(05-22-2024, 11:35 PM)ComeAgain wrote: Quote:I think I'm really sick of hearing men having just zero self-awareness about their condition and what it means for others around them. I don't think men in general have a right to complain while just never acknowledging what they directly made women go through since, like, forever now. So collective guilt for men? Even, maybe especially, the innocents?
(05-22-2024, 05:26 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) NGL, I’d try black paper towels. My wife would HATE them though.
I can't believe you're out here admitting you married a CHUD.
(05-22-2024, 11:51 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Quote:Who are the good role models that you have in mind?
Royalan wrote:Steven Universe.
Also, didn’t the show end with him having a mental breakdown and going away from his town to find himself?
Royalan wrote:Steven Universe.
Maybe something that isn't for children and gender confused adults?
Only benjiMAX⭐ members can read this post.
If 30 k people is a genocide then the alcohol industry must be committing a super omega one
05-23-2024, 12:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 12:36 AM by Propagandhim.)
Progressives make the most egregious generalizations about groups that I've ever seen. They become such feverish anti-racists because they project this behavior out and they think everyone else thinks like this. We're talking about half the global human population that they're breathlessly pigeon holing into some collective basket of deplorables.
05-23-2024, 12:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 12:36 AM by Propagandhim.)
(05-23-2024, 12:34 AM)Propagandhim wrote: Progressives make the most egregious generalizations about groups that I've ever seen. They become such feverish anti-racists because they project this behavior out and they think everyone else thinks like this. We're talking about half the global human population that they're breathlessly pigeon holing into some collective basket of deplorables. 
And yet you're generalizing progressives. Ironic.
12 users liked this post: Alpacx, Averon, Eric Cartman, Chumbawumbafan69, Potato, BIONIC, HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Gameboy Nostalgia
(05-23-2024, 12:33 AM)Jonsey wrote: If 30 k people is a genocide then the alcohol industry must be committing a super omega one
Tobacco beats them BOTH.
480,000 American deaths a year.
(05-22-2024, 04:13 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Quote:Doxxing is when Google Search?????????
Yes? Isn't this what they regularly describe as doxxing?
Do the retards have a special signal they broadcast so the other retards can find them easily? I wonder because they always seem to converge when they're acting like giant retards.
(05-23-2024, 12:35 AM)Potato wrote: Quote:Doxxing is when Google Search?????????
It is when you "doxx" Nepnep.
(05-23-2024, 12:35 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: (05-23-2024, 12:33 AM)Jonsey wrote: If 30 k people is a genocide then the alcohol industry must be committing a super omega one
Tobacco beats them BOTH.
480,000 American deaths a year. 
I was gonna use that instead but people love getting drunk more probably
05-23-2024, 12:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 12:40 AM by benji.)
(05-22-2024, 11:35 PM)ComeAgain wrote: Quote:Holy shit, THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!
Honestly, I'm very sick and tired of all this "men aren't OK" bullshit.
I'm looking at the power dynamics that exist right now and yeah, men are very much OK. I'm not worried for them at all.
I think I'm really sick of hearing men having just zero self-awareness about their condition and what it means for others around them. I don't think men in general have a right to complain while just never acknowledging what they directly made women go through since, like, forever now.
But then people tell me I should worry because if men aren't OK there will be SUICIDES and TERRORISM. And I'm like, why are these things related to being a man at all?
As a woman, it's just sooo tiring... Kyuuji wrote:A lot of the time this topic comes up it's accompanied by people suggesting women are to blame for men being assholes to them so yeh, I feel BossAttack 's post. I'll watch the video still of course but it was refreshing to read. We're only a few decades out in *some* parts of the world from women being completely subjugated by men for most of human history. Hearing men say women expressing frustration about them is what turns them to Andrew Tate and the like (i.e. to act how they've always acted across time) really starts to aggravate. Kyuuji wrote:Men have good role models, the issue is that they don't want them when you have people like Andrew Tate offering the reassurance that they're inherently superior to half the population of the planet. Why introspect when you can blame women and lean into toxic tropes of masculinity to save them from whatever insecurity or mediocre life they feel trapped by or in. Kyuuji wrote:I had in mind people like David Tennant and other visible and prominent men who show empathy and kindness toward others while being successful and well respected. I appreciate the 'cool celebrity' Chalamet jab but yeh, he's respectful, well loved by women, successful, has gallons of charisma and isn't afraid of being vulnerable.
