Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(04-15-2024, 12:59 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Is it possible to pay Fred Armisen $5 on cameo to recreate this?
(04-15-2024, 12:13 AM)Polident wrote: Keep returning to the Bioshock Infinite reaction from ten years ago. Where the game portrays the “freedom fighter” lady as being a violent lunatic for her revolution. Bunch of people who’ve never read a non-fiction book, or book without drawings, whining about how oppressed becoming oppressors never ever happens and leftist regimes are like super peaceful. And a later DLC capitulated by saying she was forced to be evil by the twins. Again, ten years ago. It’s only gotten worse. Anything short of propaganda is too centrist.
They aren't taking it as a critique of historical reality, they're taking it as a personal attack. Their intentions are pure so it's targeting their intentions which is attacking them as a person.

They're saying "oh, so you're saying I couldn't lead a successful revolution that leads to utopia? HOW DARE YOU!" That's the centrism, questioning (just asking questions huh) their place on the Right Side of History and the divine perfection of their morality.
Also based on the way they treat media I wouldn't be surprised if they believe that if there was only propaganda that it would not just be possible but come about.
Quote:Thank you for posting this.
I love having things like this in my pocket for when I overhear some chud-ass coworkers say some dumb shit.
Not that facts ever really seem to matter with those people, I just don't shut up until they walk away.


It's amazing to me how they don't seem to realize that trans women in elite sports is the hill on which trans acceptance goes to die.
Public opinion is already overwhelmingly against this and there hasn't been a single high profile case yet. No normy knows who the hell Lia Thomas is. But imagine what is gonna happen when Simone Biles, Katie Ledecky or Coco Gauff lose to a trans woman during prime time at the Olympics or the US Open.

I can't tell if deep down, they all know it but still push forward because they're insufferable narcissists, or if the Internet moderators have encouraged their delusion by banning all the "chuds" and "transphobes" daring to question this. I can't think of many other topics for which online discourse is so completely at odds with real life opinion.
Just imagine the blissful world where media was so controlled that nobody could deny the historical inevitability of Lucio. Lawd
(04-14-2024, 10:55 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(04-14-2024, 10:49 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
zeoVGM wrote:Whatever you need to tell yourself to defend the writing man.

This coming from Jeff marvel is rich and should be an image used on him in every marvel thread going forward

if this were the marvels he'd be banned.

[Image: Jrwm3pe.png]
(04-15-2024, 01:45 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
dammitmatt wrote:It's shocking how many people in this thread just believe the headline because "Tesla." Do you really think this story is even remotely true?

I've had my Model 3 for almost 6 years and every single person who got into it for the first time used the manual release instead of the electronic button. And of course it's been fine.

Also, the vast majority of people perform the software update remotely from the app while plugged in at home because it requires you to be on WiFi. It's not trying to get you to update when you're driving down the road. You can also set it to update at certain times. Plus when it starts, it has a 2-minute countdown with ample warning time and the ability to delay it.

Do better, Era


Hecht wrote:If I'm buying a car and it may need updates for anything more than like the…radio…I ain't buying that fucking car.

Teslas, at the moment, are the merging of automobiles and the enshittification of the internet. Either build the thing fucking correctly (recalls, etc., notwithstanding), or don't fucking sell them.

I know Hecht is retarded but... jfc

Hecht been getting into the bathtub hooch again I see...
(04-15-2024, 06:16 AM)Potato wrote:
(04-14-2024, 10:55 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(04-14-2024, 10:49 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

This coming from Jeff marvel is rich and should be an image used on him in every marvel thread going forward

if this were the marvels he'd be banned.

[Image: Jrwm3pe.png]


(04-15-2024, 05:45 AM)Echelon wrote:
(04-15-2024, 12:59 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Is it possible to pay Fred Armisen $5 on cameo to recreate this?

(04-15-2024, 04:38 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Morrigan wrote:In a relationship and living together for 2 decades but not married so none of the poll options fit me :P
It’s nice Morrigan found some blind guy to be "her precious".

