over 80% of them have a bachelor's degree or higher, compared to 40% of Americans overall. They really are privileged fucks who still can't navigate relationships, jobs, and adult responsibilities.
16 users liked this post: Water Enjoyer, Anti-Monitor, Not an Alt Account, Tucker's Law, MoonlightJazz, JoeBoy101, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, LoverOfCycles, Cauliflower Of Love, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, benji, Uncle, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
(01-04-2024, 01:49 AM)nampad wrote: Can someone explain why congress was hearing out those university presidents on antisemitism and why those people had so much issues with just answering yes?
A bit perplexed by the answer.
Some republicans noticed the double standard on how the universities were treating the concerns of Jewish students so they saw an opportunity to make them look stupid by inviting them to a hearing.
As to why those presidents actually fell for it by being unable to simply condemn calls for genocide? No fucking clue
(01-04-2024, 01:55 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (01-04-2024, 01:49 AM)nampad wrote: Can someone explain why congress was hearing out those university presidents on antisemitism and why those people had so much issues with just answering yes?
A bit perplexed by the answer.
Some republicans noticed the double standard on how the universities were treating the concerns of Jewish students so they saw an opportunity to make them look stupid by inviting them to a hearing.
As to why those presidents actually fell for it by being unable to simply condemn calls for genocide? No fucking clue
you see the code of conduct..
01-04-2024, 02:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 02:30 AM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
15 users liked this post: Water Enjoyer, Anti-Monitor, Tucker's Law, D3RANG3D, JoeBoy101, NekoFever, Gameboy Nostalgia, MJBarret, LoverOfCycles, BIONIC, Boredfrom, Taco Bell Tower, Potato, benji, Pwnz
01-04-2024, 02:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 02:46 AM by Potato.)
(01-03-2024, 11:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Arugala wrote:Cocolina wrote: Good
Quote: User Banned (1 Month): Warmongering
Arugala wrote:NazzyQ wrote:Good? Israel launched a drone strike in Beirut, Lebanon, risking further escalation of the conflict in the region. Only Israel can brazenly attack its neighbours and get away with it. Yes good. They killed two terrorist leaders. Lebanon should stop harboring terrorists and launching missiles at Israel if they want left alone.
Well, the Arabs all tried that in 1973. They just didn't get away with it.
(01-04-2024, 12:12 AM)Uncle wrote: (01-03-2024, 11:51 PM)books wrote: All this talk about gamergate. Where's Brianna and Anita to weigh in?
brianna came back to re-litigate gamergate again a month ago
01-04-2024, 02:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 02:52 AM by benji.)
(01-03-2024, 11:40 PM)Nintex wrote: Quote:Biden and the US has botched this so bad. Everyone saw the warning signs months ago and its escalating in the ways people have said it would.
Like whats the fucking strategy here? I love these kinds of posts. Since you're the one complaining what "strategy" do you think would work?
(01-04-2024, 01:55 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (01-04-2024, 01:49 AM)nampad wrote: Can someone explain why congress was hearing out those university presidents on antisemitism and why those people had so much issues with just answering yes?
A bit perplexed by the answer.
Some republicans noticed the double standard on how the universities were treating the concerns of Jewish students so they saw an opportunity to make them look stupid by inviting them to a hearing.
As to why those presidents actually fell for it by being unable to simply condemn calls for genocide? No fucking clue
yeah, same kinds of colleges that refuse to tolerate other kinds of minor protests like those against trans women in sports or people who feel that immigrants should enter the country through legal means
or allow various minority student groups to be exclusionary toward whites, and then disallow a group of white students who try to use that precedent to be exclusionary in the same way
they might not allow conservative speakers to give a speech on campus, or simply refuse to offer them the same kind of campus security other events get
they get away with favoritism towards certain viewpoints for years, and then finally the only straw that breaks the camel's back is literal calls for violence based on ethnicity
(01-04-2024, 01:37 AM)Boredfrom wrote: DontRapeMrDomino wrote:i can't believe the one major "platform holder" that wouldn't make a statement during the george floyd protests would allow an infowars game. i'm beyond shocked, jaw glued to the floor
oh well. guess that seventh yacht doesn't pay for itself. Tell me you don't know anything about Steam without telling me. Man thinks Valve is actively approving any of the shit that shows up on there.
