Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(03-11-2024, 11:06 AM)BIONIC wrote:
Quote:Much worse, an effort began demanding one of the staff explain comments from months ago which grew in volume and tactics to where we are.
Truly much worse. Just what an absolute horror to have to explain comments you made on October 7th about how all Israelis need to go
The fact nepenthe refuses to comment on these past comments both on resetera and off resetera, but will confirm it was her Twitter account and her house posted… 

Planet Smasher wrote:"You drive at night too much, so we're raising your insurance rate" is some dystopian-ass horse shit.

Or simple risk balancing...

Quote:50% of all traffic deaths happen at night, despite only 25% of traffic occurring during nighttime hours.  72% of pedestrians killed in motor vehicle crashes were in the dark.
TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:I still can't believe hate speech target to an individual isn't a crime already, especially on the level of Rowling and how it's common knowledge at this point that stuff Rowling does or most online stuff like this causes mob mentality against the victim.

Avatars New Groove wrote:I think the reasons for this are:

1. Transphobia is kind of ingrained in British culture at the moment.
2. She's rich, so she can potentially throw money at any problem until it disappears.
3. British society still seems deeply obsessed with the TERF wizard bullshit universe, so way too many people here, including police and government bodies, will probably always be willing to go to bat for her.

Am I out of touch?  TERF BITCH
It took me a few days but I'm finally caught up. Benji, you've outdone yourself. I've been a member of this great establishment since the original Bire began in 2006 and this is right up there with the best seasons of all time. You could even argue this season might end up being better than Showergate as that was concentrated into a short period of time but here we could actually have another 9 months of consistent lulz unlike anything we've ever seen before.

Simply outstanding.

[Image: nz7bggyi.jpg]
(03-11-2024, 01:45 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: The fact nepenthe refuses to comment on these past comments both on resetera and off resetera, but will confirm it was her Twitter account and her house posted… 


how hard is it to lie and say people "tried to" dox you, posted a pic of "what they thought" was your house  ???
(03-11-2024, 02:43 PM)Uncle wrote:
(03-11-2024, 01:45 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: The fact nepenthe refuses to comment on these past comments both on resetera and off resetera, but will confirm it was her Twitter account and her house posted… 


how hard is it to lie and say people "tried to" dox you, posted a pic of "what they thought" was your house  ???

As a bastion of truth and accuracy, Nep would never lie Bolo
So last night I was of the opinion that just unlocking the OT and maintaining radio silence would likely mark the end of dramatics as people moved on.

The OT was not unlocked, and plagiarize decided to again try to pitch himself as a victim of people mad about a just ban, so what's happening is... not that.

A new round of 'no, actually, the ban was wrong':
j7vikes wrote:People make mistakes and it's important and mature to realize when they are made and just admit it. I don't know Brady at all but it's pretty clear this was a ban that didn't make sense. I don't know how many members need to explain it or point it out. It's ok to get some things wrong. I just don't see the continued need to double down on trying to say it wasn't a mistake.
Kinthey wrote:But can you at least acknowledge that this is something that's not universally regarded like this?

This is quoted from the UN report:
Quote:"Based on the information it gathered, the mission team found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment has been committed against hostages and has reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing against those still held in captivity. In line with a survivor/victim-centered approach, findings are conveyed in generic terms and details are not revealed."

This fits the merriam webster defintion of sex slavery:
Quote:someone held captive and forced to perform sexual acts usually under threat of violence and often for the purposes of commercial prostitution

Additionally the UN report even says that 'sexual slavery' falls under the term of 'sexual violence':
Quote:"For the purposes of this mission and report, 'conflict-related sexual violence' is defined in accordance with the framing definition used in successive reports of the Secretary-General on conflict-related sexual violence. The term thus refers to "rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, enforced sterilization, forced marriage, and any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity perpetrated against women, men, girls, or boys that is directly or indirectly linked to a conflict."

Now it might be possible that you and the staff simply disagree with this, however, it can't be expected that forum members adhere to a strict definition that only staff follows while definitions from reputable sources are simply ignored. Like it's honestly just baffling to me that the staff is taking such a hard stance on this.
kmfdmpig wrote:The idea that people would/should conflate Hamas with all Muslims is at the root of the issue, and if anyone would make that leap then they're lost anyway. I don't think we should be forced to write posts such that the absolute worst/most extreme interpretation of them be accounted for. Brady did not mean all Muslims when writing "Hamas".

