Journal of Other Forum Analysis
With gaming tanking so much, all they are left with are psychos who shit up general discussion.
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia

yogurt wrote:Claiming that Hamas aren't terrorists is not a "perfectly normal" post. Some of the previous bans were bullshit, this one makes more sense.

And yes, the IDF are terrorists too. The shoe fits.

It is not hard to discuss the entirety of the Israel-Palestine conflict, including how Hamas's popularity and actions make sense as a reaction to x y and x circumstances, without whitewashing Hamas.
Quote:I think the poster was more trying to show that a lot of the world still don't class them as terrorist going by the picture they put up rather than out right say they are not terrorists.

A google search about the image origins outright mentions why is a flawed map.
Не могу поверить, что стратегия "просто игнорировать достойных и говорить им идти дальше" снова провалилась.

Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1715732103' wrote: 1715732103[/url]']

Shoot wrote:It's a white liberal forum. Any form of thought that makes them uncomfortable is quarantined and heavily restricted from bullshit bans to bullshit thread locks. Get with the program or get out.

Jeb wrote:Any decent internet communities outside era?

Asking for myself.

I'm growing so tired here.

We can't discuss Genocide except for a containment thread.

The horrors keep escalating but we are being pushed to a small space not to be let outside it.

Meanwhile the man that is financing, protecting and arming a genocide gets threads upon threads with many posters going out of their way to cape for him, praise him and call him I shit you not "the greatest president of their lifetime".

If I dare bring it up or call him Genocide Joe I risk a ban.

I have to walk on eggshells to say anything Hamas related without a possible ban for supporting terrorism", yet these fuckers are posting the virtues of this maniac while he is a driving force in a genocide is fucking appalling.

Why is an active Genocide has to be contained in a thread?

If that has to be the case, why is an election not held to the same restriction?

Why are Biden's defenders allowed to come in here vote shame everybody and force us to reassure our commitment to a genocidal man?

I know this is to protect liberal sensibilities as well as protect Biden and his party but it is infuriating.

Черт, Jeb Bush проснулся.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Irish Ninja wrote:- if, as that image and your kneejerk reactions here illustrate, hamas is labeled/understood as "terrorist" in the western world, why did the IDF not get that distinction? the former again being a party/resistance effort, and the latter being an unaccountable occupying nuclear force with western backing - why is that label so synonyms with one group, but the other regularly commits atrocities in the name of self-defense?
- why do the IDF not meet that criteria in the middle of on ongoing genocide, with countless mass graves, targeting of aid and hospitals, and weaponized starvation? what does this tell you about said label and how it is utilized?
- more to the point: why are you planting your flag on this while the community continues telling you it feels unsafe here? even if you think the reason for the threadban is obvious (it clearly isn't based on the responses here), why is that your priority rather than pushing back on moderation targeting/silencing and preserving what community we have left here?

maybe sit with that a bit

Hamas Apologism alive and well I see
LewieP wrote:Somewhat surprised that this level of lobbying from foreign interests is allowed in the US.

Does he understand what AIPAC is?

ezekial45 wrote:You shouldn't be, America is a hideously corrupt country. Netanyahu makes personal calls to people in American congress to earn favor on particular things, which is super illegal, but they don't care. It's real bad here.

[citation needed] wrote:sorry folks, had to give the insufferable douche [Jonathan Blow] some money (though trying to silence my concience by taking advantage of that %50 deal, lol)

[Image: hero-carefully.gif]

noodlesoup wrote:The meeting I had today with the university was just them asking me to describe what happened the day I got arrested, which I—obviously—declined to answer. Though, I do have another meeting scheduled for this Friday, so they clearly have more in store for us.

On the other hand, we had a handful of SJP members show up at our town meeting tonight to see if we could push for divestment to be represented on the ballot for this November. didn't go so well. When it came to the votes themselves, we got crushed pretty hard there. And there are far more Zionists in our college town than we've thought; this one old fart in particular mentioned how "God would punish America" if we pulled funding from Israel. Of course, all the boomers who hated us walked out while one of ours presented a list of reasons as to why we should pursue divestment. Fun stuff.

