Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Ree have finally discovered The People's Joker. Obviously they're going to be unbearable about it, but new troll lore so there's that -

Princess Headmates Is A Gullible Clown wrote:I remember hearing about this movie not long after I realised I was trans when it was basically just a shitpost being thrown around on twitter, and hearing about it being actually worked on was the coolest thing in 2021 back when the world felt kind of nice to be trans in. Heard it never got a wide release but I doubt it's going to be coming anywhere near me any time soon (australia is just like that). From what you described, it sounds like a really good reckoning with both trans culture and the culture surrounding the Joker, and as a trans woman with substance abuse issues (Used morphine to medicate dysphoria for a while do not recommend) I kind of teared up a bit hearing about that smilex stuff but not in a bad way.
It really is special to me that a trans woman actually got to tell her story and make something really special using characters who are so ubiqutious in every day society to tell a truly meaningful and touching story. I wish I could do that one way. Over the past few years me and some of my headmates have dreamed about writing a truly special comic book about Two-Face or a similar character as a means to grapple with our DID and gender and switches in perceptions from doctors from being seen as a man in psychiatric medicine and being seen as a woman and the kind of pity that comes with that and how the rare moments in which we get angry get seen as proof that we're not the woman we claim to be.
I dunno food for thought.
AlyssaBates wrote:I remember hearing about this movie not long after I realised I was trans when it was basically just a shitpost being thrown around on twitter, and hearing about it being actually worked on was the coolest thing in 2021 back when the world felt kind of nice to be trans in.
Fucking love TwoTrolls. What fucking ability to be insulting of her community while they remind clueless.
Quote:This looks utterly cringeworthy and embarrasing.

Quote:And why is that?

[Image: tenor.gif]

Couldn't even make it past the first page.
I’m just here waiting for the mass shooting this movie will cause.

Twohearts, post: 121745022, member: 164181 wrote:I remember hearing about this movie not long after I realised I was trans when it was basically just a shitpost being thrown around on twitter, and hearing about it being actually worked on was the coolest thing in 2021 back when the world felt kind of nice to be trans in. Heard it never got a wide release but I doubt it's going to be coming anywhere near me any time soon (australia is just like that). From what you described, it sounds like a really good reckoning with both trans culture and the culture surrounding the Joker, and as a trans woman with substance abuse issues (Used morphine to medicate dysphoria for a while do not recommend) I kind of teared up a bit hearing about that smilex stuff but not in a bad way.
It really is special to me that a trans woman actually got to tell her story and make something really special using characters who are so ubiqutious in every day society to tell a truly meaningful and touching story. I wish I could do that one way. Over the past few years me and some of my headmates have dreamed about writing a truly special comic book about Two-Face or a similar character as a means to grapple with our DID and gender and switches in perceptions from doctors from being seen as a man in psychiatric medicine and being seen as a woman and the kind of pity that comes with that and how the rare moments in which we get angry get seen as proof that we're not the woman we claim to be.
I dunno food for thought.

Bionic, post: 121745175, member: 16929 wrote:yall should do that!!! I love that idea, and I want more art that’s trans as hell!

Twohearts, post: 121745190, member: 164181 wrote:Hey I'm working on it. We try to write something every week though that's been on hold with illness (we are hopefully better now), so I might give a two-face character study a shot. I mean it's my fiction I can make him transition if I want, and the Earth 3 charcter of 3 face exists (female 2 face with 3 headmates who dated the riddler) so I could fuck around with that too if i wanted.
EDIT: One thing I'd like to touch on is how gendered abuse is still gendered towards closeted trans children because even if abusers don't work out you're trans they still pick up on the ways that you don't exactly fit in and how you're looking for solid guidance

That “People’s Joker” thread is complete brain worms.

Spoiler: The Starting Gun (click to show)
bionic wrote:now I'm really sad I didn't make the people's joker thread I was going to make after seeing it on Friday, seeing this thread portray it as a crappy non-parody rather than what it is: outsider trans art.

This post is going to have spoilers in it. I'm not marking them, skip this post if you don't want spoilers for TPJ.

It was an incredibly powerful movie for me. I cried four times during it. Trans coming of age stories that are written by, made by, and starring trans people do not get shown in movie theaters. So many moments in her life were moments from mine. The drives with her mom. The gradual fracturing of the mirror. The combination of furious indignation and complete detachment at the same time. Yes, it uses anti comedy as a framing mechanism and as material because Vera is part of that scene. But it is undeniably a parody of the joker and harley and Batman and dc and all that. And it's goofy and dumb and incredibly serious and beautiful and ugly.

