Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
*Donates money to Keffals so she can take another trip to Ireland. Wait, I meant legal funds*
Potato dateline='[url=tel:1701999423' wrote: 1701999423[/url]']
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1701994265' wrote: 1701994265[/url]']
she won't be trans, that implies trans people are of the type to go ballistic and mow down citizens and rob banks and generally make themselves a menace 2 society

also if the story involves suffering of any kind, don't trans people suffer enough, that you would subject them to such evils even in a video game, isn't the real world difficult enough for them already without being tortured virtually for everyone's amusement

She's been released from a women's prison. She's obviously not trans.

But that’s the exact thing the left leaning GTA trilogy would make fun of.
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1701532746' wrote: 1701532746[/url]']
Morrigan, post: 115694487, member: 27 wrote:Deriding someone for not buying a specific service (such as Gamepass, PS+ or whatever) should be treated like console warring. Saying you are not interested in a service and don't find it attractive should not result in a horde of console warriors dogpiling you, saying you are doing gaming wrong, insulting your "narrow" taste, calling the post "wild" or "divorced from reality", "bro do you even game" gatekeeping etc.

I saw a lot and I do mean a LOT of posts like that. I didn't report the posts because I'm not sure if it's moderable and I didn't want to spam reports. Should I?

Reminder that this person is in their 40s

Morrigan, post: 115972968, member: 27 wrote:Well I ended up reporting a few of the posts (not all, just the worst ones with explicit gatekeeping etc) and nothing happened that I know of, so apparently this is acceptable. Good to know, I guess.

Bigshow You could have just walked away
books dateline='[url=tel:1702023800' wrote: 1702023800[/url]']
Rest in Turtle Power.

solo wrote:Buzz is a real life rapist so him

Buzz is a fictional character, the actor that portrayed him is a rapist. Are you a dumbass?
(12-08-2023, 04:33 AM)benji wrote:
(12-07-2023, 10:06 PM)Water Enjoyer wrote:
(12-07-2023, 07:42 PM)Averon wrote: It's amazing and sad how these people are so terrified of ideas, characters, or themes getting any sort of media portrayal that they don't approve of. Like, they really do believe the general public is just a movie/tv show away from going full "Heil Hitler." It's silly.

- They thought The Joke movie will cause an incel uprising and movie theaters around the country will be bloodbaths.
- To this day, they still blame South Park for voter apathy and numerous other social ills.
- Any depiction of bare female skin will apparently tun men into sexist bigots at the drop of a hat

I don't have a rich political analysis background to entrench this in, but I feel like once you reach a certain level of political extremism you view everything that isn't overt propaganda for your beliefs as dangerous and in need of immediate correction. Everything needs to be incredibly simplified, black-and-white, and dumbed down to ensure that there's zero possibility of the Wrong Message being sent and activating the Nazi/communist switch built into everyone's brain.

Mostly I just think back to Benji pointing out how many of them appear to have zero faith in the appeal of their own ideology and beliefs and think the only way for them to succeed is to ensure all opposing thought is prevented from reaching a single person.
I think it's a result of narcissism, and maybe sociopathic traits, that manifests in a lack of a theory of mind. Ironically, we put too much strength in the political language connected whereas if we strip it away or change it the underlying thinking stands more starkly. (You'd think our "critical" betters would be more challenging with their deconstructionist methods they advocate and apply it to themselves rather than always using it to always find "capitalism" but alas.)

Essentially, of course I never have to worry I'm always free from sin and if I did sin there's a good reason so you can't judge me. But everyone else? Of course they're trapped in "false consciousness" and will fall into sin at the slightest provocation. Of course I need to be ever vigilant and in control of everything so nothing ever slips past and gets to them and activates the inherent sin we're they're all born with. If they won't bother to display their faith as much as I do then can you really say they're truly saved and not likely to fall back into sin? They're simple, inputs for me, not complex people with so many identities and self-diagnoses as myself.

That's why I always knew they were a sinner and just had to wait for it to be revealed by a single incident or word usage, I knew they were never as good of person as I am. That's why in the end Hxrstory will reward me more than anyone else and just because of who I am.

Look, its really very simple;
we shouldn't let certain ideas be voiced because the simple minded chud hoi polloi who are too feeble minded to form their own thoughts will be trapped into entertaining these bad ideas in a way that I, an intellectual, could never be swayed into adopting, because I am an intellectually rigorous, critical thinking philosopher, and this 2 hour youtube video just happens to perfectly reflect my totally independently generated viewpoints in their entirety.

(12-08-2023, 10:50 AM)HardcoreRetro wrote: *Donates money to Keffals so she can take another trip to Ireland. Wait, I meant legal funds*

Like, if people would just get off her case about selling over the counter canadian presciption medicine to young americans below the age of medical consent at a healthy mark up via the post in "don't tell your parents tee hee" packaging, she wouldn't need to beg for donations, she would just be exercising the entrepreneurial spirit you would expect from a *checks notes* politician who ran for office as a communist
(12-08-2023, 03:33 PM)Straight Edge wrote:
books dateline='[url=tel:1702023800' wrote: 1702023800[/url]']
Rest in Turtle Power.


missed the "Rest In Turtle Power, Krang" follow up ufup

Of course none are allowed to admit it but I bet 99% of the anxious (millionaire) goofballs that direct video games are happy that they only had to face the crowd for 30 seconds and they didn't need to read the room because they can't.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Dismissive Drive-By
Mik317 wrote:
Neoxon wrote:I wonder how much homophobia & transphobia Hashino can fit into this game. Either way, pass.