Safe to say that we're fighting an uphill battle here, guys. It's depressing but we're not stopping anytime soon.

yogurt wrote:I'm also part of this community, and I decried previous bans I felt were bullshit

IrishNinja wrote:i'm sure the mod who threadbanned them "pending further action"appreciates your solidarity


Shoot wrote:
lori wrote:i agree. i think it would be nice to see sensitive topics in off-topic handled by a marginalized individual who could perhaps better understand people's pain and frustration, rather than... what we've got going on now. white liberalism is in direct conflict with what this forum wants to be.
There is at least one mod who fits this description but they became a victim of a harassment campaign by a group on this forum and as a result have been prohibited from moderating anything related to Palestine.
Sickos (furry edition)
(05-15-2024, 04:08 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Shoot wrote:
lori wrote:i agree. i think it would be nice to see sensitive topics in off-topic handled by a marginalized individual who could perhaps better understand people's pain and frustration, rather than... what we've got going on now. white liberalism is in direct conflict with what this forum wants to be.
There is at least one mod who fits this description but they became a victim of a harassment campaign by a group on this forum and as a result have been prohibited from moderating anything related to Palestine.
Sickos (furry edition)

A mod who apologized and said they knew very little on the subject.  lol
Unfortunately, the one mod we know to hate Jews is recused!  Karen
(05-15-2024, 03:43 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
LewieP wrote:Somewhat surprised that this level of lobbying from foreign interests is allowed in the US.

Does he understand what AIPAC is?

ezekial45 wrote:You shouldn't be, America is a hideously corrupt country. Netanyahu makes personal calls to people in American congress to earn favor on particular things, which is super illegal, but they don't care. It's real bad here.

[citation needed]


Imagine if these people actually lived in a country where corruption was endemic?

(05-15-2024, 04:00 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

noodlesoup wrote:The meeting I had today with the university was just them asking me to describe what happened the day I got arrested, which I—obviously—declined to answer. Though, I do have another meeting scheduled for this Friday, so they clearly have more in store for us.

On the other hand, we had a handful of SJP members show up at our town meeting tonight to see if we could push for divestment to be represented on the ballot for this November. didn't go so well. When it came to the votes themselves, we got crushed pretty hard there. And there are far more Zionists in our college town than we've thought; this one old fart in particular mentioned how "God would punish America" if we pulled funding from Israel. Of course, all the boomers who hated us walked out while one of ours presented a list of reasons as to why we should pursue divestment. Fun stuff.

Safe to say that we're fighting an uphill battle here, guys. It's depressing but we're not stopping anytime soon.


That reality smashing into him at full force is quite amazing to watch in near real time.
(05-15-2024, 04:08 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Shoot wrote:
lori wrote:i agree. i think it would be nice to see sensitive topics in off-topic handled by a marginalized individual who could perhaps better understand people's pain and frustration, rather than... what we've got going on now. white liberalism is in direct conflict with what this forum wants to be.
There is at least one mod who fits this description but they became a victim of a harassment campaign by a group on this forum and as a result have been prohibited from moderating anything related to Palestine.
Sickos (furry edition)

What the fuck does a middle class black shut in from the suburbs know about Palestine?
(05-15-2024, 04:00 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

noodlesoup wrote:On the other hand, we had a handful of SJP members show up at our town meeting tonight to see if we could push for divestment to be represented on the ballot for this November. didn't go so well. When it came to the votes themselves, we got crushed pretty hard there. And there are far more Zionists in our college town than we've thought; this one old fart in particular mentioned how "God would punish America" if we pulled funding from Israel. Of course, all the boomers who hated us walked out while one of ours presented a list of reasons as to why we should pursue divestment. Fun stuff.

Safe to say that we're fighting an uphill battle here, guys. It's depressing but we're not stopping anytime soon.
Found it:

Quote:4. Public Policy Vote
Shall the following advisory question of public policy be placed on the ballot for submission to the voters in the City of Bloomington Township in McLean County, in the State of Illinois, for the November 5, 2024 election:

Shall the United States federal government and subordinate divisions stop giving military funding to Israel, which currently costs taxpayers 3.8 billion dollars a year, given Israel’s global recognition as an apartheid regime with a track record of human rights violations?


Quote:Those attending shot down the proposed referendum by an 88-28 vote.

Before the vote, 16 people spoke on the topic.

