Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Quote:Here is another reason I want RE5 Remade is not only would I think the gameplay could improve (even if I kinda like how it plays now) I'd love to erase the OG RE5 voice of Wesker as I know some people on here would echo when it comes to problematic VA's, I'd just like a version of RE5 where I don't have to hear D.C. Douglas anymore, the guy who played Wesker in RE4 Remake however (Craig Burnatowski) seems he could do a wayyyy better performance if he had a shot at a RE5 Remake, I loved how he sounded as the character especially in the mercenaries of RE4 Remake. However a little part of me is sad that Capcom won't use past voice actors for characters anymore cause I love Roger Craig Smith as Chris and Richard Waugh was a great Wesker but Capcom sticking to their guns with using VA's that voiced in the RE Engine Resident Evil games so far.
If I was Capcom I would get Code Veronica remake ready for the Switch 2 launch window (Q1/Q2 2025) followed by Resident Evil 5 Remake on PS5/PC(Q3/Q4).
After that do a 'downport' of RE5 Remake for Switch 2 (or bring over RE4:R first) and a 4K version of Code Veronica for PS5/PC. 

There is not going to be much competition.
(04-29-2024, 05:23 PM)Vertigo wrote:

This is a fascinating thread B Dumbs can never admit when he's wrong 

Says a show is doing nothing new gets a thorough explanation of why his wrong, and compares it to another show which is actually great but standard and gets challenged again.

Just admit you didn't watch the show and keep it moving.

Also amusing that this is his initial complaint 

Quote:Apple TV might be trying to put out that prestige stuff, but it's very safe prestige stuff. HBO wasn't afraid to piss people off or shock the hell out of them. This is kinda my criticism of stuff lately, that there's not a lot of difficult stories to engage with these days. The sort of thing that makes you ask the big questions or grapple with your view of the world.

Because this shit is happening exactly because of places like RE and the culture it cultivates. Like prime example Stellar Blade right now. It can't just be something they dislike, it's something that actively harmful and needs to be condemned to the point where people get banned just for expressing that they know women who enjoy the game

Oooo...Ree got more stuff to get mad about
Quote:Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is some of the most self-important, arrogant, preening shit I've ever watched. Talk to the President and treat waitresses like shit on camera for a big paycheque from Netflix.

Miss me with this shit. He's a relic of a goneby age.
Then a week from now somebody makes a thread saying how much they hate tipping waiters.

They ain’t different you bunch of fake virtue signalers.
(04-29-2024, 06:56 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(04-29-2024, 05:23 PM)Vertigo wrote:

This is a fascinating thread B Dumbs can never admit when he's wrong 

Says a show is doing nothing new gets a thorough explanation of why his wrong, and compares it to another show which is actually great but standard and gets challenged again.

Just admit you didn't watch the show and keep it moving.

Also amusing that this is his initial complaint 

Quote:Apple TV might be trying to put out that prestige stuff, but it's very safe prestige stuff. HBO wasn't afraid to piss people off or shock the hell out of them. This is kinda my criticism of stuff lately, that there's not a lot of difficult stories to engage with these days. The sort of thing that makes you ask the big questions or grapple with your view of the world.

Because this shit is happening exactly because of places like RE and the culture it cultivates. Like prime example Stellar Blade right now. It can't just be something they dislike, it's something that actively harmful and needs to be condemned to the point where people get banned just for expressing that they know women who enjoy the game

Not to mention they masturbated to Disney buying up all those studios and their Cape shit and Starwars garbage slogging to $2 billion 

[Image: mickey-mouse.gif]

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): trolling over a series of posts, long history of trolling
subpar spatula wrote:Don't respond to valid criticism? You seem jaded folks have issues with her.

What is with her pollution you have a problem with?
(04-29-2024, 02:43 PM)Snoopy wrote:
(04-29-2024, 02:29 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote:
(04-29-2024, 02:21 PM)Snoopy wrote: Your useless Tory government has run your country into the ground. How’s your health service? Fucked. How’s your education? Fucked. How’s your social welfare? Fucked. How’s your economy? Fucked. Even the Welsh despise you. The Welsh!

I'll have you know im from the kingdom of Northumbria, which is objectively the best

I have campaigned for years to get the Scottish government to annex Newcastle.

