Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Why is it always shower threads  lol
Quote:Say you either lived or somehow got transported to your favourite video game settings (or you live in Roger Rabbit like setting, your choice, don't over think the premise), do you think your favourite video game characters would actually want to be friends with you or like you? Or are you more likely to become XP fuel to level up?
For me, pretty sure that's a sad no for my favourite fighting game characters like Morrigan, Lili, Leo, Anna, Mileena, Reptile and especially Juri would not like me, the later three would likely kill me for my dorkiness. I think Cammy might because we're both wlw (fight me) crazy cat people with lots of cats and have issues with getting compliments about our appearance.

I hope my favourite Pokemon characters would at least be polite with me, people seem to be very trans friendly and can be bonkers enough to be normal.
First reply
Quote:I dont even like me.

rzks21 wrote:Zionists being piece of shit racists like their white supremacist brethren is hardly a new thing. Calling us POC names is one of their favorite pastimes, just like engaging in sex tourism in the Global South. Fuck them.
Wut Yikes
Schizo post.
(04-27-2024, 10:42 PM)benji wrote:
(04-27-2024, 12:17 PM)Snoopy wrote: The vegetables are arguing about washing themselves again. No surprise but then Nep appears -

Quote:Plenty of minorities on this forum who grew up with daily bathing routines due to the pervasive belief that white people found us smelly and disgusting.

Is this something Nepenthe's mom told her to get to her take a bath everyday?
Nepenthe, wrote:And yeah, trying to get out of taking a bath as a Black kid every day for me was non-negotiable. It wasn't just a general hygiene routine, it was "I won't have my children talked about as if no one cares about them." That shit is raw and no amount of "but the science says!" is really going to force folks who grew up with that cultural habit to change. Sure, I can acknowledge what the science says, but I also acknowledge how I personally feel if I don't take a shower everyday, especially as humid and hot as Georgia gets. But even if I lived somewhere colder, the habit is now ingrained as just a natural part of the day. It's like telling me to not eat. Like what do you mean; I have to lol.

And later on she drops this important factoid:
Nepenthe wrote:Brazil is apparently the country that takes the most showers, at an average of around 14 a week.
A weird little aside in Constructive:

Moogle, post: 122247150, member: 13916 wrote:
Moogle wrote:So what happened to rebooting this thread?
Can I get an update on this please...
mnk wrote:What are you referring to?
B-Dubs wrote:I will note that this is not something we have discussed publicly and for this sort of thing you should probably PM someone

So apparently there are secret talks to reboot Constructive thread that ought not be mentioned in public.
(04-29-2024, 01:33 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

IanIanIanson wrote:There was a goal set out in 2010 I think it was.

"Get each country to use 0.7% of its GDP and it would theoretically pull everyone out of extreme poverty."

Nobody succeeded
I knew this sounded familiar and it's actually the long debunked foreign aid goal: wrote:In 1970, The 0.7% ODA/GNI target was first agreed and has been repeatedly re-endorsed at the highest level at international aid and development conferences:

in 2005, the 15 countries that were members of the European Union by 2004 agreed to reach the target by 2015
the 0.7% target served as a reference for 2005 political commitments to increase ODA from the EU, the G8 Gleneagles Summit and the UN World Summit

Looking back...

In 1958, discussions of official aid targets were based on total flow of both official and private resources going to developing countries. A target of 1% was first suggested by the World Council of Churches and during the 1960s all DAC members subscribed to it. But it had a major flaw: governments cannot control or predict private capital flows, nor can they adjust official flows to compensate for fluctuations in private flows.
Efforts to correct this concentrated on elaborating a sub-target for official flows.

A target of official flows of 0.75% of gross national product was proposed to be reached by 1972, based on work by Nobel-Prize winning Jan Tinbergen, who estimated the inflows required for developing economies to achieve desirable growth rates.

In 1969, the Pearson Commission – in its report Partners in Development – proposed a target of 0.7% of donor GNP to be reached “by 1975 and in no case later than 1980.” This suggestion was taken up in a UN resolution on 24 October 1970. The target built on the DAC’s 1969 definition of ODA.

DAC members generally accepted the 0.7% target for ODA, at least as a long-term objective, with some notable exceptions: Switzerland – not a member of the United Nations until 2002 – did not adopt the target, and the United States stated that it did not subscribe to specific targets or timetables, although it supported the more general aims of the Resolution.
I think it's great that people are still pushing this goal when it was found to be based on highly questionable theory in development economics already by the 1980's.
(04-29-2024, 02:15 AM)nobody of note wrote: A weird little aside in Constructive:

Moogle, post: 122247150, member: 13916 wrote:
Moogle wrote:So what happened to rebooting this thread?
Can I get an update on this please...
mnk wrote:What are you referring to?
B-Dubs wrote:I will note that this is not something we have discussed publicly and for this sort of thing you should probably PM someone

So apparently there are secret talks to reboot Constructive thread that ought not be mentioned in public.

