Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Edalyn wrote:Tifas swimsuit is so ugly, that when it leaked I thought it was fanmade.

It's some toddler trash, I showed her pic around to women I know for funsies.
They all thought it looked like a 10 year old swimsuit.
Like the sexualization, the objectification and now the youth fetishization all make me sick. I went from wanting to pre order this shit, to debating on if 20$ in six years is even worth it.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
also somewhat related I just dealt with some really offputting sexism in dragon quest builders 2, a chibi game that by all accounts should be targeting women as thier main demo, but the story is so fucking bad it feels like I'm playing some Shonen shit. I feel like at some point, square enix just forgot woman play these things too

I guess wanking masterbators' money is more important than mine.

All this over-the-top anger over a tame swim suit outfit in one scene in one game. lol
I don't know if all this outrage is just appearances to show their fellows how much of an 'ally' they are or if it's genuine. In either case, they look like regressive morons.
[Image: Mr3isKs.png]

Exactly, this wouldn't have taken so long if this cunt wasn't white.   

[Image: QwJldEa.png]

Exactly, the fact that she was a white cunt with a lot of hubris made for a quick arrest.
"The game is degrading to women and sexualises minors, guess i'll buy it when it's cheaper then"

(02-23-2024, 06:13 PM)Averon wrote:
Edalyn wrote:Tifas swimsuit is so ugly, that when it leaked I thought it was fanmade.

It's some toddler trash, I showed her pic around to women I know for funsies.
They all thought it looked like a 10 year old swimsuit.
Like the sexualization, the objectification and now the youth fetishization all make me sick. I went from wanting to pre order this shit, to debating on if 20$ in six years is even worth it.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
also somewhat related I just dealt with some really offputting sexism in dragon quest builders 2, a chibi game that by all accounts should be targeting women as thier main demo, but the story is so fucking bad it feels like I'm playing some Shonen shit. I feel like at some point, square enix just forgot woman play these things too

I guess wanking masterbators' money is more important than mine.

All this over-the-top anger over a tame swim suit outfit in one scene in one game. lol
I don't know if all this outrage is just appearances to show their fellows how much of an 'ally' they are or if it's genuine. In either case, they look like regressive morons.

[Image: Lying_Cat_Saga_001.jpg]

Damned if they do damned if they don't for SE.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, MJBarret, Gameboy Nostalgia
Edalyn wrote:also somewhat related I just dealt with some really offputting sexism in dragon quest builders 2, a chibi game that by all accounts should be targeting women as thier main demo, but the story is so fucking bad it feels like I'm playing some Shonen shit. I feel like at some point, square enix just forgot woman play these things too

Confused what this weirdo is losing their mind over, looking on google it seems to be this:
Quote:After finishing Furrowfield and feeling invested in the restoration of the island, it’s a sharp contrast to this little island where all the men here desperately want to see Bab in a leaotard, bunny ears and fishnet stalkings. Maybe I’m being sensitve here, but it’s gotten to a place where I don’t even want to read the dialog. And I get that the characters have accents, but the few times I have read Babs outloud, it sounded like baby talk. Curious what other people who have played through this thought.

Which if you google dragon quest builders babs leotard you get on the official builders site:

[Image: 859915111526060032?time=1686747341287]

Social Justice Warrior 2  Sabu
Quote:I guess wanking masterbators' money is more important than mine.

You lot had your chance but you didn't buy Forspoken. Seeing the beach clip many people are now more excited to play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Trumps 

There is going to be a lot more oof and yikes ahead in the coming months and years. Starting with Stellar Blade.

Especially if these games do well and we reward these brave companies with our wallets Money OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™
(02-23-2024, 05:04 AM)benji wrote: I'll just explain the joke for staff members, you can literally (in the literal sense of the word) do this "problematic" objection! shit to anything. It's not a confirmation that humanity is a mistake or that there's no ethical consumption in a democracy, it's a recognition of the infinite tastes of humans. You're not "smart" for identifying these "problems", it's beyond easy to do whenever someone wants to. Perfection is not an actual standard.

You're granting divine status to the Heckler's Veto and then reacting to the power you granted by trying to restrict it to an elite caste you can control access to. That's not progressive, that's the Catholic Church.

please make a hall of fame board and then put your own post in it  Egomaniac
Quote:I mean, I guess I would support a one time warning if this kind of thing is suspected, but how many times did he have this running in the background and the anticheat failed to ping him for it?

That is to say, for a game with significant cheating issues, are you potentially making this situation worse for the community by trying to create some wiggle room for edge cases that should have known better than to risk having this thing get flagged in a game they are highly invested in?
Quote:There's no room for wiggle room. If you're banning someone permanently, the verdict should be 100% accurate beyond any reasonable doubt.