But you know what? It's the utter transphobic disrespect, OP. The main character of the movie was a trans woman who uses she/her. She said so over and over again. Calling her a drag queen? misgendering her because you literally couldn't understand that a trans woman on screen who says "I'm a trans woman" is a trans woman and not a drag queen? She tells her mom she's a woman. She tells everyone she can in the movie that she's a trans woman. Did you leave before she even put on the joker costume? Or did you sit on your phone the whole time? Your summary of this movie is like calling brokeback mountain a stupid story about cowboys who find mountains sexy. You have missed everything that made this movie meaningful, and you've done so in a particularly transphobic way with your misgendering.

Here's stuff you got factually wrong or didn't understand.

She wasn't a drag queen. She was a trans woman.

She doesn't use he/him or they/them.

Joker the Harlequin did not start the comedy club on her own, she started it with Penguin.

Smylex doesn't make its users happy. It makes them smile. It's both a stand-in for ironic detachment that many trans people develop as a coping strategy, and also for the psych meds and treatment that parents of trans kids put them through to make them look "normal" and try to deny their being trans.

The relationship that Joker and Mr J have strikes a chord with so many queer people. The tension and messedupness of an abusive relationship that is nonetheless the only place you get validation, especially if that partner was the first person to really see you as your true self. Needing what only they give you, but needing to get away from them because of the hurt they cause you.

Everything with her joining UCB Live is what it's been like seeing corporate media hire and then sideline or muzzle or undervalue trans and non-binary people.

I could go on for DAYS. The messaging of "if you stay pretending to be a boy, your life will work out". The physical fucking gaslight. Mr J's scars from top surgery, and the recontextualizing of the damaged tattoo. The bleeping of the deadnames and then when it finally wasn't, the theater was fucking silent in shock. How many trans and queer artists and musicians were on screen and in the soundtrack throughout. How amazing it was to be in a theater sitting surrounded by dozens of trans and queer people all cheering and booing and laughing together in shared understanding. Suicide Cop and what it was like growing up seeing no trans people on tv or movies except dead bodies and inhuman targets of disgust and ridicule.

I have tickets to see it two more times before it leaves the theater because I left the movie feeling weirdly worried I'd never get to see a movie that explicitly trans through and through again.

If you actually watched two hours of a trans woman pouring her heart out in a goofy, weird, vulnerable, no budget way, and what you took from it was "terrible movie about a drag queen with too much pot humor", I feel so sad for you. I hope you don't tell any trans people you know what you thought of the movie.

From there…

Quote:This makes me really want to go see it. Makes me wish it was more accessible. Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like a powerful movie.


Man, this movie means really very little to me, but youve really sold it. I'm so glad this movie (or any) could have this kind of effect on people. That's awesome and wonderful. Very enlightening post.


Quote:Thank you for taking the time to post this. This thread should be closed and/or the OP should be replaced with your post.

Quote:I say make the topic and fuck this one if they OP is gonna play dumb and say the movie didn't make it clear when it seems it couldn't be more clear.

Quote:I was going to say, watching the trailer didn't really seem to showcase the movie the OP described. This sounds exactly like the movie the trailer pitched, and it sounds amazing.
obin gam wrote:This looks utterly cringeworthy and embarrasing.

Enjoy the 1 month ban if your lucky, 3 month to be more likely, perm if you got histories.

Thank you for your service!
lol they banned this guy and locked the thread for not appreciating trans art

Quote:For those who haven't heard, there's an unlicensed Joker movie currently playing in a limited number of movie theaters. This is a not a parody that makes obvious hints at DC characters but doesn't uses the trademarked names or designs either. Rather, it's a retelling of the Joker origin story that uses well-known characters from the Batman universe.

The story? The Joker decides to start his own comedy club where he meets and befriends the main antagonists from the Batman universe (Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Penguin, etc), realizes they're either transgender or a drag queen (the movie wasn't clear), starts a romantic relationship with Jason Todd who claims that Batman is a pedophilic rapist, and gets his giggles from a prescription drug that makes its users happy.

