Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
ClickyCal wrote:There needs to be something done more on this site for what is happening regarding the entire situation of trans genocide. A thread gets made of officials openly talking abouy plans, and it barely makes a blip. It's beyond disheartening and demoralizing on a consistent of basis of zero caring.

Lol. They noticed people are avoiding their insanity and are demanding mods somehow force people to engage with them. Tough shit. Spending the past 5+ years ban baiting and telling people to STFU only one opinion is allowed would do that. Eventually people get the hint and just avoid ya nutbags entirely.
(01-30-2024, 01:11 AM)Uncle wrote: (btw PTO means paid time off, I'm not sure if GulfCoastZilla understands this)

Pity time off?
(01-29-2024, 11:05 PM)Nintex wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:53 PM)Uncle wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:48 PM)Nintex wrote: Unban me B-Dubs, make me admin.

Anyone here that still posts on that shithole, now is the time to open threads to ask for the return of Nintex. 

I will get this shit sorted out ASAP. With your support we can make ResetEra great again. 

I've been on GAF, NeoGAF, TheBore, D-Pad Life, all the Discords and now The Bire. I get along with the Playstationers, Xbots, PC Master Race and Nintendies. I even have actual industry contacts. My ability to keep even the worst trolls in line is unmatched. I'm talking about turning literal anti-semites and Nation of Islam / Malcom X boys into cute little puppies. 
And no matter how many times the soys say "Fuck off Nintex" I never ever back down and they will leave by themselves. I won't even have to ban them.

I am the only one who can fix her and who is willing to fix her. I will give you back your freedom from the gang of lunatics that has hijacked your boards.

You all know it. Trumps

I wonder if you would, like genuinely make an attempt to turn it around

though that would just align with banning all the main characters which everyone agrees is what needs to happen anyway, even if the healthy thing is the death of comedy
I won't have to ban anyone. I'm not going to ban anyone unless they post stuff that goes against very clearly defined rules of which there are few.

Under my leadership it would be like the good old days. You'd come home to post a few memes, watch a few trailers, learn some industry secrets and maybe dabble into some T&A, news or politics if you felt like it. Gaming would be the main thing but there wouldn't be any mandatory ideology or a set of ideals pushed on you. None of this 'holier than thou' shit. Back then your income didn't matter, it mattered that you could find all the skulls in HALO or some shit. 

What killed NeoGAF/ResetEra is conformity. We used to have gamers, journalists, yuropeans, americans, gays, japanese, conservatives, liberals, progressives, everyone together on the same board. You made fun of the Xboxers when the Xbox sold 3 units in Japan and then got laughed at when Nintendo charged $50 for a Super Mario All Stars ROM on a disk. However that was never the fault of 'capitalism' just company executives being retarded. 

We shared many great moments as a community and that is sadly not happening anymore on ResetEra. It could happen again if people made the right choice Trumps

Without the autists and terminally online, you don't get the detailed OPs and the volume of posts/threads necessary to sustain ongoing conversation. HOWEVER, these days the autists come with a significant amount of what makes Resetera shockingly stupid and unbearable. Your plan is admirable, but unsustainable in the long term.
(01-29-2024, 11:09 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:55 PM)Pwnz wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:53 PM)Potato wrote: I'll never understand why they're so afraid of people disagreeing with each other on a video game forum (well I do know, but that's another story). Like, who cares if some people can reach other some hurtful names online.

Disagreeing is the point! You can learn something. Like it's pointless to only have agreeable conversations with strangers. Sure to keep the peace with family, but randos? I'm there to disagree

It also just leads to a culture of pettiness, passive aggressiveness and ban baiting bullshit because people can't actually say what they mean.

I'm convinced it would be much healthier if people could tell each other to fuck off every once in a while

(01-29-2024, 10:48 PM)Nintex wrote: Unban me B-Dubs, make me admin.

Anyone here that still posts on that shithole, now is the time to open threads to ask for the return of Nintex. 

I will get this shit sorted out ASAP. With your support we can make ResetEra great again. 

