(04-23-2024, 02:16 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: zeovgm wrote:Just a casual reminder that Kanye is a neo-Nazi. https://www.resetera.com/threads/drake-vs-kendrick-future-metro-friends-4-20-drake-summons-ai-tupac-snoop-in-new-diss-track.829863/page-46?post=122011839#post-122011839
Jeff Marvel trying to police hip hop/black culture threads now 
To my recollection nothing Kanye said is out of bounds with their current programming. He even used the jews vs zionists distinction.
goflyakite wrote:When this topic comes up I often ask people why I should worry about the CCP potentially having data of mine. I'm genuinely asking what should I be afraid of/how they are going to affect my life?
thordinson wrote:You shouldn't be and it won't affect the vast majority of folks.
American companies giving your data to hostile state governments would be much more of a concern especially if you live in a deep red state. https://www.resetera.com/threads/house-approves-sell-or-be-banned-tiktok-measure-attaching-it-to-foreign-aid-bill.849453/page-17?post=122030091#post-122030091
(04-22-2024, 02:15 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Thordinson wrote:I'm not talking about interviewing someone. The NYT, for example, published an opinion from someone defending JK Rowling. GLAAD has called them out for their coverage of trans folks. They hold
Then again, I shouldn't be surprised at your defense.
https://www.resetera.com/threads/house-approves-sell-or-be-banned-tiktok-measure-attaching-it-to-foreign-aid-bill.849453/page-15?post=121981725#post-121981725 So his counter to a person who outright stans Stalin and North Korea is that NYT had a single opinion from someone who defended Joanne.
B-Chuds, you moron, you enabled this line of argument by letting TransEra push the genocide meme and blame Joanne for it to the point of banning Hogfart's.
(04-22-2024, 02:50 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: fairwxfriend wrote:I think many of us concerned about the unusual swiftness in a body that is known for its dysfunction and incrementalism see this as less a GOP vs Dem issue and more of an oligarchs vs the proletariat issue
Which is how I frame a lot of my views fairwxfriend wrote:TikTok has 102.3 million monthy active users in the US that skews 30 and younger
That is the proletariat https://www.resetera.com/threads/house-approves-sell-or-be-banned-tiktok-measure-attaching-it-to-foreign-aid-bill.849453/page-15?post=121983888#post-121983888 Under what definition of proletariat are those the proletariat. These guys are so uninformed about their own views that they don't realize the proletariat isn't all workers or even the "working class" so the proletariat in this age group would be those chuds who didn't go to college and got into manufacturing jobs and votes GOP. A English Masters working a service job isn't the proletariat because they don't produce commodities, they sell them! The other likely jobs? In the superstructure, so not the base, so not proletariat!
This is why you shouldn't "frame" a lot of your views on an underinformed understanding of a guy who didn't even understand the capitalism of his time but predicted how it would operate in the future anyway.
(04-22-2024, 11:18 PM)Potato wrote: Funny thing is, he's a pretty normal looking dude so it really is all the more pathetic that he's so unable to participate in normal human activities like a normal person. What's weird about that.
(04-23-2024, 12:00 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: crossing eden wrote:American companies have done far more things with our data than the CCP has. Including the very things politicians accuse TikTok of doing due to its parent company. If "protecting our data" Is the main point of contention than the call is coming from inside the house compared to the fearmongering that for instance, our youth would be in some way influenced by the CCP. Which is to say nothing of the part where the rise of the alt right, aka our biggest security threat as a country, rose on social media like FB and Twitter, with their incredibly lax moderation that's even worse off 8 years after the fact.
I'm not gonna sleep better at night thinking "Well at leats the CCP isn't gonna abuse my data. Those racist politicians had some good points and totally care about me! Now I just have to wait for them to do nothing about the companies that HAVE been proven to abuse my data."
Who could have guessed crossing Eden was so china brained These dudes really don't understand that the government can't do anything to domestic social media companies do they? They seriously think the state, which invested huge resources into getting those platforms to moderate in its interests, wouldn't be going after those if it was allowed?
Sorry, they aren't as stupid as you to pursue something that's blatantly illegal for the government to do. It helps your conspiracy theories at least!
(04-23-2024, 12:00 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: crossing eden wrote:TikTok isn't based in China and the double standard is in regards to people arguing unironically that TikTok is a huge threat to national security when we have fully available research as it pertains to the current biggest threats to national security alongside the multiple ways US based social media companies have abused user data And TikTok isn't as dumb as Crossing Eden to try and claim this in court.
04-23-2024, 02:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2024, 03:03 PM by benji.)
