I think Bansi is about to get another ban.
Quote:Lol they banned me for the meme for "causing cross thread drama". Lots of butthurt chuds in that Stellar Blade thread I guess.
On topic, it's absolutely bonkers to me that some dipshits think the Outlaws main character looks ugly. But it has made me think more about physical beauty in our media. Whether it's movies or games, they are all chock-full of super attractive people. And in most cases that attractiveness has nothing to do with the character or the story per se. But of course, in games, the way male characters are attractive is very different from the way female characters are. This comic does a great job of illustrating that -
benji dateline='[url=tel:1712821888' wrote: 1712821888[/url]']
Boredfrom dateline='[url=tel:1712821560' wrote: 1712821560[/url]']
Fun fact about nerdy franchises: you can totally ignore stuff you hate! OG Star Wars is (mostly) still there, Watchmen comic is still reprinted, the Fallout OG games are always in sale and you can ignore Bethesda stuff outside Obsidian, the OG Final Fantasy VII is still sold. You're saying this like there won't be people out there being wrong. People who will like these wrong things.
Like, have you even stopped to consider what will happen when I tell people I'm a Star Wars fan and they think I'm talking about everything but The Last Jedi? They're going to assume I'm a chud, they're not going to understand that I'm actually a nuanced complex good person.
Yeah, what you're suggesting is how they win. That's not okay. This is too important.
Doops wrote:Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) I got spoiled thanks to Reddit and it makes me not even want to continue the show, as much as I was enjoying it. New Vegas is my favourite Fallout but sometimes the FNV hardcore fans exhaust me with their takes. However, given what supposedly happens in the show, I'm inclined to agree with them for once lmao.
If you don’t want to read the spoiler:
“I was enjoying the show, but I’m not going to finish it because Reddit told me that my favorite faction is… and I agree with them.”
Or you could finish the series and decide if is worth getting mad over the context of the TV show?
Rodelero wrote:To be precise, Cass met with Patrick Hunter. He's a Ron DeSantis appointee to Florida's Board of Medicine who contributed to Florida Republicans' anti-trans agenda.
I love how they make these throw away remarks to make it seem weird she spoke to Dr. Hunter, the guy has been a pediatrician for 30 years and has a degree in bioethics which this whole case rests on, why not consult experts?
Fucking weirdos over there truly upset that they are in an anti science position like the anti vaxxer retards.
(04-11-2024, 06:24 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: T002 Tyrant wrote:Edit:i'm safe because I realised my insurance doesn't cover suicide and I don't want to leave her with a mortgage to pay alone and no payout for my death, so ignore this. I'll just live on like a chump.
What the absolute fuck..
A healthy forum full of healthy people. Carry on.
04-11-2024, 08:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 08:41 AM by benji.)
(04-10-2024, 11:22 PM)Propagandhim wrote: I feel like a lot of these peoples' ails basically comes down to feeling alienated from society, and being immediately useful to and valued by other people is the quickest way out of their personal hell. Nepenthe doesn't have a problem with capitalism, she has a problem with being unable to figure out how to stop hating everyone for one second in order to find a use for herself in regards to other people. She can't even articulate what capitalism is. It is more comfortable for her to tell herself society has a defacto hatred for her and her race than it is to want to work on herself in order to be useful to others. Nepenthe needs capitalism to be a proscriptive thing imposed on everyone rather than a descriptive of something natural and/or logical based in human experience (or worse, inherently good in some respect) because otherwise it's too hard to escape the judgment that her personal status she despises is somehow her own fault.
What's ideal about socialism is that you won't have to listen to all those people you despise and think are beneath you to find a way to be useful to them, you can just do as you're told and it's automatically for everyone's greater good and nobody can dispute this. Your loyalty to the system implies you're essential, unlike capitalism where you "only matter" when you're engaged in exchange relations for commodities which forces you into constant despair about your true societal value.
One of the major problems with our liberal society is that if you don't feel these existential anxieties you're going to go on thinking things are fine rather than realizing you should be exhausted at how terrible life is and how unrelenting it is. This is also the problem with our increasing wealth and why we need to halt it and reverse it, so people aren't misled about how terrible their lives really are. Also one of the problems with families or other bougie pleasures, you can escape into them rather than be aware of the incessant suffering that is existing.
The fact that you aren't aware of all this just proves how much you've fallen for the capitalist, colonialist and white supremacist propaganda being force fed to you at all times by Stellar Blade or Genocide Joe or the YouTube algorithm. Maybe try educating yourself about basic human decency and how everyone else is refusing to do it for corrupt ideological reasons.
