Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory comparison
RainsJitt wrote:So when people say we shouldn't criticize any protest, what they mean is we shouldn't criticize any protest THEY agree with. Because I sure as hell am not going to praise or give credit to Westboro Church for their protests. I'm also not going to praise JSO when they go after art or historical sites that people like me who are already on their side value.

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inappropriate comparisons
sfedai0 wrote:How soon before we get Christian sharia law forced on us?

Twohearts wrote:What it we got our penises amputated and we were both girl 😳? Haha just kidding... unless???🫣

In all serious it sucks that cancer is on the rise and I'm sure it's linked to microplastics or covid (in increases cell decay) or whatever.
I wonder how upset Era would be if Mesa Verde's Pueblo cliff dwellings were targeted?  Suddenly everyone would remember to care about native americans because it would make white people look bad.

[Image: mesa-verde-national-park.jpeg]

Or what if the ancient fortress of Masada was targeted.  I mean, like three years ago.  Back then it would have been a bad thing to ruin a historic Jewish cultural location.  Now, eh?  Maybe they deserve it.

[Image: adobestock_238208120.jpeg?fit=outside&w=...1066&dpr=2]
(06-23-2024, 07:26 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inappropriate comparisons
sfedai0 wrote:How soon before we get Christian sharia law forced on us?

So sharia law is okay with you then, as long as it's not imposed by yt's?


Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:I'm also going to accuse you of being a bad actor, given your 100+ posts specifically on the topic of Zelda, then you go dormant for a year, then you come back almost exactly a year later to start posting the nonsense you have been doing since mid-May. You're not smart, mate; anyone with the time to search you can see the game you're playing.

Apparently talking about

[Image: f8ebf3fe7b90cc219d54dcd215697daa4a9c5061.gif]
From the hawk tuah meme thread, quickly edited but still

Quote:Her twitter got posted and she is a chud so RIP at that one.

And queue the “I already knew post” lol

Quote:I knew this as soon as I saw she was from Tennessee. Literally reminds me of so many girls i know from KY lol
(06-23-2024, 05:31 PM)benji wrote:
(06-23-2024, 05:08 PM)Nintex wrote: Berlin only went to shit because the drugs and fuel ran out by the time they reached the suburbs of Moscow.
I think people really underemphasize the two major blunders of World War II, even though we all know them we never really think about just how much they changed the result:
1. Germany attacking the Soviet Union.
2. Japan attacking the United States.

It's actually a lesson that's relevant to our anti-fascist revolutionaries. They feared the eventual conflict they convinced themselves had to happen so much that they triggered it early in hopes of winning a smashing blow over an enemy they didn't bother to understand. Rather than control Europe and Asia for decades and acquire nuclear weapons and who knows what else after years of indoctrinating the conquered nations.

The Japanese military actually understood what they were starting. Tojo was told that if they didn't win the war in a year they'd lose everything. This was optimistic too because Japan never had the capacity to attack the United States, so that first year was pushing token American forces out of places the US could take right back or more brilliantly just bypass. The German invasion was a similar misunderstanding that capturing Moscow meant something rather than the Soviets wouldn't just do what the Russians did to Napeleon again. I imagine the German military actually knew this too but they couldn't tell Hitler this, the Japanese at least could tell Tojo and he'd just overrule them. Hitler was delusional enough to think the UK would make peace with him and maybe even join up to defeat the Soviets.

If Germany never attacks the Soviet Union the United States (and British Empire) never supplies it. If the United States never supplies the Soviets and then doesn't enter the war, nobody on Earth has the capacity to defeat Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.

Gross as it is to say, if someone's ideology intrinsically requires mass slaughter and colonization of the East, attacking the USSR when they did "makes sense." The Soviets were only getting stronger while Nazi Germany would only get weaker in comparison as their economy faltered. 

In fairness to German high command, they probably didn't believe that taking Moscow would be the definitive knockout blow given that it was hundreds of miles to the west of Operation Barbarossa's planned stopping point. Which is also insane of course. 

