Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Twohearts wrote:Yeah I don't like DSP's content, but he's improving as a person, and I juts wish honestly any of those e-stalking commmunities dedicated to harassing people w ould just implode.

(04-28-2024, 08:52 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Twohearts wrote:Yeah I don't like DSP's content, but he's improving as a person, and I juts wish honestly any of those e-stalking commmunities dedicated to harassing people w ould just implode.



Stellar blade reportedly sold 1M copies in the first 24 hours, seems like the game is doing pretty well despite losing the burqa boys support lol

effingvic wrote:Bunch of ass clowns.
                 Homophobic rhetoric
is this?
TheEtheralOne wrote:DSP, of all people, says he won't play the game due the hyper focus on the sexualization, combined with his audience being too immature to compose themselves. He goes on to say if people were actually interested in SB because it was a good game, why would you boycott it over a minute content patch that doesn't effect the gameplay or story in any capacity.

Wasn't expecting this kind of take from this guy lol. Broken clock and all that.

  Is it tho?

Man, batting for DPS because he agrees with you on something.
(04-28-2024, 09:07 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

Stellar blade reportedly sold 1M copies in the first 24 hours, seems like the game is doing pretty well despite losing the burqa boys support lol

Can't wait for the 1 mil thread.
Reply wrote:Since the grift that the west was going hate the game, they're moving to a new one. They're shameless and predictable.

They want to return gaming back to when it was exclusively made for the boys. When the dudes were cool and white (or white passing) and breasts boobed without saying anything worth listening to. Funny thing is gaming was never like that, outside of niche titles, like it is today.

Seeking an age that never existed because these losers are lonely and miss when they be horrific people openly. Pitiful.
Cenuaru wrote:It's so funny seeing chuds undermine any credibility they had left by putting it entirely on display that they just hate minorities and women.
haha those chuds

Lil Bee wrote:33. No kids, never wanted them, now I'm transitioning so with any luck, by now I'm infertile. I'm autistic and struggle existing in this world pretty heavily. It isn't organised in a way that works for me, and I will always be at a huge disadvantage because of that. Now think about just how much everyone else is getting fucked over too, commonly working two jobs just to make rent, in huge amounts of debt, no hope of owning a home any time soon, if ever, with climate change currently in full swing (and only going to get worse, and yes, it's only going to get worse - be realistic here.) Yeah, statistically, this is the most prosperous humanity has ever been, but I don't think that actually means humanity has it good. Unless you're in the 1% you're getting fucked to varying degrees. But yeah, if there's disability and stuff in your family tree, the chances that they're EVEN MORE at risk of getting fucked by the world skyrocket. I know that kinda sounds squicky and eugenics-y, but, it is true, and I think it's fair to consider, especially when part of why OP is saying that they're unsure partly because they don't want any potential child of theirs to suffer unduly.

And, maybe this sounds doomerish and fatalistic to some, but it isn't to me, but ideas of legacy - it's all ego. *I* want to be remembered, *I* want my existence to have "meant" something, *I* feel this need to leave a monument to the fact that I was here. What is the common element there? The need for the ego to appease itself, to think it's important. We aren't important. Smile It's okay to have just been born, floated around a bit not having done or achieved much, and die. It's genuinely okay to be unimportant, to be average, to be common, to be forgotten. One day, all of us in this thread, on this site, on this floating rock in space, will be forgotten. And that's okay. Really, it is! It's fine! And why is it fine? Because it's what's going to happen. Might as well make your peace with it. I think to bring new lives into the mix when it comes to these questions and issues of ego is genuinely quite selfish. Not to attack anyone here, people are gonna do what they're gonna do and it's not on me to judge anyone else or tell anyone else how to live their lives, but that's where I'm at for myself. I really wanted to be remembered, to be important, to be excellent and memorable as a person. Now? I'm pretty cool with blinking into existence for 80 or so years, sandwiched between an eternity of void and nothingness, and not being anything special while I'm here. My ego is very much at peace with that now, and the thought of death no longer feels like something I need to physically shake off when it comes.

