Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1700702776' wrote: 1700702776[/url]']


“echoshifting” wrote:Actually, while we're on the subject, can anyone recommend a thrusting prostate massager? Preferably with vibe features. I've been wanting to buy one for months but there are so many now. I want something top shelf.

I'm not being cute, this is a serious inquiry.
Lmao I got permed on Gaf again... Probably because I went against their Israel = good HAMAS = bad theory.

Probably for this post

Quote:What are we doing. We be pro israel on this website or what?

The fuck.

Both parties are fucking ass. Netanyahu needs to create a peaceful state, and allow palestinians to live/work/love as much as any other person in that region.
Fucking religious bullshit, always fucking over innocents.

HAMAS needs to dismantle and work on creating a peaceful state together with Israel.

Quote:  Faust said:
    One of the hosts of the popular horror YouTube channel “Dead Meat” is defending the actress and playing both sides, claiming that what is going on in Gaza is a genocide and that Israel is as much to blame.

    I cancelled my patreon and unsubscribed. Suggest others do the same.

Why? Do you hate the truth? Jesus christ. Whats wrong with you people?

Do you hate nuanced discussion? Do you only see things from one side? Like what the... How is that even possible unless you've got blinders on?

Ban message just says Bye...

Could be this one too I guess

Quote:    Boozeroony said:

    Far from being perfect, Israel is a beacon of light compared to the shitholes it is surrounded by. Mistakes are made by Israel, but I support them all the way. Hamas is the evil here.

Quote:Sure bud. Only one side is evil and the other one never is!

Easy how the world works isn't it?

Fuck outta here

Despicable forum really if thats all you need to get permed. Really shows their colors.
So Evilore unbanned politics again?
(11-23-2023, 10:35 AM)benji wrote: So Evilore unbanned politics again?

There is a whole thread dedicated to it, which I avoided. But I came across that actress who got cancelled, and I read some posts I thought were kind of despicable.

Guess I should have known better, but I didnt think GAF would perm you for having an opposite political opinion.
3 users liked this post: Averon, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
So, they’re just polar opposites of era. Seems like if they combined, you might get a slightly more tolerable place. A two forum solution.
(11-23-2023, 09:26 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Based on parliamentary politics, that headline is gross exaggeration. 35 out of 150 seats and 9 more than the next coalition is not a landslide.
Thank god.. AP didn't used to be click baitey
Quote:Alarmist bullshit from the publication, bad form journalism.

Experts Assemble:
IrishNinja wrote:really more of a fascist sprint than a creep these days
Quote:More and more fascists finding their way into power. Trump was just a herald to a larger global issue.
Quote:Fuck. Europe going so rightwing is fucking scary.
Quote:Cant believe that my homeland is about to be led by a Russian ass kissing, Israel worshipping, rascist fuckwit.
ClickyCal wrote:Seens like most of the world is in immediate danger of this.
Nepenthe wrote:Economic and political uncertainty will almost always trend towards people embracing fascism just because it's extremely easy to map onto the current capitalistic hegemony. "The system cannot possibly be the problem, so it must be Jews/Muslims/trans people/immigrants trying to muck up the system."
Quote:"All the Dutch" of course meaning all the homegrown white cis straight people.

I fucking hate my country.
Quote:It never works but people just vote it all in anyway.

Nobody learns a goddamn thing from history.
Quote:To be fair, there's been an ongoing, concerted effort by right wing politicians, influencers and media to rewrite history, and move every possible narrative to the right so that dipshit centrists can say "eh, they have a point, the trains ran on time" (they didn't lol)

Rewriting history is a major stake in the cultural war the right everywhere is waging on academia. They learned a lot more from Gramsci than the left did tbh
Seik wrote:North America looking grim too.

Canada might vote fucking Poilievre in, of all fucking lunatic pieces of shit out there. Judging by our history of alternating between liberal and conservative all the time. Then there's Trump right around the corner in the US.

Scary times ahead, I hope folks will vote the right people in, but my faith in our species vanished in 2016.
Quote:Putin just waiting out for all these fascist bootlickers to get voted in by unwitting populaces.

Things look really grim.

The U.S. election is going to be untold fuckery if Trump is allowed to run as if nothing happened.
Quote:Macron is already very much on the right and even has some far-right ministers.

