Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Cenuaru wrote:people really just don't care that much. Personally, I'm too exhausted to even pay attention to trans news as much as I used to. The only times threads about us get past a few pages at best is if it's an OT of sorts, or when people are trying to debate us that transphobic or anti-trans things actually don't affect us or they NEED to play a shitty game or watch a shitty comedian despite it being wrapped in transphobia.

And in the members only Trans and Non-binary lounge:

Osu 16 Bit wrote:Today is my 5 year anniversary of when I came out to the world and publicly transitioned. It's been an amazing thing! I am very proud to have made this milestone. Part of me feels like it was a lifetime ago, and I'm basically a totally different person, another part still feels a bit of imposter syndrome, like I'm still not quite trans enough and barely know what I'm doing lol.

Cenuaru replies wrote:Congrats! And yeah I get what you mean, I still have those feelings of not knowing if I even see myself as a woman sometimes, even though I have full confidence I am.
(05-16-2024, 08:57 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I'm really disappointed that Wikipedia appears to be so infested by Woke-authoritarians that an article about ihistory is attempted to be changed ONLY because a shitty videogame was announced. Videogames are NOT a source, wtf is wrong with you all? Go back to fascist Resetera or wherever you came from, sigh.

Stop editing now.

Edited: it's under Changing Wikipedia because Ubisoft makes a video game?

[Image: vi4c2mk.png]

[Image: KJxbdWX.gif]
oh you "browser" era Dead
(05-16-2024, 11:27 AM)Uncle wrote:
(05-16-2024, 08:57 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I'm really disappointed that Wikipedia appears to be so infested by Woke-authoritarians that an article about ihistory is attempted to be changed ONLY because a shitty videogame was announced. Videogames are NOT a source, wtf is wrong with you all? Go back to fascist Resetera or wherever you came from, sigh.

Stop editing now.

Edited: it's under Changing Wikipedia because Ubisoft makes a video game?

[Image: vi4c2mk.png]

[Image: KJxbdWX.gif]
oh you "browser" era Dead

This is cringe, honestly.

I hope nobody here is WakandaScholar.
I fully support all cringe on wikipedia, fuck em
CandySTX wrote:Said before, will be said again: genocidal. An attempt to erase a portion of the population by suppressing information and stamping out trans folk early while making life unbearable for adults.

And for what? Any "questions" or "concerns" people like Joanne have been posing has long since fallen away to vicious mockery and hatred. I mean, I can guess where the fascist mindset leads.

Sorry. Yet another day on TERF Island takes a toll on me.

(05-16-2024, 10:41 AM)malfoyking wrote:
(05-16-2024, 03:24 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
takixe0 wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: Untitled.jpg]
He was there for 15 months and achieved nothing. They're straight up lying.

Ehh. I agree with era on that one. AC is not historically accurate in any sense and shouldn't be taken seriously. That person was definitely trying to troll.

I want to give a lot of people the benefit of doubt and say that most are mostly pissed that Yosuke is having a pretty obvious American media push while other key players of the warring states era are ignored.

Still kind of silly to take it as personal given that there is more “accurate” historical western produced dramas like Shogun and, in the other side, Japanese devs have started to feature Yosuke in some form, minor or not.
Cancel culture doesn’t exist….

Quote:But he's not forbidden to do so.

If someone want's to cast him for a role, they can. Nobody is stopping them. They likely wouldn't make much money out of it and would get lambasted for it, but nothing is really stopping anybody from hiring anyone.

There's isn't a law or anything stopping him to get a job. It's just that people won't forget what he did.
(05-15-2024, 06:32 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

plagiarize wrote:Not being taught about gender identity growing up in the UK in the 80s and 90s definitely caused me significant harm. Fuck this 'may' cause harm. We all know the 'harm' they are talking about is that a cis kid might be talked into mistakenly believing they are trans for a bit. Which, frankly is nothing compared to leaving all trans kids feeling confused and fundamentally wrong and broken. We know what that leads too, but since they only care about cis kids, here we are.

That’s because it wasn’t a thing in the 80s or 90s you fucking dolt
melody shreds wrote:My own dad has gotten pissed and offended at me for calling him a cracker, pretty funny considering how he talks about "fragile liberals" needing their safe spaces.
But this is a man who thinks BLM is coming for us any day now so he himself is the definition of fragile.

“Come on down for dinner son” 

(05-16-2024, 11:58 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
melody shreds wrote:My own dad has gotten pissed and offended at me for calling him a cracker, pretty funny considering how he talks about "fragile liberals" needing their safe spaces.
But this is a man who thinks BLM is coming for us any day now so he himself is the definition of fragile.

“Come on down for dinner son” 


“My dad is a total snowflake and fragile.”

“Don’t talk bad about me or I might hurt myself!! It’s a genocide!!”