Who are the men for the dozen questions you throw back? I don't know but I guarantee there are people like F D Signifier out there if you actually go looking for them. People like this on social media too
https://www.tiktok.com/@officiale_ethan Fiction wrote:The fact that a bunch of dudes lost their shit over the "man vs bear" question cause women were answering honestly means no they are not okay. Why are these women coming into a thread about men rather than staying in their lane?
Quote:I've got no time for this form of masculinity anymore. It's just exhausting. I do my own thing, and tend to avoid male spaces as best as I can.
Whenever I go out into the boonies to visit family I end up being involved in the gathering of neighbourhood men. They're all middle-aged and divorced, or never married in the first place, dress like slobs to avoid looking "better" than their peers, drive big trucks, and don't know much to talk about other than sports, gambling, right-wing politics, and the past. I feel 100% out of place.
Quote:Well ideally you'd promote health masculinity with roles models and such. And also teach men not to base their entire existence on getting a woman so they don't feel resentful towards them. Then perhaps there would be a grassroots effort to build those spaces.
It's not gonna be easy, no social issue is. But it's a decent blueprint.
I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean.
Quote:100%. We've both been through these threads several times before and I was waiting for you to chime in, because you do nothing but speak truth.
That, and I wanted to note that Mekanos had a succinct and equally correct answer, because it highlighted the damning influence that toxic masculinity (which not only men perpetuate, but it's mostly men) has on all youth -- including boys.
Finally, and just to ensure that I don't overlook the other theme in this thread: yes, boys and men aren't okay, but it's girls and women that feel the brunt of it, and that is absolutely not okay -- ever. And men who don't call out other men compound the problem.
But it's a wicked problem.
So the problem with men is that they effect women?
(05-23-2024, 12:38 AM)Jonsey wrote: (05-23-2024, 12:35 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: (05-23-2024, 12:33 AM)Jonsey wrote: If 30 k people is a genocide then the alcohol industry must be committing a super omega one
Tobacco beats them BOTH.
480,000 American deaths a year. 
I was gonna use that instead but people love getting drunk more probably And how many of those smokers and drinkers are men?
Men suicide death rates don't matter when women have to deal with them all the fucking time.
Right, ladies?
05-23-2024, 12:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 01:01 AM by Propagandhim.)
(05-23-2024, 12:38 AM)benji wrote: Quote:Well ideally you'd promote health masculinity with roles models and such. And also teach men not to base their entire existence on getting a woman so they don't feel resentful towards them. Then perhaps there would be a grassroots effort to build those spaces.
It's not gonna be easy, no social issue is. But it's a decent blueprint.
I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean.
"It's not gonna be easy, no social issue is, but we need a grassroots effort to build spaces. Social issues are a tough cookie to crack, but once the spaces are built (grassroots) then we finally have a blueprint for said spaces. Then, as such, the grassroots can follow. That's health masculinity. That's wealth masculinity."
05-23-2024, 01:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 01:05 AM by Taco Bell Tower.)
(05-23-2024, 12:37 AM)FUME5 wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/was-the-anime-fairy-tale-just-an-excuse-for-fetishist-gif-heavy-nsfw.878025/
Quote:Discussion of fanservice is fine and all, but its not a license to post as many gifs as one can to make their point. Considering the framing of the OP, we're locking this.
Why you gotta lie
Is fine as long you say is bad and you are embarrassed to be a human.
(05-23-2024, 01:15 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: (05-22-2024, 10:15 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Gilad Garon has been banned with no banner:
Gilad Garon wrote:This probably won't change the mentality in this thread, but still, this is why we fight the Hamas.
hanshen wrote:They are IDF soldiers. So they are not kidnapped, they are prisoners of war.
The 9000+ Palestinian detainees, mostly held without charges, in Israeli prison should be considered hostages though. And we have plenty of reports on how they are abused and assaulted by Israel.
Spineduke is such a useless cunt, he posted his diatribe below this asshole.