I'm sure there were private doubts in the German military but there is a lot of revisionist history from the German Generals trying to pin everything on Hitler in their memoirs. Easy to say you disagreed after the war but back then though? Under Hitler, the German military had just accomplished everything the Kaiser never could in a few short years of back to back victories.
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, Potato
(06-23-2024, 05:31 PM)benji wrote:
(06-23-2024, 05:08 PM)Nintex wrote: Berlin only went to shit because the drugs and fuel ran out by the time they reached the suburbs of Moscow.
I think people really underemphasize the two major blunders of World War II, even though we all know them we never really think about just how much they changed the result:
1. Germany attacking the Soviet Union.
2. Japan attacking the United States.

It's actually a lesson that's relevant to our anti-fascist revolutionaries. They feared the eventual conflict they convinced themselves had to happen so much that they triggered it early in hopes of winning a smashing blow over an enemy they didn't bother to understand. Rather than control Europe and Asia for decades and acquire nuclear weapons and who knows what else after years of indoctrinating the conquered nations.

The Japanese military actually understood what they were starting. Tojo was told that if they didn't win the war in a year they'd lose everything. This was optimistic too because Japan never had the capacity to attack the United States, so that first year was pushing token American forces out of places the US could take right back or more brilliantly just bypass. The German invasion was a similar misunderstanding that capturing Moscow meant something rather than the Soviets wouldn't just do what the Russians did to Napeleon again. I imagine the German military actually knew this too but they couldn't tell Hitler this, the Japanese at least could tell Tojo and he'd just overrule them. Hitler was delusional enough to think the UK would make peace with him and maybe even join up to defeat the Soviets.

If Germany never attacks the Soviet Union the United States (and British Empire) never supplies it. If the United States never supplies the Soviets and then doesn't enter the war, nobody on Earth has the capacity to defeat Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan.

It's the usual problem is political extremists. Total victory or death bust. 

The trans maniacs MUST have total victory over the TERFs, the chuds and the cis or they are simply being genocided.

This is what the gays understood with their push for equal rights. Small victories, consolidated over time, eventually lead to normalisation and a cultural shift. 

The Germans could have settled with Western Europe and isolating the British. Sat on their territorial gains and become the dominant political and cultural power. Instead, Hitler insisted on destroying the people he believed were racially and culturally inferior and taking their land for the German people.

Advance.Wars.Sgt. wrote:Y'all should rather be prepared to resort to violence as a means to protect your livelihood.

The age of resting your laurels on non-violent passivity is over, and I would further say that's only been true for someone who is white.
(06-23-2024, 07:18 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory comparison
RainsJitt wrote:So when people say we shouldn't criticize any protest, what they mean is we shouldn't criticize any protest THEY agree with. Because I sure as hell am not going to praise or give credit to Westboro Church for their protests. I'm also not going to praise JSO when they go after art or historical sites that people like me who are already on their side value.
Are the staff saying the Westboro Baptist Church is wrong to protest the American imperialist state? Or for saying Israel will pay for its crimes? Or maybe wrong for expelling Fred Phelps?
(06-23-2024, 07:18 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory comparison
RainsJitt wrote:So when people say we shouldn't criticize any protest, what they mean is we shouldn't criticize any protest THEY agree with. Because I sure as hell am not going to praise or give credit to Westboro Church for their protests. I'm also not going to praise JSO when they go after art or historical sites that people like me who are already on their side value.

Inflammatory comparison has to be the biggest bitch move in Resetera ban history.

What even is an "inflammatory comparison" other than "you pointed out the idiocy of my argument"?
(06-23-2024, 07:47 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: From the hawk tuah meme thread, quickly edited but still

Quote:Her twitter got posted and she is a chud so RIP at that one.

And queue the “I already knew post” lol

Quote:I knew this as soon as I saw she was from Tennessee. Literally reminds me of so many girls i know from KY lol

Would easily put up with Trump BS for a night with her  Noah
(06-23-2024, 07:54 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Advance.Wars.Sgt. wrote:Y'all should rather be prepared to resort to violence as a means to protect your livelihood.

The age of resting your laurels on non-violent passivity is over, and I would further say that's only been true for someone who is white.

I'll preface this by saying I haven't seen Civil War, but this one makes me laugh because their big complaint with the film was that it didn't explicitly say that the president was Trump/Republican and he was to blame for the civil war.

The funny thing is that IF the president was Trump/Republican, then it was most likely democrats like these types that started the civil war.