(04-11-2024, 07:19 AM)benji wrote: (04-11-2024, 03:14 AM)Averon wrote: Just a reminder this is how they responded to a report that says sexualized video games are not causing harm to male or female players:
Same denial, anger, and attacking the messenger as seen in their reaction to the Cass report.
ResetEra: Believe the science...until it contradicts my beliefs. Then it's rightwing trash. I think we need to remember that while they're terrible at sticking to the ideology in other respects one of the parts of the ideology that they absolutely fervently believe is the "everything is political" hierarchy. This saying is typically not understood entirely by people from outside the ideology so if you'll forgive me doing what I always do I'll elaborate on it.
The argument behind "everything is political" is not just a stupid statement that everything has some political message, even if that's how it's most often deployed, the argument is actually more than that and has an often abandoned motte to it. Namely that everything is political and that politics determines everything which is why I referred to it as a hierarchy. In their belief system there is politics above everything, everything else comes out completely determined by that original political position.
They don't reject the scientific method exactly as much as they're saying it's irrelevant. Your results were decided before you even did anything, the "science" is just the legitimizing of your already established political position. It's fine for them to do this because their politics are correct as proven by their divine revelation, your politics are not correct so you're being dishonest and claiming you're reaching your conclusions outside of politics. This isn't possible because everything is politics and politics is everything. Appealing to science or anything else is an attempt to distract away from the politics which predetermined everything.
Because The Bire is full of highly educated cultured intellectuals, you'll recognize one of the most famous examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism
This hasn't been abandoned, it's just become more subtle. There are huge swaths of academia, and "activists" in general, who completely agree with the premises behind Lysenkoism. Whole books are published about this. That SCIENCE MUST FALL video is part of this idea. The attack on things coming from white cishet males isn't an ad hoc defense even if it seems like it is, it's the logical extension of this concept plus the associated idea that your politics is predetermined by who you are. (Unless you're capable enough to escape false consciousness and therefore correct your politics to align with Hxrstory.)
This is to say, and TLDR, that the "everything is politics" claim has an unspoken corollary that everything is politics. In a totalizing ideology, this makes perfect logical sense, I won't quote Lenin or any other Marxists to spare you but their complaint about liberal politics was that it wasn't totalizing, that it encouraged you to think of certain spheres of life that were "outside politics" which is a false belief. The benefit of communism will be that everything will be exposed as political and politics will be able to determine everything through a deliberate central plan decided entirely by politics. The problem with capitalism and liberal democracy is that it fools you into ignorantly thinking there are things other than politics, they obscure the natural systemic force of politics that's led to why everything is the way it is. The revolution will correct this and end the alienation we all feel (see: Nepenthe) from the "anarchy" of life under capitalism because everything will be centrally planned. You will know exactly the "rational" reason for everything in life, the political order decreed it so.
edit: This is also why it's inherently totalitarian, not because it "corrupts" into authoritarian states but because ideologically it literally totalizes everything into it. (And so why you can't separate trans rights from Palestine or abolishing capitalism.) This is also why critical theory and its offshoots (often stuff gathered under the "Cultural Marxism" banner by right-wingers) spends so much of its attention on claiming that capitalism and liberalism is totalitarian. Their argument is that every system is totalitarian so you should want the better totalitarian system: communism, because it abolishes the corrupting exchange relations for complete rationally directed planning. It ends the obscuring of social relations.
edit2: For the record, I don't believe many of the ResetERA.com idiots or "activists" on Twitter necessarily truly believe this, they're too liberalism poisoned. I think they just still hold the premises about how things work, especially because they think it's "smart" and "intelligent" and "common sense" to claim everything is just power politics, so that's why they inconsistently go to it hardcore then drift away from it into liberal premises the rest of the time.
(04-11-2024, 08:28 AM)benji wrote: (04-10-2024, 11:22 PM)Propagandhim wrote: I feel like a lot of these peoples' ails basically comes down to feeling alienated from society, and being immediately useful to and valued by other people is the quickest way out of their personal hell. Nepenthe doesn't have a problem with capitalism, she has a problem with being unable to figure out how to stop hating everyone for one second in order to find a use for herself in regards to other people. She can't even articulate what capitalism is. It is more comfortable for her to tell herself society has a defacto hatred for her and her race than it is to want to work on herself in order to be useful to others. Nepenthe needs capitalism to be a proscriptive thing imposed on everyone rather than a descriptive of something natural and/or logical based in human experience (or worse, inherently good in some respect) because otherwise it's too hard to escape the judgment that her personal status she despises is somehow her own fault.
