Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Jeb wrote:I'm not Palestinian but I am Arab, so throughout my life when I see US politicians throw themselves to arm Isreal, fund and protect the slaughter of people like me, I get the feeling they see people like me as human sacrifices, people who's lives can be thrown away for their own political ambitions.

This is how I see US politicians, I saw it in George W Bush, Barack Obama , Trump and now Joe Biden.

Not just on Palestine but with also the Iraq war and the US Drone program too.

I've always seen these people as monsters.

This is what also infuriates me when talking to a lot of people outside the arab perspective, they either can't or don't want to see this.

Especially when its their side I'm talking about, such as Joe Biden, particularly in an election year, they want the image of their ideal politician and so they treat issues like Palestine with either a hand wave or as an inevitability I simply have to let go and move on from.

Its infuriating.

[Image: giphy.gif]
(03-24-2024, 01:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: n

Proxy wrote:Practically every single elected official in the US government are child murderers. Not content with shredding the bodies of children with US munitions their bloodlust drives them to starve them to death too. The American empire is one of the greatest evils ever devised by man and I hope for its collapse every day. I don't know how anyone can continue to delude themselves in supporting and advocating for the continued existence of this evil system.

elected official

not senator, not representative, elected official

did you know that random school board member in the middle of nowhere in georgia is a child murderer for insufficient condemnation of the israel conflict
Wouldn't this also apply to every tax payer who passively funds all this? Basically we're getting close to the kind of arguments people make who fly planes into buildings
Clickycal now has an assistant at planet fitness: 

[Image: GJYYNaaXAAAXBzU?format=jpg&name=large]
Jeb wrote:This is what also infuriates me when talking to a lot of people outside the arab perspective, they either can't or don't want to see this.

No offense, but it also sounds like you are not willing to go outside your own bubble of either Arab/Muslim and Leftist social spheres. The political reality of US/Israel support seems to be changing, at least for Israel current government, which was unthinkable a year ago, but somehow is not significant and just empty platitudes because the Arab/Muslim communities seems to ask a total unrealistic policies and actions. Is kind of infuriating how you waste your time bitching about whatever is okay to use “From the river to the sea” when support for Palestine is in all time high and Netanyahu loses reputation in the international stage. You have assholes like Reverse Canary Mission saying stuff like “Hamas don’t want to kill all Jews” or dumb idiots “Osama Bin Laden was right”.

Feels like a self defeating attitude to have.
Teriyaki_Blues wrote:This might have ended up being my favorite anime of all time. And they might make more?!

It is a shame it takes forever for Apothecary Diaries to get that "holy shit" moment but I also view Maomao as probable autistic representation, so I was all in early.

This season, or rather this last year, of anime has been exceptional.

Pls, stop. Not every single quirky character is an autist.
(03-24-2024, 03:57 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Jeb wrote:I'm not Palestinian but I am Arab, so throughout my life when I see US politicians throw themselves to arm Isreal, fund and protect the slaughter of people like me, I get the feeling they see people like me as human sacrifices, people who's lives can be thrown away for their own political ambitions.

This is how I see US politicians, I saw it in George W Bush, Barack Obama , Trump and now Joe Biden.

Not just on Palestine but with also the Iraq war and the US Drone program too.

I've always seen these people as monsters.

This is what also infuriates me when talking to a lot of people outside the arab perspective, they either can't or don't want to see this.

Especially when its their side I'm talking about, such as Joe Biden, particularly in an election year, they want the image of their ideal politician and so they treat issues like Palestine with either a hand wave or as an inevitability I simply have to let go and move on from.

Its infuriating.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Complains about being dehumanized. Immediately dehumanizes everybody else. Complains nobody sees his perspective. Immediately fails to accept other perspective.

Fundamentally most US voters are voting for what impacts their lives. The hyper ethno nationalist thing doesn’t play for normal people.
Arabs, and Islam, believe quite fervently in Arab supremacy. Which is why Islam has been having civil wars since Mohammed died.

The Arabs believe the region belongs to them and the reason that Pan-arabism isn’t a reality paradise is America and their godless attempts at stopping the Arabs rule over all.

