Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-16-2024, 01:23 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: It's funny the way ZeoVGM crowd shops his opinions on media. He always has the "correct" opinion, as determined by Era consensus, and never thinks for himself enough to deviate from that.
 But if you like a movie he doesn’t like he will shit on it even if rotten tomatoes his holy bible liked it. He’s a hypocrite. And we all know hypocrisy is worse than rape. At least norm though so
(06-15-2024, 11:37 PM)BIONIC wrote:
ZeoVGM, post: 124528785, member: 1119 wrote:The fact that people are now trying to pretend that The Force Awakens -- one of the most crowd-pleasing and acclaimed mega blockbusters ever -- isn't even good is so hard to take seriously.

And we're not even using the words "great" or "incredible." Just good.
Nah, it's crap and always has been. A complete hack redoing A New Hope without any thought. But that's none of my business...
Somebody needs to sit J.J. Abrams down and explain to him just how stupid it is seeing another planet explode like he does in his movies.
4 users liked this post: MJBarret, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
Guardians of the Galaxy is a better Star Wars film than the Disney Star Wars films. Come and get me, Jeff. Society
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(06-15-2024, 08:42 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Ash_Greytree wrote:Yeah, until I see an actual trailer for Gears 6 with Kait and more front and center, I'm not gonna be trusting this new leadership at The Coalition on saying they love Gears 4 and 5. It reeks of "Titanfall Is In Our DNA".

Gears 4 and 5 did what Halo failed to do, move on to new characters with solid storytelling whilst still having the old characters in the background or on the team doing their own still-important things. Gears E-Day feels like a nostalgia-bait copout. It also feels shitty to see one of the coolest female characters that Xbox Game Studios has written, in the form of Kait, fall by the wayside for the sake of going back to The Bros who already had their story told. Even though it was in development before all the GamerGate 2.0 bullshit, everything about Gears E-Day still feels like a capitulation to those kinds of people.

Still trying:“horror”-tone-new-direction-for-franchise-etc.902307/page-2

You know when someone pulls out a "whilst" they are not confident in their argument and are trying desperately to sound more authoritative.
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Alpacx
The main defense you could make of The Force Awakens at the time is that maybe some of the dreck was setting something up, now we know all of it was completely irrelevant. lol
(06-15-2024, 09:27 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Nothing Loud
Quote:I personally always thought the Portal was a ridiculous product. Imagine paying lots of money to stream PS5 games and that's the ONLY thing it does. Meanwhile an Odin, a Steam Deck, a Legion Go/Ally, hell even your phones can stream PS5 and other system's games using Chiaki, PS Remote Play apps, Moonlight, Steam Link, etc. I was never able to fathom what would compel someone to buy such a goofy, ugly-looking device for such a niche use case, when most of us already have devices that enable this feature without needing to buy one of these things.
Quote:The Portal is cheaper than any device you listed and to play on a smaller display phone in similar fashion (a device everyone has) with no proper dualsense features, you have to spend another 100.
Quote:If you don't have the three devices in bold, a Portal is cheaper if you just want to stream PlayStation games (PS5, PS4 and the classics minus PS3) with the added bonus of haptics - on Amazon Odin 2 is £452.95+, Steam Deck is £368+, Legion Go is £599, Ally is £538.80, Portal is £199. The screen is bigger than a phone and if you want to use the phone for other things you can do (I typically play on my Portal and use my phone at the same time to play Ever Crisis, Clash of Clans, talk to people on WhatsApp or whatever takes my fancy).

As for its looks, ergonomically it is great and end of the day that - and its performance - is what matters. Shame it varies for people but personally I've got no complaints.

If you play a lot via PC, sure you might find more value in paying more for one of the other devices, but if you're a console player then the Portal is the better option at a fraction of the cost.
Quote:Well considering it's selling better than Sony expected, it must be attractive to more people than they thought.

I could use remote play on my phone or iPad but I already explained why those are inferior experiences. There's a huge difference between holding something just in your hands as opposed to setting up a tablet with a controller. Plus I don't want to use my phone for stuff like this.

