05-22-2024, 10:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 10:43 PM by Gameboy Nostalgia.)
never apologize for poor sources. The bire has the greatest thinkers of all times that can parse through the lies.
Edit: Top page Eden
(05-22-2024, 10:28 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: I’d like to see them grapple with “genocide” when Palestinian population has continued to rise. Weird, the most ineffective genocide in history. Way to downplay this ongoing genocide, chud:
(05-22-2024, 10:34 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: https://www.instagram.com/israelinusa/reel/C7MmWGKOGwO/
Not sure how to hyperlink the video like a tweet to show it on here unless that option isn't available. It should just auto-embed off the link but sometimes they don't, that one doesn't appear to for whatever reason. I know Instagram works but privacy or other settings can interfere like how a YouTube video might say you have to click through to view it. For YouTube you can definitely just paste the url, I don't use Instagram so I don't know anything about it but I have posted links before that embedded from it.
The reason why protesters should condemn Hamas every once in a while is because you see again and again how there's people protesting who either see nothing wrong with Hamas or straight up support them. Is that really the company you want to keep? I mean after all these are the same people who will happily cite the "If there's one Nazi at a bar and he doesn't get kicked out it's a Nazi bar"
Kind of like if you have a staff member who says the collective nation of Jewish people needs to go back where they belong then it's addressed by... uh... well...
White liberals amirite.
05-22-2024, 10:58 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 05:17 AM by Taco Bell Tower.)
Quote:Men suck. I am a man the difference is that everyone doing better than me makes me happy not a prick. Teach men empathy.
Didn't this dude made a lot of suicidal threads and even made a thread on shit talking about Ree mods for closing said threads?
Quote:I can't wait to see everyone read the title of the video, see the length, and endlessly post "I'm not watching that, but here's a detailed response based on what I think the video is about, because I need to have everything spelled out for me in bullet points to engage with a topic in any serious fashion."
It happens far too often when folks are seeing the somewhat quippy titles of videos like Some More News and don't wait till they have time to watch what is legitimately a great educational source for modern political issues and events with great sourcing and occasionally doofusy jokes.
That being said, for all those who Do wanna interrogate the stuff being discussed in the video, I salute you and look forward to the interesting perspectives brought to the conversation!
We all know toxic masculinity is bad, and that it's a more complex sociological issue then one might think at first glance, especially when it affects people across race lines and sexual orientation.
So it'll be of great help to grow an understanding of the topic from a show like this that puts great effort into exploring it, and showing how it's relevant in current issues we have to deal with alongside it, especially as it concerns how many powerful people are subject to the same thing and react or embolden it in return.
Toxic Masculinity is in a similar place as Social Media and Lead Poisoning, where the powerful folks who push the problems that excaerbate it, for financial gain or power, are themselves affected by it and grow more deranged or unstable while assuming personal invulnerablility. Progressing a problem that hurts everyone includes oneself, after all.
If more powerful people had better sense, they'd recognize this and attempt to prioritize solving the degredation these cause, but recent times have proven that not to be the case. Unfortunate, but there's always insight to be gained exploring the topic and trying to find answers with each other.
After all, to be aware of a problem grants you the choice of action or inaction, being unaware makes the choice for you. And while there's not much many large problems give us in the way of options, we can observe how Toxic Masculinity affects us in ways more subtle then we realize, and do our best to conbat that within ourselves, especially if we're male or were raised male, and carry the psychological scars of that mindset with us to this day.
Quote:For those that will balk at the videos length, here's the conclusions:
-Progressive policies like wage increase and affordable college can go a long way with helping men out economically
-We need modern role models that young men can look to instead of the Andrew Tates of the world
-More social spaces for men, but this will require nuance and more effort on men's part to build them
-Help men stop attaching their identity to hardships and relationships.
Completely shocked, the conclusions are the same as all progressives conclusions for everything!
Thordinson wrote:Men can build social spaces for men but how do you prevent it from being widespread with misogyny, homophobia, and toxic masculinity in general? It's much easier to blame women and society at large than to have conversations about what healthy masculinity is. I'm not sure how to do this well when many grievances come down to "women are too picky and it's their fault I'm alone." There are a lot of voices telling them this. I feel like things will get worse before they get better. Society has to change. Yeah, well, that's just too easy.
BossAttack wrote:For as long as civilization has existed men have not been "okay," and everyone wants to focus on making sure they're alright. Meanwhile, women are ignored.
Sorry, but as a dude, I'm tired of hearing about men at risk of red pilling and their toxic masculinity bullshit all because they can't just rape women or force them into arranged marriages anymore and that one girl rejected them because they have zero money, zero personality, and can't put on deodorant. Meanwhile women are murdered and raped and no one seems to want to check if they're okay. And yet women don't seem to go on murder sprees like men despite being the main victims.