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
Oh god, first no George Floyd statement then this fascist shit???
 How can Gaben allow such filth to corrupt innocent minds?
01-04-2024, 03:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 03:25 AM by benji.)
(01-04-2024, 01:28 AM)Boredfrom wrote: OP wrote:Cant even find a way to report this shit for hate speech. Seriously fuck how steam refuses to address its Nazi problem. Bengraven wrote:Steam doesn't have a way to report hate speech.
I've tried reporting racist games in the past. You can report a game for almost anything but hate speech is not allowed. Wants to report "hate speech" and "Nazis" without even knowing if there's any?
So then they start lying in tickets lol:
Quote:Don't know if you couldn't find the report button, or were expressing concern that there isn't a specific hate speech report function. If the former, then you can find the report flag a few sections down from the "similar to games you've played" button. Unfortunately there is no specific hate speech function, so I just reported it under libelous or defamatory content.
Quote:Yeah I couldn't find it and when I did I saw the reason's were garbage so I picked that and said it was hate speech
They can't keep getting away with not policing every single thing:
Quote:I always find it weird when people to point Tim Sweeney as the reason they don't use the EGS. Steam is the *much* better service, yes, but it's run by the very same type of stupid libertarian that the EGS is. There's a lot of terrible, reprehensible stuff on Steam.
Transistor, Administrator wrote:I love Steam but their libertarian view on content moderation is absolute trash
JuniperAndSage wrote:At some point, it's gotta sink in that they're not trying, and failing. This isn't a matter of competency. It's their politics. They know exactly what they're doing.
Quote:The lack of moderation on Steam is pretty awful. I don't understand why Valve can't take the bare minimum stance of "Nazis (and sympathizers) bad actually"
Why can't they just take the BARE MINIMUM of banning whatever I want whenever I want which I will always claim is Nazi or Nazi sympathizing?
Tuco Benedicto Pacifico wrote:I thought Alex Jones was famous (well, notorious) as a conspiracy-theorist nutjob.
Now he's nazi? Quote:Not trying to be a dick but what reason would you put for reporting it? If there is nothing in the game thats bad then i doubt anyone at steam will care if people like Alex Jones or not.
Tuco Benedicto Pacifico wrote:Yeah, I have no idea what people are even expecting this to be "banned" for.
I mean, I'm sure that like most parody/meme games it will be fundamentally worthless shit, but that's not exactly illegal and it never stopped anyone on Steam.
Quote:Alex Jones is a shameless right-wing grifter. So.. yeah.
Oh, and basically all conspiracy theories are a direct pipeline to racism. Even the stuff that just looks goofy on the surface like flat earth etc, because it always leads down a path of: who's behind this conspiracy: oh it's the jews/insert other minority.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory!
Quote:Tuco Benedicto Pacifico wrote:Yeah... that equates to nazi only for people on this forum, though.
Alex Jones is just objectively a racist regardless of this forums politics.
His entire shtick is pushing racist conspiracy theories. Like the New World Order conspiracy that the world is secretly run by ""Globalists"". Oh hey wait that's in the title of the game... Love how he doesn't see he's proving the guys point.
IrishNinja wrote:gotta say, it's refreshing seeing gaming side start to let go of the love for steam, especially its abhorrent policies. some class solidarity as well, nice
Quote:i can't believe the one major "platform holder" that wouldn't make a statement during the george floyd protests would allow an infowars game. i'm beyond shocked, jaw glued to the floor
for real - there's some obvious tells in the ways libertarians hold the door wide open for nazis & fascists but always take umbrage somehow with movements for racial or gender justice, it's so very strange
Quote:But moderating nazis is hard.
assuming one wants to, sure
Quote:At some point, it's gotta sink in that they're not trying, and failing. This isn't a matter of competency. It's their politics.