Crossing Eden is basically trying to argue a double standard to people who think there should be no double standard and all social media should be banned or operated by the state. Then he can't figure out why the double standard argument isn't convincing them.
They aren't doing it to TikTok because it has too many youths or too many pro-Palestine videos or because it's Chinese, they're doing it because it's the one they can do it to because it's Chinese.
15 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Tucker's Law, Brolha, Chumbawumbafan69, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank, MJBarret, Uncle, Boredfrom, Vertigo, Hap Shaughnessy, benji
04-23-2024, 03:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2024, 03:27 PM by benji.)
(04-23-2024, 02:47 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: goflyakite wrote:When this topic comes up I often ask people why I should worry about the CCP potentially having data of mine. I'm genuinely asking what should I be afraid of/how they are going to affect my life?
thordinson wrote:You shouldn't be and it won't affect the vast majority of folks.
American companies giving your data to hostile state governments would be much more of a concern especially if you live in a deep red state. https://www.resetera.com/threads/house-approves-sell-or-be-banned-tiktok-measure-attaching-it-to-foreign-aid-bill.849453/page-17?post=122030091#post-122030091 This is a better argument than 99% of that thread. Americans shouldn't give a shit about the CCP because the CCP doesn't give a shit about them. The CCP operates a complete double standard with people it has power over and people it doesn't. They want Western investment, so they aren't going to rock the boat in the Western fronts of their companies, that's why China gets a different TikTok.
The CCP actually understands censorship better than the staff of ResetERA.com. They know the list of things they would censor is so large and arbitrary that Westerners would notice so they created a completely different version that they let Westerners moderate. They don't give a shit if you watch some Xi The Pooh meme or learn about the Uyghurs because they don't care what you think, it doesn't affect them. This doesn't "prove" the CCP supports anything or is better than America, it proves the CCP can comprehend the idea of two separate audiences.
Also, you shouldn't give a shit about American companies having your data either. Because you aren't important. (But you should pretend to care so they think you care.) People are completely paranoid about useless aggregate data because they don't know enough about the limits of aggregate data.
04-23-2024, 03:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2024, 03:44 PM by benji.)
I'm not opposed to DIY HRT because calling it that and treating it as some kind of bad thing implies that regular HRT actually has science behind it. Get on my level, Joanne.
You guys were laughing about Stellar Blade being harmless and now look what's happening:
"But Black Dynamite, I sell DIY HRT to the community!"
Googling DIY HRT made me realize why this assholes are so afraid of Cass Review, many people of the trans community embrace that shit in a disturbing degree.
Prominent members share a wiki around their discords telling young kinds how to acquire homebrew hormones
(04-23-2024, 05:54 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Googling DIY HRT made me realize why this assholes are so afraid of Cass Review, many people of the trans community embrace that shit in a disturbing degree.
They're in such complete denial over the review it's crazy
11 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Tucker's Law, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, HaughtyFrank, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, Boredfrom, benji
Plagiarize Mod wrote:I doubt there's more than a tiny handful of us on prescribed HRT that wouldn't go to DIY if our prescriptions get taken away.
I'd DIY in a heartbeat.
Don’t you work as IT In a Police Department?
I've seen Caraballo tweet before that The Guardian is part of the UK's conservative press so saying that about The Times isn't as insulting I don't think.
04-23-2024, 06:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2024, 06:20 PM by benji.)
(04-23-2024, 06:07 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Plagiarize Mod wrote:I doubt there's more than a tiny handful of us on prescribed HRT that wouldn't go to DIY if our prescriptions get taken away.
I'd DIY in a heartbeat.
Don’t you work as IT In a Police Department? plagiarize, https://www.resetera.com/threads/j-k-rowling-and-her-legacy-of-hate-the-uk-gender-critical-movement.643740/post-122033595 wrote:Quote:I definitely don't have a cupboard full of prescribed HRT from skipping doses occasionally the last 10+ years, just in case I get problems getting my prescription filled.
There are studies on expired medication which show that tablets are still good 15 years after the expiry date, so I'm not too worried about the efficacy of stuff from 2014.
I certainly haven't got more than 180mg stock piled from when my dosing was changed and they wrote me a script for 2mg tablets shortly after giving me a three month refill of 1mg tablets.
Hasn't changed his name, still presenting as a male, somehow on a prescription for HRT and worried about having to bathub gin his placebos despite living in the most blue state.
04-23-2024, 06:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2024, 06:22 PM by Nintex.)