Morrigan is more of a Shelob honestly
3 users liked this post: Vertigo, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-15-2024, 06:22 AM)Potato wrote:
(04-15-2024, 04:38 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Morrigan wrote:In a relationship and living together for 2 decades but not married so none of the poll options fit me :P
It’s nice Morrigan found some blind guy to be "her precious".

Morrigan is more of a Shelob honestly

I hope their partner knows Morrigan is nazi supporter.  wag
2 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower
Kyuuji's Cass Review thread is now on page 5 with only 2 pages worth of activity. Their new "IOC funded study shows female trans athletes at a disadvantage in key metrics compared to cis counterparts" hasn't even gotten to a second page in replies.

“Ban Chinese electric vehicles now", made on the same day as the Cass review thread, how more replies than both of Kyuuji's threads. 

Cis just don't care.  Gloomy
(04-15-2024, 06:06 AM)Ethan wrote:
Quote:Thank you for posting this.
I love having things like this in my pocket for when I overhear some chud-ass coworkers say some dumb shit.
Not that facts ever really seem to matter with those people, I just don't shut up until they walk away.

It's amazing to me how they don't seem to realize that trans women in elite sports is the hill on which trans acceptance goes to die.
Public opinion is already overwhelmingly against this and there hasn't been a single high profile case yet. No normy knows who the hell Lia Thomas is. But imagine what is gonna happen when Simone Biles, Katie Ledecky or Coco Gauff lose to a trans woman during prime time at the Olympics or the US Open.

I can't tell if deep down, they all know it but still push forward because they're insufferable narcissists, or if the Internet moderators have encouraged their delusion by banning all the "chuds" and "transphobes" daring to question this. I can't think of many other topics for which online discourse is so completely at odds with real life opinion.
Actually, I'm going to push back against this. You're the one who doesn't realize why it's so important to them. Remember that their main demand is that everyone everywhere at all times accept their metaphysical claim that one can define ones gender simply by assertion. And further that you must treat them exactly as you would the gender of their assertion as determined by their mindreading of you.

Anywhere that's allowed to reject this poses a threat to the entire thing, it says that it's acceptable to question the assertion and underlying reasoning. Anywhere that's not ideologically captured becomes an outpost of TERF chud ideology that wants them dead. There is no safety for trans people unless that ideology is completely and permanently eliminated everywhere.

Allowing the false belief that gender is tied to sex and sex is biologically determined is the threat to trans people. You're arguing that they should put up with a little genocide, allow it to happen in one place because that could never spread to all of them. Even though that's the chuds entire goal.
(04-15-2024, 06:34 AM)benji wrote: Allowing the false belief that gender is tied to sex and sex is biologically determined is the threat to trans people. You're arguing that they should put up with a little genocide, allow it to happen in one place because that could never spread to all of them. Even though that's the chuds entire goal.

Quote:The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade hermaphrodites to enter upon women, if they pay attention to women and their charms, and he ordered that they be banned from living among people so as to guard against their evil. 

Imam al-Bukhaari included this hadeeth in two chapters: (1) under the heading: “It is forbidden for men who resemble women to enter upon women” and (2) under the heading: “Expelling men who resemble women from people’s houses.”

Ibn Hajar said: What we learn from this is that women should observe hijab before those hermaphrodites who pay attention to women's charms, and that they should be banned from living among people, as a means to deter them. And it seems that doing this is obligatory.

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
This exchange is just…chefs kiss

Quote:Increasingly feel like I can comfortably assume any news thread title I read on Era is somewhere between an exaggeration and a fabrication

Quote:We're definitely not great at not being reactionary, and not just enthusiastically accepting everything that fits our preconceived narrative.

We think we're better than others in that regard, but I'm not sure. We're now in a place where, like, people who know about planes can't stand to be in Boeing threads, people who know about cars can't stand to be in Tesla/EV threads, etc., and I don't think that ever leads to a good result.

