Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(02-01-2024, 05:09 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)Polident wrote: Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?

[Image: 7ajcliat3x381.jpg]

That's sick a'more. A new Plane of existence.
(02-01-2024, 07:51 PM)Uncle wrote:
(02-01-2024, 07:02 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(02-01-2024, 06:56 PM)Uncle wrote: and that shit isn't even 'progressive" it's really just another kind of fetish

so now you've got a bunch of [Image: uN8EZex.png] dudes licking their lips and you've just kicked the can down the road

People, pls make a Bueno Excellente emoji.

[Image: B192Hs8.png]


Kyuuji wrote:Also I find the way this is worded at the end to be weird. My gender identity didn't change, and just because I suffered from depression and anxiety prior to understanding/accepting myself and coming out as trans doesn't mean those issues weren't tied to it. I was suffering from dysphoria, homophobia (from being effeminate and meek) and being socialised into the wrong gender well before I could understand that that's what it was.
(02-01-2024, 03:25 AM)benji wrote: This was Hecht's job at Microsoft btw, he quit to get his lame video games "degree" from the community college:
[Image: ibDMGwe.png]

Sooo...Tier 2-3 IT who deals with contracted institutions. That's pretty good for that forum, at least its not McDonald's. I deal with those people at MS somewhat regularly for my job and they aren't completely useless like the Tier 1s
an absolute kaiser Wilhelm of a forummer

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Boy's Club Behaviour
Rippa wrote:Looks fucking awesome!

Can't wait for some good 'ol TNA jiggle-a-thon action.
if he had explained that it stood for Testicular Nard Action he would've been fine
(02-01-2024, 05:09 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)Polident wrote: Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?

[Image: 7ajcliat3x381.jpg]


Known antisemite Nepenthe wrote:Whiteness has long since been a bulwark against organized labor and anti-capitalist projects since literally, like, the 1700s when Irish indentured servants decided to abandon solidarity with African slaves because of laws giving them better treatment at Africans' expense.

Pretty much half the reason we don't have cool shit like universal healthcare in this country is because white people can't figure out legal ways to bar minorities from the benefits anymore, so they dogwhistle about not wanting a socialist Marxist welfare state propping up lazy folks who don't want to work.

Aka, it always comes back "fuck Black people." Like, get over yourselves.
She's conflating socialism/capitalism with ethnicity? Based on...gut feels and selective references in history?

I mean I suppose it makes sense you'd have such a twisted view of economics if your ego tells you you're right and other people are wrong and it's your job to shut them up.

Like she knows that both socialism and communism are European things? If anything capitalism is older world?

Call me crazy, but your ethnicity has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism. Or most things outside of specific medical conditions.
She’s just a racist.
She is so fucking racist that is not even funny.  When anyone says that you cant be racist against white people, show them a Nepenthe post.

Scum from the earth.
They'll dismiss 'Racism' by saying it needs institutional and systemic components to count.

I wonder how they'd respond if some users simply start calling out her obvious 'Prejudices'.

Probably some roundabout spiel about how everyone has prejudices, and they're not all necessarily harmful and yadda, yadda, benefit of the doubt for us, etc...
(02-01-2024, 08:18 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Kyuuji wrote:Also I find the way this is worded at the end to be weird. My gender identity didn't change, and just because I suffered from depression and anxiety prior to understanding/accepting myself and coming out as trans doesn't mean those issues weren't tied to it. I was suffering from dysphoria, homophobia (from being effeminate and meek) and being socialised into the wrong gender well before I could understand that that's what it was.
How would you know if you were socialized into the wrong gender?

(02-01-2024, 08:59 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Known antisemite Nepenthe wrote:Whiteness has long since been a bulwark against organized labor and anti-capitalist projects since literally, like, the 1700s when Irish indentured servants decided to abandon solidarity with African slaves because of laws giving them better treatment at Africans' expense.

