Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

m_shortbus wrote:Let's go. I just hope capitalism doesn't find a way to ruin this.
Social Justice Warrior 2
Remind me again, was it capitalism that's had all the dangerous nuclear accidents? Or just the system that made nuclear power viable even despite religious superstition that persists to today against it?
Nice, little debate on whether even viewing 'chud media' makes you a chud in turn.
(12-17-2023, 01:01 AM)Averon wrote:
Nice, little debate on whether even viewing 'chud media' makes you a chud in turn.
Quote:i love when people complain about "corporate media" when there is so much dark money pumped into conservative media...
dArK mOnEy
Quote:I'd argue current day conservatism is so disingenuous and full of shit that you're never getting anything close to an authentic conversation. They're not coming from a genuine place looking to connect, they're looking to give a verbal beating. The media darlings of the right wing operate much the same. Ben Shapiro isn't looking for actual debates based on facts and sound arguments. He purposely dodges people that want to engage him in such a fashion because they tend to tear him and his fellows several new assholes.
Conservatism has always been disingenuous.

It's always been straight up lies.
Quote:You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

No point in "debating" them.
Remember, "every accusation is a confession."

I love that Nepenthe defended Lemon but every poster explicitly quoted someone else to argue and disagree with. lol
Messy wrote:None of these people have any moral high ground. Jontron never made any amends or became anti-racist, he just shut up about it long enough for people to forget. The Act Man is a Nazi. Karl Jobst is massively racist [1, 2, 3], has also hung around Nazis like Jirard with Jontron, and was giving pointers to said nazi rwhitegoose on how to make an apology [1, 2], so this is just an indictment of the gaming space as a whole that it's full of successful Nazis that had enough power to develop a gamergate to Trump pipeline.
"successful Nazis" doing a lot of heavy lifting there both in terms of the Nazi and the successful things.
If a dude has a dossier of racist happenings at a table, that's two dossiers of racists.
(12-17-2023, 12:51 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

m_shortbus wrote:Let's go. I just hope capitalism doesn't find a way to ruin this.
Social Justice Warrior 2

Why take time to celebrate scientific progress when it could be performative outrage.
Think just how stupid you have to be to believe in a "power to develop a gamergate to Trump pipeline."

Is it likely that some people, perhaps maybe 50% of the population, just held conservative views (or more conservative views than the farthest left ones) and therefore would naturally find interest in both Gamergate and Trump? No, of course not, it must be a deliberate plot by shitty YouTubers (who sit at the center of cultural power with their thousands of views in a culture numbered in the hundreds of millions) to bring about the Fourth Reich through secret signals of dogwhistles, insincere apologies, and people visible in the backgrounds of wedding photos.
I think JonTron is the only one that consistently has million of views… but he posts videos like three times by year. Jirard was trying to pull a Penny Arcade and trying to expand his business before the charity fraud meltdown.

Btw, I seriously doubt neo Nazis are willing to accept both Jirard and JonTron on their ranks.
(12-17-2023, 12:57 AM)benji wrote: Remind me again, was it capitalism that's had all the dangerous nuclear accidents? Or just the system that made nuclear power viable even despite religious superstition that persists to today against it?

Tankies will blame fission itself, one of the biggest and dumbest setbacks in both a stable grid and slowing climate change. There's still a lot that don't think it's worth considering if the power source is reliable year round. So then it ends up being natural gas and coal and the grid gets unreliable still.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
(12-17-2023, 02:08 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Btw, I seriously doubt neo Nazis are willing to accept both Jirard and JonTron on their ranks.
I mean, JonTron is so Aryan he's Iranian-Hungarian. lol

(12-17-2023, 02:10 AM)Pwnz wrote: Tankies will blame fission itself, one of the biggest and dumbest setbacks in both a stable grid and slowing climate change. There's still a lot that don't think it's worth considering if the power source is reliable year round. So then it ends up being natural gas and coal and the grid gets unreliable still.
It's because what they're really mad about is that nuclear provides too much energy too cheaply. What they want is "degrowth", more people need to be poorer. Even on they'll outright say this.
Revealed preferences again.

They claim they believe climate change to be an existential threat. And what's their demands in response? Decrease the resources, wealth and capabilities to adjust to it or advance past it. Centralize all power and mandate a single way of life for everyone with the goal not to adjust and definitely not to advance but to permanently enshrine a lower standard of living from the past. Talk about the spiritual benefits of being forced to have less.

It's yet again about requiring everyone to atone for humanity's perceived sins. But as long as it's not technically Christianity, it's progressive somehow. Definitely don't learn about history where you can find endless whining from moralizers about the evils of abundance.
(12-17-2023, 02:00 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Messy wrote:None of these people have any moral high ground. Jontron never made any amends or became anti-racist, he just shut up about it long enough for people to forget. The Act Man is a Nazi. Karl Jobst is massively racist [1, 2, 3], has also hung around Nazis like Jirard with Jontron, and was giving pointers to said nazi rwhitegoose on how to make an apology [1, 2], so this is just an indictment of the gaming space as a whole that it's full of successful Nazis that had enough power to develop a gamergate to Trump pipeline.