Any leftist site should be hounding out people who are banding together and bullying others because they believe (wrongly) to have some shared interests in a wacky belief that Mohammed flew to Jerusalem on a magic horse.
I always like the part where the West has to step up and help out to feed poor starving muslims while the Saudis build a dragonball themepark with the pocket change they found under the car seat of their Lamborghini.
and giant statues of Azura from Elder Scrolls

[Image: llf6udf.png]
(03-23-2024, 06:07 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:For one, the idea that capitalism encapsulates some innate, universal human desire just doesn't have much actual physical evidence backing it up, as much as is true for any other economic system we've had before. Even feudalism wasn't practiced the same exact way in the same exact times across countries like Egypt, Japan, and England back when these systems were in place. Why? Because the physical environment of these countries was different, which in turn meant that the resulting conditions people had to deal with were different, which inevitably leads to different cultural evolutions. Human development is inevitable, but the outcome of the development is not; subsequently, the establishment of capitalism is loaded with such a shitload of chance that you get wildly different historical outcomes if certain events go a different way.

Seriously, tweak a few numbers and events here and there and you might get a timeline where Europeans aren't literally kidnapping so many Africans that the population didn't actually grow for centuries. However, we live in the timeline where Europe was able to establish significant military dominance, particularly at sea, in the run up to the Transatlantic Slave Trade, but what is important to note here is not only did capitalism lead directly to a slave trade on an unprecedented scale, but, like with feudalism, cultural conditions follow the economic conditions.

Confused Wut

Again Nepenthe is so arrogantly ignorant (arrognorant?), its hard to even unpick what the fuck they are trying to claim here, because I don't even know what fucking Civilization Lets Play or Historically Totally Accurate Anime she is basing her fucking historical viewpoint on.
Because from the flow of her argument, she's trying to say that England is 'bad' feudalism that inevitably leads to the slavery in the US, but Japan (literal rape camps) and Egypt (where the (((collective nation of slaves))) didn't even get out of slavery when they fucking died, because those fuckers got entombed with their owners to continue slaving in the fucking afterlife), when depending what point in time shes talking about England was either being colonized and genocided by the Norse, the Romans, the Saxons or the French
(03-23-2024, 10:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I will continuously remind people that it was white independents and center-right folks in the Midwest, people who have no real strong political views one way or another


NOT wanting to discard democracy - as flawed as it is - in favour of self appointed elites staging a violent coup and suppressing dissent through military means IS a strong political view, ACKSHUALLY
(03-24-2024, 01:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: n

Proxy wrote:Practically every single elected official in the US government are child murderers. Not content with shredding the bodies of children with US munitions their bloodlust drives them to starve them to death too. The American empire is one of the greatest evils ever devised by man and I hope for its collapse every day. I don't know how anyone can continue to delude themselves in supporting and advocating for the continued existence of this evil system.

200 posts in 5 years, definitely not an alt.

Also, cool forum.
(03-24-2024, 01:28 PM)Uncle wrote: and giant statues of Azura from Elder Scrolls

[Image: llf6udf.png]

[Image: starfield-adoring-fan-elder-scrolls.jpg]

The Africans did the kidnapping, the traders bought the stock on the coast from Muslim merchants     . You can’t tell her fuck all though, even correcting her on a basic history claim would get a perm
puroresu kid wrote:Biden is a monster and it's insulting for anyone to say it would be worse for the Palestinians under trump. It gets no worse than this.—-despite-flimsy-allegations-spending-bill-defunds-through-march-2025-and-protects-israeli-nationals-from-icc.830412/?post=120855816#post-120855816

The brain worms on display here are insane
Trump would let isreal nuke palestine without a second thought.
(03-24-2024, 02:40 PM)malfoyking wrote: Trump would let isreal nuke palestine without a second thought.

“It gets no worse than this” 


That user caught a 1 week and b dumbs out out a new sticky though, glad to confirm he reads this site lol

b dumbs wrote:How about we NOT derail this thread with Biden vs Trump shit?—-despite-flimsy-allegations-spending-bill-defunds-through-march-2025-and-protects-israeli-nationals-from-icc.830412/?post=120858132#post-120858132
I call this: The Duality of Man

[Image: 78uOy6j.png]
(03-24-2024, 02:49 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(03-24-2024, 02:40 PM)malfoyking wrote: Trump would let isreal nuke palestine without a second thought.

