Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-21-2024, 06:57 PM)BIONIC wrote: I got you babe

User banned (1 day): Inappropriate commentary

Twohearts, post: 124684008, member: 164181 wrote:And not just a mag3 but a summon made. I'd be happier if she could throw fireballs or whatever, but no it has to be open world because Aonuma is getting dicked down by the delusion that all modern games have to be open for.d. fucking clown show

Post from Wednesday
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(06-23-2024, 03:39 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:
(06-22-2024, 07:01 PM)Uncle wrote:
(06-22-2024, 01:14 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Bubsy is trans?

bubsy was declared trans by tumblrites 10 years ago thanks to one or more specific artists that kept drawing the character trans and resonated with others

the idea was that bubsy was so depressed by how awful his games were and how much people hated him that he spiraled into drugs and self-harm, transitioned into a woman and became a trash prostitute, and is depicted as "harley quinn" unstable with constantly running mascara, which is somehow representative of the trans experience

Quote:Modern Bubsy a.k.a Spanky Bobcat

After the rise of the series' popularity, Bubsy became a popular subject of fan art, along with a popular reinterpretation of the character called "Modern Bubsy", which depicts Bubsy as a transgender prostitute, made depressed by the series' unfortunate history.[7] Said reinterpretation of Bubsy would also become a character in the game "Super Space Funeral IV: Deluxe Blood Red Version & Bubsy," created by artist Squirrelly Jack[9], though said game was later cancelled due to Jack no longer having an interest in creating a Space Funeral fan game, instead opting for a standalone Modern Bubsy game called "Purresident Evil." In June 2017, in light of the announcement of The Woolies Strike Back, Squirrelly Jack announced she is rebranding Modern Bubsy as an original character called "Spanky Bobcat" in order to avoid any potential legal problems with Accolade, even further renaming her Modern Bubsy game to "Spanky Bobcat in: Super Bobcat 3D Blast RPG: Purrresident Evil!"[16][17]. As of December 2015, there are over 2,250 entries on DeviantArt tagged with "Bubsy".[8]

apparently, a bunch of people "realized" that they were trans thanks to this character

Quote:Call her Spanky Bobcat, call her Modern Bubsy or Trans Bubsy. I call her one of the best. She cracked so many eggs that we all was eatin omelettes for weeks. She was a character that is a trashy tran, by a trashy tran, for trashy transes. She got some folks to accept that they're into trashy trans girls. Basically what I'm sayin is she had a good effect on so many folks, I'm constantly told so by others, n I'm sick of pretending otherwise. I say this in the best way possible - suck her fat undead transgender cartoon bobcat toes, all you lil freaks out there. Hell yea.


This post is the worst thing I've experienced lately, and I currently have Influenza A.

It's interesting to see it written out like this. The Star Wars wiki will be like that in a few years. "It started as Star Wars but because of the chud transphobic bigots it was renamed to Space Pride. The Jedi were rewritten to be sex positive, their lightsabers replaced by glowing dildos. Han Solos cis affection for Leia was replaced for modern audiences with a gay furry romance between Chewie and Han. Making the line 'Don't chew on it!' an iconic moment in cinema culture."
Quote:Everyone's already posted about how this is some sort of weird conspiracy theory fanfiction to somehow make DrDisrespect the victim in this situation, but this just makes me very aware that all of this person's posts in the thread call him "Doc" like you're the main character of a kid's cartoon and you're talking to your nutty professor neighbour.

I thought these people knew everything about everything? The person they’re calling out obviously watches Doc and it’s known that people call him Doc for short, it’s not some revelation like that the poster tries to make it out to be

Kyuuji wrote:No because I have little influence over it and will expend enough worry and anxiety if it comes to pass without making down-payments on that now.
(06-23-2024, 08:43 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: Wait…what

Kyuuji wrote:No because I have little influence over it and will expend enough worry and anxiety if it comes to pass without making down-payments on that now.

Is Trump saying he’ll limit the second amendment for those with mental health issues?
(06-23-2024, 08:43 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: Wait…what

Kyuuji wrote:No because I have little influence over it and will expend enough worry and anxiety if it comes to pass without making down-payments on that now.

Isn't this cunt English?
Kyuuji has a history of dismissing concerns and it's growing longer  ufup
(06-23-2024, 09:24 AM)Potato wrote: Isn't this cunt English?

Yeah they are. Interesting dynamic too that Kyuuji's fucktoy Uzzy is a bit of a centrist/even leaning towards the conservative side, must be a bit awkward to fuck that I would've thought.
(06-23-2024, 08:43 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: Wait…what

Kyuuji wrote:No because I have little influence over it and will expend enough worry and anxiety if it comes to pass without making down-payments on that now.

