Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Still don’t get how it’s so complicated. One bathroom has urinals. The other doesn’t.
That leftist purity test thread is a perfect example of what I wasted too many words on. These people haven't even conceived of a basis for identifying what they critique properly, instead they just lash out at whatever crosses their minds in the moment and makes them upset as "right-wing" and "capitalist" all while not having a single clue of what they're even advocating for. From that idiot failing to explain co-ops as if it somehow relates to socialism or Nepenthe's rant about how horrible it is that capitalism has given Black people more wealth, opportunity and capability than ever. The delusion that the "purity tests" are somehow all the fault of infiltrators undermining solidarity even as people post in that thread that you aren't a leftist if you aren't stupid or angry about Harry Potter.

Yet they posture endlessly as if they're these brilliant intellectuals who know the correct view on every topic even though they can never articulate it or defend it and always resort to force to demand others simply accept it.
For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, "Benji was right again."
5 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, Uncle, benji
This is Gal Gadot btw and I spent like two whole minutes making this:
(03-22-2024, 09:25 AM)benji wrote: [Image: galcares.png]
Yet only six likes. Now we see the power of capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy at denying dignity to artists.
the most valuable of all shitpost photoshops are those made for like a grand total of three people
(03-23-2024, 01:33 AM)benji wrote: This is Gal Gadot btw and I spent like two whole minutes making this:
(03-22-2024, 09:25 AM)benji wrote: [Image: galcares.png]
Yet only six likes. Now we see the power of capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy at denying dignity to artists.

[Image: galcares.png]
That was a novel length response tho. I don't think more than 150 characters at a time. The only long ass essays I wanna read are from actual retards for retarded topics.
Nepenthe wrote:Banishing you from the community for being a jerk would be "purity testing," and we're trying to be above that, are we not?

But seriously, no need to martyr yourself. I'm just letting you know that attacking other members in this manner has never actually been all that cool, and it's further ironic when you were trying to call them out as not being a good ambassador. Don't throw stones from glass houses, yeah?

Didn't stop ya'll from doing it to PoliEra.
(03-23-2024, 01:27 AM)benji wrote: That leftist purity test thread is a perfect example of what I wasted too many words on. These people haven't even conceived of a basis for identifying what they critique properly, instead they just lash out at whatever crosses their minds in the moment and makes them upset as "right-wing" and "capitalist" all while not having a single clue of what they're even advocating for. From that idiot failing to explain co-ops as if it somehow relates to socialism or Nepenthe's rant about how horrible it is that capitalism has given Black people more wealth, opportunity and capability than ever. The delusion that the "purity tests" are somehow all the fault of infiltrators undermining solidarity even as people post in that thread that you aren't a leftist if you aren't stupid or angry about Harry Potter.

Yet they posture endlessly as if they're these brilliant intellectuals who know the correct view on every topic even though they can never articulate it or defend it and always resort to force to demand others simply accept it.
I'm still surprised I'm better able to explain my sometimes wildly inconsistent positions than they are
MIMIC wrote:Maybe I'm stupid but why would we warn Russia about anything?

[Image: 36457-m.jpg]
(03-23-2024, 02:41 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
MIMIC wrote:Maybe I'm stupid but why would we warn Russia about anything?

[Image: 36457-m.jpg]

Have we considered if Mimic is a sociopath?
(03-23-2024, 01:19 AM)Snoopy wrote: Hello all, it is I, Royalan. Fat as can be but my blood is pure. You can bet your fuckin house on that. AIDS? That’ll be the day. I wear a Hazmat suit around cunts that have head colds. HIV? Get tae fuck. I break bread with them but separate tables in separate countries only. Ye think I’d risk getting the plague from one of they cunts? Nae chance. Pure as the driven snow.

I do love when you fuckers go full laddie

Nep Nep focusing in the Transatlantic Slave Trade to prove capitalism is the reason that slavery happened and ignores the roman empire. By Caesar's ghost! GIVE THE ROMANS THEIR DUE!

(03-23-2024, 01:00 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

[Image: W6PnrXr.png]


Yeah that's a bad post. 

"Gay politics" are generally popular, the Democratic base cares about it, and the strident opposition of religious conservatives and hardline reactionaries are increasingly out of step with society. 

