Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Tucker's Law wrote:
(04-27-2024, 10:07 PM)Nintex wrote: In the case of Stellar Blade it seems so oddly specific what was kept and what was censored (not just in terms of cleavage but also blood and gore) that it seems like they just had to skate around some age rating thing in Germany or something so they could sell the same version of the game everywhere.

It reminds me a bit of the Top Gun jacket controversy with the flag of Taiwan removed in the trailer, which they later restored as the film wouldn't be released in China.

With all that said, Aspyr restored or is restoring the removed Lara Croft posters from Tomb Raider II in a patch after the public outcry they were removed post release.
There have also been patches for Unicorn Overlord to restore the original translation and remove the 'localization' after players pointed out the script had been altered a lot.

Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization.  People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not?  Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”?  Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.

Sure, but does he have to be such an embarrassing retard?
(04-27-2024, 11:47 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(04-27-2024, 11:23 PM)Potato wrote:
(04-27-2024, 11:11 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Still hasn't said thank you to Nintex.  Rolleyes

PS5, thousands of dollars in audio equipment, guitars and amplifiers, stupid plastic toys in the window shelf and more expensive shit lying around the room. 

Still begs for money for "food".

Are his parents buying all this shit for him?

Maybe all the benefit money is going towards that?

Some Melody lore:

Quote:Not here for a misery competition but I'll just say that I'm a transgender woman who lives in Ohio.
I worked for 11 years making less than 18k a year, lost my job and apartment, and was forced to move back into my unsupportive and transphobic parents house or face homelessness.
With deteriorated mental health due to bipolar disorder and being transgender it's been impossible for my to hold another job, or at this point even get hired. I have zero income, If a major medical emergency ever comes up I'd be completely unable to afford healthcare.

Honestly OP your situation sounds like paradise.

2 years prior in the members only Trans thread:

Quote:I haven't updated here in a while.
Hi Melody her again~
It's been almost a year since I started on hrt and my face has changed subtly but nicely, my breasts and nipples have gotten surprisingly large and my hair has significantly recovered.
Also I'm very soon moving into an apartment and out of my parents house which has been a fairly hostile and unsupportive environment for me~

Thing are going pretty well lately.

None of that screams disposable income for plastic toys, guitars, gaming PC, PS5 and audio equipment. That fucking train wreck simply does not have the ability to pay for that shit himself. Definitely the parents being extorted with suicide threats.
Spoiler:  (click to show)

chud alert

Spoiler:  (click to show)


I think we need a summit to dicuss the Females gaze...
Social Justice Warrior Social Justice Warrior 2 Klepek
(04-28-2024, 02:40 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

The Adder wrote:Assuming that you are, they need to hear it every now and then. It doesn't mean anything if you have to be prodded or if they're in the middle of a breakdown before you'll say it. In most cases you will see the effect it has on them.

SoneaB wrote:But I'm not?
If you'd said daughter, sister, niece etc. Then sure. I do that regularly with no need for prompting. The other people on your curiously gendered list. Nah, I give credit where it's due. And it isn't.

and Era wonders why there is a rise in Andrew Tates.  lol

Fat Royalan
Quote:Why is this curiously?

The word curiously, used here, seems to imply that gender groups are treated the same socially, particularly where public displays of affection and/or affirmation are concerned.

And, well, that wouldn't be true at all.
FF Seraphim
Quote:Man imagine getting upset at such a wholesome thread due to wording.
Go tell any male in your family that you are proud of them and 9 times out of 10 they get the deer in headlights look. Guys just generally don't get such a compliment. Hell I freeze up when my wife says it.
Quote:Oh I'm all for positivity. I am. And you are right men who deserve to hear it often don't and don't know how to deal with it when they do. I do think that a lot of people dont hear it often enough regardless of gender but i wont argue that men seem extra weird about it. Didnt mean to derail. Blame deep set bitterness, the fact it's almost 4am here and I still can't sleep and the fact that all the men in my family are unpleasant pillocks.
(04-28-2024, 02:06 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
(04-28-2024, 01:35 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(04-27-2024, 04:40 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I skipped around one of the streams last night to embrace the beauty. He was eating green olives, threw out 'i need to conserve these olives, it's all I have' as the fat body proceeds to gulp some soda after.

I'd contact CPS, but he's like 40

Sorry, we know this is false because Melody already expressed they cannot open a pickle jar due to trans muscles. You want me to believe he could open a jar of olives? Preposterous!

His parents might’ve opened them for him.

