Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Galkinator wrote:Snyder is really butthurt over this huh? Get over it dude this movie is 8 years old

(04-13-2024, 11:31 PM)Boredfrom wrote: You said Channel 4 was neutral but I have a unfunny Egyptian comedian lecturing me how the West should not lecture Middle East about their human rights failings. Bolo

The West need to FUCK OFF. The Middle East and what they do to their mentally ill population (LGBTQIA+++) is none of our business.  wag

[Image: zakir-naik-dr-zakir-naik.gif]
2 users liked this post: Nintex, Taco Bell Tower

Malarkey!  Thank you for your service!
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
SupertonicHypertonic wrote:Sigh. Not only is israel committing genocide it's now goaded Iran in into a war

You guys said that Iran cared so much about Palestine to take the bait.
(04-13-2024, 11:43 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Malarkey!  Thank you for your service!

Whale wrote:more likely that bibi receives a call from biden telling him "you have our ironclad support" than that
Signal wrote:Prophetic

Quote:Doesn't matter if Iran wants a war or not, Iran reacting to israel aggressiveness is going to be used as a spark for israel and USA to fight back Iran. Might not be full scale but you can be assured israel will then bomb another Iran target, so they'll react again and the cycle repeats again.

Yes, because Iran is totally innocent in how they influence the region.
scuffed wrote:

What an embarrassing group of inept losers.

High quality political discussion you’ve got there b dumbs
[Image: GLEzITFakAA_UZG?format=jpg]

ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this was terrible.

It's really the worst thing a movie can be: boring. The script is uninteresting and it feels like it thinks it's very smart and profound yet never actually says anything. Cowardly, centrist dreck.
It stinks!
(04-13-2024, 11:46 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(04-13-2024, 11:43 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Malarkey!  Thank you for your service!

Whale wrote:more likely that bibi receives a call from biden telling him "you have our ironclad support" than that
Signal wrote:Prophetic


Scuffed wrote:What an embarrassing group of inept losers.

[Image: 49fe93.jpg?a475776]

Scuffed from Yesterday wrote:I know the geopolitics of the region. I just don't think Saudi Arabia will be ok getting bombed for Israel and if they get involved that is what will happen. Hell we are so fragile in the west I don't even know if we could handle the economic fallout from that. Their is no easy win here it would already be complicated but Israel's ethnic cleansing in Gaza makes it much more complicated.

Sure you do, bud. Sure you do.  Malarkey!
(04-13-2024, 11:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this was terrible.

It's really the worst thing a movie can be: boring. The script is uninteresting and it feels like it thinks it's very smart and profound yet never actually says anything. Cowardly, centrist dreck.
It stinks!

Soo.. Like any Marvel film?  lol
One night I was on Skype with my mate in Saudi. I spotted a spider running across the carpet so I did the manly yelp we all do when we see one of the bastards. He asks what’s up and I go Spider, there’s a fuckin spider, you should see the size of the cunt. It’s at least 2 inches! He says he had to check his bedding every night to make sure there was no scorpions or tarantulas in his sheets. There’s no comeback for that.
(04-13-2024, 11:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this was terrible.

It's really the worst thing a movie can be: boring. The script is uninteresting and it feels like it thinks it's very smart and profound yet never actually says anything. Cowardly, centrist dreck.
It stinks!

Having seen the film I could tell that Jeff Marvel wouldn’t like it, no iron man or captain America to lecture on morality to him.
Scuffed wrote:What an embarrassing group of inept losers.

Don’t be hard on yourself, Scuff.

Also, real talk B Dubs: Control your forum before gets self radicalized for being retarded.
(04-13-2024, 11:52 PM)Snoopy wrote: One night I was on Skype with my mate in Saudi. I spotted a spider running across the carpet so I did the manly yelp we all do when we see one of the bastards. He asks what’s up and I go Spider, there’s a fuckin spider, you should see the size of the cunt. It’s at least 2 inches! He says he had to check his bedding every night to make sure there was no scorpions or tarantulas in his sheets. There’s no comeback for that.

zeovgm wrote:This is so vapid. Exactly what I said above. Thr film thinks it's more intelligent than it actually is (and apparently, so does Garland).