I actually give chrominance a lot of credit for admitting they were misinformed earlier in this thread. That's never easy to do and it's always humbling. But it leads to better discussion and it's good to know that people can actually still be curious and learn things here, instead of just deciding that what they already believe has to be true and then shouting about it.
(04-15-2024, 06:59 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Quote:We're definitely not great at not being reactionary, and not just enthusiastically accepting everything that fits our preconceived narrative.

We think we're better than others in that regard, but I'm not sure. We're now in a place where, like, people who know about planes can't stand to be in Boeing threads, people who know about cars can't stand to be in Tesla/EV threads, etc., and I don't think that ever leads to a good result.

I actually give chrominance a lot of credit for admitting they were misinformed earlier in this thread. That's never easy to do and it's always humbling. But it leads to better discussion and it's good to know that people can actually still be curious and learn things here, instead of just deciding that what they already believe has to be true and then shouting about it.
Gross, maybe don't dismiss people's concerns. Jeanluc
Would you get banned for posting this on

Spoiler:  (click to show)
jk you'd get banned for having a history of history ufup 
'The muslim world'  Badass
The Russian bots are afraid and they are going crazy, Iran is their biggest "ally".  lol
(04-15-2024, 08:36 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: 'The muslim world'  Badass
Are you saying that Joe Biden isn't leading a genocide of all Muslims? You some kind of science-denying centrist? ufup
I thought Iran Government was corrupt and their morality police wrong for killing innocent women?

I guess the right of women mean little if there's Jews to exterminate, huh?

How quick Resetera and the left forgets.

Sorry. The Ummah is dead. The Shias and their Catholic lite abomination made sure of it.

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(04-15-2024, 08:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I thought Iran Government was corrupt and their morality police wrong for killing innocent women?

I guess the right of women mean little if there's Jews to exterminate, huh? 
[Image: F9OR4xFbMAYZtfp?format=jpg&name=small]
I mean, if you don't know the basics of anticolonial thought I literally can't help you.
4 users liked this post: BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, Switters, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-15-2024, 08:59 AM)benji wrote:
(04-15-2024, 08:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I thought Iran Government was corrupt and their morality police wrong for killing innocent women?

I guess the right of women mean little if there's Jews to exterminate, huh? 
[Image: F9OR4xFbMAYZtfp?format=jpg&name=small]

cat video thread? Inshallah.

and to those doing 14 mile runs slower than before? Allah Yashfeek
Muslim lore infighting is properly fascinating business. 

The iranians only became Shia comparatively recently, it was like a centuries long forced conversion campaign that happened outside of the scope of history because Iran is hard to get to and most of the victims were illiterate
The other day, actually before all this, I saw people calling Iranians “Arabs”. There’s a strange conception of the world among those without curiosity beyond five minutes ago on Twitter.
Quote:Can we realistically make Rebirth more of a success? 

Like Twitter trending, buying it again once it is discounted, double dipping once it is on pc... This game deserves to be lighting thr charts on fire. It's a dream, everything one could want in a modern FF but it's sinking like a rock... We collectively begged for this... For 15+ years and then shrugged our shoulders. Shit is so weird to me.

(04-15-2024, 09:59 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Can we realistically make Rebirth more of a success? 

Like Twitter trending, buying it again once it is discounted, double dipping once it is on pc... This game deserves to be lighting thr charts on fire. It's a dream, everything one could want in a modern FF but it's sinking like a rock... We collectively begged for this... For 15+ years and then shrugged our shoulders. Shit is so weird to me.


I saw this earlier and rolled my eyes so hard I almost pulled a muscle
Want to know what would've made Rebirth more of a success? If they trashed it and made FF9 Remake.  Snob
Rebirth should have been day 1 ps5 and PC. But Square would still rather take that exclusivity money, so they deserve it. Or at best, they do rebirth like they did DQ11. That worked on ps5, PC and switch.

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