Yeah, your biological imperative is screaming at you to consider breeding. I don't see why we should just listen to that unquestioningly. My brain occasionally screams at me to kill myself, but it's just "blah" - I don't listen, I don't let it phase me. Rise above! And if you really, really, REALLY want to do the parenthood thing, consider adoption! Lots of kids already out there who need someone to love them. They're already here, I think it's arguably more ethical to help the lives that are already here through their passage on this earth than bring more into the mix.
(04-28-2024, 09:07 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

Stellar blade reportedly sold 1M copies in the first 24 hours, seems like the game is doing pretty well despite losing the burqa boys support lol

It really seems to appeal to a lot of people. One half doesn't care about the tits but likes the gameplay and the other half loves the tits and the gameplay. The RE puritans don't seem like many lost sales to me
The first paragraph contradicts the other two. hmm

(04-28-2024, 09:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Lil Bee wrote:Yeah, statistically, this is the most prosperous humanity has ever been, but I don't think that actually means humanity has it good.
As always, everything fails by impossible standards.

BloodHound wrote:My buddy accidentally brought his gun to hobby airport in Houston (it's actually quite common) and TSA just told him to take it back home.

In sure this happens alot in Oklahoma too and 4 bullets would prob be missed in check in luggage.

12 years is insanity.
Yanks. lol
Once we topple Biden and after we liberate Palestine from Israel we can hit Turks and Caicos on the way back. Trumps

Bengraven wrote:
Turnscr3w wrote:WTF is with this thread. How are there so many jokes?? What is wrong with you people??
I don't want to say exactly what I'm really thinking, but the "toxic gamer" delegation has been showing their true selves quite a bit the last few months on this forum.
Social Justice Warrior 2
And yet the staff do nothing to eliminate the capital-G Gamer threat.
White people, straight people and jews still post on this so called forum and lemme tell you I'm fucking TIRED of posting really hard about trans rights every single day and those fuckers are just out there talking about Stellar Blade
If this is the most prosperous the world has ever been, why am I starving and begging for food in a tiny bedroom when we're being actively (and inactively) genocided and the chuds are returning videogames back to the White Boys Club that never actually existed so the white people in the past were actually less nazis than they are now if you think about it???  Yeah, sorry, but things arent just bad, they're apocalyptic.  And if you aren't feeling miserable it's because you have the privilege of not being a target.  Btw, you sound American as fuck, give up your land to an indigenous child before you start with this "durrrr I'm doing fine" shit
Just pop some Taylor swift on and eat a tub of ice cream with some lemonade wine uwu
So this might be the most disturbing thing clicky cal has ever posted

From the baby reindeer (Netflix show about a comedian talking about his stalker and sexual abuse )

Quote:I opened the thread thinking "my 3 year olds might like this one"

Guess not

clickycal wrote:Hey you never know!

Why even joke about that

On topic of that thread though I’m surprised it doesn’t come with a trigger warning for that lot.

Also how long before they cap for the real life Martha and turn on the guy?
Some of y'all folks aren't taking this as seriously as folks should and talking about how this is apocalyptic yet not doing anything for those of us suffering the apocalypse is really showing what you "allies" think. Especially when some of y'all I'm going to have to start side eyeing are dismissing concerns about the extraordinary benefits an apocalypse could bring for marginalized people. Like y'all seriously saying I should fear the apocalypse when it might wipe away capitalism and whiteness? Y'all seriously telling me not to think of how that apocalyptic destruction of the planet might free Palestine from colonialism? Or how many Lucio's it might give rise to? Like y'all seriously y'all seriously right now.
(04-28-2024, 11:24 AM)Jansen wrote:
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Tucker's Law wrote:
(04-27-2024, 10:07 PM)Nintex wrote: In the case of Stellar Blade it seems so oddly specific what was kept and what was censored (not just in terms of cleavage but also blood and gore) that it seems like they just had to skate around some age rating thing in Germany or something so they could sell the same version of the game everywhere.

It reminds me a bit of the Top Gun jacket controversy with the flag of Taiwan removed in the trailer, which they later restored as the film wouldn't be released in China.

With all that said, Aspyr restored or is restoring the removed Lara Croft posters from Tomb Raider II in a patch after the public outcry they were removed post release.
There have also been patches for Unicorn Overlord to restore the original translation and remove the 'localization' after players pointed out the script had been altered a lot.

Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization.  People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not?  Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”?  Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.

Anybody that gives a single shit about stellar blade censorship or any censorship like it is a fucking loser. Grow the fuck up.