(05-16-2024, 11:51 AM)Uncle wrote: I fully support all cringe on wikipedia, fuck em

Dunno, stuff like WakandaScholar or name dropping a very small Internet splinter forum is too cringe for me.
(05-16-2024, 11:53 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: Cancel culture doesn’t exist….

Quote:But he's not forbidden to do so.

If someone want's to cast him for a role, they can. Nobody is stopping them. They likely wouldn't make much money out of it and would get lambasted for it, but nothing is really stopping anybody from hiring anyone.

There's isn't a law or anything stopping him to get a job. It's just that people won't forget what he did.

Being fair, I think Spacey is shady as fuck to just be a “forgive and forget”.
Yes, but just imagine the films him, Weinstein and Cosby could make

Also -

Quote:The more you know about Liam Neeson the worse things get. The guy has been an arsehole for at least a decade.

Dubs, you're not going to take that are you?

(05-16-2024, 11:58 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
melody shreds wrote:My own dad has gotten pissed and offended at me for calling him a cracker, pretty funny considering how he talks about "fragile liberals" needing their safe spaces.
But this is a man who thinks BLM is coming for us any day now so he himself is the definition of fragile.

“Come on down for dinner son” 


Shit talking your dad to random usernames on the internet is the definition of tough guy. Also, why are you randomly calling him a cracker, person who is also white?
Did the Dad even get upset at being called cracker or was it more about his white bread pasty ass kid calling other people cracker as if he wasn't
My head canon has evolved.

Melody Shreds now sounds like Drexl Spivey.
melody shreds wrote:Oh yay this transphobic shit again. Reminder that the creators of this show have recently spread harmful transphobic rhetoric on the show itself and never walked back on it. It’s pretty clear that no one cares if they find it funny, but South Part has been among the most transphobic tv shows of all time and thats saying something.‘south-park-the-end-of-obesity’-trailer-coming-to-paramount-in-may.872046/?post=123052125#post-123052125
This person hasn’t been summarily executed so therefore ruining their life is okay

Also protect nepenthe she’s being cancelled
“Melody Shreds”, who currently lives with his parents, and is in his 30’s, will eventually murder the only people willing to put up with them in their sleep. Mark my words.
(05-16-2024, 09:33 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:It's absolutely this, people only start to care after the bullied kid is already a statistic, which well, the genocide equivalent of that would be camps or extermination.
For a forum that completely dismisses the inherent value of living, when it comes to other people or possible children, they sure want to make it everyone's duty to make sure no single person chooses to dispose of their own life.

And a society and culture where failing in this duty is a crime, for which there is no defense. You're simply accused of the crime and then punished. A removal of agency from "victims" so more "criminals" can be identified by the system and punished more in meeting with the "well known" fact that we're all sinners fallen from grace. "But I didn't kill that person or any person." Sorry, nope, you one time said a thing that led to a "culture" of genocidal equivalents. Stop denying that you have blood on your hands from your stochastic genocide.

(05-16-2024, 11:25 AM)Steven Snell wrote: And in the members only Trans and Non-binary lounge:

Osu 16 Bit wrote:Today is my 5 year anniversary of when I came out to the world and publicly transitioned. It's been an amazing thing! I am very proud to have made this milestone. Part of me feels like it was a lifetime ago, and I'm basically a totally different person, another part still feels a bit of imposter syndrome, like I'm still not quite trans enough and barely know what I'm doing lol.

Cenuaru replies wrote:Congrats! And yeah I get what you mean, I still have those feelings of not knowing if I even see myself as a woman sometimes, even though I have full confidence I am.
(05-16-2024, 11:52 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
CandySTX wrote:Said before, will be said again: genocidal. An attempt to erase a portion of the population by suppressing information and stamping out trans folk early while making life unbearable for adults.

And for what? Any "questions" or "concerns" people like Joanne have been posing has long since fallen away to vicious mockery and hatred. I mean, I can guess where the fascist mindset leads.

Sorry. Yet another day on TERF Island takes a toll on me.
Religion, they're talking about a religion. Where "womaning" is some kind of supernatural medium for their soul to express through.

Again, like the above due process problem, this is unfalsifiable. All that can be left is stamping your feet and demanding the non-believers accept your faith, and when they don't (at minimum poor upbringing by chuds but probably just tainted black souls) turning to the state and law to start violently punishing them for their sinful blasphemy. Which, again, is a charge you cannot defend against. Your accuser has all power so you best do whatever they say lest they find the need to accuse you.
Have Yasuke in Kingdom Come 2 as exclusive DLC.
You fascists think you're all so clever but cancel culture doesn't exist because missionaries don't bully people they save souls. ufup
Yasuke doesn't make sense for the protagonist for two reasons:

1) The main character has traditionally been a fictional invention to act as cultural foil when talking to various historical figures and partaking in historical events. Assassin's Creed has never been alt-history as much as it's been "parallel-history". Their work is supposed to be happening in the shadows, but still in the generally accepted timeline of history. These games aren't Man in the High Castle. Yasuke, as far as we know, was a real person, despite there being very little attribution to his existence, and zero proof of him ever being a Samurai. He was most likely a servant or slave to the Jesuit missionaries that brought him along and served briefly in some sort of mercenary capacity. It would make far more sense for your random Japanese character to meet Yasuke towards the end of Nobunaga's reign and do a mission with him, but we all know they picked him for DEI reasons.