Remember kids, If you start pissing blood from the totally legal expired DIY HRT that you got from your local weed dealer who happens to be called either Tyrone, Justin or Pablo and works parttime as a veterinarian just drink some bleach.
(04-23-2024, 05:54 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Googling DIY HRT made me realize why this assholes are so afraid of Cass Review, many people of the trans community embrace that shit in a disturbing degree. Back when they were just starting to get tons of media attention Keffals falsely claimed they'd rather go to jail than shut down the DIY HRT stuff they were backing and there were logos on it like "SUPPORTED BY KEFFALS" or whatever. They quickly then hid all their ties to it and eventually the dude who was running them got arrested for something. I don't know what, I think they had a Kiwi Farms thread if you really care. There was also a bad supply for some ingredient from China that people were warning about on Twitter. Keffals has never mentioned any of this and blocks people who bring it up since that's "harassment."
Dumb fascist getting roasted.
NekoCat wrote:I'm in NYC and am now seeing big video ads for Stellar Blade on the backs of newsstands and such. The video is mostly close ups of Eve, of course.
Very rarely see this for video games. Like, I remember seeing these for Diablo IV last year - just the biggest games. Bizarre to see how much of a marketing push Sony is giving this thing. Seemed like such a niche game until the chuds latched onto it as some sort of culture war rallying cry.
Elyian wrote:Naiad wrote:Imagine if Sony puts Eve on the same poster as Aloy for International Women's Day to promote gaming for women. First, you're going to have an outcry from the chuds who don't want Eve next to a "woke" person like Aloy. Second, you're going to have the massive amount of people that don't want a T&A character like Eve next to Aloy. Oh fuck i didn't even think of that, please don't add her to any promotional material for International Women's Day. What a fucking slap to the face that would be. Even if they do add her and try to cover her up, we'd see losers cry about "censorship" and make a big stink about "the artists true vision" schtick again. That is gonna go all kinds of wrong cause of those losers, I can feel it.
Cenauru wrote:They'll probably do just this. Promote their game AND pour gasoline on a manufactured culture war that'll give the game more attention? You can practically see the dollar signs in their eyes.
17 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Tucker's Law, Brolha, Anti-Monitor, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Chumbawumbafan69, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, Gameboy Nostalgia, HaughtyFrank, Uncle, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom, MJBarret, benji, Propagandhim
04-23-2024, 06:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2024, 06:55 PM by Propagandhim.)
I mean, can we get serious about these nazi chuds for once? They're playing a video game and that game is being advertised in *PUBLIC*....in New York City of all places. I mean, you couldn't make this stuff up if you were dreaming - advertising a video game in new york city? Like, uhhhhhhhhhh hellllloooooooo?
Quote:*lesbian boos*
Cowards couldn't put a hunky woman as the pilot.
(04-23-2024, 03:18 PM)benji wrote: People are completely paranoid about useless aggregate data because they don't know enough about the limits of aggregate data. (04-23-2024, 06:54 PM)benji wrote:
04-23-2024, 07:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2024, 07:34 PM by benji.)
Princess Bubblegum, Moderator, https://www.resetera.com/threads/why-women-criticise-sexualised-character-designs-ot3-make-her-look-more-corpulent-more-stuffed-where-the-eyes-cant-escape.275780/post-122018463 wrote:SIE isn't going to treat Eve like a first party character, that's not going to happen. She doesn't belong to them. Stellar Blade is not going to have an impact outside of this year, which is being generous of if the game even is talked about much in a month.
A Stellar Blade GAAS project is a different story, but even then there will be limits to how it will impact anything. Quote:Legit i dont expect it to be talked about when it releases beside some stupid comments about how it got "robbed" when GOTY talks happen at the end of the year (there is no way it will ever be considered), and of course when any sales numbers appear and grifters try to make stupid tweets and videos claiming the "woke has begun to be destroyed" or some shit
Oh, so now it's already irrelevant and the last month plus of bitching about how it was going to set back women's rights globally was for nothing.
14 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Tucker's Law, PogiJones, Brolha, Anti-Monitor, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Hap Shaughnessy, Gameboy Nostalgia, HaughtyFrank, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, Boredfrom
Why wouldn’t Stellar Blade be talked about a month from now? More desperation that the game won’t sell well, I see
Pissfarts Terfery was barely talked about a month after release too
Disclaimer wrote:I like how the focus is on the vague allegations and fears of antisemitism from a minority of bad actors rather than the fact that the administration is siccing the fucking NYPD on peacefully protesting students, many of whom are themselves Jewish and standing against genocide.
“Only take the Jews from my side seriously.”