Quote: User Banned (2 weeks): inflammatory drive-by on an unrelated subject
MercuryLS wrote:I thought he'd be giving more money to his loverboy Bibi to kill more Palestinians.
Quote: User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Concerns of Homophobia; Antagonizing Fellow Members; Account in Junior Phase
docannon wrote:A.M. wrote:Alright... What do you want anyone to say as a response? Good job?
Are you trying to undermine those who do? Or those who have a problem with homophobia?
Both? Neither?
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed. This is an unhinged post. They don't deserve to be accused of homophobia for the simple statement that they made.
I also agree with them. Most video game romance options are pretty cringe and I feel like it detracts from the characters/stories (regardless of being optional). It has fuck all to do with the sexual orientation of the characters.
12-09-2023, 06:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 06:10 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
Quote: User Banned (2 Months): Concern Trolling; History of Concern Trolling Jonathan Majors Threads and Dismissive Commentary, Recent Ban For the Same
AlecKoKuTan wrote:PhaZe 5 wrote:This thread has continued and Majors' lawyer is coming off as fairly incompetent so far imo. It's early but my read on it is he's in desperate need of positive testimony from the cab driver and footage if it's available. So did Priya put out false information? Prior to the trial. Couldn't that jeopardize her career? Lawyers can't just run around and report false information to journalist... Not sure if anyone has come across @mzmarcopolo on Twitter, just social commentary, but a few points are brought up about the dynamic of their relationship, had it been conveyed that Majors has hit her prior? Prior to the night of the fight? The relationship appears to be toxic, also Majors comes across as a Bible thumping weirdo, they clearly didn't share any commonality in faith.
(12-09-2023, 06:01 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: User Banned (2 weeks): inflammatory drive-by on an unrelated subject
MercuryLS wrote:I thought he'd be giving more money to his loverboy Bibi to kill more Palestinians.
13 users liked this post: Brolha, LoverOfCycles, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, Greatness Gone, benji, Uncle, MJBarret, D3RANG3D, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank, books
12-09-2023, 06:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 06:23 PM by Nintex.)
Well they/them do like to delete their members
12-09-2023, 06:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 06:38 PM by books.)
Quote:Cassia was made quite conventionally attractive woman in her portrait art and Collector Edition's statue, but her in-game model is closer to her being mutation. Red small bug eyes and extreme underbite / deformed jaw.
Boys club phrenology in the grimdank OT.
eta- bored at work so i'm reading some classic "egg on resetera mods' faces" threads so I started with the classic Jussie Smollett maga thread. Some good laughs to be had in that graveyard.
eta2- Quote:So you're saying the previously sent letter to Fox was all part of this elaborate scheme to beat himself up, and left out in the cold as well.
And then afterwards, wraps a noose around himself, and then pours bleach onto himself.
What would be the purpose of it? Do you think maybe some others beat him up, and he's just blaming it on MAGA supporters because that'll show the right?
Do you think somebody as famous as he is doing it for more fame than he already has?
Is there some sort of conspiracy that he is trying to take down MAGA by pulling a stunt like this, and having paid people in advance to beat him up?
I'm more curious as to why you're so skeptical other than some of those anecdotal cases from before, and why they would correlate to this one.
That's not to say I'm not skeptical about all of the details in this incident, but it just feels weird to imply it's fake, rather than just saying you still have questions about all of the details.
The welcoming bonfire at the intersection of burning books and burning witches.
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) This is not censorship, btw
Hrist wrote:Trials of mana is so odd. I played the Super Famicom version over two decades ago, and remembered it fondly - the issues with the designs never registered because of the pixel art - and me not using Angela. The remake I didn't even bother buying. Nostalgic memories clashed with the reality of what it actually was meant to be, it was too clear it was not meant for me.
12-09-2023, 06:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 07:01 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
The part of the Jessie Smollett hoax that stood out to me was when anybody from a northern climate tried to point out how cold it actually was, instead of listening to their lived experience, Nepenthe and Royalan would have none of it.
(12-09-2023, 06:05 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Concerns of Homophobia; Antagonizing Fellow Members; Account in Junior Phase
docannon wrote:A.M. wrote:Alright... What do you want anyone to say as a response? Good job?
Are you trying to undermine those who do? Or those who have a problem with homophobia?
Both? Neither?
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed. This is an unhinged post. They don't deserve to be accused of homophobia for the simple statement that they made.
