it apart from the actual trans members of Era, or fucking  pushback like that Spiderverse Gwen thing, or the Cyberpunk/H*gwarts debacles, or even the post that sparked this very thread! It's not subtle, and it's tiring.
(06-11-2023, 03:22 AM)benji wrote: Say this for Kyuuji they actually made demands that could be carried out: ban these video games from your video game forum. Everyone else, and not just TransERA, pulls the other card demanding unthinking allegiance without any specifics, it's because they don't actually care about whatever, it's irrelevant to why they're doing it. They don't care about Cyberpunk2077 or Spider-Gwen or whatever YouTuber they're cancelling today, they're using these topics for the larger struggle they think they're waging against their enemies. They can't be specific because it's a struggle without end and even more importantly nobody on has any kind of power to give them the "win" condition nor is it the place where they could even if they did. They don't want Cyberpunk2077 banned really, they want transphobia banned, well not banned but completely erased into non-existence. Nobody can do this and just as importantly they don't want it done because that means the "fight" is over, their every incentive is to keep finding it so they can keep "fighting" it. The complaining that the "allies" aren't doing their part in the "fight" is trying to shame them in order to grab power, only it's a stupid fucking "video game" forum so there's no power to actually grab leaving them desperate to find a way to "draft" everyone into the "cause" without sounding even more completely unhinged and insane.
This is also why the above post actually is right, that the Hogwarts ban was a debacle for TransEra. They didn't actually want the entire subject of Harry Potter banned, they wanted just non-negative opinions about Harry Potter banned. They knew this wouldn't fly (though the staff are bad enough that it might actually) so they had to settle on the argument that just mentioning Harry Potter threatens trans people. Their problem is that everyone else takes this argument in good faith, they don't treat it as cynical manipulation so unlike Cyberpunk, TransEra overreached and lost the ability to have endless outrage about it. Now rather than see all the posts where people pop into a Harry Potter thread they see so they can post "FUCK JOANNE" performatively while TransEra patrols the "streets" for wrongthinkers those "allies" have to stay silent and so TransEra sees less "supportive" posts in general.

Similarly they spent years demanding everyone not trans to shut up, sit down and listen on trans topics. Combined with years of bans for anyone disagreeing with TransEra that others could help them righteously fight they kneecapped every single way to fuel their performative machine in entirely foreseeable ways. The posts from "allies" who are regulars like Thordinson are meaningless because they know it's cynical and dishonest like all their own posts. There literally is not a reason for anyone to post in good faith on trans topics anymore because they deliberately destroyed the possibility for unfathomable reasons. All of this was obvious and there was no other way it was going to go. Now they're angry because they didn't foresee the consequences of their bad faith actions to limit all non-pre-approved opinions. And since nothing can be their fault ever and they can't ratchet anything back now that we're in Stage Nine what other option do they have to bitch and/or leave?

It all could have been avoided if they had seriously attempted to try and anticipate the most rational responses to what they were doing (except they believe everyone else is an unthinking NPC while only they are rational and knowledgeable) or at least just listened to Garak:
(06-11-2023, 04:04 AM)Uncle wrote:

rras1994 wrote:

The “not worth the resources to include a female protag” is not a valid take

                         sexist to assume women are so shallow as to only ever want to play as women
is this?

ResetEra makes the same mistake that publishers and developers often do. They don't understand why women like their games.

Popular videogame characters among women are not those that you might expect. Lara Croft is on the list sure, but so are Ezio Auditore (Assassins Creed 2), Link, Geralt of Rivia and others. If you look at the core franchises that soared in popularity among women (such as Zelda, Fire Emblem (especially Three Houses), 'Souls' games (especially Elden Ring), Xenoblade, Assassins Creed, Hogwarts Legacy, Final Fantasy 14/15 etc.) you can see clear trends of what they like. 

Those include things like engaging stories, character building, relationships, medieval/fantasy settings, customization, magic(or magic like abilities), mysteries and discovery. They also don't mind grinding as much, which is why they enjoy farming simulators. The gamer girl YouTubers usually rate things by comparing them to other things and they say something like: "Final Fantasy II is about as grindy as Story of Seasons 4 but not as bad as Atelier Sophie". And I'm sitting there like, jesus how bad must the grind be in those games they play. In the early days of Elden Ring, they also had these videos up that went like: "I grinded 20 levels between lunch and dinner for two days to beat the first boss and from that point on the game became very enjoyable Smile ".

There's also stuff that they in general dislike: guns, gritty realism, highly technical games, sci-fi(unless its more 'space opera' like Mass Effect or lore heavy) which is why I think the sci-fi horror game resurgence we had at last years Summer Games Fest went nowhere and despite their various attempts Battlefield was not able to diversify its player base.
2 users liked this post: Uncle, Taco Bell Tower
FACT CHECK: Women are completely the same as men in every single way and any perceived differences are socially constructed and imposed by the patriarchy, therefore women will like Battlefield just as much as long as there's enough affirmative messaging telling them women are welcome to play and enough women playable characters as to fit every type of woman, shitlord.
5 users liked this post: Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, YuYu, BIONIC
Fact check: Women also like looking at sexy characters that give them wet pussies. 

It's true, despite what the conservative nutters in the burka brigade screech on the daily.

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