Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league

Why not just laugh at that threat? Unless... are there posts on resetera the ADL would take issue with?  omg
Kyra wrote:I am in the discord dubs. I haven't done shit. "The discord" has not done this. "The discord" doesn't do anything. The discord is not in charge of any campaigns against members of this site. This fixation on the activities of the discord is completely ridiculous. There are no terms that can possibly satisfy your criteria because the entity that you feel is responsible doesn't exist.
B-Dubs wrote:So am I. It's there. Why are the people saying and doing this shit still allowed? Why is the rhetoric allowed to reach this point?

B-Dubs, notoriously on top of making sure his community doesn't slide into batshit rhetoric.

He also edited his list of reasons:
Quote:You discord in the last few days has done the following:
Gone to kiwifarms to gather "dirt" to use on people and has justified it
Engaged in harassment of members and staff members
Has had members talk about plots to get others in trouble with the FBI
Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league
Is trying to contact fucking MSNBC to get them to write a story
Is trying to brigade Moba's inbox with nonsense accusations

At what point do you take responsibility for the kind of community you have fostered? Where is the moderation? Do you think you'd ever see any of this sort of shit on Era? Hell no.

the lack of self awareness is absolutely killing me
B-Dubs, post: 120342993, member: 143 wrote:You're leaving the part out where members of that community went to kiwifarms to dig up dirt and everyone else defended them. Also the bit where members of that community talked about trying to get someone arrested by the feds. Or how their actions directly led to said doxxing.

members, plural: lie
members, plural again: lie
one guy apparently ending up on kf led to the doxing: lie, nepenthe has been "doxed" for like 5 years

B-Dubs, post: 120342993, member: 143 wrote:
Slash wrote:Here's a breakdown of what actually happened:
A user shared doxxing info on Era, sourced from an external site dedicated to stirring up trouble. This user was permanently banned from Era.
Era mods unfairly blamed our Discord for the dox, ignoring that the information originated elsewhere. This led to a series of bans and eventually the PoliEra thread being locked.
We've alerted Era admins to the true source of the doxxing, which did NOT come from our Discord.
Despite this, Era continues to unfairly blame and punish our community.
Going forward the Discord will no longer be linked on Era. Our community does not wish to be involved with any off-site drama or harassment.
You discord in the last few days has done the following:
Gone to kiwifarms to gather "dirt" to use on people and has justified it
Engaged in harassment of members and staff members
Has had members talk about plots to get others in trouble with the FBI
Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league

At what point do you take responsibility for the kind of community you have fostered?

"the discord" went to kf: lie, one person apparently did
harassment: lie, at most they stated factual information about what nepenthe literally said
"members" talked about FBI plots "in the last few days:" lie, it was from a month ago and seems like a joke, if it's been talked about recently it was simply addressing this recent drama surrounding the question
ADL: to be determined, hopefully true
(03-11-2024, 07:12 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Oh this motherfucker is rich.

Dumbs wrote:You discord in the last few days has done the following:
Gone to kiwifarms to gather "dirt" to use on people and has justified it
Engaged in harassment of members and staff members
Has had members talk about plots to get others in trouble with the FBI
Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league
(03-11-2024, 07:19 PM)nobody of note wrote: [QUOTE='Kyra']I am in the discord dubs. I haven't done shit. "The discord" has not done this. "The discord" doesn't do anything. The discord is not in charge of any campaigns against members of this site. This fixation on the activities of the discord is completely ridiculous. There are no terms that can possibly satisfy your criteria because the entity that you feel is responsible doesn't exist.
B-Dubs wrote:So am I. It's there. Why are the people saying and doing this shit still allowed? Why is the rhetoric allowed to reach this point?
So B-Dubs is saying that he and goes to Kiwi Farms, tries to get the forum in trouble with the FBI/ADL, harasses people and supports ethnic cleansing?

Because I agree that some of this statement would be true.
(03-11-2024, 07:07 PM)Tycoon Padre wrote: Can't stop mentally reading that "on the contrary" in Raul Julia's voice, when he tells Sagat in the Street Fighter movie about the exchange rate of Bison dollars.