An indenture you work off and applies only to you the contracting servant, chattel slavery does not have any of these conditions. (Though it did in some places in America, especially in French America where all slaves could theoretically labor to purchase their freedom. A number of Northern states adopted this form of emancipation.) I would have to see proof that the Irish "abandoned solidarity" rather than had higher rates of abolitionist support because Massachusetts (especially Boston) was one of the main hotbeds of abolitionism.

Also slavery itself is anti-capitalist, you don't own your labor or capital. I could also make an argument that describes the Plantation system in socialist terms because most were so incompetently run that they didn't really accrue true wealth. (Washington was one of the few founding slaveholders who turned a profit rather than swamped himself with debts.) This was part of the reason it collapsed and many in the South knew it was going to collapse. It simply could not compete with the real capitalism coming down from the North.
Look, im not really one to focus on our differences, and dissuading from the importance of the individual in favor of arbitrary shit like race but, uh, "White people are the reason we don't have any cool shit" doesn't really comport, Nepenthe.
Ah yes, the reason the US doesn't have "cool things" like universal health care is because the honkeys just want to stick it to the blacks.

And the reason Yurop, Canada, Australia et al do have universal healthcare, is because they don't have enough blacks to make it worthwhile sticking it to by denying it to everyone.

Absolute Brain line of thinking by a totally rational intellect

Will retardEra admit they were wrong about gamergate now too?  lol
That started from this tweet btw:


Let me guess, they turned on you Briana?  And now they're the crazy ones?

Quote:Poll numbers on this issue are dispiriting. A third agree with the statement that "true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country." But violence against whom? We are not under foreign occupation. When people talk about "resorting to violence" they are, by default, talking about violence against their fellow citizens, some of whom have already been threatened merely for working in their communities as election volunteers.

Nepenthe Approved!

Oh yeah Oh yeah Oh yeah

Oh, wait, I left out this line 
Quote: A third of Republicans—and four in 10 voters who have a favorable view of Trump—agree with the statement

Not like this! Batmayne Do Not Want
(02-01-2024, 10:02 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: Ah yes, the reason the US doesn't have "cool things" like universal health care is because the honkeys just want to stick it to the blacks.

And the reason Yurop, Canada, Australia et al do have universal healthcare, is because they don't have enough blacks to make it worthwhile sticking it to by denying it to everyone.

Absolute Brain line of thinking by a totally rational intellect
They have literally said this in threads before.

You know what I love about it? One of the arguments right-wingers make as to why "socialism" works in those countries? The lack of racial minorities. lol
So did all the Palworld feels get repurposed to tell Steller Blade to "Put some goddamned pants on young lady, you're not going out like that."
(02-01-2024, 02:06 PM)Uncle wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:08 AM)Potato wrote:
(02-01-2024, 09:59 AM)Polident wrote: It’s a little above their reading level, but the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie is a parable of their mindset.

The culture war has, in effect, been won in the west. Look at the suicide squad game. Harley went from sexy nurse with 0.01mm spandex formed around her ass to a homely woman wearing loose fitting pants suits. But it’s not enough. They want to colonize Asia. Then what? Making everybody ugly won’t make them beautiful.

The tide turned on their shit a while ago. Pushback is everywhere and started with the trans garbage. Women are pushing back on the puritan bullshit too.

not corporately/mainstream-media-wise

the suicide squad game is brand new and has this harley and the progress flag and all that

Boards around the world are now focusing on profitability and there are mass redundancies going on. I'd say anyone working in DEI better sharpen up their resume. 

The Suicide Squad game is a hangover of the excesses of the past and will be another in the long line of go woke, go broke financial disasters like Saints Row, The Marvels, Ant Man, The Little Mermaid, Forespoken etc. 

Meanwhile you've got Top Gun Maverick as the vanguard of much more traditional masculine storytelling, as well as surprise hits like Sound of Freedom and Oppenheimer coming through. Traditional storytelling never really went away and neither did chick flicks (see Barbie), but what we're seeing is a complete rejection of that forced diversity bullshit and that's currently following through to business decisions that are going to influence mainstream culture for the next decade or more.