What's ideal about socialism is that you won't have to listen to all those people you despise and think are beneath you to find a way to be useful to them, you can just do as you're told and it's automatically for everyone's greater good and nobody can dispute this. Your loyalty to the system implies you're essential, unlike capitalism where you "only matter" when you're engaged in exchange relations for commodities which forces you into constant despair about your true societal value.
One of the major problems with our liberal society is that if you don't feel these existential anxieties you're going to go on thinking things are fine rather than realizing you should be exhausted at how terrible life is and how unrelenting it is. This is also the problem with our increasing wealth and why we need to halt it and reverse it, so people can aren't misled about how terrible their lives really are. Also one of the problems with families or other bougie pleasures, you can escape into them rather than be aware of the incessant suffering that is existing.
The fact that you aren't aware of all this just proves how much you've fallen for the capitalist, colonialist and white supremacist propaganda being force fed to you at all times by Stellar Blade or Genocide Joe or the YouTube algorithm. Maybe try educating yourself about basic human decency.
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
04-11-2024, 08:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 08:53 AM by Boredfrom.)
Bethesda is dumb saying that this Show is canon with the games (even if the show improves a lot of the writing and lore) but I also feel is easier to you, as an individual, pretend that this is an alternate universe take of Fallout, specially since is clear that there is love and quality poured in the show, just like you already did with OG Fallout and New Vegas being the TRUE AND HONEST FALLOUT EXPERIENCE (if you are a weirdo that needs to repost the same comment about how this show betrayed you in the same thread at Reddit).
04-11-2024, 08:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 08:33 AM by DocWager.)
Boredfrom dateline='[url=tel:1712821859' wrote: 1712821859[/url]']
Westworld was fucked the moment they had to stop production on the first season because they could not figure out a good way to expand the world of the first film into multiple seasons, so when they came back they added a mystery box.
04-11-2024, 08:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 08:44 AM by Boredfrom.)
(04-11-2024, 08:32 AM)DocWager wrote: Boredfrom dateline='[url=tel:1712821859' wrote: 1712821859[/url]']
Westworld was fucked the moment they had to stop production on the first season because they could not figure out a good way to expand the world of the first film into multiple seasons, so when they came back they added a mystery box.
That’s why Westworld S1 is perfect as a self contained story.
Also, I think Season 2 was still salvageable.
But the X-men esque storyline killed my interest.
(04-11-2024, 08:32 AM)DocWager wrote: Boredfrom dateline='[url=tel:1712821859' wrote: 1712821859[/url]']
Westworld was fucked the moment they had to stop production on the first season because they could not figure out a good way to expand the world of the first film into multiple seasons, so when they came back they added a mystery box.
Also, Futureworld was the second film.
(04-11-2024, 08:09 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I think Bansi is about to get another ban.
![[Image: 8l6rzb.jpg]](https://i.imgflip.com/8l6rzb.jpg)
Quote:Lol they banned me for the meme for "causing cross thread drama". Lots of butthurt chuds in that Stellar Blade thread I guess.
On topic, it's absolutely bonkers to me that some dipshits think the Outlaws main character looks ugly. But it has made me think more about physical beauty in our media. Whether it's movies or games, they are all chock-full of super attractive people. And in most cases that attractiveness has nothing to do with the character or the story per se. But of course, in games, the way male characters are attractive is very different from the way female characters are. This comic does a great job of illustrating that -
I liked this post a few down from that:
Quote:The new protagonist reminds me a bit of Ripley and it made be think, can you imagine if the original Alien film was released today. They would all scream that it's a woke agenda protagonist and that Ripley is too muscular or something.
Absolutely ripped and shredded. Swole even.
17 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Taco Bell Tower, Not an Alt Account, Hap Shaughnessy, Nintex, Averon, Vertigo, benji, Straight Edge, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, BIONIC, MJBarret, HaughtyFrank, Gameboy Nostalgia, kaleidoscopium, Boredfrom
Read their entire “refutation” of the Cass report by Erin Reed on Twitter. It’s 16 posts that boil down to “well these experts in trans healthcare don’t agree we should limit healthcare access to children, also you met with Floridas doctors so you are bad. Also consider liking and subscribing”.
