Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Royalan wrote:But, there's a reason a lot of Black folks are seperating the first half of the trailer from the second half, and that reason isn't the romcom vibes, it's the casting. You might not be aware of this being a contentious subject at the moment if you are not a Black person heavily involved in "Black People Business"…and I want to be clear, I'm not trashing or against interracial couples, I myself am from an interracial family.. But, in the context of THIS story…if it's played straight as is presented in the trailor and there is no twist, and the main character's central conflict is whether or not he'll betray a society of magical Black people in order to be with his white non-Black woman…that is stepping on MULTIPLE sore spots in the Black community historically, a few of which are currently being examined.

Shit, even I'm saying…if there's no twist…y'all can keep this.

One day later...

Royalan wrote:Yeah, reading more about this movie after the backlash its gotten...keep it.

The motivation seems to be making white people comfortable with Black people, both in the story and the with the audience.


I guess interracial relationships is now persona non-grata for the BCT?
(12-17-2023, 03:42 AM)Averon wrote:
What's with all the male genitalia threads lately?

genitalia does not have a gender

MyDudeMango wrote:Not strictly a man per se but indeed a ball-haver (we exist!), guess I got off the toilet just the wrong way or something, initial pain wasn't bad but it quickly wound up and I was near waddling for half an hour afterwards lol, no idea why the hell it happened as bad as it did. I swear it's always the mildest shit that ends up causing me agony rather than getting them slammed in some horrible accident, which hasn't happened in many many years.
(12-17-2023, 03:52 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Birdie wrote:A dude in college hears his crush needs a new pair of headphones, and instantly decides to buy her a pair. It ends on a happy note but NOPE NOPE NOPE.

I've done this multiple times in my life

(12-17-2023, 04:01 AM)Averon wrote:

Royalan wrote:The motivation seems to be making white people comfortable with Black people, both in the story and the with the audience.

"I don't want to see any Black people around here! Stick to your own kind!" - Grand Dragon Imperial Wizard
"Right on brotha! Why can't people just leave each race to themselves?" - Royalan and Nepenthe
Stormfront commiserating with Nepenthe and Royalan:
b dumbs is getting tired of the antisemitism on the site lol 

bdumbs wrote:Just going to say this: we don't let people do it when it's China, we don't let people do it when it's Russia, we don't let people do it in general. So stop justifying your bullshit already.

bdumbs wrote:That's literally a list of JEWISH organizations and not Israeli. FFS already and people wonder why Jewish members look at some of you sideways
"what can be done about this?" says the one person who has the power to do anything about it
(12-17-2023, 07:27 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
bdumbs wrote:That's literally a list of JEWISH organizations and not Israeli. FFS already and people wonder why Jewish members look at some of you sideways
Nepenthe gonna have to educate him in the staff Discord about Zionism and the collective nation of Jewish people. ufup

Sordid Plebeian wrote:Really wonder how their retaliation is going to impact their public image in the West. It's clear the US and their allies are having difficulty justifying genocide, and public opinion - especially among younger people - is really stacked against Israel.
Masterz1337 wrote:While I agree, even here in the US I've seen this really shake some peoples embedded propaganda of the "moral IDF".

It's obviously a deeper issue than the generalizing of the other poster, but like policing in the US this whole incident is indicative of a deeper issue within their military structure and systems of accountability, plus proof of "shoot first, ask questions later". So many people deny this is a regular occurrence, until it's "captured in 4k" like in this instance or when George Floyd was murdered.

People make excuses for all this horrific stuff we read about but don't want to accept its true due to propaganda and other peoples agendas, but every once in a while something happens that is so blatant it can't be rationalized behind. It's not like you can say "these guys may have been moving aggressively" or "they may have had suicide vests" or "perhaps there was something shady about them that spooked the soldier". Like na, they were Israeli's speaking Hebrew with white flags and no shirts (presumably to show they weren't wearing vests) who (thought) they knew how the IDF operated so they would be safe in surrendering. Plus this only has come out because some people were pissed and leaked it, not because it was wrong that innocent people were killed and there is a good system of accountability in the IDF.