Yes we're fucked.
Quote:Simple slogans, pointing the finger for problems, governments in power taking the population for granted and just going lalalalala, people won't vote crazy, we can just bleed them dry. Oh. Instead of making lives better for people they just go right because they make some people swing for the fences with the help of the scum right wing media etc. They are just so oblivious and think status quo can continue forever while things get worse.
Quote:2024 shaping up to be a dark year on both sides of the Atlantic.
Quote:Genuine question - Are there any western countries that aren't zooming to the right these days?
Quote:It's not just the western world (tho obviously it's been the focus not only of the last few days thanks to Argentina and Netherlands, but the last few years), the world itself is lurching towards the right, with many people turning to nationalist and religious parties and leaders, unfortunately.
Quote:All according to russias plan.

From the immigrant crisis out of africa and the ME to the economic crisis caused by the Ukraine war you can always find the kremlin is somehow pulling the strings and has been for more than a decade.
Thordinson wrote:Let's not pretend the West hasn't created problems in Africa as well. Just look at how many US trained military leaders committed coups. Russia and the West are still fucking Africa up and no one cares. It's horrible.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:My initial thought would be to be more open to discussing the challenges of absorbing and integrating tons of new people, which would require being more willing to admit those challenges exist in the first place.

They're all solvable issues (housing, language, work, etc), but they are things that require time, attention, funding, and may have limitations. I think immigration is generally a great, positive thing, especially in the long-term, but it absolutely can have short term pitfalls and drawbacks.
Admitting there is a challenge does nothing to placate those who don't want immigrants. Nothing does except, well, no more immigrants. To be clear, it's always specific kinds of immigrants, most often not white, that they don't want.

I agree that it's not easy to take in a ton of folks at once. Perhaps these Western countries should stop fucking other countries in the rest of the world and stop causing folks to leave their homes? That might be a start.

Quote:I won't pretend to to know easy answers to the immigration issue. There are plenty of smart people in the government that should be able to find solutions that allow us to keep receiving genuine asylum seekers while also keeping local governments from being overwhelmed like they're now in my country.

As long as this problem won't be solved people in europe will continue to move to the right until everyone of us wakes up under fascist governments that will kill the EU and go full on fortress europe which helps no one except the racists.

Determining "genuine" depends on the person being asked. For most Western countries, Black and Brown folks aren't "genuine" asylum seekers. There's no policy that will make those folks happy other than completely stopping immigrants from coming in. Fuck those racists.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:This is factually untrue. The EU clearly defined when you're deemed a refuge and the majority of those getting refugee status are from africa or the middle east.

I won't pretend the system is perfect and there is no racism in it but saying countries aren't recognizing black or brown people as refugees is straight up false.
As in, folks don't see them as "genuine" not that the laws don't. Laws see asylum seekers from South America as genuine asylum seekers in the US but that doesn't mean the people of the US do.

You think the folks moving towards Wilders think that the African Muslims that are coming are "genuine" asylum seekers?
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:Come on man. This is not at all a response to what I wrote. I know racists are racist and that brown immigrants are demonized. My family is brown immigrants. Obviously the west should stop fucking around in other countries.

But this discussion is about the growing anti-immigrant sentiment of middle class and median voters and you asked what should be done. It's an interesting question so I'm trying to discuss what practical, on-the-ground solutions could stop the bleeding in public sentiment.
I don't believe immigration policy itself can change this. The West has to stop creating the conditions that cause folks to immigrate so they can stop being mad when folks immigrate.
Daphne wrote:I have quite a few Dutch friends who were worried sick about this and my heart goes out to them. Fuck. :(
The world is steadily becoming so much darker.
Daphne wrote:Australia last year fairly strongly repudiated a right-wing government playing the usual culture wars bs, and voted in a centre-left government instead. Unfortunately, once elected they immediately went to the right themselves to become centrist at best. So yeah, Australia kinda counts, but not so much now, I guess (especially with the terrible referendum result as well).
IrishNinja wrote:giving these fascists an inch is how we got here, indulging the white fears of immigration over actual social/economic issues only covers for the exploitation of the ruling class
Quote:Climate change will cause even bigger migration. And the world has already dropped the ball on stopping that looming crisis.

It feels like every country will eventually become a protectionist right wing dystopia that will start building walls to keep climate refugees out.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:I hope they don't think they "know" all this because your post is wildly off-base. There are plenty of middle-of-the-road and left-leaning people who are seeing the challenges, in their cities, of absorbing and integrating tons of new people in a short period of time. There are questions of housing, social services, education, healthcare, jobs, and so on. To insinuate that all of that is just xenophobia and all of the people thinking about it just secretly want to stop immigration is absurd!