I've been on GAF, NeoGAF, TheBore, ResetEra, D-Pad Life, all the Discords and now The Bire. I get along with the Playstationers, Xbots, PC Master Race and Nintendies. I even have actual industry contacts. My ability to keep even the worst trolls in line is unmatched. I'm talking about turning literal anti-semites and Nation of Islam / Malcom X boys into cute little puppies. 
And no matter how many times the soys say "Fuck off Nintex" I never ever back down and they will leave by themselves. I won't even have to ban them.

I am the only one who can fix her and who is willing to fix her. I will give you back your freedom from the gang of lunatics that has hijacked your boards.
The videogame industry would respect you and start posting again. 

You all know it. Trumps

Replacing "Overbearing Staff Post" with "Nintex fanfic Post" is a lateral move tbf
(01-30-2024, 01:13 AM)Uncle wrote: benji please make a new forum account called SuperLikeBenjiAccount which is bold and sparkly and then you can log into it and like specific posts which have done you a particularly great service
Devaluing the regular working class meritocratic like for a special technobro class of like. Jeanluc
It's like I said. Every morning Dubs wakes up and his very first thought is $4 million
(01-29-2024, 11:40 PM)benji wrote:
(01-29-2024, 11:21 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:13 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

'Keep the peace'? That's definitely a take. You've let your fellow mods and admin cater and groom cliques and ran off reasonable posters whom weren't able to 'speak their individual truths' to screeching users who called disagreement genocide and bigotry. And when the remaining users would intermittently rise up and demand action and accountability... to.a.'t'. you circled the wagons, talked down to them, and derided them for even questioning those in authority.

Now, when you're showing signs of failing that purity test, you want to play the EXACT.SAME.FUCKING.CARD they do. "I'm so tired. It's killing me. It's damaging my health."

If this job is so abusive, then quit. But do NOT delude yourself as if you were powerless, scooter. You're part of the root of this problem.
Notice the implication that his position should be wielded against certain "individual truths" and that he's "given up a lot" by not shutting them down. (Which is a lie but whatever, we're talking about his "individual truth" here.) Never does he consider that the position of admin is not to bother with any of this or only do so at some very minimum level such as those outlined in the actual forum rules that haven't been used ever. He doesn't even disagree with his "friends" that supposedly wanted to shut down "individual truths" just claims that he was too committed to not silence the more marginalized people who don't have millions tied into video game stock prices.

We know what he's actually talking about, banning trans allies for transphobia because certain trans members demanded it or because his underlings demanded no views that disagree with theirs, banning allies who do or don't support the Democratic Party in the proper amount of the moment like banning anyone who didn't think Biden was a rapist and then turning around and banning anyone who called him a rapist, etc. It's not like real legit MAGA chuds are the ones getting cut down and complaining to B-Dubs, it's losers like TheHunter or ZeoVGM or marrec. People who wanted to deviate on one topic or a little bit on one area or whatever. B-Dubs feels he had to "give people space to speak their individual truths" which means no others were allowed. Which is how they got into this whole insane idea that the staff has to get informed ("and fast") about any and every topic that might come up then enforce only one set of "individual truths" so there's space for "people to speak" them.

If only all those bad actors hadn't resisted the productive discussion he wouldn't have had to lie awake reliving his "dark choices" with nothing but the night sky to comfort him. Like, dude, shutting the fuck up is free.

What? Why would the staff need to read more than just Pink News to get the "truth" about any of these topics? Stop harming staff.
I think everyone should be given likes because it makes all of us special.  doggy
(01-29-2024, 11:47 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Autumn wrote:Jessica Simpson also endorsed Triumph. Disgusting.

Of course she would. The only thing Harleys have going for them is they are loud and obnoxious, just like the upper middle class dickheads who ride them...
(01-29-2024, 11:59 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(01-29-2024, 11:54 PM)nampad wrote:
(01-29-2024, 11:50 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Let's assume for a second B-dubs speaks the truth and modding this forum has destroyed this guy's mental and physical health to the point of suicidal thoughts.


Who are you doing this for? Everyone hates the mods and the ones who don't are slime balls like red mercury who are just incredible eager to become a mod themselves. 
If you think the place would crash and burn without you then let it crash and burn because no one likes what you're doing

Honest question, what did he do for a living before he went on to be Cerium‘s bitch? Does he have any skills to make a living besides this?

