Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
TableManners wrote:Youtube have not only done fuckall to stem the flow of monsters on their service, they actively promote them for profit. But it will be a cold day in hell before they're held to account in any meaningful way.

In the meantime, we'll just have withstand searching for peaceful gardening videos and get bombarded 'People also watched' recommendations promoting violent misogyny.

Another self report that you are a political extremist that enjoys politically extreme content.
(03-21-2024, 03:43 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(03-21-2024, 12:52 AM)benji wrote: They aren't thinking of them as reparations to actual individuals, but to ethnic groups. The capital won't be given to individuals but controlled by new ethnostates. That are based on the U.S. Census. So there will be one "Indigenous" state rather than all the different tribes. One "Black" state, one "Latinx" state, etc.

We need to be inclusive of the community currently facing an ongoing genocide.
(03-21-2024, 04:07 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
MoonsaultSlayer wrote:The simple act of searching for something and seeing hate campaign thumbnails related to it makes me so fucking angry. I hate that they're allowed to have a platform. Fuck these tech companies.
andymoogle wrote:About fucking time. They better be deemed responsible in the end. Fuck social media for breeding white supremacists for years and years with no punishment.
(03-21-2024, 04:42 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
TableManners wrote:Youtube have not only done fuckall to stem the flow of monsters on their service, they actively promote them for profit. But it will be a cold day in hell before they're held to account in any meaningful way.

In the meantime, we'll just have withstand searching for peaceful gardening videos and get bombarded 'People also watched' recommendations promoting violent misogyny.
Actively calling for not being allowed to post anywhere because they hate that some people are allowed to post. lol
Reply wrote:I love this. With Twitter becoming a cesspool, I kind of want this to become law. Social Media has to be responsible for radicalizing people and this sounds like a good way for them to stop cutting corners and do the work that they would rather ignore because they believe the wellness of society shouldn't be something they are held accountable for. Create the playground, now secure it. Period.
Orayn wrote:
Quote:The "Microsoft Start" (or Bing News, or MS News, or whatever Microsoft is calling it this week) should definitely be part of the list of "sites that recommend blatant extremist content to you without your input" for sure. It's a very similar problem to YouTube's recommendations.
I'd say it's worse, I see way more unhinged stuff on an Edge start page than almost any other site that gives me an algorithmic feed. Seems very tailored to the type of 60something year old Facebook user who still likes Yahoo News.
Quote:I think there are several areas where this could be regulated:

- Full transparency for the users, with the ability for fine grained control and the possibility to turn it off completely - Mastodon doesn't have any curation, just pure feeds. Accessing extremist feeds should only really be available to researchers, regulators, moderators etc. The companies have this tech available to them or it is reasonable for them to develop it.

- Third party auditing of the algorithm and some level of access to the algorithm for regulators. I know the Irish regulators have tried to get this access at one point. There needs to be more and more teeth for regulators, especially wrt the rogue operators like Musk, due to the potential social harm from social media.

They say they are just hosting but then have an agenda pushing certain types of content. Tech companies want it both ways.

EDIT: And if they don't want to engage with the regulators in good faith they should lose the protection and unleash the civil suits.
Quote:If anything, I hope the lengthy legal battle takes the names of all the accounts the shooter was radicalized on, and drags them thoroughly through the mud.
Quote:It would be nice if they get the Crumbley treatment instead, actually being held accountable for inspiring an actual event ought to include prison time.
Quote:However, I kinda wanted to say this in that thread the other day on gaming side about the FBI and NSA asking gaming companies for data on potential white supremacists, but I really need people on this forum and in these spaces at large to realize how much they sound like the gun fanatics they make fun of when it comes to defending anything touching the situation that they're familiar with:

an appeal that the government is infringing on their constitutional rights, and then claiming the government is only acting in bad faith (take our guns, fascist censorship tyranny), and then deflect to mental health needing to be taken seriously

Section 230 has been under a lot of scrutiny for the past 7 years, but at some point we will need hard laws and regulations to modernize because it's clear there are many abuses being done and inefficiencies leading to harm while society suffers accordingly
Quote:I'd tend to agree the way in which each platform is guilty of something is rather different, in most respects.

Reddit definitely has that classic anything goes libertarian shitlord mentality. They have selectively allowed vile groups to make Reddit their home.

Youtube is the more active, purposefully sociopathic pursuit of engagement for profit. It's genuinely an automated radicalization pipeline.
Quote:I think the "we just host it don't look at us" stuff is very much the framing Reddit and YouTube want. YouTube especially, they likely promote this stuff because they know it leads to engagement.

The addictive and extreme nature of the content isn't incidental, it's part of their monetization strategy and so any damage it causes should also fall on them.

I view it really no different as a store selling a product they know can hurt people, and trying to abrogate their responsibility by saying "hey we are just the store don't blame us it's the manufacturers fault".
These people are radically insane.

Also complete idiots:
Quote:But it's not clear.

Some recent studies have suggested the exact opposite.