As long as the football club stays in the Premier League, I care not for your internal squabbles. The best of you all left over the last 200 or so years and forged the best country on the other side is the globe anyway.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(04-28-2024, 08:21 PM)Steven Snell wrote:

Wonder how this thread will go

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Creating a troll thread. Multiple prior bans for trolling.

JustTeaThankYou wrote:I hope that the lesson devs learn from this, is that if you attempt to appeal to chuds they expect to own you, and either you do whatever they want, or deal with their shrieking, so the best thing to do is pretend they don't exist.
(04-29-2024, 09:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): trolling over a series of posts, long history of trolling
subpar spatula wrote:Don't respond to valid criticism? You seem jaded folks have issues with her.

What is with her pollution you have a problem with?

Quote:User Warned: Inflammatory Accusation
Quote:The pollution from boring mediocre posters coming into Taylor Swift threads and sharing their boring mediocre opinions, usually due to being mad that a female musician is being held in high regard, especially by other women.
Protected cuz they're Kyuuji's main squeeze.
(04-29-2024, 09:37 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

JustTeaThankYou wrote:I hope that the lesson devs learn from this, is that if you attempt to appeal to chuds they expect to own you, and either you do whatever they want, or deal with their shrieking, so the best thing to do is pretend they don't exist.

maybe the lesson is, release the game in the state it seemed to be in demos and previews

suppose a game's demo had choice of male/female/non-binary and got a bunch of sales on that basis and then the final version removed the non-binary option, I wonder how era would react

(04-29-2024, 09:42 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(04-29-2024, 09:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): trolling over a series of posts, long history of trolling
subpar spatula wrote:Don't respond to valid criticism? You seem jaded folks have issues with her.

What is with her pollution you have a problem with?

Quote:User Warned: Inflammatory Accusation
Quote:The pollution from boring mediocre posters coming into Taylor Swift threads and sharing their boring mediocre opinions, usually due to being mad that a female musician is being held in high regard, especially by other women.
Protected cuz they're Kyuuji's main squeeze.

Uzzy wrote:
Quote:She'll be fine killing the plane, and stans will be mad they are told they are killing it.

Nothing new will change.

Taytay > Planet.

Somehow not considered trolling
(04-29-2024, 09:37 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

JustTeaThankYou wrote:I hope that the lesson devs learn from this, is that if you attempt to appeal to chuds they expect to own you, and either you do whatever they want, or deal with their shrieking, so the best thing to do is pretend they don't exist.

I hope that the lesson devs Bdubs learn from this, is that if you attempt to appeal to chuds Transbians they expect to own you, and either you do whatever they want, or deal with their shrieking, so the best thing to do is pretend they don't exist.
Uzzy is like one of those formerly semi-sensible republicans that has to be performatively mental because the new generation are too unhinged to keep up with
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Potato, Taco Bell Tower

Dr. Mario wrote:
Gangster Gastino wrote:After sampling a few tracks I can only say I found the music very bland and amorphous, lacking any strong identity or depth.
That's the prevailing opinion also with Swifties (well that it's amorphous, not lacking depth lmao), but that's because since Midnights, Antonoff has been producing her albums like house music, where songs have been selected and mixed to blend into each other. It takes a few repeat listens to understand where songs begin and end and have their distinct motifs. Also narratively it's frequently meant to be listened to in sequence (or a few sequences), where she e.g. describes a breakup through different songs from realization to dramatic to morose to unhinged to rebound. I think this is one of the reasons why streaming numbers are also through the roof, once people start listening, they keep on listening the whole thing. But it makes it increasingly harder to convince people who listen to it once and don't get it. You're not really supposed to get it after one listen.
Quote:Some of you guys are so negative and confrontational, and I see this on the gaming side a lot too. Is this how you guys act in real life? Join conversations just to shit on the things people are talking about? Do you have any friends? Does anyone even want to talk to you? If you just shut up and let people enjoy what they like, I swear you'll probably end up a much happier person.
Planetsmasher reference  Heh
Another TikTok ban looms, I miss Jeff marvel coming in and finger wagging already :(‘not-excluded-’-von-der-leyen-says.857190/
ZeoVGM has to be fuming that he's banned and can't white knight for queen Taylor. Rage
(04-29-2024, 09:51 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Another TikTok ban looms, I miss Jeff marvel coming in and finger wagging already :(‘not-excluded-’-von-der-leyen-says.857190/

This thread is something
Crossing Eden
Quote:The issue with attempting to force a sale is the part where such a thing would most likely result in the thing being sold becoming demonstrably worse. Or in the case of something like Twitter, suddenly making a good app into an alt right haven.
Quote:You can't say any of this for certain because you don't know who the buyer could or would be. There's already an alt right haven on tiktok. You just don't see it because the algorithm doesn't show you.