Anyone that behaves as if censorship in arts and entertainment isn't being used today by authoritarian minded people as a tool to shape minds towards their warped perspective, is themselves a supremely massive retard. Habitual line-steppers exploit disinterested attitudes to continue crossing lines and when said retarded losers notice it they meekly go "well maybe let them have this one and they won't cross anymore lines", because they are retarded.
(04-28-2024, 09:37 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Bengraven wrote:
Turnscr3w wrote:WTF is with this thread. How are there so many jokes?? What is wrong with you people??
I don't want to say exactly what I'm really thinking, but the "toxic gamer" delegation has been showing their true selves quite a bit the last few months on this forum.
Social Justice Warrior 2

I saw that thread earlier, chuckled, and then thought "they won't be able to handle this one without staff intervention, will they?"
plufim wrote:Lol. Really wasn't about the actual game itself for those chuds

kenai wrote:Well now I know what will be blamed if the sales aren't there


They seem to be overestimating how many people are “chuds” and just bought the game for the fan service. Fucking twitter brain rot.

Bansi wrote:Ah yes, the same newspaper which when criticised for biased coverage by Palestinian members in the Israel genocide thread resulted in every single one of them being banned. Some of those members left Era permanently. Shame on you B-Dubs.
  Social Justice Warrior

WolverinesFather wrote:Battletoads? I dont know since i never made it past the hover bikes.
Respect Knuckles
(04-28-2024, 09:33 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

BloodHound wrote:My buddy accidentally brought his gun to hobby airport in Houston (it's actually quite common) and TSA just told him to take it back home.

In sure this happens alot in Oklahoma too and 4 bullets would prob be missed in check in luggage.

12 years is insanity.
Yanks. lol

Never have I ever accidentally taken my guns anywhere. Particularly not to a fucking airport.

Whole country needs 12 years to think about how insane the idea of accidentally taking a gun anywhere really is...
soyny taking away my korean side fupa Stahp

god damn facists Stahp
Quote:t's over. Just got back from it and I'm honestly really shaken. For a breakup (I'll consider it one even if it was a situationship-ish one), it actually was one of the more smoother terms of like no anger, complete respect, and understanding. I was worried coming into it that she might get angry towards me, but that in fact did not happen. I'm fine with sharing information here about it, kind of acts therapeutic for me to let this out:

We met in a parking lot, she sat in my car. I could see that she had been crying like crazy beforehand and I was barely holding it together. I started off by apologizing for coming off kind of cold the past couple of days, but really needed to talk things out in person. I mentioned that I've gotten hurt multiple times recently - the phone incident, during romance, going to the baseball game, all of the emotional outbursts she had towards me. She completely agreed that she shouldn't have done any of those and apologized repeatedly, saying she wants to do better.

I told her that I wanted to go separate ways for the time being and admit that I love her like she admitted to me - but that the anger episodes did a number of my feelings and I couldn't keep going with that. We cried a ton, she asked for another chance and said she'd appreciate having me stick by her side as she works on herself. I told her that I don't want her to change for me - I want her to be her authentic self since that's something I care deeply about with people - but I can't handle emotional outbursts so direct like that. She broke down hard and asked if there was anything she could do that could change my mind; she brought up an example of her last relationship (which lasted 4 years), how all the anger/torment her ex gave her has made her more aggressive and that she wants to change. TBH, for a moment, I had considered giving her a second chance....but then went into my next topic which was relevant.

I told her that I don't think giving a second chance would be fair for me - I've spent months in complete confusion if she wants me or not. She never affirmed to me when I've asked if I'm her boyfriend officially, just always giving more of a not yet type of answer. She told me just a few weeks ago what her friend said about me in the main post, and then proceeded to not affirm that we're officially dating. That hurt me so badly - making me ask myself why haven't I deserved that affirmation. She mentioned saying boyfriend or girlfriend can be childish, but I told her that I don't care what others call us - I NEEDED to know what we were, no more ambiguous.

She then told me that I'm her boyfriend, which I told her it doesn't feel right that we had to have this conversation and me crying so hard in front of her for her to finally say it. She told me she's told her family, friends, and coworkers that I'm her boyfriend, but never me....and is not sure why. She said she equated boyfriend and telling someone you love them as the same thing, and was afraid of scaring me off. I told her I gave her all of the signs possible that I wanted to be told it - I needed that affirmation that we were a boyfriend/girlfriend and not still talking.

I brought that all together as a double whammy I've been having for why I feel so much pain and why I think we should part ways. I did leave the door open a bit, saying that maybe I might come back around but that I don't want her to think that and we just need to move forward with our lives. I do mean that too - my gut decision has been fighting my heart and while the idea is open to going back to her someday, I don't want that because of how I feel now. I shouldn't be scared of someone I trust completely - that's not healthy. She agree with that.