(FWIW there are absolutely some studies suggesting that it does - but there are valid methodological concerns about those conclusions. All I'm trying to suggest here is that from an academic evidence point of view it is absolutely not clear and not a settled issue.)
That is what discovery is for.
ACAB but also the state should monitor everything you say and throw you under the prison if it wants to without any defense possible.
[Image: lucio2.png]

Sorry, Nepenthe, but you inspired the big beautiful BLM riots and now I have to hold you accountable with prison time. Trumps
(03-21-2024, 05:13 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:Youtube is the more active, purposefully sociopathic pursuit of engagement for profit. It's genuinely an automated radicalization pipeline.
Hesright Literally the top video recommended to me when I just went on YouTube five minutes ago:
Spoiler: Klepek (click to show)
Hana the otter can't keep getting away with it! Stahp
(03-21-2024, 06:24 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Content has been stripped. Go to the quoted post to view the content.
Was this post just an emote? The hide tags may be broken even more than they were. hmm
This post has been hidden by the user, quote or reply to view.
Turned out that no user groups were allowed to view hide tags for some reason. lol
The website is in shambles. B-dubs won. It's over.
This post has been hidden by the user, quote or reply to view.
Quick Edit breaks the hide tags but Full Edit doesn't. Dead
When otters show more human kindness than TransEra ever could.  Stahp
Riot Except Hana. She can sometimes be a little bit of a bitch.
danm999 wrote:I think the "we just host it don't look at us" stuff is very much the framing Reddit and YouTube want. YouTube especially, they likely promote this stuff because they know it leads to engagement.

The addictive and extreme nature of the content isn't incidental, it's part of their monetization strategy and so any damage it causes should also fall on them.

I view it really no different as a store selling a product they know can hurt people, and trying to abrogate their responsibility by saying "hey we are just the store don't blame us it's the manufacturers fault".

That's probably really tricky to prove though, no clue whether a case could be made around it.

Mechaplum wrote:I use both daily, these companies deserve it and hope they lose. Not being accountable for user generated content is the biggest cop out in tech.

You need to wrangle in your users, B-dubs.. Hear that? It's the sound of "hey we are just a forum don't blame us it's the posters fault" defense being broken through little by little.  omg
Nobody there is informed and/or smart enough to explain that getting what they want would eliminate all those sites and take with it. lol
YouTube keeps getting me offensive extremist content

Spoiler:  (click to show)
My youtube home page is full of stuff about training Dogs, Dragon's Dogma and Samurais is genuinely the dodgiest click I give out on a daily basis
(03-21-2024, 01:21 AM)benji wrote: Nepenthe has no concept of wealth creation. In her mind everything is zero sum, so if someone has something it has to have been taken from someone else.

(03-21-2024, 12:28 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I get the feeling that Nepenthe thinks because she's black she's not really an American which means any of the critic pointed at America is never pointed at her. That she'd be considered a privileged American in many POC majority countries probably eludes her

thats the point of the progressive stack, so you can establish that you're 'one of the good ones' with each self applied label being a degree of separation from the (((collective nation))) who are to blame for everything.

Starter kit is "Ally" which puts you one degree of separation away, and negates all other 'bad ones' traits, like being american, well off, educated, etc.
YouTube is an automated radicalization pipeline, extremists who love hours-long YouTube political essays say without irony.
I agree that the chief ideological probelm Nepenthe has is she claims to be a leftist but subordinates the tenets of class war to race war because she is the booj
I'm the real CHUD here with my top Youtube recommendation.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Why do I love reaction videos so much?! Music, TV, movies, all of them. Its so pathetic.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
"Where the white women at?!"
(03-21-2024, 09:24 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote: I'm the real CHUD here with my top Youtube recommendation.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Why do I love reaction videos so much?! Music, TV, movies, all of them. Its so pathetic.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
"Where the white women at?!"

The Sopranos (S5:E13) | *First Time Watching* | TV Series Reaction | Asia and BJ

When I see Sopranos I have to click. Time to start down this new react rabbit hole.  Popcorn
Oh my god YouTube stop pushing me far-right radicalization content. Rage

Spoiler: to be fair, this was in the top row (click to show)
The only thing that I ever get pushed that I don't watch is for some reason every couple of weeks just one Philosophy Tube video (usually the newest one) shows up even though I've never watched an entire video of that garbage or anything like it. I have to assume they pay for placement or something? I have no idea if that's a thing since I run adblock.

I honestly don't even know how to get YouTube to recommend me any of the stuff these people complain about. The only way anything is ever specific in terms of giving a lot of a channel is like right after watching something, like I'm sure those vblogbrothers from the above video will show up for the next day or so before disappearing when I never watch anymore again. Should I just find a random Breadtube or Disney analysis channel and autoplay it for an entire day while I'm out of the house? I want to get radicalized.
It's wild they can have otters as pets. Try that over here and the RSPCA would come down on you like a ton of bricks. Anyway, literal far right radicalization on my YT feed

Absolutely terrifying
(03-21-2024, 08:31 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: My youtube home page is full of stuff about training Dogs, Dragon's Dogma and Samurais is genuinely the dodgiest click I give out on a daily basis

Yeah mine is aftershave reviews, people rebuilding wrecked cars, a few game streams and music lol. In all my years of YT use (it’s heavy, I watch a lot of synth wave on there) I have never been pushed political content of either leaning.

These people are dodgy as fuck

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