The question doesn't get answered in the film because the answer would set the fucking retards off.
(06-23-2024, 07:54 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Advance.Wars.Sgt. wrote:Y'all should rather be prepared to resort to violence as a means to protect your livelihood.

The age of resting your laurels on non-violent passivity is over, and I would further say that's only been true for someone who is white.

In another thread:

“Yeah, my stock portfolio looks pretty good.”
(06-23-2024, 07:52 PM)Ribosome wrote: Gross as it is to say, if someone's ideology intrinsically requires mass slaughter and colonization of the East, attacking the USSR when they did "makes sense." The Soviets were only getting stronger while Nazi Germany's would only get weaker in comparison as their economy faltered. 

In fairness to German high command, they probably didn't believe that taking Moscow would be the definitive knockout blow given that it was hundreds of miles to the west of Operation Barbarossa's planned stopping point. Which is also insane of course. 

I'm sure there were private doubts in the German military but there is a lot of revisionist history from the German Generals trying to pin everything on Hitler in their memoirs. Easy to say you disagreed after the war but back then though? Under Hitler, the German military had just accomplished everything the Kaiser never could in a few short years of back to back victories.
The Soviets weren't getting stronger though, their economy was a complete disaster area and without US and UK aid would have never been able to supply their military. Peace would have stabilized the German economy with all of Europe behind it with no need to feed a war machine. A decade without support from the outside world and then the looting of Eastern Europe and the Soviets would have been even closer to collapse than they were under Stalin otherwise and had to reverse after his death even with all of that. War allowed their failed economy to actually work temporarily because there was only one consideration.

Pining all the blame on Hitler is accurate though because of the Fuhrerprinzip. You weren't allowed to oppose him within the system and it was his delusions that led to most of Germany's strategic decisions. He bought all the communist propaganda and never thought the US/UK would back the Soviets. If the military suspected that would happen then telling Hitler wasn't going to be an option, that'd just get you purged for those who would tell him otherwise. I also think Hitler should get the blame for wanting to continue the war rather than resting on the sweeping victories they just had, that wasn't a military say.

I think the flaw in World War I was they were locked into a plan that actually should have been reversed, and it was too beholden to the cult of the offensive. They should have held in the West and knocked out Russia first in the East. The actual events of the war more or less proved this.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
(06-23-2024, 07:54 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Advance.Wars.Sgt. wrote:Y'all should rather be prepared to resort to violence as a means to protect your livelihood.

The age of resting your laurels on non-violent passivity is over, and I would further say that's only been true for someone who is white.
Remember when these dudes would make fun of gun supporters for thinking they could take on the U.S. military?

Now they're arguing for giving up on democracy and taking to street violence against neighbors in order to prevent... uh... mass violence? I'm not exactly sure what their argument is other than KILL THE CHUDS BEFORE THEY KILL YOU!
"Trump's a fascist who is going to put us all in camps to murder us and that's why we need to do everything we can to make him look justified!"
Vote for Genocide Joe? Sorry, I need to prepare for the warlordism that's definitely going to happen. Snob

Ikouros wrote:It's absolutely baffling to me, an outsider, that ~50% of the electorate in the United States of America are so fucking stupid as to vote for Donald Trump into office a second time. The country is in a serious state of disrepair, ethically and intellectually.

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(06-23-2024, 07:54 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Advance.Wars.Sgt. wrote:Y'all should rather be prepared to resort to violence as a means to protect your livelihood.

The age of resting your laurels on non-violent passivity is over, and I would further say that's only been true for someone who is white.

same vague shit right wingers spew. What scenario are they actually imagining where you're suddenly justified to gun people down? Trump's police isn't going to storm your house just like the Biden police isn't coming for ya guns
PlanetSmasher wrote:Yeah. Fuck Jagged Peak. There was literally zero playtesting put into this area, or its bosses.

Junk on top of junk on top of junk. Embarrassingly bad.