And then you've got the people completely unrelated with the Brady thing just getting annoyed they still don't have a thread:
Kyra wrote:Political discussion is all but halted now because of mistakes and the inability to admit and own up to them.
BabyDontHurtMe wrote:It's probably in the best interest for all of us for staff to create an interim OT without any Discord link with the new guidelines laid out. It feels weird not to have any real avenue to discuss US politics.
Kyra wrote:It's not worth driving a community out because of the actions of a few. The fact that the OT is still closed as ridiculous and it's becoming very hard to believe that the goal isn't just to kill the community completely.
King_Britain wrote:I tend to only lurk political subs to keep up to date, but with the recent debacle being to me, over specific wording, would warnings with a chance to correct themselves not have sufficed instead of a month long ban? As this was a community thread and not in the general forum, i expect most members in those threads to be regulars operating in good faith instead of drive-bys.

i'm sure moderation has become difficult the past few months but to me, it appears lately that mods would rather drop large bans on people, killing conversations they disagree with instead of moderating discussion.
'3y Kingdom wrote:
BabyDontHurtMe wrote:It's probably in the best interest for all of us for staff to create an interim OT without any Discord link with the new guidelines laid out. It feels weird not to have any real avenue to discuss US politics.
It is supremely weird. Much like the rest of this discussion, or avoidance thereof.
Kyra wrote:Let's pretend the people in question posted the most vile and absurd drivvle imaginable. The mod team bans those people and then... Then nothing. The forum keeps on rolling. A community never ever should be shut down because of the actions of individual posters. The notion that whatever transgressions happened were the effort of an entire community is absurd.

Somehow staff's incompetence keeps breathing new life into this thing.
The dark comes down. It’s always dark. Always night. Out here on the edge. I had a soul once, but now, now it’s just a void in the dark eating me away while I sit on the precipice staring into the night.

 Nepenthia called again. “Oh Dubson, Dubson. I need your help.” She cried. 

“Sure thing toots. What can I do for ya?” 

“They reposted my tweets Dubson!”

“Those bastards! Those dirty, goddamn, lowdown animals!” I snarled. 

“My tweets Dubson. I…I…They’re using my publicly available words against me.”

So this is what it had come to. This is where we are now. The line they ask. What line? There is no line. The line has gone and taken all humanity with it. 

“Relax sweet cheeks.” I said suavely. “I’ll handle this.”

She sobbed gratefully, “I knew I could count on you Dubson. You’re the best.”

I hung up, took a shot of grape juice and grabbed my fedora. I knew the streets where those Christ killing commie bastards hung out, and they were about to discover just what happens when Dubson stops playing by the rules.
(03-11-2024, 11:38 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: You literally click the politics tag on a relevant post to get to the new “sub forum” because it’s not a new sub forum, it’s just filtering by the tag. I laughed really hard once I realized what they had misconstrued like this lol

Edit: url for their “new sports sub forum”[0]=451

Politics “sub forum”[0]=474

The hot links don’t even work on mobile anymore because of how they’re doing this

hmm I see that's how they implemented this one but they have all sorts of shit if you just try URLs by number, and most of them don't seem linked anywhere on the site, unless they're all variations on that

I'm just gonna go number by number here and check every valid link "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." (logged in only, contains things like asian and black user summits) "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." (logged in only) (logged in only, contains BCC, mental health era, "sensitive threads") (logged in only, constructive community discussion) (logged in only, sensitive gaming threads? "autism and gaming") "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." (logged in only, yet more sensitive threads, "the incel to trans pipeline") (logged in only, no threads) (logged in only, no threads)
I’m impressed how they are keeping on them. Both not letting Plagiarize rest with his bullshit gas lighting or Dubs holding hostage an entire community over 1 or 2 users.
(03-11-2024, 03:39 PM)nobody of note wrote: Somehow staff's incompetence keeps breathing new life into this thing.

Choo choo, let's keep this train going

Bdubs right now:
[Image: IjK56O.gif]
(03-11-2024, 12:23 PM)Rendle wrote: Honestly I think posting pictures of someone's house is pathetic, and the only reason someone would post them is to antagonize or threaten. And posting their address is even more disgusting because it lets every disgusting dangerous creep in the world with a gun and a screw loose know the address too. Here's resetera's thoughts on the subject:
I know your actual meaning here but let me clarify for guests and any others. I did not post Nepenthe or anyone else's house to intimidate. I posted them to make a point about using this as a hysterical defense against accountability. These can be found from searching the people's names. That's it. That's all you have to do. Literally just use your well developed research skills to judge the validity of sources and then look at what they contain.