Fuck, women can't even be main characters in games or films without facing a mountain of shit. And lord forbid you're a female gamer ONLINE. ☠
So yeah, men don't ever seem to have been okay despite us always existing in a Patriarchy. But women ain't been okay, like ever, and so maybe we can focus on their issues for a bit. And if men get upset...too bad? Right on, brother! Shutting the fuck up is free!
(05-22-2024, 11:09 PM)benji wrote: BossAttack wrote:Meanwhile women are murdered and raped and no one seems to want to check if they're okay. And yet women don't seem to go on murder sprees like men despite being the main victims. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicides-by-sex-of-the-victim
For the record, I've never watched one of this guys videos because he looks fucking annoying. Like he's going to yell stupid things at me. It's like hello, I already have a mirror for that.
05-22-2024, 11:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 11:15 PM by Propagandhim.)
Quote:Meanwhile women are murdered and raped and no one seems to want to check if they're okay.
fuck it, i'll do it. i'll go check.
ay yo, y'all ladies ok? u good? k cool. u sure you dont want a gatorade or sumpthin?
All I know about the Some More News guy is that he was a real piss baby when John Krasinski set up a positive news show during lockdown times. Just absolutely not interested in any takes from someone who cried like a baby about that
Can't forget them posting this constantly in every thread, that alone was reason never to watch this guy:
Wait, in searching for that I've seen videos he's made since that seem to imply that Cancel Culture is a thing after all:
“Too bad”?
So the increasing number of men coming forward with mental health issues and such don’t matter now? Which then leads to toxic masculinity?
05-22-2024, 11:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 11:32 PM by benji.)
Oh, good, one of his last videos was about who the real Christians are:
Also, back when his videos were only half an hour long:
The comments are mostly people posting every few years saying "so this is relevant again huh" like this guy hadn't solved it.
7 months ago (edited)
Terribly sad that this hasn’t stopped being relevant yet. Terrified that it might never be
05-22-2024, 11:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 11:33 PM by Uncle.)
(05-22-2024, 10:51 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The reason why protesters should condemn Hamas every once in a while is because you see again and again how there's people protesting who either see nothing wrong with Hamas or straight up support them. Is that really the company you want to keep? I mean after all these are the same people who will happily cite the "If there's one Nazi at a bar and he doesn't get kicked out it's a Nazi bar"
it's the result of decades of internet rhetoric argumentation school, bitterly and stubbornly arguing over bullshit that doesn't matter, so when you get to something that really does matter, you've already been well trained to never give a single inch because you think it makes you look weak, when in actuality not acknowledging the exceptions makes you a repulsive lunatic
like the incompatibility of ACAB with the cop who saved congresspeople on jan 6 by leading the mob away
or all the various examples of "believe women" gone wrong
some of these things quietly collapse over time because they can't stand up to sustained scrutiny (like "believe women" which is said much less often) but this happens like a slowly deflating balloon, without a climactic moment where the lesson is broadly and decisively learned
all the flaws in the argumentation are memory-holed and the next outrage begins
I'll just say it and the mods here can't stop me speaking the truth, Israel is because of Toxic Masculinity.
Quote:Pretty much confirming they're a rogue state. Every day my opinion of the US worsens. Its evilness knows no bounds.
That rhetoric reminds me of something…
it's ok bros the ICC is totally going to end the genocide!
It's not like the ICC is fangless or anything! trust in them!
Another thread to remember when they trot out their performative “everyone matters” shit. You’d think a site with weekly threats of suicide threads from a white dude would be a bit more supportive. But hey as this person says
Quote:Holy shit, THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!
Honestly, I'm very sick and tired of all this "men aren't OK" bullshit.
I'm looking at the power dynamics that exist right now and yeah, men are very much OK. I'm not worried for them at all.
I think I'm really sick of hearing men having just zero self-awareness about their condition and what it means for others around them. I don't think men in general have a right to complain while just never acknowledging what they directly made women go through since, like, forever now.
But then people tell me I should worry because if men aren't OK there will be SUICIDES and TERRORISM. And I'm like, why are these things related to being a man at all?
As a woman, it's just sooo tiring...
It’s only SUICIDE, what’s the matter? Ultimately even if you end your own life because you see no other solution, you’re ultimately doing alright because you are a man!
So fucking tiring. Men can you just, like, not? Deal with your own fucking shit and bottle it up inside.
benji dateline='[url=tel:1716420738' wrote: 1716420738[/url]']
Oh, good, one of his last videos was about who the real Christians are:
Also, back when his videos were only half an hour long:
The comments are mostly people posting every few years saying "so this is relevant again huh" like this guy hadn't solved it. 
7 months ago (edited)
Terribly sad that this hasn’t stopped being relevant yet. Terrified that it might never be
Is The Squad effective at all? I feel they are just leftist versions of every MAGA politician the left bitchs about.