2) [Image: 43da32975b3df42a9ba6647eaec27dcd.jpg]

"What did the killer look like?" "He was black" "Well fuck, we'll never find a black man in feudal Japan".
[Image: LG8Dxsc.png]

is calling your dad cracker 'dumbass acting black bullshit'? lol
Like I said on the gaming side, they want to appeal to both the waifu weebs and "we wuz" crowd Trumps 

It's clear from the trailer and overall announcement that the game was always about the Shinobi woman doing stealthy thangs (you know Assassin). The entire story revolves around her but then someone said: But what about the 3 trans people in wheelchairs from the focus group that enjoy the combat more and just want to smash buttons because they think the stealth is too difficult? THIS IS NOT INCLUSIVE.

And they came up with a dude wielding a big sword, stick and hammer to solve that problem. As she was reading all that history (on Wikipedia) late at night, the chief narrative designer(female) found out there was actually a lonesome BBC running around Japan at that time and couldn't pass on that. And that also gave them the excuse to make him even bigger and stronger compared to all those Japanese warriors. As a bonus he's probably gay or she is lesbian or maybe be both.
i hope melody shreds dies in his sleep choking on all that slobber he must produce
This is so Melody for calling the dad a cracker
[Image: dc7.jpg]
(05-13-2024, 04:13 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Chaseex came at the queen - big mistake:
Nepenthe wrote:It was out of control when it was founded upon wholesale Indigenous genocide, four centuries of African slavery, and aggressive land theft and economic disenfranchisement.

But yeah, now that farm-raised eggs are $6, there's advertisements on top of advertisements, and global warming in general keeps getting worse, the Westerners are finally panicking.

Chasex wrote:If by out of control you mean lifting billions of people from poverty, saving countless more with advances in science, technology, and medicine, and providing a quality of life to the average person that not even a king could dream of just a few hundred years ago, sure.

But the indigenous people and the slavery. Yeah, that was awful, although not even remotely unique to America or capitalism. History is nothing but conquest, every country is built from it. And we fought a war to do away with slavery. Plenty of other economic and political systems came and went, none dealing with these problems nearly as well.

We will see what happens in the next 100 years, but the previous 100 were unequivocally won by Western capitalists. It would make a hell of a lot more sense to put some tighter guardrails on the current system then tear it down to replace with… what exactly? Eastern authoritarian surveillance state? Finally setting up the socialist utopia, except this time do it right? I believe that.
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanently): Downplaying Genocide and Slavery; Prior Serious Bans for Trolling and Transphobia
Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!

Quote: Cop User banned(2 weeks): Concern trolling; Account in junior phase
GeorgePBurdell wrote:Seems like caring about mental health stops at a certain income level around here.
(05-16-2024, 05:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(05-13-2024, 04:13 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Chaseex came at the queen - big mistake:
Nepenthe wrote:It was out of control when it was founded upon wholesale Indigenous genocide, four centuries of African slavery, and aggressive land theft and economic disenfranchisement.

But yeah, now that farm-raised eggs are $6, there's advertisements on top of advertisements, and global warming in general keeps getting worse, the Westerners are finally panicking.

Chasex wrote:If by out of control you mean lifting billions of people from poverty, saving countless more with advances in science, technology, and medicine, and providing a quality of life to the average person that not even a king could dream of just a few hundred years ago, sure.

But the indigenous people and the slavery. Yeah, that was awful, although not even remotely unique to America or capitalism. History is nothing but conquest, every country is built from it. And we fought a war to do away with slavery. Plenty of other economic and political systems came and went, none dealing with these problems nearly as well.

We will see what happens in the next 100 years, but the previous 100 were unequivocally won by Western capitalists. It would make a hell of a lot more sense to put some tighter guardrails on the current system then tear it down to replace with… what exactly? Eastern authoritarian surveillance state? Finally setting up the socialist utopia, except this time do it right? I believe that.
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanently): Downplaying Genocide and Slavery; Prior Serious Bans for Trolling and Transphobia
Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
For sure it was NepNep  lol
Quote:I thought the last time we talked, I told you not to talk to me. Maybe I didn't; if not, my bad. I'll address this then.

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