But I bet they did it unsupportively!!
(04-28-2024, 02:19 AM)ComeAgain wrote: All this “controversy” over Eve’s tits being too covered or not and I’m over here, now finally playing the game and scratching my head at Era’s reactions to her in game character. She has a personality, she’s curious about the various things you come across along the way. Is it literally that they can’t stand that she’s asking the guy about this stuff because she wants to know and is otherwise rightfully clueless about things from Earths past?

I know their rage over the costumes, which is also hilarious, but I went into the game thinking she was this clueless person who couldn’t even put one foot in front of the other without needing help. And their tears over her emerging from the pod in the beginning? It was like…three seconds long  lol

It's literally this

Guess who

Quote:I'm a research microbiologist/human microbiome scientist. All these takes are hilarious and obsessive lol.
(04-28-2024, 03:14 AM)killamajig wrote:

Guess who

Quote:I'm a research microbiologist/human microbiome scientist. All these takes are hilarious and obsessive lol.
I honestly guessed PlanetSmasher since he seems to have experience/expertise in every occupation ever created.
(04-28-2024, 03:26 AM)Greatness Gone wrote:
(04-28-2024, 03:14 AM)killamajig wrote:

Guess who

Quote:I'm a research microbiologist/human microbiome scientist. All these takes are hilarious and obsessive lol.
I honestly guessed PlanetSmasher since he seems to have experience/expertise in every occupation ever created.

I was thinking the same til I saw lol at the end of the sentence.  PlanetSmasher has never lol before.

flatearthpandas wrote:We're on a roll this week. Cheerleading for deporting refugees and drafting them into the war they fled from in another thread and now this one is rocking a lot of "Don't be so strict guys, he just committed the whoopsie of accidentally smuggling live ammunition into a foreign country! Could happen to anyone! We're responsible gun owners lololol."

It's just wild how out of touch people are to bandy that line around, not realizing that carrying guns and ammunition at all is illegal in other countries. Americans don't get special passes because you live in a wild west larp country. I don't think anyone is saying 12 years is reasonable, but a fine is equally ridiculous. Just punishes the poor and doesn't mean anything to rich tourists.

Mammoth Jones wrote:It's our responsibility to know the gun laws where we will travel with firearms, drugs, tools. I just don't get the following:

- Having a gun or ammo in a bag that I would take on a non-shooting related trip (I have specific bags for them to avoid this very thing)
- Forgetting or not considering that you have a gun or ammo in a bag
- Traveling to an area where the rules for having a gun or ammo isn't the same as where I'm from or assuming the rules are the same because....reasons?
- Doing all three sequentially with zero consideration for the consequences.

It's honest incompetence. Which is no excuse. The onus is on the grown adult to know the laws where they are traveling and do NOT assume.
Reading about that story and the defense blames the TSA. tbh they have a point. the hell is the TSA doing fondling balls and cracks if they can’t find live ammo. Two layers of idiocy on the passenger and security.
kyle cross wrote:Well it's nice to see that SB doesn't seem to be popping off that much. I've only seen one person on my Twitch list stream it, and only for a stream. And the OT here isn't moving near as fast as bigger game releases tend to.

Feels like another Hogwarts legacy moment to me lol
In about 10 years, Melondy Shreds parents are likely dead or so infirm due to age that they can't do much. People like Shreds who now face the prospect of having to do everything for themselves now or face homelessness and destitution will either off themselves or become an even bigger grifter to stay afloat. Looks like Shreds going for the grifter route.
(04-28-2024, 02:40 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

The Adder wrote:Assuming that you are, they need to hear it every now and then. It doesn't mean anything if you have to be prodded or if they're in the middle of a breakdown before you'll say it. In most cases you will see the effect it has on them.

SoneaB wrote:But I'm not?
If you'd said daughter, sister, niece etc. Then sure. I do that regularly with no need for prompting. The other people on your curiously gendered list. Nah, I give credit where it's due. And it isn't.

and Era wonders why there is a rise in Andrew Tates.  lol

Melody Shreds wrote:Dad called me slur so yea no.

Will save it for my nephew tho.

Were you acting like a slur?  Wink Maybe show a little gratitude and positivity and your father may do the same. Stop continuing the spiral of toxic masculinity.
(04-28-2024, 06:01 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
kyle cross wrote:Well it's nice to see that SB doesn't seem to be popping off that much. I've only seen one person on my Twitch list stream it, and only for a stream. And the OT here isn't moving near as fast as bigger game releases tend to.