The movie is unfortunately terrible, relying on pot humor, myriad DC references, and jokes about their nonexistent budget instead of funny comedy, and the draw that I was watching something illicit soon gave way to boredom. But who cares about that? It's wild that this movie exists. How did DC let this happen? And will we see more movies that defy copywrite restrictions?

User Banned (1 Month): Transphobic Commentary

You see if you don't like a movie that's intentionally provocative you're transphobic

Also trans RE:
"Why does no one engage with us?"
twohearts wrote:Hey I'm working on it. We try to write something every week though that's been on hold with illness (we are hopefully better now), so I might give a two-face character study a shot. I mean it's my fiction I can make him transition if I want, and the Earth 3 charcter of 3 face exists (female 2 face with 3 headmates who dated the riddler) so I could fuck around with that too if i wanted.
EDIT: One thing I'd like to touch on is how gendered abuse is still gendered towards closeted trans children because even if abusers don't work out you're trans they still pick up on the ways that you don't exactly fit in and how you're looking for solid guidance

What is this?

Klyka wrote:I only heard about this once before in a headline some days ago that was something like "low budget inofficial Joker movie runs in cinemas in some places" and just thought "huh, how weird and stupid, why would anyone do this?"

now that I know what this actually is and is about I applaud the makers of the movie and fully understand what an important and wonderful message it is sending

happy this exists <3

We saw it at a midnight double screening thing around 2 years ago. It wasn't bad. There were definitely some good jokes and interesting ideas in there. The message was a bit heavy handed at times for sure, but overall it was a fun time. I actually groaned when I saw it pop up on Metacritic because I just knew those cunts on ree wouldn't be able to contain themselves from using it as part of their CuLtURE WAr. 15 posts in and they've already started. The sad thing is they'll be so insufferable about the film they'll actually turn people away from it, which is a shame because it's worth seeing.
[Image: 4e04a1304bd7c81b1f0d0000?width=600&forma...&auto=webp]

Did you know that Joker is trans?
(04-16-2024, 07:29 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Bor Gullet wrote:Zeliard, I mean this with all sincerity because I think you're a smart poster,

Is it tho?

you're required to bend the knee utterly as you speak to others or you get banned

and I say this with the utmost respect, with full knowledge and understanding that as a hispanic POC your perspective comes from a lifetime of suffering at the hands of others, countless microaggressions which have granted you wisdom I cannot hope to match
(04-16-2024, 12:12 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: lol they banned this guy and locked the thread for not appreciating trans art

Quote:For those who haven't heard, there's an unlicensed Joker movie currently playing in a limited number of movie theaters. This is a not a parody that makes obvious hints at DC characters but doesn't uses the trademarked names or designs either. Rather, it's a retelling of the Joker origin story that uses well-known characters from the Batman universe.

The story? The Joker decides to start his own comedy club where he meets and befriends the main antagonists from the Batman universe (Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Penguin, etc), realizes they're either transgender or a drag queen (the movie wasn't clear), starts a romantic relationship with Jason Todd who claims that Batman is a pedophilic rapist, and gets his giggles from a prescription drug that makes its users happy.

The movie is unfortunately terrible, relying on pot humor, myriad DC references, and jokes about their nonexistent budget instead of funny comedy, and the draw that I was watching something illicit soon gave way to boredom. But who cares about that? It's wild that this movie exists. How did DC let this happen? And will we see more movies that defy copywrite restrictions?

User Banned (1 Month): Transphobic Commentary

You see if you don't like a movie that's intentionally provocative you're transphobic

Also trans RE:
"Why does no one engage with us?"

Holy shit, we literally watched the Ministry of Truth rewrite an entire thread in real time.

Top of page anti-burka resource:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 168148235_5602866779731277_4975410336358...e=6645E45E]
(04-15-2024, 05:22 PM)TylenolJones wrote:

Lots of


Anyone going to bring up how Resetera harassed the sales people off the site first?

Confirmed he just took a break and he’s back now lol’t-deactivate-due-to-harassment-just-took-a-break.844434/page-4?post=121745553#post-121745553
some uplifting memes for your lovely tuesday

[Image: CP2tibI.jpeg]

[Image: Q0Rj92B.jpeg]
[Image: gXCgQtA.jpeg]

[Image: boEV6Ls.jpeg]

so...uh...the addition of his mom dreaming about this fetishistic transformation at the end is...kind of troubling

[Image: r0FvCIM.jpeg]

(this is now actually true)
5 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Nintex, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
“Not a social contagion”
Wiithout a doubt this thread is the work of the great satan.

the Ayotallah would be rolling in his grave
Quote:I know nothing about this game (SB, not Nier), but unless the devs are explicitly alt-right weirdos like their fans I am a bit concerned for how much hate it is receiving around here.

