Having never heard of the YouTube channel, let’s see what their oh so important voice produces.
- This Game is Helping Me Cope Right Now
- Kirby's Forgotten Connection to the Civil Rights Movement
- Inside Second Life's Most Expensive Brothel
- Video Games Are Failing the Working Class
- The Video Game Developers Resisting Russia's Invasion
Riveting. If you’re wondering if that last one had a thread on era, it didn’t. Well, I didn’t and won’t check if it did. Seems redundant.
"Me, my wife and my wife's girlfriend all have IMAX seats booked for Thursday night. Currently we're the only 3 purchased tickets across the entire room (I usually do dead center middle while they sit in the back row). Interested to see if it fills out or if it's just going to be us."
(11-06-2023, 07:19 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: I mean, sure, boko haram aren't perfect, but at least they're resisting things!
That's what it comes down to with these idiots.
They're 35-year-old teenagers perpetually stuck in their rebellious, "But mum, I don't wanna clean my room" phase and see ANY authority as the enemy.
Quote: User Banned (1 Week): Ableist Rhetoric; Please Don't Rank Different Physical and Mental Issues by Perceived Seriousness
CloudWolf wrote:xendless wrote:I'd really like to hear your opinions on accommodating for people with disabilities in other areas of society
Hey they're just such a small amount of people right, why bother with accessibility options in games or bathrooms or access to buildings... Sucks to be them tbh IMO not being able to hold your pee is in no way comparable with people having physical or mental disabilities. Obviously having accessibility options for people with disabilities is a good (and necessary) thing.
And as I mentioned in that very same post, I'm not again options being a thing. Like, having special screenings with intermissions for people that have trouble holding their bladder (or would otherwise prefer a break) is fine. It's just that I disagree with the people going "All (longer) movies should have intermissions".
EDIT: Also, as I mentioned earlier, I'm not against the concept of the intermission in general necessarily, but it has to be build into the movie like in older epic movies from the 60's. The thing with cinemas doing intermissions these days (and a bunch of them in the Netherlands are doing them) is that they just arbitrarily cut the film in half sometimes even right in the middle of dialogue because the film wasn't built with an intermission in mind.
Quote: User Banned (Permanent): Downplaying genocide, consistent history of condoning bigotry
DaciaJC wrote:red mage wrote:They're not. The leaders of Hamas aren't even in Gaza ffs Yet the Israeli hostages and Hamas' armed forces are. The Allies didn't destroy Germany's military in WWII by killing off its high command, after all.
Quote: User Banned (2 Weeks): Highly inappropriate commentary on a sensitive subject
Casa wrote:The above tweet is why it's mind boggling to me to see all those Muslim people last week saying they won't vote for Biden and that "if Trump, so be it." It will be so, SO bad for them if he gets back into office. Call Biden's response inadequate or poor all you want. He's at least trying to reduce tensions and get as much aid in as he can.
Plus, they'd not only be fucking themselves over but tens of millions of other minority groups.
Lots of new insightful NepNep posts in the Mr Beast thread, with lots of insight on why it’s actually a bad thing. Bonus admission that if Era went away suddenly nothing in the world would change (denying its role in staving off various genocides
(11-06-2023, 08:13 PM)Jordi L'Engorge wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-marvels-early-box-office-prediction-is-50-75mil-domestic-opening-presales-72-behind-quantumania.774407/page-40#post-114539627
"Me, my wife and my wife's girlfriend all have IMAX seats booked for Thursday night. Currently we're the only 3 purchased tickets across the entire room (I usually do dead center middle while they sit in the back row). Interested to see if it fills out or if it's just going to be us."
I mean, this HAS to be some kind of meta-trolling. Wat is true troll % on era? 50%, more maybe? I just don't know with some of these posts
(11-06-2023, 07:49 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Palestine gaming thread locked by b-chups
Quote:We don't need a thread for every random YouTuber that wants to have their say on this issue.
People unhappy
Quote:Quote:So the gaming thread about not staying silent was locked. We can't discuss this here because it will "detail" it... Serious question, can we really discuss Palestinians suffering here that doesn't strictly fall into this ongoing conflict unless it's an update on the issue?
Very disappointed in Era mods putting arbitrary restriction on what we can talk about here in terms of Palestinian suffering.
Agreed. The excuse is weird too.