Feels like another Hogwarts legacy moment to me lol

Could be something about chasing off or banning in prior threads for wrong think that has something to do with it.
Quote:If I received this compliment, I would think they're full of shit and it was because of some therapy, thread, or tiktok told them to do it.

tbh it must fuck you up to go through life without any praise or notice. I used to get loads of compliments when I was young and skinny. Exclusively from older single men. But still, you gotta take it where you can. Pause.
There's actually quite a good trans allegory running all the way through Stellar Blade but they're too stupid to realise it. Media literacy is like, so low. It's got a cool 'piece it together' dark souls thing going on about where the meat and bones humans went, loads of robots are just calling themselves humans for banter and they've all been tricked by a bearded weirdo who has spent too long plugged in online  Social Justice Warrior 2

As for compliments, the golden rule of being a solid dude is 'credit where credit is due'. You should be giving sincere compliments on the regular and thinking carefully about praising the right stuff. Think of it as an IRL like system, if you will.

Unfortunately if you're ideologically cuntish your worldview is dedicated to tearing things down instead of building them up so instead of saying good job like you should, you spend time hunting witches who do wrongthinks. So they have no like system.
A new Kyuuji is forming -
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Tucker's Law wrote:
(04-27-2024, 10:07 PM)Nintex wrote: In the case of Stellar Blade it seems so oddly specific what was kept and what was censored (not just in terms of cleavage but also blood and gore) that it seems like they just had to skate around some age rating thing in Germany or something so they could sell the same version of the game everywhere.

It reminds me a bit of the Top Gun jacket controversy with the flag of Taiwan removed in the trailer, which they later restored as the film wouldn't be released in China.

With all that said, Aspyr restored or is restoring the removed Lara Croft posters from Tomb Raider II in a patch after the public outcry they were removed post release.
There have also been patches for Unicorn Overlord to restore the original translation and remove the 'localization' after players pointed out the script had been altered a lot.

Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization.  People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not?  Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”?  Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.

Anybody that gives a single shit about stellar blade censorship or any censorship like it is a fucking loser. Grow the fuck up.
(04-28-2024, 09:39 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: There's actually quite a good trans allegory running all the way through Stellar Blade but they're too stupid to realise it. Media literacy is like, so low. It's got a cool 'piece it together' dark souls thing going on about where the meat and bones humans went, loads of robots are just calling themselves humans for banter and they've all been tricked by a bearded weirdo who has spent too long plugged in online  Social Justice Warrior 2

As for compliments, the golden rule of being a solid dude is 'credit where credit is due'. You should be giving sincere compliments on the regular and thinking carefully about praising the right stuff. Think of it as an IRL like system, if you will.

Unfortunately if you're ideologically cuntish your worldview is dedicated to tearing things down instead of building them up so instead of saying good job like you should, you spend time hunting witches who do wrongthinks. So they have no like system.

Weirdly enough me and my mate had this conversation Friday night at the pub (before seeing the Era thread about male compliments) because he’d recently had a compliment at work from a younger guy (wasn’t gay) and it really took him back and we then said as a guy (he’s mid 30’s I’m early 40s) that you don’t get random compliments at all.
(04-28-2024, 11:14 AM)Snoopy wrote: A new Kyuuji is forming -

I've never come across a person who has ever had a sincere "genuine question". It's usually asked by white folks who want to try and "trip you up" in what they consider a gotcha moment or to try and enforce their (usually ignorant and bigoted) opinions beliefs onto either a marginalised group or minority under the guise of wanting to know about that minority.

To be it's up there with people who like to play Devil's Advocate. aa phrase almost always used by some cis-het white guy who wants to disguise his own disgusting beliefs and behaviour as a hypothetical.

I'm sure somewhere out there is someone is asking a question that they wish to be genuinely educated on, but if that's true, wouldn't doing one's own research into that question be better than asking a person who shouldn't hold any responsibility for correcting ignorance?

I know Google search has big issues especially when bigots can pay money and get great SEO to spread misinformation or can be used to reinforce an ignorant mindset. I know from experience that bigots set up misinformation on Trans and Non-Binary issues to be at the top of Google search. That's a whole other discussion needed on how to remove misinformation from Google.

But it still doesn't stop one from listening to people of that experience, and observing and then researching afterward OR even seeking out experts in the field who are also of that experience.

Essentially I don't trust anyone anymore when they say the words "Genuine Question".

Anyone else feel the same?

So should us cishet white guys who are confused by your weird shit ask you or not? Or should we look on google to get misinformation?

Make your schizophrenic mind up what you fucking want you dumb cunt
(04-28-2024, 06:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(04-28-2024, 02:40 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

The Adder wrote:Assuming that you are, they need to hear it every now and then. It doesn't mean anything if you have to be prodded or if they're in the middle of a breakdown before you'll say it. In most cases you will see the effect it has on them.