100%, gabe even said as much after "regretting" taking down one solitary nazi game
Quote:I thought Alex Jones was famous (well, notorious) as a conspiracy-theorist nutjob.
Now he's nazi?
you can split hairs all day whether a fascist propagandist holds the adequate criteria of a "proper" nazi (i'd argue the antisemitism is pretty evident here) but with fascism on a global rise, i think more folks just understand who plays for the same white supremacist team and simply call a spade a spade
Quote:Yeah... that equates to nazi only for people on this forum, though.
or literally any leftist or otherwise antifascist space - era is rather heavily liberal/center left by most standards, but again, with the tide going the way it is, it's more likely people in other bubbles less affected by this are the ones imagining it's somehow just here, i'd argue Man thinks it's strange that libertarians oppose cops oppressing people for their race or gender, but at least there's some CLASS SOLIDARITY against Steam lmao
Quote:Idk if "Alex jones isn't a Nazi" is a hill worth dying on tbh lll
JuniperAndSage wrote:The conspiracy theory in question is that of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and it's offshoots. He thinks jews secretly run the world, and are plotting to corrupt, weaken, destoy, etc., white civilization using Black people, queer people, immigrants, islam, marxism, etc. That's nazi shit to anyone who is even remotely educated. Quote:The game is called Alex Jones: New World Order and the description talks about "evil globalist".
But hey, he's "not against Jews", so it's all cool, right?
We ain't dogs, stop blowing the whistles.
Quote:cant believe there's people defending Alex Jones, sure there's a defense for anything.
Quote:Tuco Benedicto Pacifico wrote:Yeah, no one was "defending" Alex Jones, but keep going.
Look at the totality of what you've posted in this thread. You start off by dismissing the calls to deplatform known fascist and bigot Alex Jones by assuming the content of this game is beyond moderation, and you dismiss claims that he's a Nazi.
Then, you argue with others by insisting you're not defending Alex Jones after, let me repeat, immediately assuming his game isn't worth banning or he isn't worth deplatforming, and insisting he's not a Nazi because only 'people on this forum' would define him as such, simultaneously othering yourself from this forum and implicating that it's a radical decision to label an fascist, antisemitic, white supremacist a nazi.
Then what exactly are you doing in this thread over multiple posts? Tuco Benedicto Pacifico wrote:Quote:Then what exactly are you doing in this thread over multiple posts?
Deeply regretting interacting with you all, above anything else.
Most of you sound completely flabbergasted to the mere idea that someone may dislike a public figure or even have a poor opinion of it without considering a moral mandate that the moderation, the police and the army should intervene and "deplatform" said character.
You also seem to be absolutely confident that everyone even outside of the United States should be deeply intimate with your colorful local characters and/or fiercely Invested in either hating them or defending them.
Most of what I knew about Alex Jones is that he was a goofy TV personality and self-appointed political pundit saying weird shit about aliens and other government conspiracies in occasional YouTube clips everyone and their grandma made fun of.
Which is why I also have to subject myself to obnoxious allusions about "dog whistling", to which I can just roll my eyes, groan and step away. Quote:no one has said the game is illegal or to get the cops or the military involved bro what are you going on about
one person asked why this isn't banned from a storefront
alex jones is also not a "colourful local character" the hate he's proliferated has seen impact basically across the globe
people took issue with you wandering in here for seemingly no other reason than to complain people were calling alex "the jewish mafia" jones a nazi
Quote:So you had absolutely no idea who Alex Jones was, but were, for some reason, absolutely sure that he was not a Nazi, and that calling him a Nazi was a position worthy of ridicule. You were so confident in this that you decided to post in a thread about an Alex Jones based game called New World Order, a famously anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
Are you sure you don't want to just backpedal a bit and reevaluate your contributions to the discussion?