It's not
do you seriously have to remind us that you are skipping the game every thread?
(12-08-2023, 06:58 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Dismissive Drive-By
Mik317 wrote:
Neoxon wrote:I wonder how much homophobia & transphobia Hashino can fit into this game. Either way, pass.

It's not
do you seriously have to remind us that you are skipping the game every thread?

Meanwhile neoxon's post is the actual definition of a drive-by
(12-08-2023, 02:53 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:Blade better be english

I guess this is Slayvens version of race swapping

(He's not french you dummy)

I think me means English as in Brit.
(12-08-2023, 06:54 PM)Nintex wrote:

Of course none are allowed to admit it but I bet 99% of the anxious (millionaire) goofballs that direct video games are happy that they only had to face the crowd for 30 seconds and they didn't need to read the room because they can't.

Let's face it, anyone who ever thought this stupid shit was anything more than an extended promotional opportunity and ego-stroking wankfest for the host is a complete moron. I mean, there's a category for, "most anticipated game" FFS! Imagine if the Academy Awards had an award for most anticipated movie...
ShockingAlberto got called out because he forgot the Disney “was a Nazi” is a meme (he may have be antisemitic)

Quote:He is correct that Walt Disney would probably have been cooler about advertising next to Nazi content.𝕏tt𝕏r-dr𝕏m𝕏-𝕏t-let’s-keep-it-here-parody-🔵-official-ꕤ.649272/page-1003#post-116065302
Potato dateline='[url=tel:1702062465' wrote: 1702062465[/url]']
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1702061660' wrote: 1702061660[/url]']

Of course none are allowed to admit it but I bet 99% of the anxious (millionaire) goofballs that direct video games are happy that they only had to face the crowd for 30 seconds and they didn't need to read the room because they can't.

Let's face it, anyone who ever thought this stupid shit was anything more than an extended promotional opportunity and ego-stroking wankfest for the host is a complete moron. I mean, there's a category for, "most anticipated game" FFS! Imagine if the Academy Awards had an award for most anticipated movie...

Not for the lack of trying:
(12-08-2023, 07:07 PM)Potato wrote:
(12-08-2023, 06:54 PM)Nintex wrote:

Of course none are allowed to admit it but I bet 99% of the anxious (millionaire) goofballs that direct video games are happy that they only had to face the crowd for 30 seconds and they didn't need to read the room because they can't.

Let's face it, anyone who ever thought this stupid shit was anything more than an extended promotional opportunity and ego-stroking wankfest for the host is a complete moron. I mean, there's a category for, "most anticipated game" FFS! Imagine if the Academy Awards had an award for most anticipated movie...

I'm not sure they understand that all of this is one big advertisement show? That's the whole reason they can even finance this whole thing. No one would fucking watch this if it was just about awards and it only started to get relevant for gamers when Keighley started getting World Premiere trailers.

It's not about who wins "Best Indie", it's about Capcom revealing a new Monster Hunter
(12-08-2023, 07:10 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Potato dateline='[url=tel:1702062465' wrote: 1702062465[/url]']
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1702061660' wrote: 1702061660[/url]']

Of course none are allowed to admit it but I bet 99% of the anxious (millionaire) goofballs that direct video games are happy that they only had to face the crowd for 30 seconds and they didn't need to read the room because they can't.

Let's face it, anyone who ever thought this stupid shit was anything more than an extended promotional opportunity and ego-stroking wankfest for the host is a complete moron. I mean, there's a category for, "most anticipated game" FFS! Imagine if the Academy Awards had an award for most anticipated movie...

Not for the lack of trying:

Everyone knows the Academy Awards is just advertising dressed up as awards, but at least they have the class to not say the silent part out loud.

No one ever accused the video game industry of having any class. It's an embarrassing industry run by embarrassing people.
I dunno, not shows can be embarrassing in different ways, and the Academy have also started to phase out showing some of the awards. Yeshrug

Nepenthe, post: 116065428, member: 1995 wrote:People aren't ignoring that context. They just don't think it matters. Because, game developers are not a class of people who should be protected from jokes about their work. And yes, I say this as someone who's been in game development on a project that got slammed despite the crunch I've had to endure. Shit happens.

Nepnep is on rage mode again

Quote:Because if there's one thing COD fans hate more than their shitty campaigns, it's Black people.

Quote:sorry everyone, we have been informed that we are all racist apparently by an admin of this website

Quote:Stand up to the racists in the lobbies for once in your life before you come at a Black person who was in those COD lobbies taking racist shit while some of y'all were still sucking down Enfamil.

Quote:Judge is a Black man currently facing a weird amount of scrutiny over a joke from a few devs and fans of of the game regarding the length of the campaign, who are now trying to turn this situation into one about the plights of workplace abuse in the games industry, which Judge is not responsible for and didn't even joke about.