The intellectual rigor is off the charts I tell you what
The genre of writing is known as an apology, and the field is apologetics.
04-11-2024, 09:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 09:11 AM by Boredfrom.)
I feel that Fallout 4 being so shitty is the only reason why people pretend that OG Fallout fans are not fucking insane. There is people pretending that New Vegas was good at launch.
This shit is Fallout 3 all over again, normies are going to get surprised in how much the fans hate the show because “breaks muh lore” and is a Bethesda self own for insisting that “this is canon with our games… the games with the extremely crazy and petty fans.”
Bethesda leadership and the Fallout fandom deserve each other.
Fallout fans, you are now in the same level of annoying as Sonic Fans:
“If Bethesda didn’t say it was canon I would love this show. How dare they.”
(04-11-2024, 09:01 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Read their entire “refutation” of the Cass report by Erin Reed on Twitter. It’s 16 posts that boil down to “well these experts in trans healthcare don’t agree we should limit healthcare access to children, also you met with Floridas doctors so you are bad. Also consider liking and subscribing”.
The intellectual rigor is off the charts I tell you what
I'm not sure Erin Reed is a reliable source..
(04-11-2024, 08:30 AM)benji wrote: (04-11-2024, 07:19 AM)benji wrote: (04-11-2024, 03:14 AM)Averon wrote: Just a reminder this is how they responded to a report that says sexualized video games are not causing harm to male or female players:
Same denial, anger, and attacking the messenger as seen in their reaction to the Cass report.
ResetEra: Believe the science...until it contradicts my beliefs. Then it's rightwing trash. I think we need to remember that while they're terrible at sticking to the ideology in other respects one of the parts of the ideology that they absolutely fervently believe is the "everything is political" hierarchy. This saying is typically not understood entirely by people from outside the ideology so if you'll forgive me doing what I always do I'll elaborate on it.
The argument behind "everything is political" is not just a stupid statement that everything has some political message, even if that's how it's most often deployed, the argument is actually more than that and has an often abandoned motte to it. Namely that everything is political and that politics determines everything which is why I referred to it as a hierarchy. In their belief system there is politics above everything, everything else comes out completely determined by that original political position.
They don't reject the scientific method exactly as much as they're saying it's irrelevant. Your results were decided before you even did anything, the "science" is just the legitimizing of your already established political position. It's fine for them to do this because their politics are correct as proven by their divine revelation, your politics are not correct so you're being dishonest and claiming you're reaching your conclusions outside of politics. This isn't possible because everything is politics and politics is everything. Appealing to science or anything else is an attempt to distract away from the politics which predetermined everything.
Because The Bire is full of highly educated cultured intellectuals, you'll recognize one of the most famous examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism
This hasn't been abandoned, it's just become more subtle. There are huge swaths of academia, and "activists" in general, who completely agree with the premises behind Lysenkoism. Whole books are published about this. That SCIENCE MUST FALL video is part of this idea. The attack on things coming from white cishet males isn't an ad hoc defense even if it seems like it is, it's the logical extension of this concept plus the associated idea that your politics is predetermined by who you are. (Unless you're capable enough to escape false consciousness and therefore correct your politics to align with Hxrstory.)
This is to say, and TLDR, that the "everything is politics" claim has an unspoken corollary that everything is politics. In a totalizing ideology, this makes perfect logical sense, I won't quote Lenin or any other Marxists to spare you but their complaint about liberal politics was that it wasn't totalizing, that it encouraged you to think of certain spheres of life that were "outside politics" which is a false belief. The benefit of communism will be that everything will be exposed as political and politics will be able to determine everything through a deliberate central plan decided entirely by politics. The problem with capitalism and liberal democracy is that it fools you into ignorantly thinking there are things other than politics, they obscure the natural systemic force of politics that's led to why everything is the way it is. The revolution will correct this and end the alienation we all feel (see: Nepenthe) from the "anarchy" of life under capitalism because everything will be centrally planned. You will know exactly the "rational" reason for everything in life, the political order decreed it so.
edit: This is also why it's inherently totalitarian, not because it "corrupts" into authoritarian states but because ideologically it literally totalizes everything into it. (And so why you can't separate trans rights from Palestine or abolishing capitalism.) This is also why critical theory and its offshoots (often stuff gathered under the "Cultural Marxism" banner by right-wingers) spends so much of its attention on claiming that capitalism and liberalism is totalitarian. Their argument is that every system is totalitarian so you should want the better totalitarian system: communism, because it abolishes the corrupting exchange relations for complete rationally directed planning. It ends the obscuring of social relations.
edit2: For the record, I don't believe many of the ResetERA.com idiots or "activists" on Twitter necessarily truly believe this, they're too liberalism poisoned. I think they just still hold the premises about how things work, especially because they think it's "smart" and "intelligent" and "common sense" to claim everything is just power politics, so that's why they inconsistently go to it hardcore then drift away from it into liberal premises the rest of the time.