It was Tuesday!

You might remember october 7th as one of the most vicious terrorist attacks in recent memory, but for Nepenthe, it was a tuesday
B-dubs wrote:At what point do you take responsibility for the kind of community you have fostered?

[Image: bekphnqftcb41.jpg]
(03-11-2024, 07:16 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league

And why would that be, have you thought about that?

As the pre-cum drips on your chest and Lucio kept his tail tightly wrapped around your waist.

Bdubs is 10 minutes away from blaming the Collective Nation of Jewish People for him locking the PoliEra thread.
(03-11-2024, 07:14 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: If the five minute fix is so easy why don't you tell people what it is bdubs?

oh he means he's demanding that they ban 3 or 4 specific people

[Image: nY0vnzn.gif]
Damn, if only someone had warned them about the dangers of the concept of collective guilt.
Kyra wrote:Dubs, there is policy on the discord that doesn't allow this shit. What people do on their own is not under anyone's control. What you control are the policies of this site. What else can be done? The members of the discord "cleaning house" what does that even mean? And what doesn't have to do with anything that happens here? The incident didn't even have the member in the discord in the first place. If I apologized to you right now from the bottom of my heart it would have just as much meaning as anything else. That's how far removed this ire is form anything resembling a justified target for what happened. It's fucking madness.
Antrax wrote:Candidly, if the discord were outright deleted, the issues people have mentioned on this page would still remain though, right? The ask is not clear, and the follow-up afterwards is also not clear.
B-Dubs wrote:There will be a new thread in a day or two, but people need to understand that this is a safety issue. If that discord community is already at the point where members feel ok talking about doing all that shit, where does it go from here? Usually when a discord gets too wild, before it ever reaches this point, the admins self-correct and send a PM apologizing that it got that far. Having people justify visiting kiwifarms is already way over the line. That should have been a huge signal that shit needs changing with how it's run.

Dahbomb wrote:Some of those accusations are out of pocket and do not represent a majority of people on the Discord.

The Fed thing was an off the cusp joke by a single user on the Discord (who was banned from Era anyway). I know because I checked the logs to get to the bottom of it when this accusation was initially made. No one was seriously suggesting getting the Feds involved because that is outrageous.

I do not appreciate an entire community of well meaning individuals being gas lit and punitively punished like this. We are trying to have a discourse here to get to a solution that works for all parties involved and it is quite frankly not being done in good faith. In fact, this is teetering on vindictive behavior.
(03-11-2024, 07:19 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Quote:Has had members talk about plots to get others in trouble with the FBI
Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league
Is trying to contact fucking MSNBC to get them to write a story
Is trying to brigade Moba's inbox with nonsense accusations

[Image: 6gRCnAr.gif]
(03-11-2024, 07:25 PM)nobody of note wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:Having people justify visiting kiwifarms is already way over the line. That should have been a huge signal that shit needs changing with how it's run.
[Image: WJBY6NL.png]
All he has to do is address nepenthes virulent antisemitism and it’ll all go away but nooooo gotta circle the wagons and protect the mods at all costs.
am I right in inferring then that today the admin@resetterradotcomellellsee had emails from the ADL, MSNBC asking for comments about social media inciting anti-semitism, and MOBA asking what the actual fuck is going on?

(03-11-2024, 07:29 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: am I right in inferring then that today the admin@resetterradotcomellellsee had emails from the ADL, MSNBC asking for comments about social media inciting anti-semitism, and MOBA asking what the actual fuck is going on?

No, it seems to be that B-Dubs saw one message about someone musing about this in the Discord he's part of and thus complicit in the crimes of.
Nope not me… Never sent a strongly worded email to MOBA about the activities of the forum administrators.
I don’t think Dubs is used to the pushback here. He’s used to users crumbling, especially if ‘Moderator Safety’ is invoked. Can literally hear the veins popping in his posts’ foreheads.
(03-11-2024, 07:32 PM)DocWager wrote: Nope not me… Never sent a strongly worded email to MOBA about the activities of the forum administrators.