So what are the rhetorical points I'm making?
1. Nepenthe is a fraud. She expends constant anger, constant advocacy for violence, constant demands for the literal destruction of society through forced ethnic cleansing and establishing a permanent cap on the development of humanity. And she justifies this hostility and aggression by claiming she is being denied a "dignified" life through some unspecified systemic conspiracy. The photo of her house and Versa, which I shrunk specifically to make it harder to identify anything (even though again, you can just search), is a direct counter to her underlying narrative. As progressives burdened with the task of systemic narrative critique of the superstructure of society and the nature of power it is essential for us to bring such contradictions to bear upon the arguments wielded by those making claims to the necessity of granting them power.
2. Posting the other staff is to establish that B-Chuds is playing defense for Nepenthe specifically, not other members (Patrick Klepek and other members have had their houses posted on Kiwi Farms, to not speak of anything posted on Twitter or other actual mainstream rather than obscure tiny forums), not other staff members even. I'm not attacking plagiarize for being a literal cop making six figures defending the semantics of the sexual abuse of hostages or his spreading of lies to defend this. I'm not attacking demoismasque for being lmao. I'm saying surely B-Chuds outrage, which was at 11, should now be over 9000. When or if this does not happen, what will we learn about B-Chuds and the way he makes emotional appeals to dismiss valid concerns of the community? He can't make demands of the Discord because of this because I trusted that it would not be taken up there. Yes, I, an actual enemy of the state Discord trust it and its members and their moral character more than "ally" B-Chuds.

Stochastic terrorism is not real and the very notion denies the possibility of due process. Speaking of which.

(03-11-2024, 02:07 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:I still can't believe hate speech target to an individual isn't a crime already, especially on the level of Rowling and how it's common knowledge at this point that stuff Rowling does or most online stuff like this causes mob mentality against the victim.
This is not what any of these people actually mean when they say this. What every one of these totalitarian fucks means when they say this is:
1. I want "hate speech" to be a crime but never for me or anyone I like.

That's it, that's the entire meaning. Look at how they screech when people are banned from Twitter or wherever else for breaking clear rules.  

This doubly should be so if the narrative they constantly claim (such as in the reply I stripped from this quote) is true. IF society is leading a genocide of your people, IF the state is complicit in this, IF they would definitely support the rich and powerful, THEN you are the ones who will be the victims of the state eliminating free speech and prosecuting people for whatever it wants in ways in which the accused can make no defense. THIS is what they literally advocate. I do not have to, or desire to, dispute any of those IF conditions, I am accepting them as true and showing why what you want will only lead to mass suffering as the state imprisons and kills because your response to speech you don't like is to demand systemic violence be deployed against minorities.

May I say just one more thing?
Not everyone has access to the Dark Web. AKA Google.
doxing is bizarre because the mere notion of it is to imply that you're doing something illegal or illicit, like you're a super hacker or something

practically all info about people online has been posted by themselves, seeking clout or telling a weird story or whatever, the rest is on yellow pages type sites that just post public information for ease of contacting others

if that should be illegal, make those sites illegal

it's strange that there's this imaginary social line you're expected not to cross, never google xxdarkslayer69xx because you might find out he listed that as an "aka" on his twitter which has his real name and pictures of his family

if you're worried about such things, don't fuckin attach your handle to your twitter

also how many times has such knowledge resulted in an actual problem? primarily only at the highest echelons of streamers getting swatted, boogie, etc. and those events are all actually illegal and do get you caught
nepenthe literally posted on era "my art is included in a gallery on Sonic and the Black Knight for Wii"  Egomaniac

and you search for this and there's a youtube video showing the whole gallery with everyone's actual name

why did you post that

why did you feel compelled to let everyone know this
Benji with the Yes Minister references  Sickos

I have to say I'm pretty shocked that the person who advocated that people set themselves on fire in public to make a political point is upset that someone is using their own words and postings to make a political point. What is the world coming to?
the "dox" claim really just feels like a way to distract from the noted jew hater nepenthe aka lauren anderson, failed artist and animator who lives with her parents, saying that all jews should leave israel (which should not even exist, according to her) because she is an anti-semite

noted jew hater nepenthe aka lauren anderson shouldn't be a moderator of resetti but is being protected by the other admins as they make up claims to distract the masses, and they'll believe it all anyway. but anyone that looks up noted jew hater nepenthe aka lauren anderson will find proof here of her despicable hatred of an entire group of people.

