Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
This concludes your Daily Nepenthe News Hour on the Nepenthe News Network.
(05-24-2024, 02:20 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Wait, she is supposed to be alternate version of Mr Frost?  Cat

yeah, but way better because they're no longer an ick cishet white man Heartbeat
(05-24-2024, 02:25 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:On the one hand: Cool, corporate recognition of African cultures.

On the other hand: Zero Sugar ew.

[Image: fDA6dPQ.png]

Noodle went to PRISON for this?!  Unforgivable.


She is suddenly okay with corporate appropriation?

From CocaCola of all corps?
Finally, Hannah Gadsby as Mx. Freeze, surely this will be the path for WB to get those microtransaction megabucks
Could not use another villains? Like Flash’s Rogues?

I know this are alternate dimension versions of regular DC villains, but is kind of lame they decided to go “let’s alter this beloved Batman’s villain and call it a day.” The base team is already made of two Batman villains.
How the fuck I got Mr Freeze name wrong. 
(05-24-2024, 02:34 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Could not use another villains? Like Flash’s Rogues?

I know this are alternate dimension versions of regular DC villains, but is kind of lame they decided to go “let’s alter this beloved Batman’s villain and call it a day.” The base team is already made of two Batman villains.

It's hilarious. Killer Frost is right there and was even part of previous suicide squads. Instead they invent a shitty fan fiction OC™
(05-24-2024, 02:17 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(05-24-2024, 01:57 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(05-24-2024, 01:53 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:

couple of era die hards "Wow, so cool, take that chuds"
almost everyone else "That looks fucking shit"


That game really set out to just be profoundly ugly. No wonder the sweet baby inc shit gets so much traction. 
Who the fuck even wants a character like this. Not sexualizing a character doesn't mean you can't make her look cool.

Holy fuck she's also a lesbian  lol

This reminds me of that Battletoads reboot where they made the Dark Queen a Kim Possible character.

[Image: 9IU2Y4H.png]

Comeon Gurl
(05-24-2024, 02:22 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:OP would lose his mind in Brazil.



if this wasn't nepenthe this would be immediately banned for stereotyping an entire culture
I'm sure you could find quotes from David Duke that would be indistinguishable from a Nep post
(05-24-2024, 01:12 PM)BIONIC wrote:

Kyuuji, post: 123116547, member: 31943 wrote:Appreciate the heads up lol


This feel like such attention seeking from ol' Kyuuji. And fuck it probably works considering all the trans mafia and weirdo men on Resetera who probably is thinking day or night what Kyuuji's nudes look like.
(05-24-2024, 02:35 PM)Boredfrom wrote: How the fuck I got Mr Freeze name wrong. 


(05-24-2024, 02:44 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(05-24-2024, 02:34 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Could not use another villains? Like Flash’s Rogues?

I know this are alternate dimension versions of regular DC villains, but is kind of lame they decided to go “let’s alter this beloved Batman’s villain and call it a day.” The base team is already made of two Batman villains.

It's hilarious. Killer Frost is right there and was even part of previous suicide squads. Instead they invent a shitty fan fiction OC™



Trans genocide kicking up a level, how will Melody et al be able to recruit the kids if they have no phones at school
(05-24-2024, 03:16 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(05-24-2024, 01:12 PM)BIONIC wrote:

Kyuuji, post: 123116547, member: 31943 wrote:Appreciate the heads up lol


This feel like such attention seeking from ol' Kyuuji. And fuck it probably works considering all the trans mafia and weirdo men on Resetera who probably is thinking day or night what Kyuuji's nudes look like.

Bulldog in a wig.
Everyone else is worried about their ex showing up, Kyuuji is sat there hoping the 2021 selfies reappear
Quote:Me and the boys are headed to Vegas for 5 days next week for our annual Guy's Trip. Anyone who has been have any good recommendations for food/shows/cool shit to see? We're staying on the Strip.

Also, any recs on not fancy nightclubs/bars? We might check out one or two but we want to try to stick to ones with low/no covers or dress codes

I wonder what hijinx they will be up to.
(05-24-2024, 11:49 AM)Potato wrote:
(05-24-2024, 11:35 AM)Nintex wrote:
(05-24-2024, 10:25 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: There are no good candidate to vote for, so what is the solution?
Spoiler:  (click to show)
To jerk off to the meltdowns!
You really need to question everything about your culture if this guy is anything more than a circus sideshow on second rate reality TV...
We are at perhaps the most critical point in history since WW2 or the industrial evolution. 
We need to navigate through the biggest ecological, technological, climate, political, economic, demographic and geopolitical shifts in history.
Every mistake we make could have a lasting impact for generations. We need to think carefully about every decision.

Or maybe we'll be lucky and it'll work itself out fellas

(05-24-2024, 02:06 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: In other news, Stellar Blade reversed the censorship today by adding outfit variants with the censored parts undone. 
The divide between east and west in gaming truly couldn't be greater right now

Another battle fought and won, good job gamers Thank you for your service!
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
(05-24-2024, 02:51 PM)Uncle wrote:
(05-24-2024, 02:17 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(05-24-2024, 01:57 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: That game really set out to just be profoundly ugly. No wonder the sweet baby inc shit gets so much traction. 
Who the fuck even wants a character like this. Not sexualizing a character doesn't mean you can't make her look cool.