Quote:Karl Jobst is massively racist [1, 2, 3]

the evidence that jobst is "massively racist:"
  • mild agreement with someone else in a random discord argument that it would be weird if whites told black people there was a word they weren't allowed to say, and then doubles down that he still believes this
  • named an emote with the abbreviation JAP, claims he hasn't heard that this is supposedly offensive because it's used in other contexts just fine such as speed running, renames the emote anyway to appease them but apparently that's not what they wanted because now it's just HIDING THE HORRIBLE RACISM HE DID

btw he is literally correct about speedrunning and the emu/roms community using JAP constantly for decades with no one raising a shitfit about it, because it's an abbreviation and not being used derogatorily

[Image: LfjcO2e.png]

[Image: KJxbdWX.gif]
like, if the above is evidence of someone being "massively racist," what would you describe as "mildly racist"
(12-17-2023, 02:43 AM)Uncle wrote: like, if the above is evidence of someone being "massively racist," what would you describe as "mildly racist"

I reject the premises of "race", why should I be beholden to 19th Century cranks and the U.S. Census's views of how we should categorize people? Rage
We should hate people for logical and rational reasons. Like if they're Canadian.
Seriously we're getting lectured all this about the Global South or whatever, meanwhile these ignorant self-proclaimed-expert morons are telling us everyone in the Global South is some Hispanic, Asian or African blob. You go to any one of these places and tell them the fucker from the next tribe over is exactly the same as they are, especially because of some lines a bunch of Europeans (and increasingly Americans) drew fairly recently. lol

Yurop carved itself up into ethnic nationalities (and not even cleanly at that, look at the Balkans for oh, a century plus now) and somehow this is supposed to mean something to everybody? Fuck off, cacs. Camby

The REAL white supremacy is this shit where the whites are some collective master race. Yet they don't even honor Yakub appropriately for it.
(12-17-2023, 02:42 AM)Uncle wrote:
(12-17-2023, 02:00 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Messy wrote:None of these people have any moral high ground. Jontron never made any amends or became anti-racist, he just shut up about it long enough for people to forget. The Act Man is a Nazi. Karl Jobst is massively racist [1, 2, 3], has also hung around Nazis like Jirard with Jontron, and was giving pointers to said nazi rwhitegoose on how to make an apology [1, 2], so this is just an indictment of the gaming space as a whole that it's full of successful Nazis that had enough power to develop a gamergate to Trump pipeline.

Quote:Karl Jobst is massively racist [1, 2, 3]

the evidence that jobst is "massively racist:"
  • mild agreement with someone else in a random discord argument that it would be weird if whites told black people there was a word they weren't allowed to say, and then doubles down that he still believes this
  • named an emote with the abbreviation JAP, claims he hasn't heard that this is supposedly offensive because it's used in other contexts just fine such as speed running, renames the emote anyway to appease them but apparently that's not what they wanted because now it's just HIDING THE HORRIBLE RACISM HE DID

btw he is literally correct about speedrunning and the emu/roms community using JAP constantly for decades with no one raising a shitfit about it, because it's an abbreviation and not being used derogatorily

[Image: LfjcO2e.png]

[Image: KJxbdWX.gif]

The reality is they hate Karl because, unlike the (sometimes intensely fugly) games-and-games-adjacent personalities that they always lionize, he actually investigates matters with an open mind and before coming to any kind of conclusion (instead of looking only for information to affirm a preconceived perception).

Karl also isn’t afraid to admit whenever he’s mistaken on things, and that’s maybe the most cardinal of sins.
Is there no thread on RE about that guy shooting gay porn on the senate floor?
Nope   What, you can't say Africa!  There are over 50 nations and hundreds of ethnic groups.  Which are you referring to you racist?

Oh yeah Global South.  I'm using sociopolitical words!
(12-17-2023, 03:21 AM)Tucker's Law wrote: Karl also isn’t afraid to admit whenever he’s mistaken on things, and that’s maybe the most cardinal of sins.
Getting things wrong? I always knew he was sus.

(12-17-2023, 03:21 AM)Tucker's Law wrote: he actually investigates matters with an open mind and before coming to any kind of conclusion (instead of looking only for information to affirm a preconceived perception).
Why would you investigate something for reasons other than to find the correct answer you already have? SUS

(12-17-2023, 03:21 AM)Tucker's Law wrote: The reality is they hate Karl because
Actually, I don't think they hate him. This isn't really about hate, it's about making sure other people in the cult don't "accidentally" get influenced by them. So you throw shit out to discredit the source and everyone knows to not pay attention. Even if they look it's not like they can use the information because the source is tainted.

They never understand why this doesn't work and just requires them to take more draconian measures against more sources of information. MAGA is exactly the same way. The mass line is what matters, not diversity or inclusion.
What's with all the male genitalia threads lately?

Charizard wrote:My balls dont hang at all. I feel bad about it, read a thread like this, and then feel a lot better about it. Thanks guys!
(12-17-2023, 03:25 AM)ClothedMac wrote: Nope   What, you can't say Africa!  There are over 50 nations and hundreds of ethnic groups.  Which are you referring to you racist?

Oh yeah Global South.  I'm using sociopolitical words!
Yes but the problems of the Global South are exactly the same across the board
Spoiler:  (click to show)
white people

Edit: fuck, I missed Benji posting and then deleting a racist screed again

Birdie wrote:It's a commercial I get on YouTube a ton when I'm watching my funny Brain Griffin compilation videos.

A dude in college hears his crush needs a new pair of headphones, and instantly decides to buy her a pair. It ends on a happy note but NOPE NOPE NOPE.

I've done this multiple times in my life in a mix of my need to want people to accept me and also a misplaced notion my worth as a human is tied to what services I can provide people.

It's never ended good. It makes the other person feels awkward as fuck. And to be fair it's kind of a lot to put on someone...once I had the idea to buy a girl a 250$ purse for Valentines Day. And legit as a friend I guess because she wad feeling down. Worst mistake of my life, tanked the friendship and created an awkwardness between us we never got over.

But yeah I hate this commercial with a passion for the message it sends. Don't spend money on people to get them to like you or out of a sense of coolness.

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