Secret talks about what to do with the thread that's specifically about transparency. Bravo b-dubs, bravo
To be fair, that thread allowed anyone to post in it even if they weren't verified as members of the Inner Party. That's no way to run a real feedback system safe from bad actors who just want to put staff at risk.
L Thammy wrote:The fact that this thread unironically raised the idea that immigrants are smelly, a historically xenophobic idea, does further solidify for me the idea that a large portion of the upset at the idea that people aren't showering enough is because it brushes against their more quietly held ideas of white supremacy. The non-whites are supposed to be the smelly ones, so it's disturbing to have that idea reversed. It also makes me even more suspicious of the repeated invocation of genetics without clarifying who the groups are which smell less. Because, yes, there is a gene well known for being associated with body odor, but it's not the Europeans who tend to have it. It's most commonly found in east Asians, who would often be immigrants in English-speaking territories.

It always circles back to Nazis
Telling people smelling nice and having manners and decency are white supremacy is a great way to promote white supremacy.
(04-29-2024, 01:52 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Say you either lived or somehow got transported to your favourite video game settings (or you live in Roger Rabbit like setting, your choice, don't over think the premise), do you think your favourite video game characters would actually want to be friends with you or like you? Or are you more likely to become XP fuel to level up?
For me, pretty sure that's a sad no for my favourite fighting game characters like Morrigan, Lili, Leo, Anna, Mileena, Reptile and especially Juri would not like me, the later three would likely kill me for my dorkiness. I think Cammy might because we're both wlw (fight me) crazy cat people with lots of cats and have issues with getting compliments about our appearance.

I hope my favourite Pokemon characters would at least be polite with me, people seem to be very trans friendly and can be bonkers enough to be normal.
First reply
Quote:I dont even like me.

pokemon are animals

they will know

[Image: X9JS0cl.png]

[Image: YeZ9um1.png]

[Image: YQIGpjr.png]
(04-28-2024, 11:03 PM)Tucker's Law wrote:
(04-28-2024, 11:24 AM)Jansen wrote:
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Tucker's Law wrote: Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization.  People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not?  Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”?  Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.

Anybody that gives a single shit about stellar blade censorship or any censorship like it is a fucking loser. Grow the fuck up.

Anyone that behaves as if censorship in arts and entertainment isn't being used today by authoritarian minded people as a tool to shape minds towards their warped perspective, is themselves a supremely massive retard.  Habitual line-steppers exploit disinterested attitudes to continue crossing lines and when said retarded losers notice it they meekly go "well maybe let them have this one and they won't cross anymore lines", because they are retarded.

you're a dumbass bitch bro. have fun swinging at windmills tho
(04-29-2024, 01:07 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(04-24-2024, 03:04 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Switters wrote:Whatever score robs these devs of their bonus.

Quote: Cop User Warned: Inflammatory commentary

Yeah, fuck all those female devs on the team. Let's make sure we deny them their bonus payments.
(04-29-2024, 03:19 AM)Uncle wrote:
(04-29-2024, 01:52 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Say you either lived or somehow got transported to your favourite video game settings (or you live in Roger Rabbit like setting, your choice, don't over think the premise), do you think your favourite video game characters would actually want to be friends with you or like you? Or are you more likely to become XP fuel to level up?
For me, pretty sure that's a sad no for my favourite fighting game characters like Morrigan, Lili, Leo, Anna, Mileena, Reptile and especially Juri would not like me, the later three would likely kill me for my dorkiness. I think Cammy might because we're both wlw (fight me) crazy cat people with lots of cats and have issues with getting compliments about our appearance.

I hope my favourite Pokemon characters would at least be polite with me, people seem to be very trans friendly and can be bonkers enough to be normal.
First reply
Quote:I dont even like me.

pokemon are animals

they will know

[Image: X9JS0cl.png]

[Image: YeZ9um1.png]

[Image: YQIGpjr.png]

Time to put them down Old Yeller style  Stahp
dude, page 1337, that's leet

[Image: cFgthBX.png]

[Image: TAYX0BR.png]
(04-29-2024, 03:20 AM)Jansen wrote:
(04-28-2024, 11:03 PM)Tucker's Law wrote:
(04-28-2024, 11:24 AM)Jansen wrote: Anybody that gives a single shit about stellar blade censorship or any censorship like it is a fucking loser. Grow the fuck up.