But are you prepared for a Biden win?

(06-23-2024, 09:24 AM)Potato wrote:
(06-23-2024, 08:43 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: Wait…what

Kyuuji wrote:No because I have little influence over it and will expend enough worry and anxiety if it comes to pass without making down-payments on that now.

Isn't this cunt English?

That’s what I thought, maybe they identify as an American woman now

I'm predicting it willl get shutdown for promoting heterosexuality.
(06-23-2024, 03:04 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
LordFanny wrote:People are beaten down and tired, living paycheck to paycheck and just trying to get what little enjoyment out of life before the axe falls their way. For a lot of people even if this election goes well, they see the inevitability that the next election won't or that society will continue to crumble regardless of what does or doesn't happen politically if for nothing else the looming climate disasters that await us all. The future looks decidedly bleak regardless of what happens in the short term. We're all living in 1920s Berlin on a global scale
If we're living in 1920's Berlin, then after a short problem, we will continue living in the greatest century in human history. And this is bad?

Anyway, blatantly untrue statements in this post:
1. Society is crumbling. (Unless presumably they're saying they prefer the poorer less tolerant more death-filled society of the past.)
2. Looming climate disasters await us.
3. The future looks decidedly bleak.
4. We're all living in 1920's Berlin on a global scale.

Yet if I posted this over there with one of our many community accounts or one of my many alt accounts I'd be the one banned for dismissing concerns with too much reality; not them for posting misinformation during a genocide and promoting conspiracy theories.
(06-23-2024, 03:20 PM)benji wrote: Yet if I posted this over there with one of our many community accounts or one of my many alt accounts I'd be the one banned for dismissing concerns with too much reality

every time I hear reality in this context I picture South Park's mustache-twirling villain

god it feels like so long since "safe space" was a thing, they really do work hard to excise and memory hole their own cringe, don't they
If the chuds weren't allowed to mock it then it wouldn't become cringe. Again, there are no cultural mechanisms for in-group admonishment for this kind of thing because bigotry has largely been advantageous to white people. It's a depressing reminder of what I already knew. Social Justice Warrior
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Propagandhim
I can't believe this is still on their website

[Image: 7A1wVH2.png]

Quote:Psychic Twins. “All twins are psychic, but we’re psychic-er.” Snowflake, a cryokinetic, can materialize snowflake-shaped shuriken projectiles for throwing. Safespace can materialize pink forcefields, but he can’t inhabit them himself, the reflex only works if he’s protecting others. They’re hyper aware of modern culture and optics, and they see their Super Heroics as “a post-ironic meditation on using violence to combat bullying.” They're probably streaming this.

"Snowflake and Safespace are the twins," the writer says, "and their names are very similar to Screentime; it's this idea that these are terms that get thrown around on the internet that they don't see as derogatory. [They] take those words and kind of wear them as badges of honor.

"Safespace is a big, burly, sort of stereotypical jock. He can create forcefields, but he can only trigger them if he's protecting somebody else. Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they/them, and has the power to generate individual crystalized snowflake-shaped shurikens. The connotations of the word 'snowflake' in our culture right now are something fragile, and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp.

"Snowflake is the person who has the more offensive power, and Safespace is the person who has the more defensive power. The idea is that they would mirror each other and complement each other."
Quote:they see their Super Heroics as “a post-ironic meditation on using violence to combat bullying.”

What makes this "post-ironic" rather than the norm?
Somebody was asking about Melody, still alive:
Melody Shreds, wrote:They're literally murdering children the bastards. depriving needed healthcare is the same as murder.

Since this thread is only a page long (cis don't care) here's some more of the totally non-hysterical posts:
Quote:It hurts the 'protecting the kids' narrative to let this information run freely so they obfuscate it. The fact of the matter is that they hate trans people and would rather have a dead child than a trans child. They literally see trans people as both imaginary and a moral failure.

Its fucking evil.
Amalthea wrote:And nobody will really care outside the community. People care more for lies than for dead children. I hate this fucking society!
Quote:This fucking country, I said in my teens (90s) when the old sexist racists die off the kids will show the way.
Sadly not.
This is disgusting and disturbing.
Quote:Say this number to people on social media - they just deny it. Say it's 'fake news'. Say the number isnt true, and even if it was true then it's their own fault. Or trans allies fault for supporting their 'delusion'.

We live in a modern hell.
Amalthea wrote:Maybe that percentage should be in the title.
Quote:While that court can't change policy or any laws around gender affirming care they want to set a precedent that either - gender affirming care can never be in the best interests of the child, or every case where parents disagree needs to be a month long trial with adversarial expert witnesses.