(05-22-2024, 11:09 PM)benji wrote: Thordinson wrote:Men can build social spaces for men but how do you prevent it from being widespread with misogyny, homophobia, and toxic masculinity in general? It's much easier to blame women and society at large than to have conversations about what healthy masculinity is. I'm not sure how to do this well when many grievances come down to "women are too picky and it's their fault I'm alone." There are a lot of voices telling them this. I feel like things will get worse before they get better. Society has to change. Yeah, well, that's just too easy.
maybe I'm dumb or unimaginative but I've never seen people offering "healthy masculinity" that isn't just femininity
and I don't mean just "the opposite of what men are doing now" must be femininity, I mean actually just not how most men approach the world, but is observably the way that women tend to behave instead
it's always this
"healthy masculinity: talk about your feelings with each other! don't insult each other as a joke, those insults slowly get internalized over time.  instead, build up your male friends, compliment them often on all their positive traits!"
They tell boys to fuck off and then wonder why they are listening to idiots like Tate who at least gives the appearance of giving a fuck about them even if it's bullshit.
15 users liked this post: Greatness Gone, NekoFever, Alpacx, PogiJones, Chumbawumbafan69, Tucker's Law, JoeBoy101, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, ComeAgain, Propagandhim, HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
But women shit talk each other all the time. And this is not chauvinism, is something they admit.
Quote:Who are the good role models that you have in mind?
Royalan wrote:Steven Universe.
Also, didn’t the show end with him having a mental breakdown and going away from his town to find himself?
Quote:is this official Nintendo content? Because the NA branch of Nintendo at the time took a lot of liberties in the user manuals, iirc. Like just adding info that wasn't at all in the japanese manual.
Quote:kay this isn't directed at you, I just want to make an analogy for cisgender people to understand.
Imagine if Chun-Li was only Chinese once, in the North American Manual. And for some reason they just kept her white after that. This is where I'm coming from, but from a different minority. An intersectional minority, who's hurting a lot right now.
So one can imagine the comments questioning the validity can come off as kinda offensive?
Again I get nobody means offence. And it's not annoyance aimed at any particular user. It just gets tiring sometimes.
Do not question the narrative
13 users liked this post: PogiJones, Brolha, Tucker's Law, Potato, Hap Shaughnessy, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
(05-22-2024, 11:52 PM)Snoopy wrote: Quote:is this official Nintendo content? Because the NA branch of Nintendo at the time took a lot of liberties in the user manuals, iirc. Like just adding info that wasn't at all in the japanese manual.
Quote:kay this isn't directed at you, I just want to make an analogy for cisgender people to understand.
Imagine if Chun-Li was only Chinese once, in the North American Manual. And for some reason they just kept her white after that. This is where I'm coming from, but from a different minority. An intersectional minority, who's hurting a lot right now.
So one can imagine the comments questioning the validity can come off as kinda offensive?
Again I get nobody means offence. And it's not annoyance aimed at any particular user. It just gets tiring sometimes.
Do not question the narrative
lol for a split second they were actually in favor of proper localization but now they're right back into not giving a fuck about original intent
05-23-2024, 12:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 12:01 AM by Uncle.)
(05-22-2024, 11:46 PM)Boredfrom wrote: But women shit talk each other all the time. And this is not chauvinism, is something they admit.
sure, and men compliment each other, you will see almost every aspect of humanity represented on both sides
the question is whether any given behavior is considered common to masculinity or not, and their solutions are nearly always to act in ways more commonly associated with femininity
(05-22-2024, 11:35 PM)ComeAgain wrote: Another thread to remember when they trot out their performative “everyone matters” shit. You’d think a site with weekly threats of suicide threads from a white dude would be a bit more supportive. But hey as this person says
Quote:Holy shit, THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!
Honestly, I'm very sick and tired of all this "men aren't OK" bullshit.
I'm looking at the power dynamics that exist right now and yeah, men are very much OK. I'm not worried for them at all.
I think I'm really sick of hearing men having just zero self-awareness about their condition and what it means for others around them. I don't think men in general have a right to complain while just never acknowledging what they directly made women go through since, like, forever now.
But then people tell me I should worry because if men aren't OK there will be SUICIDES and TERRORISM. And I'm like, why are these things related to being a man at all?
As a woman, it's just sooo tiring...
It’s only SUICIDE, what’s the matter? Ultimately even if you end your own life because you see no other solution, you’re ultimately doing alright because you are a man!
Isn't there a legit problem with boys doing worse in school? Isn't there a legit mental health crisis for men? Like I've spend years reading on RE about how men rights activists are all dumb idiots because feminism actually cares about the well being of men as well but... I guess not?
Quote:As a woman, it's just sooo tiring...
An emotionally spent woman. Didn't see that one coming.