This coming from Jeff of all people is rich
(04-13-2024, 11:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this was terrible.

It's really the worst thing a movie can be: boring. The script is uninteresting and it feels like it thinks it's very smart and profound yet never actually says anything. Cowardly, centrist dreck.
It stinks!

Not everything can be as good as shehulk.

Also The marvels was great

Daily absolute cinema Sweeney:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbuhfgezeH-9nP_ppree8...ybOWs&s=10]
Ms. Marvel is a treasure we must protect her!
kidmuscle wrote:
monketron wrote:Tell me one country that wouldn't react to their embassy getting obliterated?
Obviously the USA duh… /s
Actually the US Embassy in Libya was attacked and we just left. Maybe you’ve heard of Benghazi?
(04-13-2024, 11:52 PM)Snoopy wrote: One night I was on Skype with my mate in Saudi. I spotted a spider running across the carpet so I did the manly yelp we all do when we see one of the bastards. He asks what’s up and I go Spider, there’s a fuckin spider, you should see the size of the cunt. It’s at least 2 inches! He says he had to check his bedding every night to make sure there was no scorpions or tarantulas in his sheets. There’s no comeback for that.

that's a mexico thing too, friend went barefoot on our lawn and was strangely excited about it, said where they're from it's not safe to do that, and you always have to check enclosed shoes before putting them on (why LA CHANCLA is universal)
boredfrom will back me up and say everything I said is true
(04-13-2024, 11:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this was terrible.

It's really the worst thing a movie can be: boring. The script is uninteresting and it feels like it thinks it's very smart and profound yet never actually says anything. Cowardly, centrist dreck.
It stinks!

[Image: GK_yNdQXkAAPSeL.jpg]

No independent thoughts whatsoever. Amazing. There’s nothing there.
(04-14-2024, 12:08 AM)Polident wrote:
(04-13-2024, 11:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this was terrible.

It's really the worst thing a movie can be: boring. The script is uninteresting and it feels like it thinks it's very smart and profound yet never actually says anything. Cowardly, centrist dreck.
It stinks!

[Image: GK_yNdQXkAAPSeL.jpg]

No independent thoughts whatsoever. Amazing. There’s nothing there.

Fucker sounds so bitter about the “fancy art kid studio”.
(04-14-2024, 12:04 AM)Uncle wrote: boredfrom will back me up and say everything I said is true

I mean, I have found scorpions on my house. Yeshrug
(04-14-2024, 12:14 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(04-14-2024, 12:04 AM)Uncle wrote: boredfrom will back me up and say everything I said is true

I mean, I have found scorpions on my house. Yeshrug

everyone has their regional shit to deal with but I don't envy you there  Respect Knuckles
(04-14-2024, 12:17 AM)Uncle wrote:
(04-14-2024, 12:14 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(04-14-2024, 12:04 AM)Uncle wrote: boredfrom will back me up and say everything I said is true

I mean, I have found scorpions on my house. Yeshrug

everyone has their regional shit to deal with but I don't envy you there  Respect Knuckles

They are not venomous, they just sting like hell.
Well now that the nothing burger has concluded I'm off to bed. Surely this won't escalate beyond this geopolitcal pinch of the buttocks for domestic propaganda.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
User threadbanned - pending further review

Quote:i cant believe that biden *checks notes* forced iran to attack israel

what the FUCK is wrong with you people??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

if you would rather stand with hamas, iran and houthis than the usa then here is an idea for you: seek professional help
That's what you fucking get!

[Image: zakir-naik-may-allah-forgive-you.gif]
5 users liked this post: Boredfrom, benji, Tektonic, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex

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