The fans definitely deserve all the hate, if anything I see this as their fault for appropriating this random anime game and making into the focus of their fabricated culture war. Like... Yoko Taro compliments a fellow dev and they immediately go loke "hehe, now the libs will be so mad," and this results in Yoko of all people getting shade.
Ree in shambles.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-16-2024, 11:49 AM)BIONIC wrote:

Twohearts, post: 121745022, member: 164181 wrote:I remember hearing about this movie not long after I realised I was trans when it was basically just a shitpost being thrown around on twitter, and hearing about it being actually worked on was the coolest thing in 2021 back when the world felt kind of nice to be trans in. Heard it never got a wide release but I doubt it's going to be coming anywhere near me any time soon (australia is just like that). From what you described, it sounds like a really good reckoning with both trans culture and the culture surrounding the Joker, and as a trans woman with substance abuse issues (Used morphine to medicate dysphoria for a while do not recommend) I kind of teared up a bit hearing about that smilex stuff but not in a bad way.
It really is special to me that a trans woman actually got to tell her story and make something really special using characters who are so ubiqutious in every day society to tell a truly meaningful and touching story. I wish I could do that one way. Over the past few years me and some of my headmates have dreamed about writing a truly special comic book about Two-Face or a similar character as a means to grapple with our DID and gender and switches in perceptions from doctors from being seen as a man in psychiatric medicine and being seen as a woman and the kind of pity that comes with that and how the rare moments in which we get angry get seen as proof that we're not the woman we claim to be.
I dunno food for thought.

Bionic, post: 121745175, member: 16929 wrote:yall should do that!!! I love that idea, and I want more art that’s trans as hell!

Twohearts, post: 121745190, member: 164181 wrote:Hey I'm working on it. We try to write something every week though that's been on hold with illness (we are hopefully better now), so I might give a two-face character study a shot. I mean it's my fiction I can make him transition if I want, and the Earth 3 charcter of 3 face exists (female 2 face with 3 headmates who dated the riddler) so I could fuck around with that too if i wanted.
EDIT: One thing I'd like to touch on is how gendered abuse is still gendered towards closeted trans children because even if abusers don't work out you're trans they still pick up on the ways that you don't exactly fit in and how you're looking for solid guidance


What in the ever living fuck is this shit
(04-04-2024, 12:27 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: 2019 Kyuuji: Supposedly in a loving relationship and looking to get married and have kids discovering new porn genres on twitter
2024 Kyuuji: High priest of Resetera's third most popular Trans discord, forcing himself to drink wine with lemonade in it while egging on a bunch of fat incels to have a go at the menopause in between going on a ban bait massacre for a game he wants to play, 'notice me senpai' with grizzled and weary elderly trans lesbian Uzzy

(04-16-2024, 12:43 PM)Echelon wrote:
(04-16-2024, 12:12 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: lol they banned this guy and locked the thread for not appreciating trans art

Quote:For those who haven't heard, there's an unlicensed Joker movie currently playing in a limited number of movie theaters. This is a not a parody that makes obvious hints at DC characters but doesn't uses the trademarked names or designs either. Rather, it's a retelling of the Joker origin story that uses well-known characters from the Batman universe.

The story? The Joker decides to start his own comedy club where he meets and befriends the main antagonists from the Batman universe (Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Penguin, etc), realizes they're either transgender or a drag queen (the movie wasn't clear), starts a romantic relationship with Jason Todd who claims that Batman is a pedophilic rapist, and gets his giggles from a prescription drug that makes its users happy.

The movie is unfortunately terrible, relying on pot humor, myriad DC references, and jokes about their nonexistent budget instead of funny comedy, and the draw that I was watching something illicit soon gave way to boredom. But who cares about that? It's wild that this movie exists. How did DC let this happen? And will we see more movies that defy copywrite restrictions?

User Banned (1 Month): Transphobic Commentary

You see if you don't like a movie that's intentionally provocative you're transphobic

Also trans RE:
"Why does no one engage with us?"

Holy shit, we literally watched the Ministry of Truth rewrite an entire thread in real time.