"What if we made you fight Demon of Hatred from Sekiro four different times, with bigger, even more impossible to gauge AOE attacks every time??????? AND ABSOLUTELY NO DEFENDING AGAINST THEM! THAT WOULD BE FUN, RIGHT!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

What makes PlanetSmasher so annoying is the same stuff that makes a bad streamer: blaming the game for his own failures.
(06-23-2024, 07:46 PM)wizardora wrote:

Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:I'm also going to accuse you of being a bad actor, given your 100+ posts specifically on the topic of Zelda, then you go dormant for a year, then you come back almost exactly a year later to start posting the nonsense you have been doing since mid-May. You're not smart, mate; anyone with the time to search you can see the game you're playing.

Apparently talking about

[Image: f8ebf3fe7b90cc219d54dcd215697daa4a9c5061.gif]

Quote:I feel like mental fitness is more important than age. Bernie and Biden are the same age over in the states, but one is clearly senile and the other is still lucid.

User banned (1 week): diagnosing mental illness


Angelus Agrurie
Quote:They already have the greenlight on genocide, and they think the US will fall in line and support them with arms and boots on the ground. I'm sorry I know they're our "closest ally" and all but I'm not at all for helping them finish these fights they start, fights they start specifically because they have US arms flowing to them like water.

The US is going to be forced to help, we all know that the US will absolutely step into this war. It'll look pretty crazy to the world if Israel home of Jewish people, a country that raised from the ashes of the Holocaust and ontop of the bodies of millions of Palestinians is obliterated by evil MUZLIMS. So like it or not, the US will probably be yet another fucking war.

Quote:To my knowledge Israel has not asked for direct combat support from US and Biden has rejected that idea.

Joe Biden is a hardcore Zionist, so much so I am fully confident he would sacrifice American lives if it helped Israel. I truly believe America is second in his eyes to Israel.

Call Biden senile, banned.  Say he's a zionist who cares more about the lives of Jews than americans?  But yeah, antisemitism isn't a problem on Era and if you see it you just have to report it and it will be actioned. 

[Image: edward-norton-wink.gif]
(06-23-2024, 07:28 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Twohearts wrote:What it we got our penises amputated and we were both girl 😳? Haha just kidding... unless???🫣

In all serious it sucks that cancer is on the rise and I'm sure it's linked to microplastics or covid (in increases cell decay) or whatever.

What a normal thing to write.
I mean, people are still bitching about Bernie Sanders not winning? Doge
Angelus_Something wrote:Joe Biden is a hardcore Zionist, so much so I am fully confident he would sacrifice American lives if it helped Israel. I truly believe America is second in his eyes to Israel.

The Catholic Zionist.
Quote:The US is going to be forced to help, we all know that the US will absolutely step into this war.

The US is not putting boots on the ground.

Quote:It'll look pretty crazy to the world if Israel home of Jewish people, a country that raised from the ashes of the Holocaust and ontop of the bodies of millions of Palestinians is obliterated by evil MUZLIMS.

Do they actually think Hezbollah and their allies could sustain an invasion of Israel itself?
Our lives, and livelihood are also second to Ukraine...
[Image: hs1Z8kq.png][Image: 5rNMfup.png]
(06-23-2024, 09:08 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
PlanetSmasher wrote:Yeah. Fuck Jagged Peak. There was literally zero playtesting put into this area, or its bosses.

Junk on top of junk on top of junk. Embarrassingly bad.

"What if we made you fight Demon of Hatred from Sekiro four different times, with bigger, even more impossible to gauge AOE attacks every time??????? AND ABSOLUTELY NO DEFENDING AGAINST THEM! THAT WOULD BE FUN, RIGHT!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

What makes PlanetSmasher so annoying is the same stuff that makes a bad streamer: blaming the game for his own failures.

Is he complaining about DLC for a game he hates in a genre he is fundamentally terrible at playing? 

He knows he can just NOT play it, right? 

Is he so desperate to be part of the "in crowd" he will waste money on something he doesn't like just so he can be part of the discussion? 

What a fucking idiot.
(06-23-2024, 09:26 PM)Ribosome wrote:
Quote:It'll look pretty crazy to the world if Israel home of Jewish people, a country that raised from the ashes of the Holocaust and ontop of the bodies of millions of Palestinians is obliterated by evil MUZLIMS.

Almost sounds excited about it. Like those lost Palestinians lives are worth it just to (temporarily) unify the  region against a single enemy. Thinking But that's none of my business... 

And BDumbs there, totally clueless…

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