Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(02-12-2024, 09:24 AM)Polident wrote: There was a discussion a few pages back about how some users are nutty but seem genuine or whatever. I agree, mostly. Most people can be helped. The quasi religious “they will stumble, they will fall, but in time they’ll join you in the sun” thing.

Some, like that guy, have a real darkness in them. The type of gormless weasel who wouldn’t think twice about participating in heinous acts. People smell it on him, somehow, through the internet.

He'd be the first in line calling for someone else to do the dirty work. Wouldn't have the balls to do any himself.
(02-12-2024, 05:28 AM)BIONIC wrote: What’s the worst on the nose grifter name: Jessie Gender or Feminista Jones?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Am I a red pilled chud for asking this? Existential

I take personal umbrage with "Feminista Jones"  Not like this!
Oh, so all of a sudden histories of histories is okay because they were in the past?  SCIENCE!
I regret to inform the bore at large that our favorite poster DragonSJG has been banned.

Please pour one out for our boy.  Stahp
(02-12-2024, 11:03 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I regret to inform the bore at large that our favorite poster DragonSJG has been banned.

Please pour one out for our boy.  Stahp

Did he say Goku was a better dad than Piccolo?

User banned (3 days): advocating piracy

Wait did SkinnyIndonesian change their name?  ???

Oh. He made the mistake of attacking Marvel in the thread. I see.
Look everyone! This guy is a fucking JEW!

*banned for piracy*
Quote:Welp, I had a first date today with someone I met on an app and had been talking to. She's funny, smart and very attractive. We met for early dinner at a restaurant and talked really easily from the second we said hello until we said goodbye. We even planned a second date before leaving the restaurant.

Then she texted me like an hour ago and we started talking about what we'd been doing since the date and then all of the sudden she got weirdly aggressive. I'm gonna be honest... my red flag detector has been going crazy like the last 10 minutes lol

Quote:It was definitely not banter and in fact she ended up apologizing multiple times and saying sometimes she gets really passionate about things and it can come off as really mean.

She basically said she likes everything about me except my weight and she wanted me to work on losing some of it and do check-ins with her. (we're both not skinny, but we're also not obese)


Fucking Visawife of all people is all over that thread. Imagine anyone paying attention to that simpering freak
Is the bar that low? The three images are “killing young girls is bad,” “killing families is bad,” and associating with another filthy je…zionist who’s on the Netflix show he’s involved with.

The head of Disney directly donates to Israel. You’d think that’s a bigger deal. Personally, that’s why I boycotted captain marvel 2. Apparently a lot of people did, too.
(02-12-2024, 11:07 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

User banned (3 days): advocating piracy

Wait did SkinnyIndonesian change their name?  ???

Oh. He made the mistake of attacking Marvel in the thread. I see.

That thread reenforces my view that Deadpool is for shutins that were bullied in high school.
PJV3 wrote:Wasn't there a site logging all the Neogaf(and maybe Era) bans, it would just have user name and ban reason.


Earlier in the same thread it was relayed that TheGummyBear lost their resetera password and email password lol
ANOTHER trans person has attempted to commit a mass shooting, this time while accompanied by their 5-year-old child, and with "free palestine" written on their gun


Nevi wrote:Woman shooter seems unusual. This is of course assuming that they have the right suspect

yeah it's pretty unusual

also unusual to see such a lack of attention paid to this thread on era
(02-12-2024, 05:13 AM)benji wrote: They seriously think some of the dumbest people and scammers are super smart. I never get tired of it. lol

literally (like, literally) the dumbest forum on the internet
Royalan wrote:Thread closed at OP's request.'re the OP, Roy.


Well, the discussion has run its course.

Locked her own thread because it was 99% people dogging on her and the retarded source tweet lol
(02-12-2024, 04:13 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

B-Dubs wrote:Like, yeah it's kinda racist, but this also doesn't actually inform the discussion in any way. Nothing really changes as a result of this revelation--it doesn't put a new spin on what's in the OP or expose some innate hypocrisy or show us that the source isn't worth trusting at all. Yes, these tweets are really shitty but what is the purpose of bringing them up here? We already know she has super toxic takes on dating, it's right there in the OP for everyone to see and nobody is defending her at all. It's just dunking for the sake of dunking, it doesn't really add anything you know? It doesn't continue the discussion in any way.

Fuck them white-adjacents and all the other „fuck you got mine“ Trump voting *insert slur*.

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanently): Troll Account
Duo wrote:Really feeling like women need to start taking the lead then.
Don't approach them literally anywhere (but you better approach first!)
They want traditional men and what that brings (but don't be too traditional because that's toxic, but still feel free to pay for everything)
Are not traditional themselves (I don't actually care about this, it's the hypocrisy)
Want free access to abortions but don't want men to be able to financially abort. (What about equality? I support the right to abortions but they should not get it back until both men and women can equally wash their hands of responsibility)
Society it's kinda screwed over and I do not see it ever getting fixed
(02-12-2024, 05:06 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Royalan wrote:Thread closed at OP's request.'re the OP, Roy.


Well, the discussion has run its course.