I see zero reason you would disengage on that just because a somewhat related issue is alienating. Maybe just quietly stop talking about that other thing instead?
It's not even "somewhat" related. What in the world does TQIA2S+ have to do with LGB?
(03-23-2024, 03:25 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Nep Nep focusing in the Transatlantic Slave Trade to prove capitalism is the reason that slavery happened and ignores the roman empire. By Caesar's ghost! GIVE THE ROMANS THEIR DUE!
This shows how arrogantly ignorant she is. Slavery isn't about capitalism, it's about dehumanization and illiberalism. Slavery denies self-ownership, the property rights of the individual. This is why socialism is slavery. You're the state's property, you labor purely for the state, you own none of the proceeds of your labor, you cannot obtain any property, etc. This is what she (at least claims anyway) advocates for yet she's trying to attack capitalism for insufficient historical development of liberal theory within capitalism. The very liberal theory she condemns because it says you shouldn't strip others of their humanity and she really wants to do that to all kinds of people especially people who have different skin colors from her.

How can she attack slavery when she spends most of her time demanding others should labor for her? The entire thin reed of her critique is that one specific historical form of slavery in the Americas disadvantaged Blacks in relation to whites.
(03-23-2024, 04:07 AM)benji wrote:
(03-23-2024, 03:25 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Nep Nep focusing in the Transatlantic Slave Trade to prove capitalism is the reason that slavery happened and ignores the roman empire. By Caesar's ghost! GIVE THE ROMANS THEIR DUE!
This shows how arrogantly ignorant she is. Slavery isn't about capitalism, it's about dehumanization and illiberalism. Slavery denies self-ownership, the property rights of the individual. This is why socialism is slavery. You're the state's property, you labor purely for the state, you own none of the proceeds of your labor, you cannot obtain any property, etc. This is what she (at least claims anyway) advocates for yet she's trying to attack capitalism for insufficient historical development of liberal theory within capitalism. The very liberal theory she condemns because it says you shouldn't strip others of their humanity and she really wants to do that to all kinds of people especially people who have different skin colors from her.

How can she attack slavery when she spends most of her time demanding others should labor for her? The entire thin reed of her critique is that one specific historical form of slavery in the Americas disadvantaged Blacks in relation to whites.

[Image: 36457-m.jpg]

strangelove777 wrote:User Banned (3 Days): Drive by trolling in a sensitive thread
Is it all WWE bashing or does he also mention how super white AEW is?
FD Signifier is a protected youtuber, no trolling or questioning allowed wag
IrishNinja wrote:once again: y'all are on a gaming forum that basically exists/came about because of some form of "purity tests"

i really don't take folks who openly disdain having standards seriously, because they often come from groups that are or are okay with transphobia, antiblackness, deep islamaphobia or other fascist beliefs

are we painting in broad strokes here or simply being reductive? what is this trying to accomplish?

Duke Thompson wrote:You have been banned twice by this very community for "inflammatory commentary" in the last two weeks. Do you really think you are the one qualified to speak for the values of this community?

IrishNinja wrote:which community am i speaking for here? this thread is about yet another writeup punching left, and i have been addressing caricatures of leftists while highlighting the importance of the work being done on the ground by said leftists

like a number of socialists here, you're right that i have seen bans in recent times (and i appreciate you keeping score!) but if i'm alleged to be speaking to the values of "this" community, which one would that be?
i'm aware that poliera recently got a new community thread after controversies here, so there's certainly a lot in upheaval but i'm grateful to not be part of that
tedious bellend
IrishNinja wrote:once again: y'all are on a gaming forum that basically exists/came about because of some form of "purity tests"


[Image: CPZqccW.gif]
Going to enjoy the Ukraine thread promoting conspiracy theories that go unchecked.  Malarkey!
Fun find 

Surakian wrote:I'm constantly blocking accounts. Today some random dude responded to a Tweet I made. It was to post a vomiting gif and pointing out I have pronouns and the pride flag (or "pedo flag" in his words) in my profile bio…???? All because I posted a positive tweet about Chadley from FF7 Rebirth…