Tons of threads about "random youtubers" that dont get locked and this is actual devs talking. https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-ongoing-israel-palestine-conflict-news-thread-see-staff-posts-for-posting-guidelines.772478/post-114538331

Edit: Constructive thread:
Quote:I suppose we're trying to discourage having hundreds of threads on the Israel/Palestine war, but I don't know what we're accomplishing by shutting this down. I assume if the video was posted in the main thread on the war, you'd get a warning for it, so is there no place for something like this here?
Quote:Yeah I don't that should have been closed. PMG are very good investigative journalists and we've had dedicated threads for several of their videos.
Accomplishing what? They don't really give a fuck what's going on, Hell they don't even give a flying fuck what's going on in Uighur because they care too much about their video games. Last post only resulted in this guy getting a perm ban lol
Quote:User banned (permanent): concern trolling, account in junior phase
Quote:Wait, are Americans with their prison industrial complex pointing fingers in this thread? Honestly, seems pretty racist
(11-06-2023, 08:48 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: (11-06-2023, 08:13 PM)Jordi L'Engorge wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-marvels-early-box-office-prediction-is-50-75mil-domestic-opening-presales-72-behind-quantumania.774407/page-40#post-114539627
"Me, my wife and my wife's girlfriend all have IMAX seats booked for Thursday night. Currently we're the only 3 purchased tickets across the entire room (I usually do dead center middle while they sit in the back row). Interested to see if it fills out or if it's just going to be us."
I mean, this HAS to be some kind of meta-trolling. Wat is true troll % on era? 50%, more maybe? I just don't know with some of these posts
it's his mom and sister
(11-06-2023, 06:35 PM)Nintex wrote:
What was their era handle?
I was waiting for this to come out. Wonder why it had to be leaked instead of released but oh well.
(11-06-2023, 08:13 PM)Jordi L'Engorge wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-marvels-early-box-office-prediction-is-50-75mil-domestic-opening-presales-72-behind-quantumania.774407/page-40#post-114539627
"Me, my wife and my wife's girlfriend all have IMAX seats booked for Thursday night. Currently we're the only 3 purchased tickets across the entire room (I usually do dead center middle while they sit in the back row). Interested to see if it fills out or if it's just going to be us."
I thought you were joking. But now I just assume that his wife's girlfriend has a stonking big cock in her pants.
I find this Muslim/Arab votes cartel talk to be very unsettling tbh. I dunno about you but I don't want my democracy to be held to the whims of a genocidal bunch of religious bigots.
That's why I'm voting for the only person that cares about AMERICA FIRST.
(11-06-2023, 04:53 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/pmg-the-games-industry-must-not-stay-silent-on-palestine.782297/
(11-06-2023, 07:49 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Palestine gaming thread locked by b-chups
Quote:We don't need a thread for every random YouTuber that wants to have their say on this issue.
People unhappy They didn't just lock this, they deleted the OP with the video?
The radical Islamist Humus Terrorists and their fascist friends like Tabby and ABC are taking to the streets to attack our book keepers, bankers, jewelers and hollywood directors like its 1930 all over again. First the fake news complaints about the climate and phoney green deals and now they yell about rivers and seas it is frankly ridiculous in terms of crazy. Even though Woke Marvels is probably not going to be good this gives them no excuse to attack our best and greatest ally Israel. We will defend the wall, Jesus crib' and Mary and her Golan Heights against these savages as well as Davids big beautiful star, which we won't judge. We will even allow peaceful Muslims if there are any to visit the Al Aqua Mosque free of charge and we will protect all the holy sites. Because the Pope is failing to do what he was elected to do we call on all good Christians, patriots, Trump Latinos and the hood to take up their cross and help Jared with Space Force defend the Holy Land against the forces of evil. I call it the "crusades" nobody has heard of this before but it's going to be Biblical folks.
 Donald J. Trump 47th President and Acting Pope
11-06-2023, 11:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2023, 11:46 PM by benji.)
(11-06-2023, 08:39 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Lots of new insightful NepNep posts in the Mr Beast thread, with lots of insight on why it’s actually a bad thing. Bonus admission that if Era went away suddenly nothing in the world would change (denying its role in staving off various genocides
) Fine, I'll look:
https://www.resetera.com/threads/mr-beast-builds-100-wells-in-africa.781940/post-114523205 wrote:Quote:This reality you live in where you expect such a level of contribution beyond what 99% of people have done, is incredibly unrealistic and actually pretty unsustainable. I wonder what you do to reach these insane standards yourself. Dudes literally set up multiple charities that are trying to maintain the donations and keep them ongoing.