As far as the portable PCs, I agree, if you have one, just use remote play on them. I haven't owned a PC in over 20 years and have no pc games so I'm not looking to spend more money on a device, plus money on pc games, when I can just use the portal and access my collection of games on PS5

When faced with a bad financial decision, or an even worse one, a Reeeseteran will ALWAYS pick the worse one.
TFA utterly collapses on a rewatch, the whole thing with poe and finn NOT getting immediately chased by stormtroopers as they the hell does poe survive when finn barely makes it as-is...why was the first order massed above the planet earlier and then is just entirely absent when the falcon escapes...

I don't Rage
(06-15-2024, 09:27 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote: I haven't owned a PC in over 20 years and have no pc games so I'm not looking to spend more money on a device, plus money on pc games, when I can just use the portal and access my collection of games on PS5
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, bork
(06-16-2024, 02:53 AM)Uncle wrote: TFA utterly collapses on a rewatch, the whole thing with poe and finn NOT getting immediately chased by stormtroopers as they the hell does poe survive when finn barely makes it as-is...why was the first order massed above the planet earlier and then is just entirely absent when the falcon escapes...

I don't Rage
I knew this was going to happen going in because I'm a Star Trek fan and the "crowd-pleasing and acclaimed mega blockbusters" Abrams Trek films are nothing but incoherent events that make no sense but nobody seemed to care and it was "nitpicking" and "stubborn fanboy crap" to not ignore how complete garbage they were just purely as films. And Abrams himself basically said they were his Star Wars demo reel.

Justin Lin and Simon Pegg showed it wasn't anything inherent in the reboot that prevented a good film.
4 users liked this post: MJBarret, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(06-15-2024, 10:11 PM)benji wrote:
(06-15-2024, 02:52 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Andor, 2022:

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
Loving the chick looking a different way from everyone else. lol

Mon Mothma? More like Mommy Mothma.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

PlanetSmasher wrote:Yes. My brother was an absolute hair trigger growing up. So many holes punched in walls. At one point he absolutely snapped and bought a gun. He was pretty scary when he was on a tear.

I also knew a kid when I was in middle school who was shockingly violent. Attacked several of my classmates in broad daylight, even attacked me in the middle of class with the teacher watching. School never did shit about it, either. He could've killed someone.
(06-16-2024, 04:22 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

PlanetSmasher wrote:Yes. My brother was an absolute hair trigger growing up. So many holes punched in walls. At one point he absolutely snapped and bought a gun. He was pretty scary when he was on a tear.

I also knew a kid when I was in middle school who was shockingly violent. Attacked several of my classmates in broad daylight, even attacked me in the middle of class with the teacher watching. School never did shit about it, either. He could've killed someone.

And then everyone clapped.
(06-16-2024, 04:22 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

PlanetSmasher wrote:Yes. My brother was an absolute hair trigger growing up. So many holes punched in walls. At one point he absolutely snapped and bought a gun. He was pretty scary when he was on a tear.

I also knew a kid when I was in middle school who was shockingly violent. Attacked several of my classmates in broad daylight, even attacked me in the middle of class with the teacher watching. School never did shit about it, either. He could've killed someone.

Is this the one that stabbed him with a pencil?
(06-16-2024, 04:22 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

PlanetSmasher wrote:Yes. My brother was an absolute hair trigger growing up. So many holes punched in walls. At one point he absolutely snapped and bought a gun. He was pretty scary when he was on a tear.

I also knew a kid when I was in middle school who was shockingly violent. Attacked several of my classmates in broad daylight, even attacked me in the middle of class with the teacher watching. School never did shit about it, either. He could've killed someone.

Dude, someone who got attacked themselves in the middle of class while a teacher is watching would never begin the story by saying he attacked other people. "attacked several of my classmates in broad daylight, oh and me too in the middle of class I guess" Comeon If you're gonna lie, at least put the lie in a believable order.
Weird how he could have killed someone but the most dangerous thing we've been told he's done is stab PlanetSmasher.