This is like sentencing someone for murder just because they used a hammer. There's no trace of a victim or an offense, it's just based on guess work that some type of tool has been used for something.
Comparing a online gaming ban to murder  Mindblown
Literally murdered in the digital realm.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Hostility towards another member, recently actioned for the same behavior
BobbyRawlins wrote:
sha1ashaska22 wrote:Well for the record I'm not upset. But I mean I just re-read it and I disagree, there's plenty of "fuck zaslav" or "this is dumb, people don't even sub to max for this" attitude. Anyway, sorry if my post upset you.
spoken like an angry toddler

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 week): ableism and diagnosing mental illness
Buck Dancer wrote:14th place for Genocide Joe is too high. The genocide + barely functioning brain throughout his presidency should be sufficient to be dead last
They are such an upbeat, optimistic, friendly and happy bunch Heart
There’s something amazing about media capitulating to ugly annoying people who only want to see homely ladies in pants suits, only for the average normal person to reject it. Cry about capitalism or democracy or whatever. Sorry, lads. Beauty wins.
(02-23-2024, 07:35 PM)Polident wrote: There’s something amazing about media capitulating to ugly annoying people who only want to see homely ladies in pants suits, only for the average normal person to reject it. Cry about capitalism or democracy or whatever. Sorry, lads. Beauty wins.

The funny thing is that they got exactly what they wanted. Play your western games if you want "realistic" looking normal slops of female main characters and play eastern games if you want attractive looking ones. That's what they always said they want, more diversity, more options etc.
“Yeah, but people seem to be actually mad about rather than embracing the new progressive proudness. What I wanted is that people accepted my weird and hypocritical beliefs as a gospel, like people treated Anita Sarkesian for a while before her grift burst”.

Malverde wrote:[Image: f11.png]
Sickos (furry edition)
TIL Palworld is a GaaS because it has a roadmap
Quote:CCU doesn't matter because this isn't a GAAS and was never intended to be.
Quote:That's a GaaS, they already planned a roadmap (just it is not a monetized GaaS).
(02-23-2024, 07:59 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Malverde wrote:[Image: f11.png]
Sickos (furry edition)

Latin American and their relationship with the U.S. is complicated? Who knew.

Some people here are delusional enough to think that Putin is leftie because the old Cold War discourse is outliving it.
The U.S. most probably knows that my President has connections with the Narco, but they will not reveal it, at least openly, because it would cause a shit show in both countries. Is already causing a shit show even if everyone knew how morally bankrupt Obrador truly is.

Quote:Mexican president defends revealing reporter’s phone number, says law doesn’t apply to him

So yeah, is never this simple.
Quote:I usually LOVE being there, as part of the zeitgeist, with launches like this... but I've made the decision to hold out until the three month exclusivity. I know it's not a guarantee but I just want to see if Square reveals their plans for a PC port right away.

I'm not spoiler sensitive but I already saw a headline that included a thumbnail giving away a small moment in the game that would have been fun to discover myself. I'm assuming the game is going to be riddled with these and they're going to be ALL OVER social media.

So, as someone who has never ACTIVELY avoided spoilers for a game before, do ya'll got any tips? Obviously stay off Facebook/Twitter/Reddit for a hot minute. I plan on hiding Rebirth threads as they pop up... but what about YouTube? The algorithm can be BRUTAL with spoiler thumbnails and Google news can be rough as well. Are there any tools that can help avoid specific types of articles?
If any of you fuckers spoil the game I will murder you in your sleep Bolo
(02-23-2024, 04:19 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Ry wrote:I wish it were as innocent as using the frills to cover up, but no, these frills are intended infantilization. Just more fetish shit.

persephone wrote:Also I swear there's a transparent panel on the front of Tifa's top with the purple straps covering her nip-nops. Am I imagining it???

apathetic wrote:Fucking dumb. Also love seeing people gush about this stuff right next to stellar blade stuff when I've been trying to ignore that game completely.

These people are so fucking weird it's incredible

Are they fucking serious? An actual adult said nip-nops instead of nipples.

katbobo wrote:Speaking of JKR, it's shocking to me sometimes how much transphobia is present even on sites that seem to lean more left such as Reddit.

Made a comment on the /r/television post about the new Harry Potter show that JKR is consulting on, about how Rowling is creatively stunting the IP because her TERF worldview means she will never be willing to explore the IP in a way that would really leverage its strengths.

It's a world filled with magic that could be used to tell some great stories about identity, gender, relationships; but her core beliefs limit her in such a way that exploring the diversity of perspective and existence that a world like that would enable is impossible for her to ever do.

Even if we somehow try to remove her from her TERF-ness (impossible, it's core to her) it's not like she's been exactly good since the books ended. Every story she's tried to tell in the world since then has been poorly received and seems to misunderstand what made kids love it in the first place.

My score on the post has been bouncing up and down all day and settled in the negatives. Expected better, but transphobia is so deeply ingrained.