I don't care for the dude at all, but I'm just trying to be logical and think you should pick targets better deserving of your focus and critique.
Why do we need rich people to do good in the world? Why can't we as a society help suffering people? Especially since all the money Mr. Breast gets, comes direct or indirect from the public anyway. This is US focus forum, but as a European from a country with actual social politic, there are different standards for me. I don't want the safety of people in the end of the 1% of people and their idea of fairness and worldview. Quote:Quote:So you want him to give less overall. That would be the outcome of "making it in silence". Screw that. Scream it from the hills and get more people involved and donating.
Less but more effective in the long run, since it doesn't need to be commercialized and most true solutions to a long running issue are actually not very exciting. Yes please. More of that.
Quote:Yeah, this.
Charity is not a reliable inequality reduction policy, and unless he is funding a system already idealized by a local organization that knows the need of the people, can maintain this program in the long run and employ local people to continue and expand the infrastructure, paying them living wages while at it, he's doing less than he should and this whole stunt means absolutely nothing. 500 million people will get like one cup of clean water exactly once and the whole thing will crumble afterwards, despite his bet intentions. This is a tale poor countries can recite by heart.
So spare me the white savior apology.
Quote:Ask yourself why he has to do these giant, elaborate videos of helping people? Because at the end of the day it's a business. The videos keep getting grander and more elaborate. Because they generate clicks. It's a brand. If dude truly cared, he would be trying to force change through policies and laws. He would use that gigantic platform to support causes. But he doesn't. He makes feel good puff pieces with him at the center of it.
Sorry not everyone wants to simp for a billionaire just because he does some good deeds every now and again.
Nepenthe wrote:Quote:But my big issue with all the criticisms is that... It feels like there is an underpinning of: "Yes, let Perfect be the enemy of good."
This isn't the issue.
The issue is that philanthropy from the wealthy specifically exists to bolster and maintain capitalism, the very system that is killing the vulnerable and is the reason why Africa has been in the state that it is in for centuries.
This doesn't actually solve systemic issues. What it does is simultaneously give the wealthy more money, bigger tax write-offs, and a shield of imperviousness to criticize them on the basis of anti-capitalist theory because "well they give money so they can't possibly be that bad," which is a very superficial analysis of the problem.
Remember: it's this wholesale falling for the grift by the public that allowed the Walton family to destroy whole small towns' economies. It allowed Musk- whose wealth comes from blood emeralds from South Africa- to get away with his nonsense at Tesla until he had to start courting the right for you all to wake up. And it shows as a dedicated defense force from people who admit they don't even subscribe to Mr Beast, even though one of his stunts was caught engaging in child labor in Africa.
It's not that people hate good acts. It's that some know better regarding why the wealthy give money. It's not to actually help people, in the same way that the minimum wage doesn't exist so that you can maintain a decent standard of living. It is a way to maintain the current hegemony that promises to continue ravaging the Global South until we have to start putting our chips in with space travel, because we can't be bothered taking care of our planet and each other, in part because we keep kissing the ass of the people responsible for the ravaging.
If you are anti-capitalist (and I will admit most of Era is not, which is why I try less and less to even bother), not falling for Mr Beast and other multimillionaire and billionaire grifters is like one of the first rules on the syllabus. It's the exact same as not giving in to fluffy stories about cops playing basketball with Black kids as an excuse to not criticize systemic policing. Not falling for copaganda is basic leftist work. Quote:Well this is the golden take.
It's outright impossible to fall for "hey at least they're doing something good, now people have clean water" when you know that what drove these countries to have displaced people who need this kind of action to have even the smallest standard of dignity is the same system that made these people rich, by necessity, and this kin of action ultimately perpetuates this system. It's just crystal clear.
Nepenthe wrote:Quote:But no one is saying you need to idealize him or even like him.
Ultimately the point your making is seemingly that good deeds don't actually matter, intent matters more.
They are doing good, but their intentions may not be good, therefore they aren't actually doing good. Again seemingly, being okay with the idea of nothing being done, just so long as someone isn't doing a good thing with bad intentions.
Are you sure people aren't saying that? Because every MrBeast thread is full of complaining that people like me aren't idolizing him, whether they want to believe that or not. "You're miserable and cynical." "What are you doing to help?" "You just hate good acts."