This is despite the fact that Judge was joked about for months on this same awards show, without anyone trying to use the plight of voice actors or motion actors as a shield against jokes being lobbed at him. (Probably because Black people are rarely considered empathetic victims of anything!)

Outsized, hypocritical scrutiny at the words and actions of a Black man for a small slight, if what he said could even be called a slight, is like textbook racial prejudice and has literally been a thing for centuries.

So yeah, if you wanted to prove to me and anyone else in the room that COD fans are a bastion of racial tolerance, you've failed immensely. Keep being fucking mad.

Quote:Yes, if instead of understanding that the COD community has always had a problem with flagrant racism and reflecting on that, you're instead going to take personal offense at a Black person making a metonymical statement about that issue that literally no one else had a problem with, not even people who quoted me, then yeah, keep being fucking mad. Hit dogs holler.

Quote:you used to be so cool to talk to in the overwatch threads, sad to see where this has gone. Is there no way to block admins? Wish that was a feature

Quote:I still am cool to talk to, so long as you're not downplaying racism!

Unfortunately you can't block admins, but one way to make sure you don't have to talk to me is by quoting me in a thread I was not even posting in.
(12-08-2023, 07:31 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Nepenthe, post: 116065428, member: 1995 wrote:People aren't ignoring that context. They just don't think it matters. Because, game developers are not a class of people who should be protected from jokes about their work. And yes, I say this as someone who's been in game development on a project that got slammed despite the crunch I've had to endure. Shit happens.

I guess that TOS updates not coming along anytime soon, because thats effectively in your fucking TOS from when you had developers post there
The crunch of posting all day at RE.
(12-08-2023, 07:36 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Quote:Yes, if instead of understanding that the COD community has always had a problem with flagrant racism and reflecting on that, you're instead going to take personal offense at a Black person making a metonymical statement about that issue that literally no one else had a problem with, not even people who quoted me, then yeah, keep being fucking mad. Hit dogs holler.

He said the thing!
I won’t add this above as it’s pure gold and deserves it own post

Quote:Perfection. And with that, my presence is not needed here anymore.

Seriously, do not drag me, or any other staffer, into random threads because you're mad about something they said. Either quote me in the original thread or PM me if you really got beef. Next time I'll just ban you without giving a response. Apologies to Lukar for this nonsense. I'll be taking my leave.
(12-08-2023, 07:44 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: I won’t add this above as it’s pure gold and deserves it own post

Quote:Perfection. And with that, my presence is not needed here anymore.

Seriously, do not drag me, or any other staffer, into random threads because you're mad about something they said. Either quote me in the original thread or PM me if you really got beef. Next time I'll just ban you without giving a response. Apologies to Lukar for this nonsense. I'll be taking my leave.

Pretty sure at some point they claimed that the mod who is involved in an argument wouldn't do the banning but I guess that was another lie. (Then again, considering how the mods protect each other, not like they'd ever disagree)
yes but nep is an admin which does not require a consensus, absolute ruler of the site SCIENCE!

I really really really hate how Neoxon, Nepenthe and Royalan love to think they speak for all the black people 'left' on that hell-site.   Always whining and complaining, blah blah blah. 

Yeah, it would be nice if Nintendo put some melanin in 1 Smash bros character, would be nice but they don't have to. 

That metaphor game looks sick. If you're not interested, just fuck off and let the people interested talk about the game. But that's impossible for them to do. They must always go out of their way to let you know some nonsense grudge they have.

Let's be honest, do these people really think with all their virtue signalling, that they've stopped anyone from consuming anything?
the whole representation thing is really a stanning thing

more diversity in games is obviously good, we get different types of games with different stuff in them

But why are you fucking idiots playing games looking to find meaning about yourselves and your identity? It's a fucking game for fucks sake

That's not to say that games can't speak to those things, but not all games have to, all the time, and not everything is about your pet issue.

Unless you're an american with a bee in their bonnet

Juche Sad

As for Neoxon, at least he's kinda trying to do a job and contribute to the industry with his creepy Ustasi stuff, and you cannot fault the lad's dilligence tbf, he puts in the hours on the interwebs alright and if the nazis do take over he's got a class database of races and such in media

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 month): denying credible accusations of sexual assault over multiple posts
collige wrote:This is an official tweet from the office of John Fetterman. What the fuck is wrong with this man? I can't believe a sitting US Senator made a Drake meme about rape and hasn't deleted it.

[Image: GAv9PakW0AA4VIL?format=jpg&name=medium]

He did this after the IDF themselves put out a statement saying "chill with all these unverified sexual assault allegations".
Quote:"The conversation around the issue is irresponsible, inaccurate and should be avoided," the IDF says in a rare statement.

The pushback is apparently in response to comments from US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller Monday that Hamas terrorists likely held back on freeing female hostages because it did not want them to speak publicly about being subjected to rape and other sexual violence.
collige wrote:It's also really fucked up for sexual assault on Oct 7 to still be the main point of focus when we've just seen pictures of huge groups of Palestinian men handcuffed and stripped to their underwear.

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