In either case, kids will die.
Messofanego wrote:Just a reminder, Labour fully supports the Cass review and will implement it if elected. This has already been welcomed by the Tories obviously. A Labour government would force all seven adult gender dysphoria clinics to hand over their data, six of which refused to share data for the Cass report.
Quote:This has been their plan all along, fuck these fucking ghouls.

Fuck going outside and touching grass.
I really need bad things to start happening to evil people.
T002 Tyrant wrote:Yup. My only hope is that somehow we can pressure Labour to reverse on this with enough pressure. I want to organise some protests or at least organise allies to write into their newly elected MP with evidence that they should perform their own review rather than this.

Our only hope is placing pressure on MPs because if they receive hundred if not thousands of letters, they might think twice about pushing through such dangerous policies.

I'm going to fight. Labour didn't reverse Section 28 until their second term so I have little faith that this is going to happen within Labour's first 5 years because their cabinet are in bed with the LGB Alliance, just like the Tories.

Still won't stop me from campaigning and fighting. Even if I die for the cause.
Quote:This is the kind of thing that makes even atheists hope that Hell exists so that these people get what they have earned.
Quote:I hate this fucking country so much. It all makes me feel so helpless and powerless.
T002 Tyrant wrote:
What's worse is that this won't even reach mainstream press and will be ignored by tens of millions including the entire houses of parliament.
Kagari wrote:The UK media is too busy chasing essays by JK Rowling, who absolutely has blood on her hands over this.
Sloth Guevara wrote:A large part of society is just hankering for a bit of genocide it seems.
It hard not to see how the same people loving that asylum seekers being thrown overboard are the exact same ghouls who oppose live saving medical treatment for kids.
Amalthea wrote:Yeah, that's what I think too. White middle-class people are for once feeling some of the hardships they give to the rest of the world all the time and instantly they go all-out Nazi again.
Quote:Their blood is on your hands, Joanne.
Quote:And this out of the limited pool of people who even get to engage with the service to begin with - the overwhelming bulk of transgender people, and consequently trans teenagers, in the UK are not formally identified and not measured by that system. So those rates could much bleed out into the wider population, and the dozens seen here could reflect a much larger tally elsewhere
Quote:... When's the last time any good news came out of Britain? Every story from there is about them being dead set to run their country into the ground, regardless of the collateral damage.

My heart goes out to those families who lost loved ones over this.
TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:How any Doctor could be willing to hide suicide records just infuriates me, how could you say you follow do no harm if you're willing to let thousands of kids be harmed because of this report.

Quote:Their blood is on your hands, Joanne.
She popularized it but this has been insidious for decades in UK media and politics, was VERY obvious in the mid 00s during the Blair government and the height of stuff like Little Britain. She is a monster though with a lot of blood on her hands.
Quote:The more you hear about the Cass report the worse it gets and the fact the establishment is rally around it is... Disheartening (I want to use stronger language). Also fuck Shelagh Fogarty, not as popular and influential as Joanne bit every bit as bigoted, hateful and brainrot as her
Quote:It feels like there should be some highly visible main stream journalism by now, like a Panorama investigation episode, on how we are failing transgender people in this country which opens the eyes of the general public but it never comes...
Seik wrote:This could have easily been avoided by not being fucking assholes and allowing people to be themselves.
Allowing people to be themselves by halting a natural process and forcefeeding them things they don't need and don't do anything positive?

T002 Tyrant wrote:Just boosting because I think it's an important piece of news.
But still the cis refused to care...
Because it’s clearly a false narrative. Why should anybody care? But it’s trans posters, so they get every right to post false propaganda with zero repercussions.
(06-23-2024, 03:20 PM)benji wrote:
(06-23-2024, 03:04 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
LordFanny wrote:People are beaten down and tired, living paycheck to paycheck and just trying to get what little enjoyment out of life before the axe falls their way. For a lot of people even if this election goes well, they see the inevitability that the next election won't or that society will continue to crumble regardless of what does or doesn't happen politically if for nothing else the looming climate disasters that await us all. The future looks decidedly bleak regardless of what happens in the short term. We're all living in 1920s Berlin on a global scale
We're all living in 1920's Berlin on a global scale.

1920/30's Berlin was a time of liberalism and a sex positive lifestyle fueled with bank loans, drugs and foreign investments  I don't  

In fact Berlin was doing pretty well even after Hitler came into power (which is how he could go to war in the first place) and it continued to do well after they invaded Poland and France high on meth. Berlin only went to shit because the drugs and fuel ran out by the time they reached the suburbs of Moscow.