All these kinds of posts amount to is an environment where you cannot be critical of Mr Beast. When something cannot be criticized, it thus falls into idolatry. My point is if you're not even subscribed to the man, why are you falling on the sword for him? Examine that.
Furthermore, my point has nothing to do with intent because intent is fleeting and doesn't fully align with responsibility. Mr Beast in his head might legitimately intend to do good. I don't know him (neither do y'all), but that doesn't matter. What matters are what his actions mean within the wider system of capitalism, and he is following in the footsteps of a long line of capitalist grifters who use philanthropy as a ploy to maintain the system built on the exploitation and oppression of people who look like me. And it works, regardless of intent. Thus, me being anti-capitalist, I'm not going to sit here and cheer for Mr Beast, in the same way I don't cheer for the minimum wage, or cops playing with children, or Presidential candidates visiting Black churches. I'm a little bit smarter than that. Just a little.
I'm also certainly not okay with the idea of nothing being done, and frankly it's fucking weird that you and everyone else think the only two choices are "white saviorism" and "Africans will not have water," especially given the fact that there are already existing organizations doing exactly what Mr Beast did. Seriously, what a lack of imagination.
My hope for a world is that the Global South wrestles back control of its land and resources from Europe and the US entirely through decolonization, and that in the meantime we build and maintain systems of mutual aid for the vulnerable that allow the vulnerable to take care of themselves further off the grid of capitalism, while also waging fights and protests against levers of state power, such as Cop City. There's plenty to be done and those goals are being worked on by millions, myself included. The fact that you don't know about any of this is on you. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:It's outright impossible to fall for "hey at least they're doing something good, now people have clean water" when you know that what drove these countries to have displaced people who need this kind of action to have even the smallest standard of dignity is the same system that made these people rich, by necessity, and this kin of action ultimately perpetuates this system. It's just crystal clear.
Right? Like all you have to do is read "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa" to gain like 100 stat points in realizing how utterly vile the capitalist systems that most of us on Era enjoy is, and how being nice is not going to truly make a dent in that vileness, which is kind of what I want for my people: actual autonomy over their environment to live a dignified life, not to be content fodder for some fucking white YouTuber. Quote:Nepenthe thank you for that post. I'm lazy in that I'm hitching my wagon to it, but you put it better than I could have hoped to, and I know you'll keep the conversation going as well.
Nepenthe wrote:Quote:I think there is a big difference between acknowledging that someone did a good thing and idolizing them.
You're not just acknowledging he did a good thing though. You're arguing against people who fundamentally understand what his actions amount to in the grand scheme of our economic reality. You feel the need to do some level of apologetics for him, and again I ask you to examine why that is.
Quote:The criticisms seem to be that: "This good thing is working with the systems that cause this thing to happen, and do not solve the underlining root of the issue, therefore it's not actually a good thing."
Once again, that isn't the argument people are making and at this point I'm legitimately not sure if you're comprehending what I'm writing. I said nothing about solving the underlying issues, because the fact is no one person can do that even if they're tackling root causes. I've explained how millionaire and billionaire philanthropy ultimately serves to bolster capitalism.
Quote:So... his impact on people... don't matter. What actually matters is how is actions come across in the wider context of capitalism?
For the specific argument I'm making, no his impact on individual people doesn't matter, in the same way that an individual cop being nice to a single kid doesn't suddenly refute the arguments against policing.
Quote:Like if your going to make the point that this is all done to result in the exploitation and oppression of people... Then you need to actually explain how in this context other than just a general: "all rich folks are grifters therefore this good deed is also a grift by extension."
I've explained extensively in posts in this topic and prior Mr Beast threads exactly how this specific type of philanthropy works within the system of capitalism and why it's not all that wonderful because it inherently strengthens that very system that causes people to experience impoverishment in the first place. The fact that you seem intent on twisting this to mean "so good work does not matter at all!" is not only exhausting, but is actually my argument in action. You are completely incapable of seeing past the good deed in a vacuum and thus you are rushing to the defense of a man whom, by your own admission, you literally are not subscribed to and do not watch. Coupled with your random accusation that people want done nothing at all, as if the only choice in the matter is for Mr Beast to do what he does or else people will die, you're engaging in capitalist realism in real time, and it is both frustrating and fascinating.
Quote:But he's working with a already a group?
Yes, I said that already. The group already existed. You're the one who said I'm okay with nothing being done at all, when the fact remains that the wells were already being built by a group you did not care about nor know the existence of until this topic.