Constantly I am having to block random weirdos who appear on my feed, block AI or crypto ad accounts, block spam accounts that never get banned, block incels who get highlighted in that shitty for you feed…’s-x-as-the-platform-struggles-to-attract-and-keep-users-nbc-news.830091/page-2?post=120814842#post-120814842

(03-23-2024, 06:05 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
IrishNinja wrote:i really don't take folks who openly disdain having standards seriously, because they often come from groups that are or are okay with transphobia, antiblackness, deep islamaphobia or other fascist beliefs
How are any of these "fascist" beliefs? ???
We are living in IrishNinjas post definition world, anything means whatever he wants it to mean at any given time.  wag
lmao blocked for being too risque to embed:
[Image: FrOlaZKakAA0fNm?format=jpg&name=900x900]



Anybody want dox for them? It's really more about the principle than anything since she* seems to be perfectly not a sociopath or anything. lol

Bbbbbbuuutttttttttttt I do have to post this one thing regarding where they worked for two years:
Quote:Los Angeles Police Revolver & Athletic Club

• Work at non-profit organization operated by The Los Angeles Police Academy Revitalization Alliance (“LAPARA”), who has been organized to carry out charitable and educational activities of the Los Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club (“LAPRAAC”). LAPRAAC is a 501© (4) non-profit organization.
• Assist Los Angeles Police recruits and sworn officers to purchase equipment and gear. Assist outside law enforcement agencies with purchases.
• Receive and process purchase orders for equipment, gear, and police memorabilia.
• Respond to guest comments or questions in person or on the phone; answer phone calls promptly and professionally.
• Manage day-to-day operations of retail store, including opening procedures, inventory counts, floor restocking, bank deposits, and closing procedures.
• Assist with Baker to Vegas, the world’s most prestigious and unique law enforcement foot race. Starting in Baker, California and ending in Las Vegas, Nevada, law enforcement officers from around the globe race every Spring for the chance of winning this prestigious event.

Infinitely more successful than Nepenthe (even as an artist, lots of Kingdom Hearts cosplay photography) despite being a woman of color of the same age. Thank you for your service!

*unfortunately cis, so doesn't care
(03-22-2024, 08:28 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Our boy Irish Ninja is back and ready to ban bait!
Irish Ninja wrote:stranger still that "leftist" is often - at least, online - thrown about vaguely, when historically it's understood as a wide umbrella of anticapitalists, a hard line between said groups and those wishing simply reform the hierarchies of capitalist empire (liberals, progressives)
(03-23-2024, 06:05 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
IrishNinja wrote:once again: y'all are on a gaming forum that basically exists/came about because of some form of "purity tests"

i really don't take folks who openly disdain having standards seriously, because they often come from groups that are or are okay with transphobia, antiblackness, deep islamaphobia or other fascist beliefs

are we painting in broad strokes here or simply being reductive? what is this trying to accomplish?

Duke Thompson wrote:You have been banned twice by this very community for "inflammatory commentary" in the last two weeks. Do you really think you are the one qualified to speak for the values of this community?

IrishNinja wrote:which community am i speaking for here? this thread is about yet another writeup punching left, and i have been addressing caricatures of leftists while highlighting the importance of the work being done on the ground by said leftists

like a number of socialists here, you're right that i have seen bans in recent times (and i appreciate you keeping score!) but if i'm alleged to be speaking to the values of "this" community, which one would that be?
i'm aware that poliera recently got a new community thread after controversies here, so there's certainly a lot in upheaval but i'm grateful to not be part of that
Actually, how does he square these two claims (he has outlined his views more extensively there, I just grabbed Bire quotes)? Does he reject Marxism completely?

He's talking about bougie concerns that would only divide the proletariat and prevent them from carrying out the revolution for the single class. All of this stuff is creating new "classes", within the bougies I might note, rather than anything to do with the material exploitation of the proletariat via capitalism.

Maybe he's a Marxist-Leninist and thinks this is the method to determine the Vanguard which can then lead the stupid proletariat into the revolution and rule in their name after. hmm
(03-23-2024, 02:43 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-23-2024, 02:41 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
MIMIC wrote:Maybe I'm stupid but why would we warn Russia about anything?

[Image: 36457-m.jpg]

Have we considered if Mimic is a sociopath?

Nah, he's just mentally challenged. Like, proper fucked in the head.

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