Some people certainly are only paying attention to this because now it is happening to Israeli citizens, but you also can't deny if the IDF does this to their own people that they aren't doing it to others, and suddenly the stories of abuse of force suddenly have more credibility. Even if you are the staunchest defender of Israel.

If you're someone who has been conditioned that Israel is good and moral and you should defend it for the past 60 something years, and you've been in denial about the actions of Israel and discounted it as "Arab Propaganda," this flies directly in the face of that.

It may sound insane to the people of this forum that anyone would give Israel of the benefit of the doubt, but people do not have the context of what it may have been like to grow up for most of your life with only such limited information and in some cases, the state of Israel being so close in orbit to your religious or cultural beliefs.
Sordid Plebeian wrote:
Masterz1337 wrote:That's not what I was saying. I was pointing out that the people in Israel and America (and around the world too for that matter) who believe the IDF propaganda (which is a portion of the populace) now are given a blatantly transparent example of how they operate. It's so damning and above any deflection or defense that it will turn heads and make some people reconsider who may not before.
My Dad has been an example of this. Wasn't a staunch defender of Israel but definitely was taking their side and defending their retaliation at first, would agree with Bill Maher caping for the IDF by trying to absolve them of bombing that hospital and such. He's a lot quieter now and I think he's really starting to see what's going on and what Israel's true goals are.
It's over, the kids on the Nazi website (Twitter) and this guy's dad have finally seen the truth.
C'mon, B-dubs.. is it really surprising that your website is caping for Hamas?

Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
(12-17-2023, 06:08 AM)benji wrote: Stormfront commiserating with Nepenthe and Royalan:

Jerry knows how to pull. Right after this he played along, brought up the Protocols and such. Can’t blame him.
(12-16-2023, 10:18 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Crazy idea, but maybe don't ban people for "modwhining" when they call out a ban you yourself have reversed...

They're not gonna learn that just because a term exists to deflect criticism, doesn't mean all criticism is automatically an example of that term now.

see also: threadwhining, white fragility, toxic masculinity, etc
(12-17-2023, 02:08 AM)benji wrote: Think just how stupid you have to be to believe in a "power to develop a gamergate to Trump pipeline."

Is it likely that some people, perhaps maybe 50% of the population, just held conservative views (or more conservative views than the farthest left ones) and therefore would naturally find interest in both Gamergate and Trump? No, of course not, it must be a deliberate plot by shitty YouTubers (who sit at the center of cultural power with their thousands of views in a culture numbered in the hundreds of millions) to bring about the Fourth Reich through secret signals of dogwhistles, insincere apologies, and people visible in the backgrounds of wedding photos.

Its because all those feeble minded chuds are incapable of forming their own opinions unlike myself, an intellectual, now here is a 4 hour video essay about why sort of popular thing is bad actually that just happen to align perfectly with my independent thoughts on the subject that I will from now on link as a perfect rebuttal to any and all criticism on this notion.
[Image: FIzu7PE.png]

Pretty sus if you ask me Thinking

(this isn't censorship, btw)
(12-17-2023, 04:01 AM)Averon wrote:
Royalan wrote:But, there's a reason a lot of Black folks are seperating the first half of the trailer from the second half, and that reason isn't the romcom vibes, it's the casting. You might not be aware of this being a contentious subject at the moment if you are not a Black person heavily involved in "Black People Business"…and I want to be clear, I'm not trashing or against interracial couples, I myself am from an interracial family.. But, in the context of THIS story…if it's played straight as is presented in the trailor and there is no twist, and the main character's central conflict is whether or not he'll betray a society of magical Black people in order to be with his white non-Black woman…that is stepping on MULTIPLE sore spots in the Black community historically, a few of which are currently being examined.

Shit, even I'm saying…if there's no twist…y'all can keep this.

One day later...

Royalan wrote:Yeah, reading more about this movie after the backlash its gotten...keep it.

The motivation seems to be making white people comfortable with Black people, both in the story and the with the audience.