Hollywood Duo
Quote:I imagine they'd update the app to comply with things like DSA and GDPR before facing a ban in the EU.
Quote:They just hate that a Chinese corporation makes the add / data money instead of a western one.

That is why certain government groups want to force a sale.

If they actually cared about people's personal data they would make better laws for ALL data brokers
Lol isnt tay tay always criticized even on twitter for her insane private plane usage? Is era of all places saying its okay that she does it?
(04-29-2024, 09:42 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(04-29-2024, 09:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): trolling over a series of posts, long history of trolling
subpar spatula wrote:Don't respond to valid criticism? You seem jaded folks have issues with her.

What is with her pollution you have a problem with?

Quote:User Warned: Inflammatory Accusation
Quote:The pollution from boring mediocre posters coming into Taylor Swift threads and sharing their boring mediocre opinions, usually due to being mad that a female musician is being held in high regard, especially by other women.
Protected cuz they're Kyuuji's main squeeze.

Was originally banned for 3 days, but had her sentence reduced.
That looks a lot like dismissing concerns to me and I should know on account of having dismissed a few concerns in my time  Win
Quote:2$ more to watch The Office, thank god it's still on Netflix over here in Canada.
2 bucks is too much for Ree
(04-29-2024, 09:57 PM)malfoyking wrote: Lol isnt tay tay always criticized even on twitter for her insane private plane usage? Is era of all places saying its okay that she does it?
Quote:imagine living life in a way where saying things like WELL ACTUALLY THIS POPULAR ARTIST USES PRIVATE JETS is the only way to trigger dopamine. i hope anyone like that finds true happiness soon.

i am neutral on taylor swift (went to see her tour this year; don't really like this new record) and i agree that private jets should be illegal but c'mon. the real thing to criticise her for is decimating the vinyl industry by locking up plants to exploit fans into caring about 8000 variants of the same dang album
(04-29-2024, 09:58 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(04-29-2024, 09:42 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(04-29-2024, 09:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote:User Warned: Inflammatory Accusation
Quote:The pollution from boring mediocre posters coming into Taylor Swift threads and sharing their boring mediocre opinions, usually due to being mad that a female musician is being held in high regard, especially by other women.
Protected cuz they're Kyuuji's main squeeze.

Was originally banned for 3 days, but had her sentence reduced.

3 days? Not under Queen slaaaay Kyuuji's watch Taylor Swift
(04-29-2024, 09:57 PM)malfoyking wrote: Lol isnt tay tay always criticized even on twitter for her insane private plane usage? Is era of all places saying its okay that she does it?

As always they're absolutely hypocritic fucks. Because Taylor is "for the girls" it's now an intersectional issue and it's actually misogyny if you say something bad about her.

They did the same thing when Rhianna became a billionaire. Suddenly it was not cool to hate someone for being rich

(04-29-2024, 10:01 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(04-29-2024, 09:57 PM)malfoyking wrote: Lol isnt tay tay always criticized even on twitter for her insane private plane usage? Is era of all places saying its okay that she does it?
Quote:imagine living life in a way where saying things like WELL ACTUALLY THIS POPULAR ARTIST USES PRIVATE JETS is the only way to trigger dopamine. i hope anyone like that finds true happiness soon.
i am neutral on taylor swift (went to see her tour this year; don't really like this new record) and i agree that private jets should be illegal but c'mon. the real thing to criticise her for is decimating the vinyl industry by locking up plants to exploit fans into caring about 8000 variants of the same dang album

How are you neutral on her if you went to her concert?  lol
The burqa boys plan really worked this time! 

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:Also a quick reminder not to to use casual ableism on chuds or imply their chud and bigoted behaviour is based on mental health issues or being on the Autistic spectrum. It negatively stereotypes people and enforces false stereotypes, incredibly hurtful for many people with health issues or Autism who are often victims of these chuds and something we simply shouldn't be doing.

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