Holy fuck she's also a lesbian  lol

This reminds me of that Battletoads reboot where they made the Dark Queen a Kim Possible character.

[Image: 9IU2Y4H.png]

Comeon Gurl

Hey guys, I'm just gonna be honest here. I'd like to give the old dark queen a battletoad in the hole. 

Us gamers, am I right guys?
(05-24-2024, 02:51 PM)Uncle wrote:
(05-24-2024, 02:17 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(05-24-2024, 01:57 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: That game really set out to just be profoundly ugly. No wonder the sweet baby inc shit gets so much traction. 
Who the fuck even wants a character like this. Not sexualizing a character doesn't mean you can't make her look cool.

Holy fuck she's also a lesbian  lol

This reminds me of that Battletoads reboot where they made the Dark Queen a Kim Possible character.

[Image: 9IU2Y4H.png]

Comeon Gurl

I imagine the reason this whole culture war thing is so fierce on the internet is because so much of it involves "hey, that thing you liked? We reframed it and made it now to our taste"
Why not just make your own thing to begin with?
"Oh you like Mr Freeze? Well what if we was gay and a woman!"

Imagine it the other way around. "Oh you like Senua from Hellblade? Well now she's in a string bikini and moans while stabbing people, suck it chud"
It's kind of sad to watch how the king of adult humor in video games is now reduced to updating Sea of Trans Feels bad, man

Quote:I imagine the reason this whole culture war thing is so fierce on the internet is because so much of it involves "hey, that thing you liked? We reframed it and made it now to our taste"
Why not just make your own thing to begin with?
"Oh you like Mr Freeze? Well what if we was gay and a woman!"
Because no one will green light that shit. So studios use existing IPs and then 'creative freedom' and DEI does the rest Trumps 

You can't say: "Sorry, we're not doing a trans character and rainbow flags" without being send to a corporate trans gestapo camp for re-education.
That Battletoads game had a weird contempt for the franchise. Like, I get that Battletoads are just TMNT rip offs and their games are looked in rose tinted glasses… but you need to put a Toad on a diaper?
(05-24-2024, 03:00 PM)killamajig wrote: I'm sure you could find quotes from David Duke that would be indistinguishable from a Nep post

Another edition of "Is this Resetera or Storm Front?"

I know it's on a sub reddit but it's a good video. Tik Tok has broken so many brains. At least there are some sane people on there still.
Quote:We as a society need to do better about beating the shit out of Nazis.
Quote:Quoting it again for the people in the back. And the front. And everywhere else.

You guys are in a forum with Nepenthe as an Admi and a Muslim community dangerous close to spouting terrorist rhetoric. 

You guys don’t care.
(05-24-2024, 05:47 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:
(05-24-2024, 03:00 PM)killamajig wrote: I'm sure you could find quotes from David Duke that would be indistinguishable from a Nep post

Another edition of "Is this Resetera or Storm Front?"

I know it's on a sub reddit but it's a good video. Tik Tok has broken so many brains. At least there are some sane people on there still.

When they say: "Zionist Brain" Shocked Pikachu

(05-24-2024, 05:54 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:We as a society need to do better about beating the shit out of Nazis.
Quote:Quoting it again for the people in the back. And the front. And everywhere else.
You guys are in a forum with Nepenthe as an Admi and a Muslim community dangerous close to spouting terrorist rhetoric. 
You guys don’t care.

It's kind of a meme thing in Europe to put different edgy lyrics to this 'catchy song' so it doesn't surprise me there is now a 'Nazi' version. 

It looks more harmless than destroying statues, universities and attacking the police with sticks and stones. I don't 
The left really doesn't understand that we've crossed the Rubicon and that after they started cosplaying as Hamas they no longer have the exclusive right to morally grand stand and "Freak out" about this stuff.
Ree talk a big game but not one of them have actually punched any Nazis since the forum began. It’s very disappointing.

Efreeti wrote:Good news. Won't stop "Israel" but I think this is the most empathy / understanding for Palestine I've seen in the west during my entire life. We are winning the narrative.
(((Israel))) What
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, clockwork5
(05-24-2024, 05:54 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:We as a society need to do better about beating the shit out of Nazis.
Quote:Quoting it again for the people in the back. And the front. And everywhere else.

You guys are in a forum with Nepenthe as an Admi and a Muslim community dangerous close to spouting terrorist rhetoric. 

You guys don’t care.

Watching that video made me dumber, not only because of those fucking nazi rich kids but also because of that instagram account. Like how he whines how this won't be called out like his anti Israel protests when it has been blasted by everyone since yesterday on all news channels.

But of course, it is one of those era types.
Quote:'s reprehensible that the US and Israel keep threatening to punish, starve, and torment innocent people every time Palestinians are acknowledged as human beings that are entitled to basic rights and protection from war crimes.

But I take a small comfort in knowing that the walls are closing in on them. The world can openly discuss how both are in flagrant opposition to international law, and has decided to move forward without them.

The line has been drawn between the rule of law and Western impunity and with all these institutions being threatened, everyone must choose a side. This is especially important for America's allies, who are stuck in a bind due to their staunch support of both Israel and international law, a position that has become untenable.

These increasingly disgusting threats are a desperate tantrum by gaslighters realizing their talking points aren't working anymore.

How does ICJ plan to enforce their order?

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