I also agree with them. Most video game romance options are pretty cringe and I feel like it detracts from the characters/stories (regardless of being optional). It has fuck all to do with the sexual orientation of the characters.
Don't miss how they are losing their shit over not enough queer romance options.
In a Warhammer 40K game.
The inclusion of romance options at all in that world's atmosphere is absurd to begin with.
Princess Bubblegum, of course wrote:No Adepta Sororitas romance, no buy. Apparently the game is pretty abysmal for queer players.
Quote:However, when I mention that gay men or players roleplaying a gay male Inquisitor are disappointed that there is only one, unpalatable romance option available to them – the only possibility is an alien terrorist, who you may not even recruit – the mood in the Discord call gets immediately frosty. Straight players, male or female, already have at least three options, while lesbian players suffer a similar issue to gay men with just one bisexual character to romance, an incredibly generic banker. At least she's not a terrorist. No sooner have I asked whether Owlcat would implement more LGBT+ romances into the full game, executive producer Anatoly Shestov jumps in, audibly defensive, as if to shut down any perceived accusation of homophobia from Rogue Trader's gay fans.
I bet they will change that over time or they going to lose a lot of goodwill. Oh well, still waiting for Wrath of the Righteous to be fully done. I expect this to have plenty of DLC and such over the coming years.
Quote:I was worried about this when 40k was announced as the world for their next game. That universe just reinforces backwards, regressive thinking. I do hope the ones that exist are built upon the work they did in WotR.
Quote:Quote:I don't mean to dismiss others concerns
People who say that usually mean to when it comes to the concerns of LGBT people
Quote:Not really. It's blame that on the studio, not the franchise.
There are gay couples and non binary characters to be found in the stories/books.
I mean, Space Marines have a lot of homosexual energy to begin with if you read the books.
GW is surely not to blame.
Quote:Ew. So, they're homophobic.
lmfao, this is nothing. A nonanswer.
Jumping in to chime that they're totally not homophobic they swear?
(They are homophobic.)
Please put this in the OT for the game (and thread mark this, please Uzzy Jawmuncher.)
I wanted this game so bad, but now?
13 users liked this post: Brolha, LoverOfCycles, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, Hap Shaughnessy, HaughtyFrank, D3RANG3D, BIONIC, DocWager
12-09-2023, 07:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 07:13 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
(12-09-2023, 07:06 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: (12-09-2023, 06:05 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Concerns of Homophobia; Antagonizing Fellow Members; Account in Junior Phase
docannon wrote:This is an unhinged post. They don't deserve to be accused of homophobia for the simple statement that they made.
I also agree with them. Most video game romance options are pretty cringe and I feel like it detracts from the characters/stories (regardless of being optional). It has fuck all to do with the sexual orientation of the characters. Don't miss how they are losing their shit over not enough queer romance options.
In a Warhammer 40K game.
The inclusion of romance options at all in that world's atmosphere is absurd to begin with.
Princess Bubblegum, of course wrote:No Adepta Sororitas romance, no buy. Apparently the game is pretty abysmal for queer players.
Quote:However, when I mention that gay men or players roleplaying a gay male Inquisitor are disappointed that there is only one, unpalatable romance option available to them – the only possibility is an alien terrorist, who you may not even recruit – the mood in the Discord call gets immediately frosty. Straight players, male or female, already have at least three options, while lesbian players suffer a similar issue to gay men with just one bisexual character to romance, an incredibly generic banker. At least she's not a terrorist. No sooner have I asked whether Owlcat would implement more LGBT+ romances into the full game, executive producer Anatoly Shestov jumps in, audibly defensive, as if to shut down any perceived accusation of homophobia from Rogue Trader's gay fans.
I bet they will change that over time or they going to lose a lot of goodwill. Oh well, still waiting for Wrath of the Righteous to be fully done. I expect this to have plenty of DLC and such over the coming years. Quote:I was worried about this when 40k was announced as the world for their next game. That universe just reinforces backwards, regressive thinking. I do hope the ones that exist are built upon the work they did in WotR.
Quote:Quote:I don't mean to dismiss others concerns
People who say that usually mean to when it comes to the concerns of LGBT people
Quote:Not really. It's blame that on the studio, not the franchise.
There are gay couples and non binary characters to be found in the stories/books.
I mean, Space Marines have a lot of homosexual energy to begin with if you read the books.