I guess interracial relationships is now persona non-grata for the BCT?

"Black Twitter" are also mad that a mixed race actor was cast as the lead, so its a pretty good thing black people can't be racist as you might otherwise come to the conclusion a large chunk of the people eras carlton banks's draw their cue from are super fucking racist.
(12-17-2023, 09:46 AM)Eric Cartman wrote: "Black Twitter" are also mad that a mixed race actor was cast as the lead, so its a pretty good thing black people can't be racist as you might otherwise come to the conclusion a large chunk of the people eras carlton banks's draw their cue from are super fucking racist.

Have any of them looked up the director/writer?

I’m not gonna spoil it here by posting photos. But his name is Kobi Libii. For maximum effect, search the lead actor, Justice Smith, and keep his photo open in another window.
(12-17-2023, 09:43 AM)Eric Cartman wrote: [Image: FIzu7PE.png]

Pretty sus if you ask me Thinking

(this isn't censorship, btw)

Moderators should NEVER delete posts!  wag
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D
I joke about it because that's the only way I know how to deal with the frustration of it, but Bdubs just allowing these fucking cunts to be as racist as they like really does wind me up. I know he's sitting there thinking that we're all just evil baddies trying to thwart his great project but the reality of it is the discourse here is infinitely more civilised and substantially less racist than Resetera has ever been. You actually have the power to do something about this but you're making it worse and allowing bad actors to create a crop of radical racists who truly do hate jews and definitely don't have the intellectual capacity to engage with abstract ideas like Zionism without devolving into hatred.

That's before we get into the overwhelming misogyny that is dripping from every thread on the forum.
Real women don't violate the solidarity of the cause by helping the chuds.
(12-17-2023, 09:07 AM)Polident wrote: Jerry knows how to pull. Right after this he played along, brought up the Protocols and such. Can’t blame him.
Melody Shreds, post: 116442420, member: 2700 wrote:So reading through some of the previous conversation regarding suicide threads and mental health just a bit of an fyi but If my thread was just immediately closed I probably wouldn't still be here. I know that's selfish to say but it's the truth.

All of you should be ashamed Bolo
(12-17-2023, 11:02 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: I joke about it because that's the only way I know how to deal with the frustration of it, but Bdubs just allowing these fucking cunts to be as racist as they like really does wind me up. I know he's sitting there thinking that we're all just evil baddies trying to thwart his great project but the reality of it is the discourse here is infinitely more civilised and substantially less racist than Resetera has ever been. You actually have the power to do something about this but you're making it worse and allowing bad actors to create a crop of radical racists who truly do hate jews and definitely don't have the intellectual capacity to engage with abstract ideas like Zionism without devolving into hatred.

That's before we get into the overwhelming misogyny that is dripping from every thread on the forum.

There's an easy answer to the bolded statement and it's a simple one. I like to call it the "Like Economy". Resetera does not have likes and without likes its users do not understand to ignore bad posts. 

Let's look at Nepnep. A like system would have any counter argument to her statements gain many, many likes. Without a like system? Nepnep is a moderator so they must be right! Here, with our beautiful Like Economy, we know if a post made by Benji is good or not. Do you see a Benji post that is over three paragraphs long but has 10+ likes on it? You know it's a good post worth reading!

It's why Nintex is never wrong with their pro-Israel statements when their Gal Gadot posts gain a stunning 17 likes by our lovely users.  Trumps
(12-17-2023, 11:33 AM)BIONIC wrote:
Melody Shreds, post: 116442420, member: 2700 wrote:So reading through some of the previous conversation regarding suicide threads and mental health just a bit of an fyi but If my thread was just immediately closed I probably wouldn't still be here. I know that's selfish to say but it's the truth.

All of you should be ashamed Bolo

I'd like to think if their thread was locked Melody would have been forced to sell their vinyls and be living a more healthy life instead of being paid for suicide baiting and recruited into the trans mafia. Hitting actual rock bottom can be good for a person.
(12-17-2023, 11:33 AM)BIONIC wrote:
Melody Shreds, post: 116442420, member: 2700 wrote:So reading through some of the previous conversation regarding suicide threads and mental health just a bit of an fyi but If my thread was just immediately closed I probably wouldn't still be here. I know that's selfish to say but it's the truth.