For Pete's sake the world is not black and white. It's just not that simple. There are any number of ways to ease the process of welcoming new immigrants that aren't either "there are no problems" or "stop immigration." If left-wing people and parties can't engage with the grey of these complex issues and give answers beyond "there's nothing we can do" or "it doesn't exist" or "you're all anti-immigrant" then that's not a functional governing philosophy.

We have to be able to talk openly about the reality and nuance of complex topics. Otherwise we'll keep putting our head in the sand while losing the world to the fascists whose "solutions" are ghastly and inhumane. Parties who ignore the everyday issues normal people are encountering shouldn't be surprised when they lose.
It's not off base. It is absolutely xenophobia in the vast majority of cases. Others want to close the door behind them after they got in. If the left-leaning folks are becoming anti-immigrant, simply saying "We'll give you guys more money" isn't going to stop them from being anti-immigrant as the "problem" continues to exist which is that there are still a lot of immigrants. Sorry to break it to you but the average person is xenophobic.

What are the number of ways that assuage folks of their anti-immigrant views that don't involve limiting immigration? There aren't any. If you are anti-immigrant, the only answer to your grievance is to limit or stop immigration. This is why I've said that this issue cannot be solved by immigration policy alone. It's quite telling that the folks who think there is some kind of answer to stop these folks from becoming anti-immigrant have no idea how to do this without stopping or limiting immigration. It's not because there's no one smart enough to think about it. There's plenty of intelligent folks who think about these issues. The problem is the answer to it is to become anti-immigration.

When it comes to immigration issues, the stance that pretty much always wins is "We are gonna limit/we are gonna stop immigration."
Quote:Worrying that Islamaphobia is becoming something (well lets be real it already is..) that is socially normal. Its absolutely rampant and unchecked.
Quote:There was a really good article (in French and paywalled, sadly) on Vincent Tiberj's work in particular on the apparent contradiction that tolerance indices generally go up while far right ideas keep progressing in political representation.

His pretty solidly illustrated explanation is that while people are generally becoming more tolerant, the political class keeps shifting to the right on these issues, driven by the far right. They aren't a mirror of people's opinions so much as they want people to be a mirror of theirs.
Quote:Capitalist democracy is so fucked
Quote:Judging by what most other European leaders are doing in the Palestine genocide - I'd say most already fit that description so par the course.
Melody Shreds wrote:It's a flawed system that was fucked from it's inception.

Fuck these fascist assholes, they seem to be popping up everywhere now and they all seem to have the trump hair for some reason. People are really failing the world right now...
Quote:It seems no country is safe from the rise of fascism in the world. Sometimes, I find, that existing in a place like Era where for the most part we're quite accepting of everyone, doesn't prepare me for the reality that a lot of people in the world are just hateful, ignorant, and bigoted.
Quote:We're sleepwalking towards a genocide of the climate refugees we are creating in the first place, and nobody cares.
Quote:Netherlands' white population up next for the far-right populist "fuck around and find out" moment.

Watch as their economy is completely destroyed and a whole bunch of freedoms stamped down upon because of racism. Not as if they have plenty of other examples as to this happening nearby.
Quote:It will still be the fault of the Left, somehow.
Quote:Other people will die mostly so they're not that concerned.

In the worst scenario they'll lock up the borders and shoot people on sight. Fortress europe in 30-50 years.
Quote:And the climate change denier parties that are promoting the climate change and causing the climate refugees in the first place are the ones that will rise to power on a anti-immigrant agenda.
Quote:Worst scenario? We are already there lol, the EU borders with non-eu nations are already locked and most border countries willl shoot you if you try to cross, specially if you're non-white.
Quote:TBH, climate change will affect first world countries too. Whether Canadian/Australian Bushfires or the extreme heat wave experienced in Europe and Japan this year, it's going to affect us all. Literally no country will be "safe" from climate change, whether is developed or an developing country.

If we are not going to do anything about those shitfucks at kremlin and iranian regime, expect more countries to turn to populism.
Quote:The rise of far-right nationalism in Europe is already the fault of the left, somehow.

That reason is just code. It means "the suffering of immigrants is more important to me than my own prosperity". Apparently that's a tough choice for many working class Europeans.
Amalthea wrote:Because the right is more than ready to oppress and hurt people with progressive ideals and people who vote for them want exactly that. That some political entities promote "wokeness" is just a flimsy excuse.

I don't know what this post is even supposed to mean:
Quote:"far right" is rarely used to describe economic policy as it's basically a substitute for "fascist". Wilders knows this, and that's why he doesn't like the moniker, because as a Zionist he's obviously opposed to the most famous fascist of all. Rather than accepting he's far-right, he prefers to consider himself the only rightwing politician in the Netherlands, framing Rutte as center-left.