GW is surely not to blame.
Quote:Ew. So, they're homophobic.
lmfao, this is nothing. A nonanswer.
Jumping in to chime that they're totally not homophobic they swear?
(They are homophobic.)
Please put this in the OT for the game (and thread mark this, please Uzzy Jawmuncher.)
I wanted this game so bad, but now?
Developers supporting the invasion of Ukraine: I sleep
Not enough gay romances: serious shit!
Top of the page gay romance
They've got a point, Warhammer is moby dick/wrestling levels of subtle with the subtext
12-09-2023, 07:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 07:51 PM by Potato.)
(12-09-2023, 05:00 PM)negativecrepe wrote: nep-otism is a cunt and bdubs is miserable. ive never seen another forum where the mods go around insulting the users, and they all just take it. nobody speaks up about it. im sure they have a mod chat where its even worse when they talk in private. if someone posted in their so called constructive feedback thread that they shouldnt do that they would ban them, after calling them names. theyd probably say they HAVE to do it because how can you expect them to not insult their users when they are all victims of racism, or transphobia, or whatever minority group they use to always be victims
they are only mods because it makes them feel like they have some power and in their lives they probably dont have any. If they cared about being mods they would actually mod the site instead of locking posts when they might have to do some work.
I fucing wish someone would ask them in their feedback thread. it would be entertaining
I'm waiting for the day that someone just copies and pastes Nep's own words back to her verbatim and she bans them for it (not for being a troll, but because she's actually offended by the words).
14 users liked this post: Daffy Duck, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Propagandhim, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC, benji, Tucker's Law, MJBarret, HaughtyFrank, Averon, books, D3RANG3D
Nobody Nep hates more, than her fucking self.
12-09-2023, 08:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 09:10 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
(12-09-2023, 07:40 PM)Potato wrote: (12-09-2023, 05:00 PM)negativecrepe wrote: nep-otism is a cunt and bdubs is miserable. ive never seen another forum where the mods go around insulting the users, and they all just take it. nobody speaks up about it. im sure they have a mod chat where its even worse when they talk in private. if someone posted in their so called constructive feedback thread that they shouldnt do that they would ban them, after calling them names. theyd probably say they HAVE to do it because how can you expect them to not insult their users when they are all victims of racism, or transphobia, or whatever minority group they use to always be victims
they are only mods because it makes them feel like they have some power and in their lives they probably dont have any. If they cared about being mods they would actually mod the site instead of locking posts when they might have to do some work.
I fucing wish someone would ask them in their feedback thread. it would be entertaining
I'm waiting for the day that someone just copies and pastes Nep's own words back to her verbatim and she bans them for it (not for being a troll, but because she's actually offended by the words).
Imagine just using the phrase "collective nation of Black people" let alone implying they were responsible for the actions of a few when discussing anything with her.
12-09-2023, 09:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 09:21 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
Nepenthe is not a racist, she's a race realist.
She’s probably just upset about being permed from Stormfront for history of histories
Quote:This is what a lot of people who threaten to sue someone over slander don't think about.
stopmrdomino wrote:Or: He did think about it, knows there's been no criminal activity, and will happily allow an investigation by the proper authorities
People want this dude to be guilty of things so bad. He fucked up massively with his lack of transparency and not donating sooner, and no one should ever trust him for charity related things again. But I also don't think he or his family have committed some kind of high level white collar fraud, embezzlement, etc like people are so convinced he's done after a few YouTube videos
People should remember that stopmrdomino (probably an alt or some user altered user name) has been pretty vocal about using pitchforks and part of the woke squad.
Now he suddenly he is okay to give the benefit of doubt to other people.
(12-09-2023, 05:13 PM)BIONIC wrote: Eric Cartman dateline='[url=tel:1702141703' wrote: 1702141703[/url]']
My sources say that even the mods think comedysmasher is the social equivalent of a turd in the punchbowl, and they might increase his ban to more than 3 days, or they might not, or they might even overturn it before then.
I guess we'll find out, but the important thing here is I am definitely an insider with a comment worth posting and have friends.
You sound like a loser who hasn’t heard the latest industry scuttlebutt  Can't be the turd in the punchbowl unless you're invited to all the important industry parties with punchbowls.
(12-09-2023, 06:10 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
AlecKoKuTa wrote:So did Priya put out false information? Prior to the trial. Couldn't that jopardize her career? Lawyers can't just run around and report false information to journalist... Since when?