On the gaming side, Sony just showcased literal T&A dressed up as an action game in their Soy of Play show. Shit is changing and it's changing fast.
(02-01-2024, 03:00 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Melody Shreds wrote:With what's happening in Ohio I need to find some way to get out but I don't have any options unfortunately

Yes, what's happening in Ohio...

Quote:“Sexuality content” bill

House Bill 8 would force educators to out students to their parents and require public schools to give parental notification before teaching “sexuality content.”

Quote:Bathroom ban bill

House Bill 183 would require K-12 schools and colleges to mandate that students could only use the bathroom or locker room that matches their sex assigned at birth — banning transgender students from being able to use the facility that aligns with their gender identity.

Quote:Drag ban bill

House Bill 245 would ban drag performers from performing anywhere that isn’t a designated adult entertainment facility.

None of this affects you Melody, unless you are trying to break into kids schools.

I smell an e-begging thread coming soon
(02-01-2024, 10:09 PM)Propagandhim wrote: That started from this tweet btw:


Let me guess, they turned on you Briana?  And now they're the crazy ones?

She's been coming over to the moderate normal side the past couple years, been good to see

(02-01-2024, 10:21 PM)Shecky Fragbaum wrote: So did all the Palworld feels get repurposed to tell Steller Blade to "Put some goddamned pants on young lady, you're not going out like that."
Once Microsoft came out in support of Palworld and is helping to enhance the game they knew they had lost the battle, palworld isn't going to be sued into oblivion by the mythical Nintendo Lawyers.

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory accusations
Nola wrote:
bruhaha wrote:I don't think anyone revised the number, there's a lone Sky News report saying they've been shown documents with 4 people. It's unclear whether the documents they saw are newer or different from what was reported by other institutions and that article doesn't go out of its way to say their number is different or that other reports are wrong. The news orgs that reported 12 based on documents they saw have not updated their stories.

As for the morality of the pause in funding, your analogy doesn't make sense. The state dept has said that all but $300k of $121 million in total budgeted funding has already been sent to UNRWA. The holdback of a tiny percentage in funding while an investigation takes place is more of a PR move than it is of moral consequence.
You all really need to stop with the excuses of genocidal enablement

Its a nice spin by the State Dept if you want to have an empty talking point, but the NYTimes buries the lede, this move likely kills any future funding that will be authorized due to the way this will embolden congress, and specifically Republicans, who are likely to refuse any future allocation of resources to UNRWA. The fact this morally bankrupt protest happened at the tail end of their current allocated funding arguably makes this move even worse, and even more gross is the State Dept trying to downplay how harmful this action is while trying to claim some sort of moral high ground for doing it.
(02-01-2024, 10:22 PM)Potato wrote: The Suicide Squad game is a hangover of the excesses of the past and will be another in the long line of go woke, go broke financial disasters like Saints Row, The Marvels, Ant Man, The Little Mermaid, Forespoken etc. 
Uh, actually, all of those are excellent and were sabotaged by chuds.
(02-01-2024, 09:36 PM)Boredfrom wrote: She is so fucking racist that is not even funny.  When anyone says that you cant be racist against white people, show them a Nepenthe post.

Scum from the earth.

I remember someone linked her post about killing white babies and told the user they thought they were being slicked then banned them
(02-01-2024, 05:09 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)Polident wrote: Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?

[Image: 7ajcliat3x381.jpg]

Nevermind. Got beaten like a red headed step dog
(02-01-2024, 10:23 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:09 PM)Propagandhim wrote: That started from this tweet btw:


Let me guess, they turned on you Briana?  And now they're the crazy ones?

She's been coming over to the moderate normal side the past couple years, been good to see

I believe it was the reaction from the left to the october 7th attacks that pushed her over the edge. She suddenly started to appear in my twitter feed once she made that switch which is kind of amusing
Brianna Wu is still a complete moron, fraud, scammer and unrepentant liar who should never be trusted about anything.

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