I don't believe Wilders is economically leftwing anyway. I think economics are an afterthought to him, he doesnt really understand it, nor do his voters. From the way he speaks he is a VVD-trained small government neoliberal through and through, he just likes to pretend he would invest billions to guarantee healthcare while also cutting everyone's taxes and then balancing the budget... somehow. Obviously the numbers never add up because there are no numbers. Remember when his whole party programme fit on a single page? It's just bullshit. You can't call someone without an economic plan economically leftwing.

And sure he campaigned to keep the pension age at 65 - but that went out the window the very moment the election was over. The only thing we know for sure is that he's a nationalist who believes the nation is being threatened by evil foreign hordes and their elitist, left-wing co-conspirators - which is one way to describe a fascist. Loves them jews and gays tho.

This is what Scientologists members of really believe:
Quote:Don't forget about his goal to completely eliminate all climate measures, people.
The Netherlands 15 years from now:
[Image: HsiqMZp_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]

The genocide has begun:
Quote:I expected it to be bad, but goddamn. This is gonna empower the VB like never before.
The usual suspects are already feasting on Twitter. Any left-wing person with some reach posting about how horrible this result is gets bombarded with the flemish blue ticks telling them they've ain't seen nothing yet, etc.
Feels bad, man
(11-23-2023, 11:00 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:"All the Dutch" of course meaning all the homegrown white cis straight people.

I fucking hate my country.

Statistically speaking, this still describes the Dutch.
(11-23-2023, 11:16 AM)Polident wrote:
(11-23-2023, 11:00 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:"All the Dutch" of course meaning all the homegrown white cis straight people.

I fucking hate my country.

Statistically speaking, this still describes the Dutch.
Personally, I wouldn't want the trans immigrants of color to have their identities erased by being called Dutch. We need to celebrate the diversity not "all lives matter" everyone into "the Dutch."
(11-23-2023, 10:54 AM)MMaRsu wrote:
(11-23-2023, 10:35 AM)benji wrote: So Evilore unbanned politics again?

There is a whole thread dedicated to it, which I avoided. But I came across that actress who got cancelled, and I read some posts I thought were kind of despicable.

Guess I should have known better, but I didnt think GAF would perm you for having an opposite political opinion.

Once a ree, always a ree.
Quote:The usual suspects are already feasting on Twitter. Any left-wing person with some reach posting about how horrible this result is gets bombarded with the flemish blue ticks telling them they've ain't seen nothing yet, etc.

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:It seems no country is safe from the rise of fascism in the world. Sometimes, I find, that existing in a place like Era where for the most part we're quite accepting of everyone, doesn't prepare me for the reality that a lot of people in the world are just hateful, ignorant, and bigoted.



You don’t even need to be right wing to be lepered in that forum. GTFO with that shit, bootlicker.
(11-23-2023, 08:48 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Luckily he’s in the ethical hands of Micro$oft now!

he's not...well, mostly

the news cycle was crazy so you could be forgiven for missing it

MS announced they had hired him and then shortly afterward it was announced that he was back at his old job at openAI

except MS has heavily invested in openAI so they've practically been in the hands of MS all along regardless
(11-23-2023, 01:16 PM)Uncle wrote:
(11-23-2023, 08:48 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Luckily he’s in the ethical hands of Micro$oft now!

he's not...well, mostly

the news cycle was crazy so you could be forgiven for missing it

MS announced they had hired him and then shortly afterward it was announced that he was back at his old job at openAI

except MS has heavily invested in openAI so they've practically been in the hands of MS all along regardless

Ahh, didn’t see that. Well, crisis averted, nothing to see here
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Nakho wrote:Man, it must be nice not to be infiltrated by CIA operatives and have your democratically elected government overthrown over stuff like this.

“Maybe I should try to be a force of change than be bitter about something that happened before I was born because I sound like a fake ass lamenting all this with my Pokemon/Persona Avatar.”
(11-23-2023, 04:11 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

Everyone suddenly a Jaime Reyes fan.

This is the same shit when rando fucks chime in for MOON KNIGHT before and after the show, for whatever fevered thought entered Slayven's overcooked egg, knowing full well they ain't never read a goddamn Moon knight book in their life and are just fair weather fucks who want to parrot the prominent comictards and hope they get little pats on the head for knowing a word. Makes my blood boil I tell ya!

(11-23-2023, 02:23 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nakho wrote:Man, it must be nice not to be infiltrated by CIA operatives and have your democratically elected government overthrown over stuff like this.