Further showcasing that Harry Potter is banned not because it’s so egregious, but because it continues to do well in spite of their attempts at forcing themselves into it lol
(02-23-2024, 05:19 PM)Averon wrote:

Quote:I literally spent my entire morning commute thinking about this Tifa stuff. I'm not going to pretend that Remake was perfect, but it did do one thing I really liked which is made the characters feel like people (or at least more like people). I don't think that cast has ever been better represented than it was there. Tifa has been a favorite of mine for a long time. In a broad sense she kind of reminds me of Trinity. A strong woman who can handle her own shit, is incredibly capable, and basically the only reason the main character succeeds/survives at all (I'm really simplifying both of their qualities, but I think my point still comes across).

This stuff they're doing with Tifa in this though feels like such a backslide and such the antithesis of her as a character. It's like the game is explicitly saying, "who she is doesn't matter. What she does doesn't matter. We know you just wanna see titties" and it fucking sucks. It's actively making me debate just accepting that this shit is no longer for me and that I'll have to be okay seeing/experiencing 1/3 of the story.


Why would you admit to this? Just to virtue signal? These people are weirdos.

Imagine wasting this much time and emotional energy on a fucking remake of Final Fantasy 7.

Like, the original was fucking laughable in how juvenile the storytelling was and suddenly they're expecting a remake to be anything but typical Japanese fan service?

These are games made by failure to launch Japanese for failure to launch western nerds. If you don't like it, play something else. I hear there's a game Square made for western prudes called Forespoken or something...
(02-23-2024, 08:52 PM)Potato wrote:
(02-23-2024, 04:19 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Ry wrote:I wish it were as innocent as using the frills to cover up, but no, these frills are intended infantilization. Just more fetish shit.

persephone wrote:Also I swear there's a transparent panel on the front of Tifa's top with the purple straps covering her nip-nops. Am I imagining it???

apathetic wrote:Fucking dumb. Also love seeing people gush about this stuff right next to stellar blade stuff when I've been trying to ignore that game completely.

These people are so fucking weird it's incredible

Are they fucking serious? An actual adult said nip-nops instead of nipples.


when 90% of the posters in that thread are biologically men, it's not surprising.
Nip nops is dangerously close to a racial slur too Battletoads

ClickyCal wrote:It's honestly just astonishing how much porn addiction and transphobia has rotted so many brains
[Image: Screenshot-20240223-143452-Chrome.jpg]

Timu on earth does she look even remotely trans? I don't see it. Some people are just...

ClickyCal wrote:She has a tiny amount of muscle definition and doesn't have a doll face like Tifa.

No longer is the goal of being trans to pass? I can see why the old trans community dislikes these transtrenders.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(02-23-2024, 09:00 PM)Puffy Fucking Baby wrote: Nip nops is dangerously close to a racial slur too Battletoads

*Insert Enzom21 quote*
4 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-23-2024, 08:57 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
katbobo wrote:Speaking of JKR, it's shocking to me sometimes how much transphobia is present even on sites that seem to lean more left such as Reddit.

Made a comment on the /r/television post about the new Harry Potter show that JKR is consulting on, about how Rowling is creatively stunting the IP because her TERF worldview means she will never be willing to explore the IP in a way that would really leverage its strengths.

It's a world filled with magic that could be used to tell some great stories about identity, gender, relationships; but her core beliefs limit her in such a way that exploring the diversity of perspective and existence that a world like that would enable is impossible for her to ever do.

Even if we somehow try to remove her from her TERF-ness (impossible, it's core to her) it's not like she's been exactly good since the books ended. Every story she's tried to tell in the world since then has been poorly received and seems to misunderstand what made kids love it in the first place.

My score on the post has been bouncing up and down all day and settled in the negatives. Expected better, but transphobia is so deeply ingrained.

Further showcasing that Harry Potter is banned not because it’s so egregious, but because it continues to do well in spite of their attempts at forcing themselves into it lol

What in the nonsense is that fool talking about? Terfness would ruin what? I know these people are dumb but do they know what an adaptation is? What does trans nonsense have to do with anything? She is literally just there to make sure the show is canon to the books, thats it.

That's literally why they will look for writers to expand on whatever new shit they might or might not put in. Her core beliefs would ruin what? Urgh.

That reddit post, the comment section is also unhinged (I know its reddit, home of the weirdos) but they still pretend that HP fans are all millennials which is just not true.

I really really really hope the show delivers because it will be too beautiful to watch these fuckers shit their pants in anger like they did for Hogwarts Legacy.
Reminder that WWE has more rights than the Harry Potter IP even though Vince is a sexpest.  Stahp

AliceAmber wrote:In this thread, fans can not be accused of condoning these atrocities nor will fans be able to snipe at other wrestling promotions. Other wrestling promotion fans can not snipe at people who participate in this thread either.

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