Definitely don't do the same to MSNBC or the ADL. And whatever you do, definitely don't link to the thread/screen caps of the forum admin encouraging users to set themselves on fire to stick it to the jews.
(03-11-2024, 07:08 PM)nobody of note wrote:
B-Dubs, post: 120342993, member: 143 wrote:Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league

(12-02-2023, 02:02 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Hiding the Israel Palestine thread is a tacit admission of antisemitism. The troll strategy of finding and signal boosting antisemitic posts wouldn't work if there were none. B-dubs is Jewish, so maybe he thinks tolerating and then attempting to conceal Era's antisemitism makes him "one of the good ones".
[Image: 5a0f5d7c3dbef482008b6df6?width=1200&format=jpeg]
(03-11-2024, 07:29 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote: All he has to do is address nepenthes virulent antisemitism and it’ll all go away but nooooo gotta circle the wagons and protect the mods at all costs.

jfc, its even stupider than that, all they had to do was roll plagiarize out to say "yeah, my bad, I hadnt read that un report, I guess it is sexual slavery" then have him 'resign' for... what, a month? aka pull a Royalan
It'd be hilarious if the ADL added to the next version of this way too small to read image:
[Image: Antisemitism%20Scorecard_Online%20Antise...d_V8_0.png]
Quote:ADL’s investigation showed that the majority of platforms performed at a middling level, with most earning grades in the C range. Twitter received a B-, the highest grade given, and Roblox earned a D-, the lowest grade of all platforms studied.
B-dubs rn

[Image: typing-rage.gif]
Easy fix from the discord dorks -- just post the messages in question. They all have dates that arent within "the last few days". B Dumbs not knowing shit strikes again!

Also kick Dubs out, discord pals!
Quote:There will be a new thread in a day or two, but people need to understand that this is a safety issue.
Lucio could sense something was wrong but they couldn't figure out what, "what's wrong?" they asked "Am I going to fast?".
"No... Yes... I'm sorry..." B-Dubs said with a whimper "...I don't feel safe here" . "Don't worry Dubby Puppy" they said with a warm smile as their soft-tail started to explore both their bodies "You are safe here... my love... we are hidden safely below the UNRWA headquarters, the Collective Nation of Jewish People and Genocide Joe can't hurt us here" B-Dubs blushed as they listened to the beatings, moans and cries in the rooms around them and planted a fiery kiss on Lucio's lips.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Remember when they crucified Black Chamber because they came across his private twitter account where he made some Trump joke that was out of context? Weird how that wasn't considered doxxing but posting Nep's furry twitter is to the point where the information within those tweets needs to be ignored
It is literally PoliERA. You idiot.

Like ResetERA. Your community. It’s the same community. Those are your members in your thread. He looks so fucking stupid. I get sticking up for your volunteer “staff” but he just has zero leadership skills and gets in way over his head. But being true to the way he is, he will not acknowledge his shortcomings and just stfu. 

No wonder you have nervous breakdowns over this shit bro. You fuck everything up so bad.

However, I will admit he has a tough job. Defending antisemitism isn’t the easiest task to be pushed on your desk.
I’m just relieved Dubs doesn’t think we have anything to do with those awful discord people
(03-11-2024, 07:35 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(03-11-2024, 07:29 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote: All he has to do is address nepenthes virulent antisemitism and it’ll all go away but nooooo gotta circle the wagons and protect the mods at all costs.

jfc, its even stupider than that, all they had to do was roll plagiarize out to say "yeah, my bad, I hadnt read that un report, I guess it is sexual slavery" then have him 'resign' for... what, a month? aka pull a Royalan

They couldn’t have gotten away without even him having to resign or step down.

A simple apology. Rolling back one minor ban.

That’s what all was needed here and it would have ended the matter.

This is what these Mensa Mods have failed to comprehend, and even still allow Plagiarize to comment on and further inflame the situation right now.

I hope all the users think about this next time one of these dick Mods show up in a police thread bitching about de-escalation.

All that was needed was an apology. That’s it. PoliEra would’ve accepted it, some happily, others grudgingly, but they would have been content with that.


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