Anyone that behaves as if censorship in arts and entertainment isn't being used today by authoritarian minded people as a tool to shape minds towards their warped perspective, is themselves a supremely massive retard.  Habitual line-steppers exploit disinterested attitudes to continue crossing lines and when said retarded losers notice it they meekly go "well maybe let them have this one and they won't cross anymore lines", because they are retarded.

you're a dumbass bitch bro. have fun swinging at windmills tho

But muh digital cleavage
(04-29-2024, 02:18 AM)benji wrote:
(04-29-2024, 01:33 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

IanIanIanson wrote:There was a goal set out in 2010 I think it was.

"Get each country to use 0.7% of its GDP and it would theoretically pull everyone out of extreme poverty."

Nobody succeeded
I knew this sounded familiar and it's actually the long debunked foreign aid goal: wrote:In 1970, The 0.7% ODA/GNI target was first agreed and has been repeatedly re-endorsed at the highest level at international aid and development conferences:

in 2005, the 15 countries that were members of the European Union by 2004 agreed to reach the target by 2015
the 0.7% target served as a reference for 2005 political commitments to increase ODA from the EU, the G8 Gleneagles Summit and the UN World Summit

Looking back...

In 1958, discussions of official aid targets were based on total flow of both official and private resources going to developing countries. A target of 1% was first suggested by the World Council of Churches and during the 1960s all DAC members subscribed to it. But it had a major flaw: governments cannot control or predict private capital flows, nor can they adjust official flows to compensate for fluctuations in private flows.
Efforts to correct this concentrated on elaborating a sub-target for official flows.

A target of official flows of 0.75% of gross national product was proposed to be reached by 1972, based on work by Nobel-Prize winning Jan Tinbergen, who estimated the inflows required for developing economies to achieve desirable growth rates.

In 1969, the Pearson Commission – in its report Partners in Development – proposed a target of 0.7% of donor GNP to be reached “by 1975 and in no case later than 1980.” This suggestion was taken up in a UN resolution on 24 October 1970. The target built on the DAC’s 1969 definition of ODA.

DAC members generally accepted the 0.7% target for ODA, at least as a long-term objective, with some notable exceptions: Switzerland – not a member of the United Nations until 2002 – did not adopt the target, and the United States stated that it did not subscribe to specific targets or timetables, although it supported the more general aims of the Resolution.
I think it's great that people are still pushing this goal when it was found to be based on highly questionable theory in development economics already by the 1980's.

People like to say that social media has created a "post-truth world", but I'd like to propose a subtle, but significant, change to that statement. 

Rather than post-truth, I suggest we're in a "post-evidence world" where you can make a statement on social media and due to the speed of conversations, there is no need to back up those claims with any evidence. If anyone asks you just ignore them or accuse them of some buzzword to distract from your lack of evidence. The term gaslighting always works well in these situations. 

Nevertheless, if someone does persist and others ask to see your evidence, you just simply link to a website which uses dubious or cherry picked evidence to back up your claim. Nobody actually bothers reading or even has the time to investigate anyway, so it's all good.
(04-29-2024, 03:37 AM)Potato wrote: People like to say that social media has created a "post-truth world", but I'd like to propose a subtle, but significant, change to that statement. 

Rather than post-truth, I suggest we're in a "post-evidence world" where you can make a statement on social media and due to the speed of conversations, there is no need to back up those claims with any evidence. If anyone asks you just ignore them or accuse them of some buzzword to distract from your lack of evidence. Gaslighting always works well in these situations. 

Nevertheless, if someone does persist and others ask to see your evidence, you just simply link to a website which uses dubious or cherry picked evidence to back up your claim. Nobody actually bothers reading or even has the time to investigate anyway, so it's all good.


"it's not my responsibility to educate you, read this 300 page book from one of the great thinkers of our time, a grunting cave-dwelling revolutionary reactionary whose every argument will enrage you with its stupidity, then come back to this thread with the correct opinion"
dalq wrote:People really enjoy the white rice and unseasoned chicken breast equivalent of music I guess.
dalq wrote:Stay mad swifties, no shame in liking bland music, yall do yall
literally shaking
White rice? It’s white bread or potatoes. These people are even incompetent at racism.
ashilyn wrote:I'd been putting off picking up the game because, honestly, I was put off by... you know, the everything surrounding it's marketing and how chuds were rallying around it. But I ended up getting a code for free from a friend and holy shit I almost missed out on one of the most fun games I've played in a while.