And his brother really "snapped" on a "hair trigger" but then took the time to go out and buy a gun and wait for the background check and everything else?

Also I swear PlanetSmasher has said he's nearly punched holes in walls before. To where I'm going to Google:
PlanetSmasher, wrote:I legitimately punched a hole through my coffee table fighting the Defiled Watchdog. That whole series of dungeons was unmitigated shit, and locking the Queen Yharnam boss behind them was unnecessary cruelty.
PlanetSmasher, wrote:I got so mad at Guardian Ape in Sekiro that I got sick for nine days afterward. Just dying over and over and over and over and over again to that stupid fucking boss. I almost snapped my DS4 in half down the middle.
PlanetSmasher wrote:Sekiro being single-player-only and being focused exclusively around parrying meant it forced me into a style of play I hated and gave me no options to beat bosses any way beyond that one strategy. It was a perfect confluence of factors designed to make me absurdly mad. The anger and stress the game caused in me literally weakened my immune system. It sucked.
PlanetSmasher, wrote:Exhaustingly. When I was stuck on the Defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords for 9 straight hours I punched a hole through a coffee table.
PlanetSmasher, wrote:I genuinely cannot believe how bad the combat and the boss fights were in TEW2. The stealth fundamentally doesn't work, and so many enemies can soak up absolutely absurd amounts of ammo and not even fall down.

The flamethrower boss near the end of the game made me so angry it gave me stress flashbacks to the Defiled Watchdog from Bloodborne, which is a boss that made me punch a hole through a coffee table. I literally emptied every single shot of every single weapon I had into him and he kept going. Miserable, miserable experience.
PlanetSmasher, wrote:I literally punched a hole through a coffee table while playing Bloodborne once and it's never once occurred to me, even in the depths of a gamer rage burst, to start spewing racist or homophobic shit.
PlanetSmasher, wrote:I punched a hole through a coffee table after Defiled Watchdog of the Old Lords killed me for the 115th time in Bloodborne.

wait you mean a GOOD emotional response? no, I don't think I have.
PlanetSmasher, wrote:It would be pretty nice for something like Elden Ring to make Malenia stop spamming Waterfowl Dance once I'm in the midst of a rage breakdown from dying too many times.
PlanetSmasher wrote:And I thought punching a hole through my crappy $20 Ikea coffee table during the Defiled Watchdog fight was bad.
if I had a little shit like PlanetSmasher for a brother I'd be irritable too.  Riot
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
God I fucking hate autistic people
(06-16-2024, 06:08 AM)Rendle wrote: God I fucking hate autistic people

The fuck I do to you, asshole?
Quote:Sekiro being single-player-only and being focused exclusively around parrying meant it forced me into a style of play I hated and gave me no options to beat bosses any way beyond that one strategy. It was a perfect confluence of factors designed to make me absurdly mad. The anger and stress the game caused in me literally weakened my immune system. It sucked.

'Miss, the boy who killed that puppy keeps running into my pencil'
That the shittiness of the new trilogy is up for debate is what Ree would call gaslighting.
(06-16-2024, 06:19 AM)Superstar wrote:
(06-16-2024, 06:08 AM)Rendle wrote: God I fucking hate autistic people

The fuck I do to you, asshole?

No way you're autistic? I assumed you were just a normal human being like me, that's crazy
(06-16-2024, 01:23 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: It's funny the way ZeoVGM crowd shops his opinions on media. He always has the "correct" opinion, as determined by Era consensus, and never thinks for himself enough to deviate from that.

I can only imagine what a hollow and frustrating existence that must be. You can sort of understand why they lash out at people with thoughts and personalities. All goes back to the incel thing where seeing normal happy people reveals something wrong and broken about themselves.
Somebody finally took the bait in the Gears E-Day thread:“horror”-tone-new-direction-for-franchise-etc.902307/page-4?post=124538655#post-124538655

Ash Greytree upping favors in Discord to get three people to care about a non controversy. lol 

Quote:Not quite. I think dropping Kait's awesome storyline because of their weird backlash is damage enough.