“It gets no worse than this” 


That user caught a 1 week and b dumbs out out a new sticky though, glad to confirm he reads this site lol

b dumbs wrote:How about we NOT derail this thread with Biden vs Trump shit?—-despite-flimsy-allegations-spending-bill-defunds-through-march-2025-and-protects-israeli-nationals-from-icc.830412/?post=120858132#post-120858132

B-dubs ain't playing. Probably pissy that this didn't stay in the Israel / Hamas thread. Will probably be locked by the end of the day due to thread banned members using it to continue the conversation.  wag
(03-24-2024, 02:13 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
puroresu kid wrote:Biden is a monster and it's insulting for anyone to say it would be worse for the Palestinians under trump. It gets no worse than this.—-despite-flimsy-allegations-spending-bill-defunds-through-march-2025-and-protects-israeli-nationals-from-icc.830412/?post=120855816#post-120855816

The brain worms on display here are insane

If anyone was wondering what level of personal sacrifice this comrade would offer in solidarity with others, this stupid cunt repeatedly broke covid lockdown restrictions to get a fucking haircut.
(03-24-2024, 02:13 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
puroresu kid wrote:Biden is a monster and it's insulting for anyone to say it would be worse for the Palestinians under trump. It gets no worse than this.—-despite-flimsy-allegations-spending-bill-defunds-through-march-2025-and-protects-israeli-nationals-from-icc.830412/?post=120855816#post-120855816

The brain worms on display here are insane

Oh cool it's the guy who applauded the Houthis. I cant believe he said something ban worthy again. 

Only 1 week though, its not like he defended videogame boobs
Fat4all wrote:if there's one thing I believe it that Donald Trump should be hanged, quartered, and killed in the streets for everyone to see

but I dont say that cuz it'll prob get me banned

so instead I say "wow trump so cringe lol, wtf trump is so wack haha, what a little guy!"

If only.
seems a touch extreme wtf?
[Image: ZHb8fMj.png]

"Inflammatory derail" is basically just "voicing an opinion that you shouldn't have".  I don't agree with him, but why can't he just say what he thinks so other people can reply?  What is the big deal?  How do people on that forum put up with being treated like 2 year olds?   lol
Have to agree. What else can even be said in the thread then? Are they only going to allow "Oh that sucks!" "Free Palestine!" "Biden is terrible for this" posts?
fat4all wrote:if there's one thing I believe it that Donald Trump should be hanged, quartered, and killed in the streets for everyone to see

but I dont say that cuz it'll prob get me banned

so instead I say "wow trump so cringe lol, wtf trump is so wack haha, what a little guy!"
(03-24-2024, 02:40 PM)malfoyking wrote: Trump would let isreal nuke palestine without a second thought.

It's prime waterfront property OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™

Little bit of an unfortunate situation there Trumps
Regarding AI: It's so funny to see the same dozen "starving artists" bitching themselves into a frenzy in every single thread.

AI is simple: it creates derivative works based on aggregating existing imagery. The exact same fucking thing that most artists already do with varying degrees of success. If artists didn't take inspiration from existing works then Star Wars wouldn't exist without Buck Rogers and Dune. The Last Airbender wouldn't exist without anime. John Wick wouldn't exist without Hong Kong action movies. Parody wouldn't exist at all.

Similarly, artists often ask other artists to create work that they themselves can't actually produce. Ridley Scott didn't build the Xenomorph puppets himself. George Lucas didn't compose Binary Sunset. Instead, what these guys did was give other artists prompts about what they wanted. "I want this alien to look phallic because it's supposed to represent rape as a violent force".

The only thing AI does is generate these prompts without utilizing a human just like a VFX program can generate an explosion without actually detonating anything. If it's cheaper to use than hiring people to paint, compose, or blow something up, then that actually opens special effects up to budget films that could not afford those people in the first place. It allows indie games built by three people to have more character dialogue and so on. This in turn allows more creatives more ability to bring whatever they want to life.

Alternatively, if the AI's output is worse than the work of real people (which it mostly is) then the market will reject that work as subpar, and these super duper artists have nothing to worry about. If, however, AI's work is equivalent to yours, then maybe your value just plummeted and you should split your hobby from your income generating career. 

But it's easier to bitch about the fact that artists are nature's gift to humanity and that they should be held sacred because drawing cartoon furries is your only "contribution" to society.

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