Quote:In a better world, things that Mr Beast does shouldn't ever have to be done, and people like Mr Beast wouldn't be in any position of power due to money, but we don't live in that world, and the only thing we can do is hopefully put those in power who we believe can finally make those systemic changes.
That is not the only thing we can do. Another thing we can do is work systemically to strip power away from those who do not deserve it and whom did not get our full consent, and to return autonomy of our economical and political systems back into the hands of the people so that more people can get access to what they need overall. "All power to all of the people." Again, you seem to be operating on the assumption that the hierarchical structure of capitalism is necessary, that there has to be powerful people whom we beg to hopefully do the right thing. I don't.
Quote:Nepenthe thank you for that post. I'm lazy in that I'm hitching my wagon to it, but you put it better than I could have hoped to, and I know you'll keep the conversation going as well.
Thank you. I try my hardest around here. RedMercury wrote:I think Mr. Beast could play a great role in addressing systemic change, he has a huge platform and a lot of resources that he could use to motivate his audience, a lot of which are probably younger and at the age that they are primed for effecting revolutionary change. But instead of using his platform for that, he seems content with the idea that charity is the panacea, it's like he doesn't want to alienate people from his content by getting political. For example, the video where he got a bunch of blind people the ability to see again, that is great for those people but what would really help would be universal health care so all people that had the chance to be able to get their sight back could without having to worry about affording it. Nepenthe wrote:Nothing anyone here is saying is helping anyone at all. The entirety of ResetEra could be taken down right now and the world will remain as it is.
Also, that is more capitalist realism in action- the equation of "development into a fairer economic system" as "societal collapse." We don't need to get apocalyptic here, not only since that kind of language is paralyzing and fear-inducing to otherwise good people who would be more inclined to help, but because capitalism is doing just fine in ushering in the apocalypse by itself if you just take a second to remember our fucked-up climate.
Ultimately though, you once again misunderstand my thesis, so I will restate it:
We should move away from capitalism because it is a system that is wildly unjust and deadly: 1.) it was founded upon and inherently works on the continued genocide and oppression of Indigenous, African, and Asian peoples and their lands, 2.) the hierarchical and privatized nature of capital accumulation is irreparably damaging the Earth because capitalism principally relies on gobbling up and hoarding resources and making more money at all costs, and 3.) the fallout from the first two points is that even Global North peoples privileged by it are collapsing under its thumb when it comes to things like housing accumulation, constant boom and bust cycles wiping out savings, lack of healthcare and good infrastructure, and overall workplace dignity. And if you want to point out democratic socialist countries in the Nordic area, know that they also engage in capitalism and fundamentally cannot escape point 1, meaning they are not moral systems either.
Because it is such an inherently horrible system even on its surface, we should do everything in our power to fight it to ensure a better future for us all. One easy, effortless, lazy, non-calorie burning way to do that we can all partake in, no matter your race, age, gender, sexuality, ability, religion, or country of origin, is not giving the time of day to millionaire and billionaire philanthropy. Why? For the reasons I've said time and time again: what it ultimately serves to do within our current reality is both allow the wealthy to accumulate more capital, which is bad because of point 2, while also serving as a PR campaign for the system that it is by convincing people that the wealthy are our allies. People in this thread are literally admitting Mr Beast only gets richer by doing this, ie., he gains more capital at the expense of others by default. This is not a good thing, even if he is using some of the money (you're a fool if you think he's using all of it) to help a few individuals.
We need to understand that, at the end of the day, the capitalists are not our friends. They are interested in maintaining a system of greed and genocide, even if they convince themselves that that's not what they're about through things like philanthropy. It's a huge problem, but it doesn't mean we are doomed. Once again, plenty of good people are fighting for more equitable solutions and systems every day, right at this moment, whether we're talking about getting people's needs met, busting up militarization of the police, protesting against the Palestinian genocide, or what have you. Capitalism is actually not going to last forever, one way or another; humans have developed themselves for a hundred thousand of years and capitalism has been the equivalent of an eye blink in our collective history.