Quote:Quote:i can't believe the one major "platform holder" that wouldn't make a statement during the george floyd protests would allow an infowars game. i'm beyond shocked, jaw glued to the floor
oh well. guess that seventh yacht doesn't pay for itself.
They gave every employee $10,000 to donate to a cause of their choosing instead. That's far more impactful than every other company that just put a statement on twitter.
Oh god, Valve's basically Mr. Beast.
IrishNinja wrote:gotta say, it's refreshing seeing gaming side start to let go of the love for steam, especially its abhorrent policies. some class solidarity as well, nice
This is not even the first time they complain about games they don’t like and what about class solidarity? Did you have a stroke?
I think he means the class solidarity of hating Gaben for employing more people.
Quote:Redden was scheduled to be sentenced for a charge of attempted battery with substantial bodily harm. Before the attack, a prosecutor said Redden had a history of violent crimes and asked for a prison term. Past charges include home invasion, domestic violence and battery on a protected person.
Speaking on his own behalf, Redden said he was "in a better place in my mind," had a better support system and had a new job.
"I feel like I shouldn't be sent to prison, but if it's appropriate for you, then you gotta do what you gotta do," he said.
Redden's attorney also argued for a suspended sentence, citing previous completions of probation programs, his mental health history and his background.
"I appreciate that, but I think it's time that he get a taste of something else," Holthus responded. "Because I just can't with that history."
That's when Redden swore at Holthus, jumped over the bench and leapt onto the judge, leading to a melee as he attacked her. A man next to Holthus and a court marshal both tried to hold Redden back and subdue him.
Weird how nobody of the usual suspects is bitching about rehabilitation and restorative justice.
Nepenthe wrote:Every other Black person who steps in front of that judge is fucked from the jump no matter how much rehabilitation they put in. Inflammatory speculation
24 users liked this post: benji, Water Enjoyer, Propagandhim, Tucker's Law, saltygeneraltso, kaleidoscopium, YuYu, Bootsthecat, LoverOfCycles, Daffy Duck, Uncle, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Alpacx, Potato, Pwnz, BIONIC, Superstar, HaughtyFrank, Boredfrom
Man, Nepenthe is truly a racist bitch. Doesn’t it?
11 users liked this post: benji, Tucker's Law, saltygeneraltso, YuYu, LoverOfCycles, Daffy Duck, Uncle, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
So Nepenthe believes that a single bad experience with a Black person will lead this judge to being racist forevermore? Interesting, we should explore why she thinks that.
15 users liked this post: Water Enjoyer, Propagandhim, Tucker's Law, saltygeneraltso, YuYu, LoverOfCycles, Uncle, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, Pwnz, BIONIC, Boredfrom
I’m glad that Nepenthe only position of power is being a clerk and being mod of a shitty game forum, because she is genuinely a vile and racist person with lack of empathy. No kidding.
17 users liked this post: benji, Water Enjoyer, Propagandhim, Tucker's Law, PogiJones, saltygeneraltso, porkbun, YuYu, Straight Edge, LoverOfCycles, Uncle, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato
slayven wrote:that leap was insane, demon time? Nigga was on Lucifer himself time. He is a multiple murder waiting to happen.
haze wrote:Idk if "Alex jones isn't a Nazi" is a hill worth dying on tbh lll SinnyIndonesian wrote:There was a topic about some other shithead a couple of days ago that was also filled with some "but he's not a Nazi tho" posts. I think it was the Easy Allies thread and the person was Colin Moriarty? Don't know what's gotten into people lately.
16 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, Propagandhim, Tucker's Law, HaughtyFrank, MoonlightJazz, LoverOfCycles, Uncle, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Potato, Pwnz
(01-04-2024, 03:49 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Redden was scheduled to be sentenced for a charge of attempted battery with substantial bodily harm. Before the attack, a prosecutor said Redden had a history of violent crimes and asked for a prison term. Past charges include home invasion, domestic violence and battery on a protected person.
Speaking on his own behalf, Redden said he was "in a better place in my mind," had a better support system and had a new job.