SoneaB wrote:But I'm not?
If you'd said daughter, sister, niece etc. Then sure. I do that regularly with no need for prompting. The other people on your curiously gendered list. Nah, I give credit where it's due. And it isn't.

and Era wonders why there is a rise in Andrew Tates.  lol

Melody Shreds wrote:Dad called me slur so yea no.

Will save it for my nephew tho.

Were you acting like a slur?  Wink Maybe show a little gratitude and positivity and your father may do the same. Stop continuing the spiral of toxic masculinity.

'slur' = 'son'
(04-28-2024, 11:14 AM)Snoopy wrote: A new Kyuuji is forming -

Someone must have asked "Genuine question, what's your definition of a woman?" and they had a meltdown.

They can't defend any of their goofy positions so whenever challenged they call the person some kind of -phobe or bigot. They have to make you watch a 6hr video essay by some youtube moron to answer a simple question (and if you did have the patience to sit through that vid it won't even answer the question).
(04-28-2024, 12:09 PM)Bootsthecat wrote:
(04-28-2024, 06:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(04-28-2024, 02:40 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

and Era wonders why there is a rise in Andrew Tates.  lol

Melody Shreds wrote:Dad called me slur so yea no.

Will save it for my nephew tho.

Were you acting like a slur?  Wink Maybe show a little gratitude and positivity and your father may do the same. Stop continuing the spiral of toxic masculinity.

'slur' = 'son'

Here you go son. Here's your PS5, guitars, figurines and your jar of olives opened!

Melody: Omg how dare you being so transphobic and awful I hate you my unsupporting dad.
Dad called him the N word during his transracial phase
(04-28-2024, 11:24 AM)Jansen wrote:
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Tucker's Law wrote:
(04-27-2024, 10:07 PM)Nintex wrote: In the case of Stellar Blade it seems so oddly specific what was kept and what was censored (not just in terms of cleavage but also blood and gore) that it seems like they just had to skate around some age rating thing in Germany or something so they could sell the same version of the game everywhere.

It reminds me a bit of the Top Gun jacket controversy with the flag of Taiwan removed in the trailer, which they later restored as the film wouldn't be released in China.

With all that said, Aspyr restored or is restoring the removed Lara Croft posters from Tomb Raider II in a patch after the public outcry they were removed post release.
There have also been patches for Unicorn Overlord to restore the original translation and remove the 'localization' after players pointed out the script had been altered a lot.

Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization.  People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not?  Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”?  Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.

Anybody that gives a single shit about stellar blade censorship or any censorship like it is a fucking loser. Grow the fuck up.

That's what the Chinese normies thought when the commies had their patriotic stage plays. Let them have their fun it's not like it'll have an impact on our every day lives.

[Image: e5eec5959804-li660912-1-bweb.jpg]

Much like how the Egyptians laughed when Nasser told them the head of the Muslim brotherhood demanded all the women to wear headscarfs and someone shouted: "Let him wear it!"

When you stop giving a shit it'll bite you in the ass eventually.
(04-28-2024, 12:36 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(04-28-2024, 12:09 PM)Bootsthecat wrote:
(04-28-2024, 06:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Were you acting like a slur?  Wink Maybe show a little gratitude and positivity and your father may do the same. Stop continuing the spiral of toxic masculinity.

'slur' = 'son'

Here you go son. Here's your PS5, guitars, figurines and your jar of olives opened!

Melody: Omg how dare you being so transphobic and awful I hate you my unsupporting dad.

The slur was clearly retard Trumps
Quote:I hate the idea that some people have around here that people are always malicious with their intent. It's just a wrong attitude to have that every single person is that way. That's not to say that there are people who aren't genuine but the idea that everyone isn't is a bad way to view people. Nobody knows everything and there are always going to be people who genuinely don't know.

From the don’t ask me a “genuine question” thread, lol blasting a lot of users on that forum there

Then there’s this beta boy who’s girlfriend blatantly has a boyfriend 

Quote:My gut reaction on reading this was that OP is wrong. I often ask genuine questions that are completely innocuous. Like someone else said, why assume malicious intent?

Then I realised it's probably my privilege that means I have that view, and it's me that's wrong, not the OP. I'm not a minority, so I don't constantly have racists or transphobes in my face saying "Genuine Question!" like a gotcha.

Sorry that's your experience OP. It must be endlessly frustrating.
Fat4All is weirdly engaging that genuine question thread, fucking weirdo. Also why is he posting as if he’s British now, also fucking weird. Genuine question

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