“Maybe I should try to be a force of change than be bitter about something that happened before I was born because I sound like a fake ass lamenting all this with my Pokemon/Persona Avatar.”

nah, the US is weird about the unions - you can even hire in union busting consulting and still be widely regarded as a legit company that isn't shady  Elon

it's the other way around here, if you don't sign a CBA with the unions people will find it weird and wonder why, tesla is definitely taking a credibility hit here with their refusal to sign one, and nearly all major US companies have learned this lesson when operating here and they are better off for it too. Even the newly established amazon sweden has signed a cba ffs  lol
(worth noting that local tesla management actually want to sign one just to be done with it, but Elon has put his foot down)
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Personally, I think a mandatory society wide cartel corporation highly integrated with the state is weirder. Snob

As anti-fascists, we should oppose their syndicalist ideals of merging the state and corporations (labor and otherwise) in nationalist political unity. Elon

Spoiler:  (click to show)
We already have too many and too much. Stahp
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(11-23-2023, 04:55 PM)benji wrote: Personally, I think a mandatory society wide cartel corporation highly integrated with the state is weirder. Snob

As anti-fascists, we should oppose their syndicalist ideals of merging the state and corporations (labor and otherwise) in nationalist political unity. Elon

Spoiler:  (click to show)
We already have too many and too much. Stahp

but it's not integrated with the state, that's the whole point
we don't even have a minimum wage set, it's up to the employee orgs and the employer orgs to sit down at the negotiation table and work out acceptable standards. it works too!
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
If it's not a three-party "negotiation" where two of the parties are on the same side and integrated into a state through a political party then it's not what those posters are talking about and want. Sweden is far too free-market, they'd prefer your immediate neighbors where the "agreement" is imposed by the state after it negotiates with itself. Unfortunately they are also far short on the divestment from capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy scale especially after they went full right-wing fascist in the 1990's. That's why we're all so tired and not surprised that Scandinavian countries aren't organizing nationwide viewings of The Marvels.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

Quote: Cop User banned (permanently): Troll account
Female wrote:
Carlquincy wrote:Hm.. Why did the women demo reject The Marvels?
Putting women in lead roles doesn't automatically makes them want to see a movie, especially if it's an unattractive, unpopular brand and genre with said demo.
It's such a lazy, shallow, overly-simplistic concept.
Especially if those characters look to be yet again unappealing, unrelatable girlboss characters, that wear horrible, fugly, unstilysh superhero costumes, that have no romance or love triangles with hot men, preferably shirtless.
Long game troll account:
[Image: k8wA3eY.png]

Hate accounts is more like it:
[Image: f1gfLen.png]

Ugh. Fetishizing women:
[Image: GagfZf9.png]
That thread is full of chuds spreading disinformation and hatred: wrote:
Quote:Hm.. Why did the women demo reject The Marvels?
Simple, the characters didn't appeal to women.

I mean let's be honest here, Captain Marvel was never a deep, fleshed out character. She was a strong independent woman but had little in the way of charisma or personality.

Quote:The D+ homework required for The Marvels probably just turned a lot of people off.
The D+ homework thing is not as real as the perception of it. These aren't super deep characters and storylined, you can go on YT and watch 5 to 10 minutes "Legends" video on these characters and you are more than caught up with all the relevant information.
(11-23-2023, 06:27 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (permanently): Troll account
Female wrote:
Carlquincy wrote:Hm.. Why did the women demo reject The Marvels?
Putting women in lead roles doesn't automatically makes them want to see a movie, especially if it's an unattractive, unpopular brand and genre with said demo.
It's such a lazy, shallow, overly-simplistic concept.
Especially if those characters look to be yet again unappealing, unrelatable girlboss characters, that wear horrible, fugly, unstilysh superhero costumes, that have no romance or love triangles with hot men, preferably shirtless.
"Troll account" is just another of these dumbass ban reasons. Yeah sure, she's been trolling since 2017

Booshka wrote:
Zyrokai wrote:Happy Thanksgiving USA-Era! Thought I'd make a post about a common holiday instead of something political lol
Thanksgiving is one of the most political holidays lol, it whitewashes colonialism.
Social Justice Warrior 2
I need a tier ranking of most to least political federal holidays.
Also, what Western Hemisphere nations aren't going to have holidays that are "whitewashes" of colonialism? They are all the result of colonies. lol
Thank you to the mods for protecting Resetera on Thanksgiving. Hopefully you folks get a massive fruit basket this year.

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