12-09-2023, 11:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 11:29 PM by Nintex.)
(12-09-2023, 10:50 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Quote:This is what a lot of people who threaten to sue someone over slander don't think about.
stopmrdomino wrote:Or: He did think about it, knows there's been no criminal activity, and will happily allow an investigation by the proper authorities
People want this dude to be guilty of things so bad. He fucked up massively with his lack of transparency and not donating sooner, and no one should ever trust him for charity related things again. But I also don't think he or his family have committed some kind of high level white collar fraud, embezzlement, etc like people are so convinced he's done after a few YouTube videos
People should remember that stopmrdomino (probably an alt or some user altered user name) has been pretty vocal about using pitchforks and part of the woke squad.
Now he suddenly he is okay to give the benefit of doubt to other people.
So the foundation that donates to dementia causes forgot to donate the money
In the biz, we call that being on brand
Dude seems like he knows what he's talking about though, unlike those clowns that went after him.
Overall I'm very dissapointed in Mutahar about this whole thing, sure you can wing investigations into Logal Paul crypto scams but accusing a foundation of TAX FRAUD based on some Reddit level understanding of accounting is a whole different matter.
(12-09-2023, 04:41 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Thank you for saying the blatantly obvious that everyone chooses to ignore for ideological reasons.
 Or, you know, the stories are better when Superman can't do literally anything without having to think. What were the "ideological reasons" for Superman having been weaker earlier and power creep being the result of hack writers trying to patch their bad stories?
Quote:"Absolute power" is the point of Superman? I don't think too many DC creators would agree with you, and I certainly don't.
He never had godlike powers in the early days, and somehow he managed to become a phenomenon without that, because the point of Superman is actually the choice he makes every day to use what power he has for good.
12-09-2023, 11:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-09-2023, 11:39 PM by benji.)
I think it's far more ideological to claim what's great about Superman is that he can do anything because he's inherently good without any doubts about his cause than allow him to be flawed and/or human.
Your version sounds like a "right side of history" yt cishet male power fantasy, no?
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1702166964' wrote: 1702166964[/url]']
Goku can beat Superman.
Yeah but who has a bigger schlong
(12-10-2023, 01:33 AM)davepoobond wrote: Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1702166964' wrote: 1702166964[/url]']
Goku can beat Superman.
Yeah but who has a bigger schlong
More importantly, why didn't Superman stop the genocide in Palestine?
12-10-2023, 02:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2023, 02:09 AM by books.)
Quote:There is no Evilore here. The forum is owned and run by a team of people to prevent that from happening.
Spent all day goofing at work. Finally got through the multiple classic Jussie Smollet threads. Vintage characters like Bronson Lee, Marrec, Commediu (and other "I'm black and I'm black and I'm black yall" faux militants making cameo appearances like the short bus Avengers.
Was tempted to do Kingdom Come threads next, but I feel dumber for reading all their shit.
ETA- Look, Superman may be an alien from another planet, but he's also a cishet white male so no, he cannot be excluded from blame for the white man's crime.
Quote: User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary; Dismissing Concerns of Bigotry
spacer wrote:Mass One wrote:Why is it dangerous in this case? /Genuinely
I feel like it's ok to judge people or organizations by the decisions they make? Buckle wrote:So is ignoring toxic friends becuase you've never been a victim of all the hateful or stupid shit they endorse or do themselves. Dustin is, by all accounts, a decent person and is in no way deserving of the hate he gets simply for working at an place that happens to have a human garbage fire for an owner. Are there instances where Dustin has shown to be anything but? (serious question) And by extension, Brad does not deserve flak for being friends with Dustin or (allegedly) accepting a job offer at the same employer. That would be like condemning someone for working at Chik-fil-a just because the owner has donated millions of dollars to anti-LGBTIQA+ organizations. There are hundreds of companies that fit that general description. Are you going to shitcan every single person working for them? Do you think job oppoprtunities are so plentiful, in games journalism no less, that anyone in that field can afford to pass up an offer? Isla from EZA is literally in the group that everyone claims to have been offended by Dustin's guest spot, and even she has gone on record saying she was fine with Dustin attending Frame Trap. If that isn't proof enough that this whole situation is people making a mountain out of a mole hill, I don't know what is. There are so many more things out there, even within this industry, deserving of our attention and ire.