Locked her own thread because it was 99% people dogging on her and the retarded source tweet lol

Hilarious how he posted this on page 1 and then never reacted to her racist tweets

Royalan wrote:And I want to be clear, I don't mean this thread to be a criticism of Feminista Jones the person. She's someone who's been around for awhile, and whose unique perspective on the intersections of Feminism and Black Queerness I find to be valuable.

This was just a perspective I'd honestly never encountered before.
DateDestroyer new background -

Quote:And honestly I would argue the same principle is true for men as well: if a fancy dinner date isn't going well, you're still stuck with it until the end AND you have to pay a bunch of money. There's no point in trying to pull a bad date out of a tailspin - 99% of the time, shit doesn't work like in rom-coms, where you can fail over and over again and then still wind up with the other person in the end. If a random date turns sour, that's probably the end of that. Both parties being able to cut bait and leave without a huge financial or time investment is just respectful of both people so they can get on with their lives!

Personally I'm at a point in my life where I'm only going out for fancy dinner with someone I like spending a lot of time with and fully intend to see again. If I'm still trying to figure out if the other person is someone I even want in my life at all, we can go get coffee and then go to a museum or a movie or something else in that vein that they're into. If they want to call me cheap for that, fair enough - that's just another reason we wouldn't have gotten along in the first place.

But I suppose dating is probably different in general for demi folks since the expectation for dating isn't "if this goes well we're gonna fuck". I didn't realize I was demi when I was dating back in the day, and I have absolutely no idea what the demi scene is like now.

How long until he announces he’s had a vagina implant?
(02-12-2024, 08:37 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:I prefer any version that is not voiced by Tara Strong.
ZeoVGM wrote:
Bor Gullet wrote:You sure changed your tune!

I jest, I jest.
It's actually really creepy and weird that you decided to go through my post history to see if I had ever praised Tara Strong in the past. Like, what even sparked that?

It's especially weird since it completely ignores the fact that since I made that post over a year ago, she outed herself as an Islamophobic monster who openly supports genocide. Which, you know, might cause someone to change their views on a person.

[Image: hR9ALKd.png]

This is so ironic because it's exactly what ZeoVagina does if someone ignores him  lol
These fat incels who post in every single thread at all hours of the day sure do have dating advice for each other
(02-12-2024, 08:37 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:I prefer any version that is not voiced by Tara Strong.
ZeoVGM wrote:
Bor Gullet wrote:You sure changed your tune!

I jest, I jest.
It's actually really creepy and weird that you decided to go through my post history to see if I had ever praised Tara Strong in the past. Like, what even sparked that?

It's especially weird since it completely ignores the fact that since I made that post over a year ago, she outed herself as an Islamophobic monster who openly supports genocide. Which, you know, might cause someone to change their views on a person.

[Image: hR9ALKd.png]

Confirming that Zeo doesn't care one bit about the actual quality of an actor but just their politics. I bet he used to love Gina Carano
demisexual, what the fuck?

Quote:Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which an individual does not experience primary sexual attraction[3][4] – the type of attraction that is based on immediately observable characteristics such as appearance or smell and is experienced immediately after a first encounter.[1] A demisexual person can only experience secondary sexual attraction – the type of attraction that occurs after the development of an emotional bond.[5][6][1] The amount of time that a demisexual individual needs to know another person before developing sexual attraction towards them varies from person to person.[7] Demisexuality is generally categorized on the asexuality spectrum.[8][9][1]
ah of course, the unique sexuality of fucking people you like
Probably claiming unicorn status until he feels safe enough to pivot into the awakening episode.
He's such a feminist ally that he's never sexually attracted to a woman because of her looks.
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 week): inflammatory comparisons
JigglesBunny wrote:Biden's Twitter is dominating the conversation with fucking memes. Everyone else in the country is swept up in the Super Bowl itself. Israel enacts their version of the final solution behind the smoke screen and US citizens barely bat an eye, all according to plan.

I feel sick.

sirap wrote:What's worse is the constant need to apply rules on how Palestinians and their supporters express their suffering and outrage, not just in real life but here as well. Don't say this phrase, don't share that tweet. Never compare this genocide to that. It's all so suffocating and only seems to benefit Israel and the western countries backing them. Not the victims—the poor children getting blown apart—but the ones committing this genocide.
"Era won't let me be openly antisemitic." literally shaking
(02-12-2024, 05:52 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote:Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which an individual does not experience primary sexual attraction[3][4] – the type of attraction that is based on immediately observable characteristics such as appearance or smell and is experienced immediately after a first encounter.[1] A demisexual person can only experience secondary sexual attraction – the type of attraction that occurs after the development of an emotional bond.[5][6][1] The amount of time that a demisexual individual needs to know another person before developing sexual attraction towards them varies from person to person.[7] Demisexuality is generally categorized on the asexuality spectrum.[8][9][1]

I won’t immediately reject the premise for some people. But I suspect it’s often self assessed due to a lack of opportunity.

There’s an oft shared quote of Henry Cavill saying he’d rather play games than go out for poontang. That’s an instance where I’d think, yeah, maybe. In many cases it’s a parched guy saying he’ll only drink water once he gets to know the bottle’s personality.
also know as settlesexual

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