She started bashing herself heavily - saying she hates herself, feels like an awful person, consistently apologizing. I kept telling her she's a beautiful woman, she should focus on making herself happy. She told me she wants to go back into therapy to talk about the anger issues, as she said she's scared friends away and now myself. She referenced me as the one that got away and her biggest regret, which I'm not going to lie, made me cry super hard.

I paid her the trip money back and then some - and we had one more issue occur. She started talking to herself, saying "Oh my god, I can't believe I screwed this up so badly, I love you...." and then accidentally said out loud "I'll get over this soon." That hurt - I pointed it out, she said she didn't mean to say that and I started bawling like crazy because I wouldn't just say something like that since I care a ton about her. That was awkward, we kept crying, and then she said "So there's no going back is there?" I told her no and that I feel really hurt right now and need to be alone to sort my feelings out with my therapist. We said goodbye, she drove off, and I sat in the parking lot destroyed for 30 minutes. I hope she will be okay...what she said out loud gave me vibes that she might harm herself, which I seriously hope she doesn't. She deserves to be happy, and so do I.

That was a lot of emotion, but we were very understanding of each other. Between this event and my cat dying of cancer last month, I feel drained. When my four year relationship ended (the Disney vacation related one for those who recall) before this situationship happened, I was energized to go on dating apps because of how hard I felt I got screwed over. Now....I have the opposite feeling. I feel broken down and honestly just might be with myself for a while. I have a lot going on in life and I'm possibly about to pay off my student loans next week, so I'm trying to remind myself to stay focused on the goals I have. I really hope I find someone who doesn't make me hurt/confused like this - I'm in my mid-twenties, so I assume my love journey is not over yet.

None of this happened. It's pure fiction.
(04-24-2024, 03:04 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Switters wrote:Whatever score robs these devs of their bonus.

Quote: Cop User Warned: Inflammatory commentary
(04-28-2024, 11:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Bansi wrote:Ah yes, the same newspaper which when criticised for biased coverage by Palestinian members in the Israel genocide thread resulted in every single one of them being banned. Some of those members left Era permanently. Shame on you B-Dubs.
  Social Justice Warrior


Genocide Joe supporters deserve NO respect!

IanIanIanson wrote:I grew up poor enough that I wasn't able to shower every day.

It wasn't always the cost of the shower itself, but the difficulty of having access to a shower at the opportune time each day. Sometimes new accommodation was only available after the start of school or work hours had already started.

You all act like not taking a shower for one fuckin' day is an aberration beyond measure.

It's not as bad as you say it is. You need to get some perspective .

To follow up, I have to say, this thread just reminds me of everything else wrong with this place.

Lots of generalisations incoming, but I'm sure they apply to many people in this particular thread.

There was a goal set out in 2010 I think it was.

"Get each country to use 0.7% of its GDP and it would theoretically pull everyone out of extreme poverty."

Nobody succeeded

Pain in the ass.
What about my taxes.

You all twist yourselves into knots over how running air conditioning systems is some kind of basic human right.

You rationalise owning huge gas guzzling cars in much the same way.

You almost all refuse to stop eating meat in any capacity. Like it's some kind of impossibility to eat meat once a week instead of six times a week.

You piss and moan when some awful TV show from the 90's isn't available in 4K/HDR/48fps.

Many of you run games on extremely high-end PCs, which use huge amounts of electricity. You describe those uninterested in the highest end graphics as luddites.

Why not run multiple screens and PCs so you can stream games in 4K to absolutely nobody? Sounds great!

You all seem to have multiple 60 inch TVs in multiple rooms. You have stupid little lights that make the wall behind your TV glow purple when watching Fury Road, so as to excite you like children.

There's little things too. You almost all talk about physical items in a really strange way.

It's not "yeah, I have one of those elite controllers, it's cool.", but rather it's "I love my Series X Elite Plus controller. Me and my wife bought ours together and we've had a great time with them. We're really happy with our purchase. So glad we committed ourselves to the extended warranty! Can't wait to pick up our new Crackdown 4 special edition controllers that we pre-ordered on the way back from rewatching Godzilla vs. Power Rangers x Transformers. It was great, we paid for the super-excelsior 4DX pass and got great cash-back points!."

Many of you obsess over the manoeuvres of large fast food companies and their latest products.

Some of you drive vast distances in cars to sample their latest products.

Michael Jackson is revealed to have tongued the anus of a young child. "Don't tell me what I can't enjoy!!"

Someone decides they're not going to shower for one day?


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