“Dehumanization is bad unless they are Jews.” - HamasRE
(05-22-2024, 10:51 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The reason why protesters should condemn Hamas every once in a while is because you see again and again how there's people protesting who either see nothing wrong with Hamas or straight up support them. Is that really the company you want to keep? I mean after all these are the same people who will happily cite the "If there's one Nazi at a bar and he doesn't get kicked out it's a Nazi bar"
(05-23-2024, 01:15 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/israel-palestine-the-ongoing-israeli-genocide-in-gaza-see-staff-posts-for-posting-guidelines.772478/page-333?post=123327168#post-123327168
hanshen wrote:They are IDF soldiers. So they are not kidnapped, they are prisoners of war. So they'll allow outside observers to confirm the following of the Geneva Conventions then?
Quote:This shit is not new. It's the same shit since forever. So, I'm sorry, but cry me a river that men are "lost" because women are starting to get equal rights. Meanwhile, there is still a wide gender pay gap. 92% of CEOs are men. Women don't have equal and easy access to abortion. And women are 5 times more likely to be murdered by their male partners. But, we gotta pay attention to the men. NOW. Who as we just discussed have always been in "crisis" because if we don't they might murder and rape all the women.
As a guy, sorry, but it's on us to deal with our shit and stop expecting everyone to cater to us. Because like, literally, the world already does.
This is literally telling guys to man up and deal with it yourself. Which not everyone is mentally capable of. THIS POST is the kind of shit that leads guys towards the Andrew Tates of the world. Glad to see a few others in that thread pushing back against this.
For a forum that loves the Barbie film and are knowledgeable on feminism and all that… they sure they missed the point of Ken arc.
05-23-2024, 01:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 01:45 AM by ComeAgain.)
Considering their media literacy level, they likely just think the movie said “men…AMIRITE?” and missed everything else it was saying too.
They also had next to no problems with Thor becoming a depressed, fat drunk in Endgame and laughed along with the weird choice the movie made to play it off as nothing more than MUSCLE MAN FAT LOL, so none of this is surprising. Infuriating but not surprising.
(05-23-2024, 01:15 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: (05-22-2024, 10:15 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Gilad Garon has been banned with no banner:
Gilad Garon wrote:This probably won't change the mentality in this thread, but still, this is why we fight the Hamas.
hanshen wrote:They are IDF soldiers. So they are not kidnapped, they are prisoners of war.
The 9000+ Palestinian detainees, mostly held without charges, in Israeli prison should be considered hostages though. And we have plenty of reports on how they are abused and assaulted by Israel.
They're Jewish women so they don't matter. Not that hard to figure out.
He just won’t stop
Quote:What I'm saying is that I don't really see any crisis at all. Rather, men in a constant struggle for identity since the dawn of time. Which is, honestly, just part of human existence. Meanwhile, women are literally struggling for their basic human rights of equality. I think we can now devote some time now to focusing more on if the women are okay, just for a little bit.
I legitimately think he’s too stupid to understand what’s wrong with what he’s saying. You work on both problems.
Or those suicide rates that were 4 times higher among men than women over the last few years is going to tragically keep climbing.
05-23-2024, 01:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 01:57 AM by Gameboy Nostalgia.)
he just wants some transera asspussy.
Bro, they won't fuck you.
Royalan wrote:But, again, this is part of the problem.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but your argument seems to boil down to one of quantity and aesthetic. That since "men" (and I use these quotes intentionally, as someone who has never had access to "manhood") and their concerns have received the lion's share of attention, that their modern concerns are moot. Men, we talk about you enough! But its not the quantity of attention, its the quality.
Yes, since the beginning of time we've preached a "masculinity in peril!" message to boys and men; but that's the problem. What we're talking about in this conversation is NOT a patriarchal ideal, not how men can better "hit the gym", but the dismantling of that ideal. Of a masculinity that exists in tandem with femininity, that does not pit men as superior to women, that teaches men from BOYHOOD to not cast women, girls and/or feminity as the goal or culprit of their own sense of self-worth. That your manhood can be complete without your positioning or subjugation of womanhood. We're calling for a radical rethinking of what it even means to be a "man", not a makeover that maintains manhood's position at the top.
So to come into the thread on some "shut up men! Grow some balls and fix your own shit because nobody cares!" Is just perpetuating the problem, and funneling boys into upholding a reality that we'll then have to teach girls to survive.
Watch out Royalan.. this might be another Bisexuals don't get discriminated moment for you!