Top of page anti-burka resource:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 168148235_5602866779731277_4975410336358...e=6645E45E]

Look at all that peach fuzz on her butt
(04-16-2024, 02:33 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I know nothing about this game (SB, not Nier), but unless the devs are explicitly alt-right weirdos like their fans I am a bit concerned for how much hate it is receiving around here.

The fans definitely deserve all the hate, if anything I see this as their fault for appropriating this random anime game and making into the focus of their fabricated culture war. Like... Yoko Taro compliments a fellow dev and they immediately go loke "hehe, now the libs will be so mad," and this results in Yoko of all people getting shade.
Ree in shambles.

How can you write that you think it's unfair how much the game gets attacked while simultaneously claiming that the Chuds manufactured a culture war around it. It's really weird, you have one part of the lefties saying that Stellar Blade is the worst thing to happen since Hitler and the other part saying that no one is actually mad about the game

Oh boy. Let's see how long this thread lasts lol
Oh no

DoggyDestroyer wrote:Pretty much. Taro is a gross perv and when he's openly saying "the cuteness of the girl is more important than any design choices" it makes it clear where his priorities lie.

Another Dachshund leaps to their death
(04-15-2024, 10:01 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Messofanego banned again. 

User banned (1 week): inflammatory commentary

Doesn’t he have a history of inflammatory commentary at this point?

Bdumbs had to unban him after community backlash. 

Quote:Let's be really real, there's people from this thread who have used this sort of reasoning to play whataboutism and outright dismissal in regards to actual nazis in other parts of the forum. I've gotten PMs from users about how their favorite twitter nazis aren't really all that bad because they criticize Israel and how we should allow them since they're a good learning resource. We've had people using the situation in Gaza to essentially justify ethnic cleaning in other parts of the world. A dear friend of mine literally fell all the way down the rabbit hole recently, using the sort of reasoning on display to justify it. If you think this shit hasn't been getting out of hand then you haven't been paying attention.

We'll undo a few of the bans, but you guys really need to realize how bad things have been getting recently. There's a difference between criticism and some of what has been going on in the last week or so.

foot wrote:Shops in RPGs often have a close-up shot of the shopkeeper, which I don't like because I think it feels unnatural. Stellar Blade has a shot like that too, but the shopkeeper was so cute that I didn't mind! Her cuteness felt more important than any design choices."

I'm uncomfortable.

clickycarl wrote:Yeah that's beyond creepy.

Manu wrote:Calling a character "cute" is "beyond creepy" now?

Man, this place sometimes.

Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)
(04-16-2024, 03:37 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(04-16-2024, 02:33 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I know nothing about this game (SB, not Nier), but unless the devs are explicitly alt-right weirdos like their fans I am a bit concerned for how much hate it is receiving around here.

The fans definitely deserve all the hate, if anything I see this as their fault for appropriating this random anime game and making into the focus of their fabricated culture war. Like... Yoko Taro compliments a fellow dev and they immediately go loke "hehe, now the libs will be so mad," and this results in Yoko of all people getting shade.
Ree in shambles.

How can you simultaneously write that you think it's unfair how much the game gets attacked while simultaneously claiming that the Chuds manufactured a culture war around it. It's really weird, you have one part of the lefties saying that Stellar Blade is the worst thing to happen since Hitler and the other part saying that no one is actually mad about the game

It's called Doublethink, CHUD. Look it up.
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank
Quote:The story? The Joker decides to start his own comedy club where he meets and befriends the main antagonists from the Batman universe (Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Penguin, etc), realizes they're either transgender or a drag queen (the movie wasn't clear), starts a romantic relationship with Jason Todd who claims that Batman is a pedophilic rapist, and gets his giggles from a prescription drug that makes its users happy.

That part is legit creepy, specially since is autobiographical,

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Dismissiveness in a sensitive thread
808s & Villainy' wrote:One thing that's somewhat amusing in this thread is the idea of new sexual acts becoming more normalized being something new or troubling. Like do you guys always think blowjobs were normalized and also didn't have a period of being stigmatized or considered somewhat dangerous?

teruterubozu wrote:
andymcc wrote:and she's hugely influential in pop and rock music to this day. there was the Olivia Rodrigo spat with her copying the cover of Live Through This, loads of women that are big in current alt-rock directly cite her as an influence.... Pitchfork recently ranked Live Through This over Nevermind in their top 90s redo....
Influential for the basic set. The cool 90s folk were listening to PJ Harvey.

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