All I'm doing when I come in these threads is to remind you and everyone else of all of the good work that's being done to move us to a better future, to try to get you interested in being part of it, and to stop doing things, even small things, that embolden unjust systems. No more or less. Like, if we're a leftist forum we should act like one, right? Well, part of that includes not falling for the okey-doke of rich people. Fuck 'em all. Quote:The Elon Musk part feels especially relevant given Mr Beast is a known Musk fanboy who has professed to wanting to be like him. That's actually one of the reasons I've been especially iffy on folks heaping a lot of praise on him, can't shake the feeling something similar could happen given how motivated it all is by chasing fame and an ego boost.
Nepenthe wrote:Rich assholes like rich assholes. What a shocker. Once again, these people are not our friends. Quote:Quote:I think somebody touched on this earlier in the thread, too, but there was a time when Musk was an untouchable name in online spaces and you'd be viewed as weird for being critical or skeptical of him.
Yuppp. I wonder how much longer it'd last for Mr Beast anyways. Already feels like cracks have shown in the past with the talk about slurs, work conditions, and the recent misogyny allegations, but nothing's really stuck in terms of reputation.
Nepenthe wrote:Quote:It feels like at some point doing something is better than doing nothing. Yes the correct way to clean the rivers is stopping it in the first place, but doing that is a monumental task itself. Next best thing is cleaning the rivers themselves in the meantime right, even if it's only doing "very little" to actually help, it's progress.
Of course it's better to do something than nothing. But if we break it down even more, it's better to do the most effective solution you can than the least effective solution. No one should stop someone from cleaning a river. What they should do is direct attention and resources to stopping the trash from getting in the river. So, Nepenthe's argument literally is that no one should do anything. She claims otherwise but she also says that people should only do things that abolish capitalism while admitting that no single person can do anything about this. Nor does she have any examples of how to abolish capitalism, it'll just happen at some point by the Global South rising up. (Something they've been doing by joining capitalism.) Essentially anyone who lives now should suffer because eventually at some point some SYSTEMIC thing will happen and usher in the promised utopia. Yawn, she's such a non-superficial thinker. Sure, her analysis of capitalism is even worse than Marxists (notably how she claims Mr. Beast gains capital at the expense of others from doing videos) and falls apart the instance you recognize that it's not hierarchical or else Mr. Beast wouldn't have any money at all. But that just explains why it's so tiring for her to educate everyone on ResetERA.com all the time. Don't fall for copaganda says the forum cop.
Notice that not only does Nepenthe consider impoverished Africans to be "her people" but she denies them agency by saying the problem is that Europe didn't develop them.
I also love how often she thought it was a key point that people aren't even subscribed to him but still think this isn't a terrible thing.
And Elon Musk made none of his wealth from the few thousands worth of a mining share his dad had and cashed out before they left South Africa. It wouldn't have even paid for his college, which is why Musk got scholarships. His dad's fortune was far larger than a single share in a single mine anyway. In Nepenthe's mind all of Musk's billions come from the interest or whatever on a minor share in a mine that was held for a decade. Musk, born in South Africa, stole those billions from her, born in an Atlanta suburb, people. This is how she thinks everything works, it's all zero-sum, one person steals and everyone else is stolen from. There is nothing else, nobody has anything unless they stole it, hence why it's fine to steal since you're just stealing back your stolen goods. Nuanced holistic non-superficial analysis of the problem.
Lastly, RedMercury articulates the same point. Rather than cure those hundred people's blindness, Mr. Beast should have made a video about how the entire planet needs universal health care with unlimited resources. He thinks this is the brilliant smart thing to do, argue that life should be perfect. Instead that piece of shit Mr. Beast wasted his time on making a few hundred people's lives better now and forever, making all of us worse off.
its funny their community doesnt care that mods lock and delete threads just because they dont want to see them, they dont break the rules and there is no good reason to get rid of them
11-06-2023, 11:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2023, 11:36 PM by Venice.)
Cenaru wrote:You can disprove literally anything TERFs and GC's say by throwing their other arguments against it.
Normal person: "I don't think people with dicks should be put in women's prisons in case female inmates get raped"
Cenaru: "Yes, but women in prison get raped anywayyyyy  "
This isn't the argument win that you think it is, Cenaru.
(11-06-2023, 11:34 PM)Venice wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/j-k-rowling-and-her-legacy-of-hate-the-uk-gender-critical-movement.643740/page-93#post-114516557
![[Image: mUO3pBe.png]](https://i.imgur.com/mUO3pBe.png)
Is there any trans argument that doesn't contradict the others? Many of them are self-contradictory, you don't even need other arguments to start the cascade of contradictions.