Quote:The new direction, is old direction before there was a woman protagonist. Hard pass till gears 6

Gears 5 was so memorable that Tv Tropes didn’t even bother to update their page with Gears 5 lol 

And tv tropes is hyper autistic to ignore it unless no one cares.

If there is controversy about the female MC, is confined entirely in the Gears community and the enthusiastic hobbyist gaming community doesn’t care. That is the actual reason they are doing a E-Day game, because the franchise is so stale that people don’t even care about the new trilogy to bother to bitch about it.
(06-16-2024, 12:20 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
(06-15-2024, 09:35 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: says he was brought up in a cult by immigrant columbians or something
married some professor guy
cruised around for homeless junkies
developed drug addictions
bought an 8k tv to impress resetera then returned it when he didn't get back pats
professor guy got bored of his bullshit and traded him in for a younger model
the circle of life

Bought a guinea pig as a pet despite everyone on era telling him not to because they need special care or something, I'm sure it didn't last long

I remember this. Poor animal had a mostly empty cage. No wood chips on the floor, bright light above it. Only a very small plastic shelter to sleep in at the bottom right and food/water all the way at the top left. He basically built a Gitmo for guinea pigs.

And when people gave tips he obviously ignored them and instead started feeding it medicine.
It was a fancy kind of hamster he bought at an exotic animals roadshow iirc
(06-16-2024, 08:33 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Somebody finally took the bait in the Gears E-Day thread:“horror”-tone-new-direction-for-franchise-etc.902307/page-4?post=124538655#post-124538655

Ash Greytree upping favors in Discord to get three people to care about a non controversy. lol 

Quote:Not quite. I think dropping Kait's awesome storyline because of their weird backlash is damage enough.

Quote:The new direction, is old direction before there was a woman protagonist. Hard pass till gears 6

Gears 5 was so memorable that Tv Tropes didn’t even bother to update their page with Gears 5 lol 

And tv tropes is hyper autistic to ignore it unless no one cares.

If there is controversy about the female MC, is confined entirely in the Gears community and the enthusiastic hobbyist gaming community doesn’t care. That is the actual reason they are doing a E-Day game, because the franchise is so stale that people don’t even care about the new trilogy to bother to bitch about it.
This is just industry ignorance too. They didn't just spin up this game now because that would mean they're showing a 2027+ game. I bet this has been in development for a couple years* and it's related to trying to turn Gears into a franchise with a Netflix show and everything so they're tying it to the big event that launched the series. That plus the original characters will bring back people who didn't play 4 and 5. BRAND SYNERGY.

Literally zero care about any "Gamergate 2.0" that started like two months ago or whatever. They always spin up these narratives based on their tunnel vision headcanon that somehow become the historical truth on that forum.

*Rod Fergusson left for Blizzard after Gears 5, then The Coalition was called in to help on Halo Infinite, I bet there wasn't even a plan for Gears 6 that was "scrapped" and by then it's probably 2022 and Microsoft is looking at how to relaunch the Gears brand around 2025.
(06-16-2024, 08:34 AM)Nintex wrote:
(06-16-2024, 12:20 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Bought a guinea pig as a pet despite everyone on era telling him not to because they need special care or something, I'm sure it didn't last long
I remember this. Poor animal had a mostly empty cage. No wood chips on the floor, bright light above it. Only a very small plastic shelter to sleep in at the bottom right and food/water all the way at the top left. He basically built a Gitmo for guinea pigs.

And when people gave tips he obviously ignored them and instead started feeding it medicine.
(06-16-2024, 09:00 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: It was a fancy kind of hamster he bought at an exotic animals roadshow iirc
Didn't he get another one after he killed the first one? Or just make a thread about how he wanted to get another one to kill?
No I was wrong. It was a hedgehog. IIRC the thread hinted that he had a history of neglecting animals to death.

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