A lot of things still bother me about it, both aesthetically and mechanically, but god damn this is a fun as hell game. The banging OST doesn't hurt either, though only serves to drive how how badly the game, at least where I'm at, desperately wants to be Nier Automata. I respect people put off the game like I was, but hell, it's nice to know it is at least a good ass game despite that.
(04-29-2024, 03:00 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
L Thammy wrote:The fact that this thread unironically raised the idea that immigrants are smelly, a historically xenophobic idea, does further solidify for me the idea that a large portion of the upset at the idea that people aren't showering enough is because it brushes against their more quietly held ideas of white supremacy. The non-whites are supposed to be the smelly ones, so it's disturbing to have that idea reversed. It also makes me even more suspicious of the repeated invocation of genetics without clarifying who the groups are which smell less. Because, yes, there is a gene well known for being associated with body odor, but it's not the Europeans who tend to have it. It's most commonly found in east Asians, who would often be immigrants in English-speaking territories.
I think it's probably that they're borderline shut-ins that have terrible hygiene but are part of a forum culture that teaches them to assume their personal hangups are some kind of societal or cultural thing.

Or maybe it's white supremacy. I don't post on racist forums so I wouldn't know about that.
Quote:But I ended up getting a code for free from a friend and holy shit I almost missed out on one of the most fun games I've played in a while.
Just say you bought it lol
(04-29-2024, 05:06 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
ashilyn wrote:I'd been putting off picking up the game because, honestly, I was put off by... you know, the everything surrounding it's marketing and how chuds were rallying around it. But I ended up getting a code for free from a friend and holy shit I almost missed out on one of the most fun games I've played in a while.

A lot of things still bother me about it, both aesthetically and mechanically, but god damn this is a fun as hell game. The banging OST doesn't hurt either, though only serves to drive how how badly the game, at least where I'm at, desperately wants to be Nier Automata. I respect people put off the game like I was, but hell, it's nice to know it is at least a good ass game despite that.
Hmm, so I guess you'll want to see my Fry Hole.
(04-29-2024, 04:46 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
dalq wrote:People really enjoy the white rice and unseasoned chicken breast equivalent of music I guess.
dalq wrote:Stay mad swifties, no shame in liking bland music, yall do yall
literally shaking

This is so triggering to era posters for the same reason saying anything bad about Marvel is. You can't just like mass market stuff, it has to be "important".
(04-29-2024, 05:09 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:But I ended up getting a code for free from a friend and holy shit I almost missed out on one of the most fun games I've played in a while.
Just say you bought it lol

Who was this?
(04-29-2024, 05:08 AM)benji wrote:
(04-29-2024, 03:00 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
L Thammy wrote:The fact that this thread unironically raised the idea that immigrants are smelly, a historically xenophobic idea, does further solidify for me the idea that a large portion of the upset at the idea that people aren't showering enough is because it brushes against their more quietly held ideas of white supremacy. The non-whites are supposed to be the smelly ones, so it's disturbing to have that idea reversed. It also makes me even more suspicious of the repeated invocation of genetics without clarifying who the groups are which smell less. Because, yes, there is a gene well known for being associated with body odor, but it's not the Europeans who tend to have it. It's most commonly found in east Asians, who would often be immigrants in English-speaking territories.
I think it's probably that they're borderline shut-ins that have terrible hygiene but are part of a forum culture that teaches them to assume their personal hangups are some kind of societal or cultural thing.

Or maybe it's white supremacy. I don't post on racist forums so I wouldn't know about that.

It's thebore with a hard R thank you very much. Of course it's a racist forum.
(04-29-2024, 01:52 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Say you either lived or somehow got transported to your favourite video game settings (or you live in Roger Rabbit like setting, your choice, don't over think the premise), do you think your favourite video game characters would actually want to be friends with you or like you? Or are you more likely to become XP fuel to level up?
For me, pretty sure that's a sad no for my favourite fighting game characters like Morrigan, Lili, Leo, Anna, Mileena, Reptile and especially Juri would not like me, the later three would likely kill me for my dorkiness. I think Cammy might because we're both wlw (fight me) crazy cat people with lots of cats and have issues with getting compliments about our appearance.

I hope my favourite Pokemon characters would at least be polite with me, people seem to be very trans friendly and can be bonkers enough to be normal.

EVERY SINGLE TIME, yeah we get it, your trans it’s your personality. Why does everything has to be framed through this?

Quote:Same with my mom. Grew up dirt poor in a large family. Her parents made sure everything was spotless: house, clothes, hair, and bodies. Subsequently, my home is fucking clean.

So your mom cleans your room huh

Nepenthe also has an obsession with germs and cleanliness, like many serial killers and dictators of note including Mr Burns

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