What about nonbinary folx? I think there needs to be a third kind of prison.
I made a prison for my Tulpas and my alters and I make them compete against each other like Hitler's subordinates
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1699314733' wrote: 1699314733[/url]']
What about nonbinary folx? I think there needs to be a third kind of prison. 
Leaving out neo pronouns and furnouns. We need a special jail for every single criminal.
(11-07-2023, 12:26 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1699314733' wrote: 1699314733[/url]']
What about nonbinary folx? I think there needs to be a third kind of prison. 
Leaving out neo pronouns and furnouns. We need a special jail for every single criminal. NOOOOO WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ABOLISHING PRISONS YOU ARE JUST PERPETUATING THE SYSTEM
Currently a screaming match over who is worse, Elon or Zucc. Prompted because... Sony is removing Twitter integration from the Playstation line.
Tigress wrote:You know, if you are wanting to see Twitter die cause of Musk, Zuckerberg really isn't much better. He's just much better about not caring what people think and because of so is better about not making a fool of himself trying to make himself look cooler (or getting upset at every single insult thrown his way). The biggest difference is Musk is a narciccist and Zuck, even if he is a narcicist, is much better about controlling himself if so (But I don't think so, he strikes me more as not giving a shit about wht people think).
But Zuck really isn't a good guy either. He's just better at not making a fool of himself.
BufBaf wrote:Please remind me when Zuck actively, repeatedly and absolutely on purpose re-posted, pushed and replied to a basically infinite amount of transphobic content, racist content, homophobic content, pushed transphobes and racists to the top of his platform's timeline, and relishes in the woke left (and also advertisers and newspapers) being angry about it, while literally mocking and downgrading numbers and/or links to left-leaning news accounts for opinions he doesn't like.
Tell me when Zuck kicked 90% of his company out with the most insidious of comments about it. Tell me when Zuck disowned his daughter 'cause she's trans. Remind me when Zuck tweeted he'd donate 6 billion to end world hunger without ever following up on it. And while you're there, list me when Zuck said "people worrying about coronavirus are dumb" or "there are negative reactions for the second shot" or compared Trudeau to Hitler, or publicly posted "Pronouns suck" or just took the stock options from factory workers daring to unionize, or the whole damn "pedo guy" thing. And, and, and.
No, he's not "just as bad". He's an exponentially better person, even if he's also problematic in completely different ways and those aren't even close.
Captain of Outer Space wrote:Do we really need to whataboutism disgustingly rich, corrupt, and evil tech billionaires who have used and allowed their platforms to be used to spread evil and cause untold deaths and damage to society? They're all bad and nobody needs to argue who is the better of the worst people around that have too much power as it is.
Mael wrote:Nuance is useful, at the end of the day there's still a difference between a rich corpo corrupt that directly fund nazis and the ones that don't.
I shouldn't have to explain why the difference is important.
Captain of Outer Space wrote:There's a lot of blood on the hands of Mark and Facebook with the genocide it has aided among undermining democracy all around the world like the January 6 insurrection. It's not a contest.
Wrench Ninja wrote:Zuckerberg aided in the Rohingya genocide.
Stop trying to give him credit. He is a monster. https://www.resetera.com/threads/ps4-ps5-will-no-longer-have-twitter-x-integration-as-of-nov-13th-2023-cant-share-video-pics-directly-to-the-site.782366/page-5#post-114549653
Mind you, this is on the gaming section
Trans "Genocide" vs real Genocide yet again, who will come out on top?
11-07-2023, 12:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2023, 12:42 AM by JoeBoy101.)
On lighter news, in the Community Dump, BDumbs does out reach to cement ties with the community on his board:
Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:Can we have a shake-up/breakdown of who is even a mod these days? I spied Fairy Godmother close a thread earlier today and they haven't posted/engaged with the community in a way that wasn't closing a thread since early 2020. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't call that prime Mod material.
Quote:User threadbanned
BDumbs wrote:We're not doing this. Straight up.
Just in case you forgot Dumbs,
Quote:Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2023
And oh look, its been more recently updated then the Policy Thread for tracking changes to their rules.
14 users liked this post: MJBarret, NekoFever, Hap Shaughnessy, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Tucker's Law, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC, Boredfrom, HaughtyFrank, TylenolJones, D3RANG3D, kaleidoscopium, benji
Well with the anniversary of 9/11 coming up maybe now is a good time to reflect on that and all the Jews who almost died