"I feel like I shouldn't be sent to prison, but if it's appropriate for you, then you gotta do what you gotta do," he said.
Redden's attorney also argued for a suspended sentence, citing previous completions of probation programs, his mental health history and his background.
"I appreciate that, but I think it's time that he get a taste of something else," Holthus responded. "Because I just can't with that history."
That's when Redden swore at Holthus, jumped over the bench and leapt onto the judge, leading to a melee as he attacked her. A man next to Holthus and a court marshal both tried to hold Redden back and subdue him.
Weird how nobody of the usual suspects is bitching about rehabilitation and restorative justice.
Abolish the courts. Defund the police. Take a carrot...
Slayven, post: 117147957, member: 2504 wrote:Maybe there is something when racists talk about fast twist muscles....they should sent him to fight Namor instead of Shuri
Slayven, post: 117148008, member: 2504 wrote:Next tournament of power, he is going in Krillian's spot
Slayven, post: 117148164, member: 2504 wrote:His first visitor
![[Image: latest?cb=20170823044947]](
He literally has the mind of a child
13 users liked this post: Propagandhim, Potato, LoverOfCycles, Uncle, D3RANG3D, Greatness Gone, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Hap Shaughnessy, Boredfrom
01-04-2024, 04:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 04:24 AM by HaughtyFrank.)
(01-04-2024, 03:51 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Every other Black person who steps in front of that judge is fucked from the jump no matter how much rehabilitation they put in. Inflammatory speculation

That seems insensitive as fuck but good thing we're just talking about a woman being beaten up by a man and not a woman resigning from her job after fucking up repeatedly
14 users liked this post: Propagandhim, Potato, Tucker's Law, Uncle, D3RANG3D, Greatness Gone, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, benji, Chumbawumbafan69, Boredfrom
(01-04-2024, 03:51 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Every other Black person who steps in front of that judge is fucked from the jump no matter how much rehabilitation they put in.
Buckle wrote:That feels like assuming a lot though unless she has a history of prejudice.
13 users liked this post: Propagandhim, Potato, Tucker's Law, Alpacx, LoverOfCycles, Uncle, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, benji, HaughtyFrank
(01-04-2024, 04:12 AM)Boredfrom wrote: SinnyIndonesian wrote:There was a topic about some other shithead a couple of days ago that was also filled with some "but he's not a Nazi tho" posts. I think it was the Easy Allies thread and the person was Colin Moriarty? Don't know what's gotten into people lately. "This guy is a Nazi!"
"What's the part that makes them a Nazi?"
"Stop DEFENDING Nazis!"
"I can't believe this forum is overrun with people willing to defend Nazis."
"Capital-G Gamers not defend Nazis challenge (impossible)"
"This is why anti-fascists are leaving in droves."
15 users liked this post: Propagandhim, Tucker's Law, Potato, YuYu, LoverOfCycles, Uncle, D3RANG3D, JoeBoy101, NekoFever, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, AldusMoneyPenny, BIONIC, Boredfrom
The people they're complaining about are Jews who had family that experienced the Holocaust first-hand and were mad that the word "Nazi" was getting devalued. Because ERA can't express their disapproval of people they dislike without typing "Nazi" every other sentence.
01-04-2024, 05:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 05:11 AM by railGUN.)
Quote:Every other Black person who steps in front of that judge is fucked from the jump no matter how much rehabilitation they put in.
Quote:Care to back that up with something? Or is this take as utterly pathetic and racist as it appears? B-Dubs this person really, really shouldn't be an administrator.
26 users liked this post: Water Enjoyer, BIONIC, Propagandhim, Tucker's Law, Potato, Anti-Monitor, PogiJones, porkbun, kaleidoscopium, Alpacx, MoonlightJazz, LoverOfCycles, Switters, AldusMoneyPenny, Uncle, YuYu, D3RANG3D, JoeBoy101, Brolha, NekoFever, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, benji, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Hap Shaughnessy