He's very passionate whenever school and teaching comes up so I imagine somewhere that in that field

Hasn't he spoken of "work" recently? I was under the impression this wasn't a full-time gig.
[Image: ghbmwrG.gif]
GRRM was doomposting and RE was all for it until:

Quote:cancel culture is destroying lives and careers

Vincent_Alexander wrote:Yeah. I stopped reading there. "Destroying lives." Ummmmm. No?’s-very-grim-non-new-years-blog-post.810732/
(01-30-2024, 01:09 AM)Uncle wrote:
(01-29-2024, 11:46 PM)benji wrote: Somebody with an account or via one of our group accounts want to screencap that B-Dubs post?

I want to get the whole page but it's too tall/large for chrome's "take full screenshot" tool, and you can't just grab like the lower half of the page instead

This chrome extension should work.
(01-29-2024, 10:54 PM)benji wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:13 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:
B-Dumbs "On break
B-Dubs, post: 118336485, member: 143 wrote:They've been pushing this nonsense for ages and seeing people I considered friends, people who knew what I've sacrificed ,seemingly buying into it was horrifying to me. People who said nothing in the face of the nonsense.
After all the insane shit I've been through, after all I've sacrificed--my mental health, my physical health, what is probably the future I should have had--nothing has offended me more than this. Nothing has made me angrier. Every time I've tried to write up a post about all this it just turns to furious anger, threatening fire and brimstone to those pushing this nonsense.
You know better than most some of the insanity I'm forced to carry around, some of the dark things and choices I'm forced to relive in the quiet moments of the night when there's nothing but me and the night sky.
I've given up a lot in doing this job. I no longer have a place in the communities I call home. I have friends that won't talk to me because I had to keep the peace and give people space to speak their individual truths instead of siding with them and my own beliefs. I can't make a blatantly obvious post that's literally just a point made by others without being completely misinterpreted, on purpose, and made to sound like I'm saying something I'm not. My mental health is shit and there's days my physical health isn't too far behind.
Basically, what I'm saying is the people pushing this whole "dubs is a millionaire bought out by M$" piss me off to a degree I've never dealt with before. I've been accused of 200 different kinds of bigotry and xenophobia over the years because we wouldn't let people go off on each other and break the rules without consequences. But this? I've never been as angry or offended in my life and I've been driven to suicidal ideation a few times.
Keep in mind this is all me on a personal level. If anything official gets said it won't be coming from me. I'm so angry I don't trust myself to do it and so it'll come from another admin. I just had to say something, to push back on the nonsense, or go insane.
Anyway, I'm taking some time away. Sorry to everyone on staff if I made your jobs harder, I just couldn't keep quiet anymore.

Didn't the movie Joker start out this way?   

After his, lets say awakening, what will that showdown between him and nep look like?

[Image: giphy.gif][Image: 2A0A.gif]

(01-29-2024, 11:26 PM)Potato wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:56 PM)Tucker's Law wrote: Bdubs: just quit that forum that is clearly a petri dish of lunacy-unchecked, and go do something else that makes you feel rewarded.  Shit, if you still want forum time in your life just come on over to The Bire; we'll even call you the General Manager if it makes you feel more welcome.
BDubbs should come here and embrace his BCHUDS alterego.

Are maybe he's been here the whole time ?!
I just like how this is a post that RE could get behind but bitching about “cancel culture” turn off the doomposting wank.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, ClothedMac
Imagine considering ending it all over a fucking video game forum. Video games were all fun and games before that cuntbitch internet showed up.
(01-30-2024, 01:40 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I think everyone should be given likes because it makes all of us special.  doggy

Benji, ban anyone who likes this post
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
SHUT UP! Kinison
ZeoVGM is back to right the maligning of The Marvels!!!

zeoVGM wrote:
Kickz wrote:Bruh... the Marvels is going to be the new measuring stick for shit comic book movies lol
I certainly hope not, since the movie is good.