All of you should be ashamed Bolo

Someone should ask Ozzy what he spent the suicide gibs on.
Besticus Maximus dateline='[url=tel:1702810963' wrote: 1702810963[/url]']
I joke about it because that's the only way I know how to deal with the frustration of it, but Bdubs just allowing these fucking cunts to be as racist as they like really does wind me up. I know he's sitting there thinking that we're all just evil baddies trying to thwart his great project but the reality of it is the discourse here is infinitely more civilised and substantially less racist than Resetera has ever been. You actually have the power to do something about this but you're making it worse and allowing bad actors to create a crop of radical racists who truly do hate jews and definitely don't have the intellectual capacity to engage with abstract ideas like Zionism without devolving into hatred.

That's before we get into the overwhelming misogyny that is dripping from every thread on the forum.

He won’t do anything because he knows the shit storm it would create, the forum would implode with all the drama that would kick off and he can’t because the Swedish house mafia would have him offed for killing the forum.
(12-17-2023, 11:33 AM)BIONIC wrote:
Melody Shreds, post: 116442420, member: 2700 wrote:So reading through some of the previous conversation regarding suicide threads and mental health just a bit of an fyi but If my thread was just immediately closed I probably wouldn't still be here. I know that's selfish to say but it's the truth.

the bore: "Hey bitch-dubs, if you lock suicide threads people will get actual help from people that didnt fail at life and have 10k posts in the fucking off topic subthread of a games forum. You also get rid of the selfish emotionally manipulative grifters as a bonus."

melody shreds: "I wouldn't be here if they got rid of the opportunities for deeply selfish emotionally manipulative grifters"

Eric Cartman dateline='[url=tel:1702815228' wrote: 1702815228[/url]']
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1702812799' wrote: 1702812799[/url]']
Melody Shreds, post: 116442420, member: 2700 wrote:So reading through some of the previous conversation regarding suicide threads and mental health just a bit of an fyi but If my thread was just immediately closed I probably wouldn't still be here. I know that's selfish to say but it's the truth.

the bore: "Hey bitch-dubs, if you lock suicide threads people will get actual help from people that didnt fail at life and have 10k posts in the fucking off topic subthread of a games forum. You also get rid of the selfish emotionally manipulative grifters as a bonus."

melody shreds: "I wouldn't be here if they got rid of the opportunities for deeply selfish emotionally manipulative grifters"


When they say they wouldn’t be here, they mean Era on the grift, not on gods green earth.

(12-17-2023, 01:05 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Eric Cartman dateline='[url=tel:1702815228' wrote: 1702815228[/url]']
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1702812799' wrote: 1702812799[/url]']

the bore: "Hey bitch-dubs, if you lock suicide threads people will get actual help from people that didnt fail at life and have 10k posts in the fucking off topic subthread of a games forum. You also get rid of the selfish emotionally manipulative grifters as a bonus."

melody shreds: "I wouldn't be here if they got rid of the opportunities for deeply selfish emotionally manipulative grifters"


When they say they wouldn’t be here, they mean Era on the grift on that particular account, not on gods green earth.


(12-17-2023, 02:00 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Messy wrote:None of these people have any moral high ground. Jontron never made any amends or became anti-racist, he just shut up about it long enough for people to forget. The Act Man is a Nazi. Karl Jobst is massively racist [1, 2, 3], has also hung around Nazis like Jirard with Jontron, and was giving pointers to said nazi rwhitegoose on how to make an apology [1, 2], so this is just an indictment of the gaming space as a whole that it's full of successful Nazis that had enough power to develop a gamergate to Trump pipeline.

I know the "joke" is that Messy keeps dossiers on streamers but I think this post (he has 6 separate screenshots ready to go!) might be definitive proof that he actually, *literally* does lol

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