(04-11-2024, 08:28 AM)benji wrote: (04-10-2024, 11:22 PM)Propagandhim wrote: I feel like a lot of these peoples' ails basically comes down to feeling alienated from society, and being immediately useful to and valued by other people is the quickest way out of their personal hell. Nepenthe doesn't have a problem with capitalism, she has a problem with being unable to figure out how to stop hating everyone for one second in order to find a use for herself in regards to other people. She can't even articulate what capitalism is. It is more comfortable for her to tell herself society has a defacto hatred for her and her race than it is to want to work on herself in order to be useful to others. Nepenthe needs capitalism to be a proscriptive thing imposed on everyone rather than a descriptive of something natural and/or logical based in human experience (or worse, inherently good in some respect) because otherwise it's too hard to escape the judgment that her personal status she despises is somehow her own fault.
What's ideal about socialism is that you won't have to listen to all those people you despise and think are beneath you to find a way to be useful to them, you can just do as you're told and it's automatically for everyone's greater good and nobody can dispute this. Your loyalty to the system implies you're essential, unlike capitalism where you "only matter" when you're engaged in exchange relations for commodities which forces you into constant despair about your true societal value.
One of the major problems with our liberal society is that if you don't feel these existential anxieties you're going to go on thinking things are fine rather than realizing you should be exhausted at how terrible life is and how unrelenting it is. This is also the problem with our increasing wealth and why we need to halt it and reverse it, so people can aren't misled about how terrible their lives really are. Also one of the problems with families or other bougie pleasures, you can escape into them rather than be aware of the incessant suffering that is existing.
The fact that you aren't aware of all this just proves how much you've fallen for the capitalist, colonialist and white supremacist propaganda being force fed to you at all times by Stellar Blade or Genocide Joe or the YouTube algorithm. Maybe try educating yourself about basic human decency. ![[Image: galcares.png]](http://thebore.net/galcares.png)
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
Hard disagree. I enjoyed reading this
Stuart444 wrote:Gotta say, everytime I see a tweet from JK in here, I'm glad I blocked her.
Before doing that, I kept on getting e-mails from twitter showing her tweets and just makes me rage, like I don't want to see that shit in my inbox.
Really wish she could just fuck off forever.
radian8 wrote:AEW helped me through the pandemic in such a big way and I've loved so much of AEW for the past few years. But seeing the reaction to this has made me mad, then depressed. IWC is absolutely cooked and I need to take a break from it all for my mental health. Just a bunch of awful awful people who take glee in misery.
bro it's not that big.. I hope whatever has you troubled to the point of letting a show get you this upset is eased off your shoulders in the future.
(04-11-2024, 05:23 AM)benji wrote: I should also point out that some of the famous trans children advocates have parents who outright say they transitioned their children out of fear they'd be gay. The reasoning is similar in places like Iran. Better a straight trans daughter than a gay son.
04-11-2024, 10:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 10:09 AM by HaughtyFrank.)
(04-11-2024, 08:46 AM)Potato wrote: I liked this post a few down from that:
Quote:The new protagonist reminds me a bit of Ripley and it made be think, can you imagine if the original Alien film was released today. They would all scream that it's a woke agenda protagonist and that Ripley is too muscular or something.
![[Image: xh8mZbA.jpeg]](https://i.imgur.com/xh8mZbA.jpeg)
Absolutely ripped and shredded. Swole even.
I always hate when they say "what if it was released today" because you know in reality they'd go nuclear over Sigourney Weaver wearing those tiny panties.
The said the exact same thing about the animated Avatar show and then the modern Avatar show removed a whole bunch of elements because they're considered too offensive for a "modern audience"
Cenauru wrote:Also like, many of us ARE gay. I'm a lesbian, I'm a woman in love with another woman.