Panzerkraken wrote:The Marvels was terrible, it's simple.
It's a better movie than Aquaman though.
(01-30-2024, 01:47 AM)Boredfrom wrote: GRRM was doomposting and RE was all for it until:

Quote:cancel culture is destroying lives and careers

Vincent_Alexander wrote:Yeah. I stopped reading there. "Destroying lives." Ummmmm. No?’s-very-grim-non-new-years-blog-post.810732/

ummmm, no? cancel culture is ENRICHING and IMPROVING lives, of those who were hurt by those who were cancelled, duh

it's actively making the world a better place every single day

I face mecca and pray daily that more chuds will be cancelled this day, inshallah
(01-30-2024, 01:20 AM)Averon wrote:
ClickyCal wrote:There needs to be something done more on this site for what is happening regarding the entire situation of trans genocide. A thread gets made of officials openly talking abouy plans, and it barely makes a blip. It's beyond disheartening and demoralizing on a consistent of basis of zero caring.

Lol. They noticed people are avoiding their insanity and are demanding mods somehow force people to engage with them. Tough shit. Spending the past 5+ years ban baiting and telling people to STFU only one opinion is allowed would do that. Eventually people get the hint and just avoid ya nutbags entirely.

That's how they assassinated Black Cauldron or whatever the cyberpunk fanatic was called; bait him to respond, and when he's nice and cordial, ban that dude for responding after not responding.

Edit- BDubs, you moron, just turn off the screen bro. You're looking for acceptance from the worst of the remaining Gaf/Ree folks that haven't been banned yet. Some bottom barrel personalities. He's sooo busy but pops up the minute when the honor of mods/admin are challenged.
(01-30-2024, 01:59 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Staff probably need to disappear these polls like normal:
[Image: tS6OfKU.png]
[Image: 8tnRgcI.png]
[Image: 0iepKW6.png]
Quote:Well, I take solace where I can. In chocolate thrones, if nowhere else. In books. In films and television shows… though even there, toxicity is growing. It used to be fun talking about our favorite books and films, and having spirited debates with fans who saw things different… but somehow in this age of social media, it is no longer enough to say "I did not like book X or film Y, and here's why." Now social media is ruled by anti-fans who would rather talk about the stuff they hate than the stuff they love, and delight in dancing on the graves of anyone whose film has flopped.

I mean, this was always the norm for most fandoms. Is exasperating and it got worse with social media, but it didn’t come from nowhere and was already going in strong before Trump and the culture wars shit we’re in the spotlight. 

I really wish that a lot of creative people  pushed back against the notion of silencing people in general but I feel it is even encouraged by big companies just to blame anything else when stuff flops.
(01-30-2024, 01:47 AM)Boredfrom wrote: GRRM was doomposting and RE was all for it until:

Quote:cancel culture is destroying lives and careers

Vincent_Alexander wrote:Yeah. I stopped reading there. "Destroying lives." Ummmmm. No?’s-very-grim-non-new-years-blog-post.810732/

They're already forgetting how mad they got about the scream actress losing her job. Like at this point you got no reason to think this only affects one side
(01-30-2024, 02:18 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(01-30-2024, 01:47 AM)Boredfrom wrote: GRRM was doomposting and RE was all for it until:

Quote:cancel culture is destroying lives and careers

Vincent_Alexander wrote:Yeah. I stopped reading there. "Destroying lives." Ummmmm. No?’s-very-grim-non-new-years-blog-post.810732/

They're already forgetting how mad they got about the scream actress losing her job

That was different, that was censorship. Six Bolo 

Cancel culture, if it existed, is about empowering the minorities and marginalized, not about silencing the chuds (but shutting up is a free action).
Rust wrote:Gender-changed Shadow?

-- yeah, I'm down for that.

Get the look!‘sonic-3’.810777/
(01-30-2024, 02:29 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Rust wrote:Gender-changed Shadow?

-- yeah, I'm down for that.‘sonic-3’.810777/
Wouldn't that invert the character away from unintentional parody?
Lord_Fanny wrote:There's now more whining about posts talking about the cancel culture than there are posts actually mentioning it. If everything in the post is worth talking about, then maybe talk about that instead of highlighting a couple of posts about the part that apparently is important?


While he was doomposting, most of the stuff he was commenting was IRL world problems that are worth talking about (in any place outside RE and twitter But that's none of my business... )
(01-30-2024, 01:55 AM)ClothedMac wrote: Didn't the movie Joker start out this way? 
Maybe this is the incel violence they warned us about.

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