I would say the past 4 years have been more like 1920/30's Paris. Low morale, mourning the dead, depressed, hiding underground in a bunker, unable to keep up with the rapidly changing world hoping for some kind of 'miracle'. Slowly but surely folks are waking up and starting to solve their own problems again instead of waiting for the government to bail them out.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato

NOT FUNNY ERAsure of the marginalized!
(06-23-2024, 05:08 PM)Nintex wrote: Berlin only went to shit because the drugs and fuel ran out by the time they reached the suburbs of Moscow.
I think people really underemphasize the two major blunders of World War II, even though we all know them we never really think about just how much they changed the result:
1. Germany attacking the Soviet Union.
2. Japan attacking the United States.

It's actually a lesson that's relevant to our anti-fascist revolutionaries. They feared the eventual conflict they convinced themselves had to happen so much that they triggered it early in hopes of winning a smashing blow over an enemy they didn't bother to understand. Rather than control Europe and Asia for decades and acquire nuclear weapons and who knows what else after years of indoctrinating the conquered nations.

The Japanese military actually understood what they were starting. Tojo was told that if they didn't win the war in a year they'd lose everything. This was optimistic too because Japan never had the capacity to attack the United States, so that first year was pushing token American forces out of places the US could take right back or more brilliantly just bypass. The German invasion was a similar misunderstanding that capturing Moscow meant something rather than the Soviets wouldn't just do what the Russians did to Napeleon again. I imagine the German military actually knew this too but they couldn't tell Hitler this, the Japanese at least could tell Tojo and he'd just overrule them. Hitler was delusional enough to think the UK would make peace with him and maybe even join up to defeat the Soviets.

If Germany never attacks the Soviet Union the United States (and British Empire) never supplies it. If the United States never supplies the Soviets and then doesn't enter the war, nobody on Earth has the capacity to defeat Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.
Quote:There are numerous "big streamers" who aren't pieces of shit.

It's so annoying that whenever a story like this pops up, some people use it as an opportunity to make weird meta commentary about streamers in general.

No, most big streamers are not pedophiles or covering up sexual assault, as someone claimed earlier in the thread. Can we just focus on the guy who did the thing?
Quote:There are tons of streamers who are actually great people. Don't let assholes paint them all with the same brush.

"Not all streamers"

Why is it that RE understands that generalizations are dumb except when it comes to men or white people?
better axiom:

every streamer and public figure has done or said at least one thing that would cause ree to utterly loathe them if they found out about it
It’s actually kind of weird how frequently big streamers run up against sexual assault allegations and it’s whatever. Like all the pop punk emo bands of the 2000s. The Vans Warped Tour was sponsored by Megan’s Law.
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Propagandhim, benji
Time for Dr. Disrespect to come out as trans  Awesome
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Daffy Duck
I am actually shocked by the lack of insincere trans doing it for a bit, that would clear up the whole "we have to respect everyone's pronouns no matter what" real quick

main example is that canadian guy who briefly identified as a woman to set the weightlifting record
(06-23-2024, 02:31 PM)Straight Edge wrote:’ll-seen-this-“hawk-tuah”-meme.909075/

I'm predicting it willl get shutdown for promoting heterosexuality.

Quote:Gonna old man for a moment:
Don't we have more important things to worry about?

miserable cunt
(06-23-2024, 05:50 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:There are numerous "big streamers" who aren't pieces of shit.

It's so annoying that whenever a story like this pops up, some people use it as an opportunity to make weird meta commentary about streamers in general.

No, most big streamers are not pedophiles or covering up sexual assault, as someone claimed earlier in the thread. Can we just focus on the guy who did the thing?
Quote:There are tons of streamers who are actually great people. Don't let assholes paint them all with the same brush.
(06-22-2024, 02:42 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:Hate how people are asking for proof.
All streamers.
(06-23-2024, 06:46 PM)benji wrote: All streamers.

Oh thank god, the one time I streamed wasn't saved.

Spoiler: and nobody uploaded any edited version of the footage anywhere else (click to show)

Yeah, I used to use stealth auto-eject with some of the titans. Feels bad, man 

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Conspiracy Theorizing
Yankee Ruin X wrote:There is just something weird about this entire thing. Like maybe Twitch wanted a way out of this contract with Doc anyway just because it was costing them a lot so had him under a microscope looking for something that would break the T&C's. They thought they found something so acted on it and fired/banned him but when it went to court it was found as entrapment or something and that's why Twitch had to settle?

Hell maybe it was twitch pretending to be a minor and Doc took the bait, they thought that they could just use that to get rid of Doc not expecting him to fight it in court. I mean either way it's would not want the specifics getting out because it shows him to be a pedo/scumbag.

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