15 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Tucker's Law, Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, Uncle, Vertigo, benji, Straight Edge, Brolha, NekoFever, killamajig, MJBarret, Boredfrom, Propagandhim, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-11-2024, 10:05 AM)Snoopy wrote: (04-11-2024, 05:23 AM)benji wrote: I should also point out that some of the famous trans children advocates have parents who outright say they transitioned their children out of fear they'd be gay. The reasoning is similar in places like Iran. Better a straight trans daughter than a gay son.
if polenta is gay, I'm Liberace
04-11-2024, 10:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 10:30 AM by Daffy Duck.)
Where do they find these totally unhinged posters?
Quote:So, I work in a finance role and this week is key for us finalising our forecast and presenting to the CFO and CEO.
The equivalent in my team has a very system based role that he manages, completely remote.
He is actually working abroad at the moment visiting his sister while working at her house. Today my manager informs our team, that our colleague won't be working the remainder of the week as his sisters mother in law has been given taken ill in hospital. To me this is a bullshit excuse, but let me know if I am being too harsh.
Quote:The team is me, my manager and this guy
Quote:He only needs to do 2 hours work to not fuck us, he could do both
04-11-2024, 10:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 10:36 AM by Propagandhim.)
What possesses people to log onto Resetera and tell a bunch of maladjusted cultist idiots your travails at work. How neurotic can you be
Rodelero wrote:The Cass review is a four year independent review commissioned by the NHS and undertaken by a renowned paediatrician. It's not just politically difficult, given the current climate, for a politician to dismiss this report. It is also something that most politicians have no standing to do. Few politicians are scientifically literate, and fewer still are scientists or medics with the kind of reputation that would enable them to criticise this review without getting eaten alive.
None of this is to excuse Labour's increasingly pathetic handling of trans politics under Starmer and Streeting. But I do think it's exceptionally difficult for anyone to challenge this report in the short term, which explains why other groups, e.g. Mermaids/Stonewall have welcomed the report to varying extents. Even in an ideal world the best you could hope for is that, following a general election, a new government commissions a new review. There's no quick fix, I don't think.
It almost sounds like TransKids need for blockers is justified by flimsy reasons and a new government would need to manipulate the results to not get the same conclusions.
(04-11-2024, 10:19 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: Cenauru wrote:Also like, many of us ARE gay. I'm a lesbian, I'm a woman in love with another woman.
In reality:
2 fat autistic men with shit wigs who are fucking each other in the ass with their balloon knot dicks while roleplaying as their weird FF14 fetish characters. If Sophia is capable of that with them having the mobility of a fridge by the sounds of it
I apologize for the mental image.
I’m not from the UK, but my impression is that Mermaids is already in thin ice to try to dispute the result. Also, weren’t they the fucking experts of TransChild care?
04-11-2024, 10:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 10:58 AM by Propagandhim.)
The Cass Report is not even railing against some notion of trans identity or suggesting transgenderism ought to be seen as a mental illness. It does not suggest youth with gender dysphoria should not pursue medical transition or that gender-affirming care is inappropriate. All it's saying is the current model of gender identity services for children and young people in England is not sustainable or sufficiently robust to provide the highest standards of care to trans kids. There's inconsistent assessment processes, and lack of consensus on the appropriate clinical approach. They're not even suggesting a ban of hormone prescriptions, they're saying there needs to be a strengthening of clinical governance around hormone prescribing, more processes of informed consent, and increased medical oversight and responsibility in decision making. Can these fuckers take ANY criticism at all?
Quote:Even in an ideal world the best you could hope for is that, following a general election, a new government commissions a new review. There's no quick fix, I don't think.
There's no quick fix for quashing some report that says there should be a better clinical approach to trans care? This is a fucking cult. Holy fuck, these people are actually nuts.
(04-11-2024, 10:46 AM)Propagandhim wrote: The Cass Report is not even an anti-trans document. All it's saying is the current model of gender identity services for children and young people in England is not sustainable or sufficiently robust to provide the highest standards of care to trans kids. There's inconsistent assessment processes, and lack of consensus on the appropriate clinical approach. They're not even suggesting a ban of hormone prescriptions, they're saying there needs to be a strengthening of clinical governance around hormone prescribing. Can these fuckers take ANY criticism at all?
Because a higher standard will reduce the number the cases and the more standardized clinical approach will kill some loopholes. They wanted that the apparatus had a looser approach rather than being scrutinized and getting standards, because they hate TransMedicalists always warning them that this was going to happen.