Those against the question asked why the attention was on the war in Israel and not any other war funded by U.S.

“It would’ve been okay to put this on the ballot if you included all the wars that the United States are in, including Ukraine, Iran, and all the other places the military is in,” one woman said.

Another woman said, “The question on this ballot does nothing to bring peace to the Middle East and only perpetuates the Islamic plans of clearing out Israel and the United States complicity in it.”

Those in support of the question repeatedly brought up how the U.S. has a democratic voting system and wanted to get an idea where people stand on the issue.

“To have this on the ballot would be a victory for democracy itself in Bloomington. To stand in the way of that is true cowardness,” one supporter said.

The electors’ action follows a similar defeat from the City of Peoria Township last month in which that township’s electors voted 93-67 against a similar referendum.

Wonder if we can find the full video Smile
yep, full video:

(05-15-2024, 04:34 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Wonder if we can find the full video Smile

I guess we wait and see.  Stahp
(05-15-2024, 04:36 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: yep, full video:

Let's GOOO
When white bread shows up at 40 minutes.  lol
Nothing super interesting yet still scrubbing through, but at this timestamp you can see this old grandpa check out this girl that walks by. Seems like love can bloom on the battlefield after all, maybe that's why its called bloomington Heartbeat

[Image: xcoWy7N.png] 

easier in motion, sneaky lil guy

And when she comes back, sneaky move again

[Image: hxijqlj.png]
I'd support whatever she supports.  Heartbeat

B-Dubs, post: 122988009, member: 143 wrote:It's the same deal. Trust me, you work with kids and you wind up figuring out that most of their trends are just reheated stuff from your own youth, changed around a bit so as to feel different.

Is B-Dumbs a teacher?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Probably a janitor just like on the internet
TylenolJones dateline='[url=tel:1715742758' wrote: 1715742758[/url]']
Не могу поверить, что стратегия "просто игнорировать достойных и говорить им идти дальше" снова провалилась.

Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1715732103' wrote: 1715732103[/url]']

Shoot wrote:It's a white liberal forum. Any form of thought that makes them uncomfortable is quarantined and heavily restricted from bullshit bans to bullshit thread locks. Get with the program or get out.

Jeb wrote:Any decent internet communities outside era?

Asking for myself.

I'm growing so tired here.

We can't discuss Genocide except for a containment thread.

The horrors keep escalating but we are being pushed to a small space not to be let outside it.

Meanwhile the man that is financing, protecting and arming a genocide gets threads upon threads with many posters going out of their way to cape for him, praise him and call him I shit you not "the greatest president of their lifetime".

If I dare bring it up or call him Genocide Joe I risk a ban.

I have to walk on eggshells to say anything Hamas related without a possible ban for supporting terrorism", yet these fuckers are posting the virtues of this maniac while he is a driving force in a genocide is fucking appalling.

Why is an active Genocide has to be contained in a thread?

If that has to be the case, why is an election not held to the same restriction?

Why are Biden's defenders allowed to come in here vote shame everybody and force us to reassure our commitment to a genocidal man?

I know this is to protect liberal sensibilities as well as protect Biden and his party but it is infuriating.

Черт, Jeb Bush проснулся.

3 users liked this post: HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Member or President of the SJP club that noodlesoup is part of shows up at this timestamp, dressed like... Trans Barbie??? lol Gives the usual resetera style fingerwagging with questionable numbers

[Image: uBB7l9h.png]
Mostly the usual suspects at a townhall meeting, if youve watched one you've watched them all. Little spicy moments here and there especially towards the end AFTER the vote but otherwise I did not see noodlesoup or anyone else worth remarking on.
I can see why Noodle follows her. He's smitten.
Unsure if this was shared earlier, but seems to be instagram page for noodle soups group:

Has some interesting posts and videos of the arrest that I don’t think has been posted before. Also includes their petition to the school:

206 signatures strong 💪 

And of course this reveals their actual club:

Follow that to their clubs instagram page and start to see some familiar faces, nearly every person arrested is on that page at a club event lol

They also have this fb group page

Seems to be where events and what not are planned but I’m sure there is a more private group for planning sit ins right? 

Page seems to be run by this group, saw them often on other social media posts about this city so likely to be another student or connected in some way.
So many white folx in that..

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