[Image: jewsgohome.png]
[Image: dictatorshipfine.png]
Just went on a massive, multi-page liking spree to raise my likes given higher than likes received. It felt like the right time to finally start giving back. Don't like this post or it'll ruin the ratio.
(03-11-2024, 04:30 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Benji with the Yes Minister references  Sickos
Until The Thick of It/Veep it was the only educational political TV show ever produced by humanity. And I personally still think it's the best even if the Yes, Prime seasons do sort of drag. Entire courses should consist of it. The West Wing and its popularity has done incalculable damage to our collective understanding of politics.
in lieu of liking CHOW CHOW's above post, you may like this post instead to show your appreciation for his kind acts
Can someone cross reference all those posts made by Nepenthe about how people of color can't call the police because that would be inviting their own execution with the post about her contacting the police over a guy making a joke about her in a chatroom.  That would be swell if you can, like, post those two things side by side like two art displays next to each other in the Retard Museum.
Which do you think happens first, Nepenthe finishes filing her police report or cerium wakes up from his nap?
(03-11-2024, 04:41 PM)benji wrote:
(03-11-2024, 04:30 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Benji with the Yes Minister references  Sickos
Until The Thick of It/Veep it was the only educational political TV show ever produced by humanity. And I personally still think it's the best even if the Yes, Prime seasons do sort of drag. Entire courses should consist of it. The West Wing and its popularity has done incalculable damage to our collective understanding of politics.

You need to do season 2-4 of Black Adder and The New Statesman with Rik Mayall if you haven't already.
The whole doxing thing seems a bit silly to me because I lived in the age of phone books. Can you believe it? They used to send doxing material straight to your house.

Edit for top of page:
For NepNep

Nsfw Siren Nsfw
the wild bit is that noted jew hater nepenthe aka lauren anderson's anti-semetic posting wasn't even the worst reveal of all of this!

resetera forum moderator plagiarize aka ryan acheson who works at the barnstable county sheriff's office is a defender of hamas sexual assault on their hostages. it is a shame that someone who is working in law enforcement like resetera forum moderator plagiarize aka ryan acheson (who works at the barnstable county sheriff's office) would take rape and sexual assault so lightly as to split hairs over the definition of it.

[Image: 3fJaAkV.png]
[Image: ah47ueF.png]
nachobro dateline='[url=tel:1710175969' wrote: 1710175969[/url]']
the wild bit is that noted jew hater nepenthe aka lauren anderson's anti-semetic posting wasn't even the worst reveal of all of this!

resetera forum moderator plagiarize aka ryan acheson who works at the barnstable county sheriff's office is a defender of hamas sexual assault on their hostages. it is a shame that someone who is working in law enforcement like resetera forum moderator plagiarize aka ryan acheson (who works at the barnstable county sheriff's office) would take rape and sexual assault so lightly as to split hairs over the definition of it.

[Image: 3fJaAkV.png]
[Image: ah47ueF.png]

And from a trans woman no less.  Internalized misogyny will get you every time. wag
Can you imagine if sexual assaults were rampantly perpetuated by random IDF soldiers or guards against prisoners, and someone chimed in and said "ayykkkkshully, when you said the idf was committing sexual assault, you didn't understand what was really going on.  Those assaults are random - they're not systemic because there's no top-down organized authority commanding that behavior.  In fact, the real problem here is you saying Israel is committing these crimes when it's in fact, an small element inside of Israel.  And even though we're talking about Israel, I'll just assume you mean Jews are doing it, and as you know, antisemitism is a huge problem."   lol  These people are such egregious liars and scoundrels.
Is it a negative stereotype, or is it an infarction by known bad faith actors with history of histories?  Maduro
Having ignored the repeated requests for explicit criteria the discord must meet to appease the staff (I assume because it's 'ban Brady for making a joke' but who knows), B-Dubs does feel compelled to post this zinger:

B-Dubs wrote:
Kyra wrote:Political discussion is all but halted now because of mistakes and the inability to admit and own up to them.
Yes it is. We're waiting.

I have no idea who actually runs that Discord but I hope they keep him waiting forever.

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