Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Who will it be bros? Big Mike, The Butcher of Benghazi Killary, or American version of fascist Trudeau, Newsom?
it's HER turn
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, benji
User banned (1 week): drive-by in a sensitive thread
Mandelbrot wrote:Don't mind me, just want to read everything the thread has to offer.

grand wrote:I'm sad we lost coffee but at least both the drive byes got banned

AMAB. Keep bootlicking.  Cop
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: XSD4beO.png]

PoliEra is so adamant that there is no possible way that Biden is dropping out, I'm starting to wonder if he will. hmm
2 users liked this post: TylenolJones, Taco Bell Tower
"PoliEra" remnants or the true Terrorist PoliEra purged by the great Satan B-dubs?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

"mod edit: in the future, please use the original reporting instead of a random local outlet's"

So local news isn't good enough anymore?
The Burqa Brigade always gets upset when they get even the slightest pushback. They are upset people outside their cult thread don't just shutup, turn off their brain, and just mindlessly agree with all their crap. It's something they share with TransERA, which isn't surprising given there's like a 95% overlap between the two groups.

Disagreeing with them or ignoring them are two of the biggest triggers for both groups.
(06-29-2024, 01:24 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Honestly the whole deal with DrDisrespect is weird.
The dude straight up admitted it, and I get the vibe from his “apology” that it was even worse than he admits.
So why is Twitch coming out of this so clean? 3 years between the conversation and action taken??? 4 years between the ban and the “reveal”? 
No way he was/is the only big creator stepping over the line. Especially with the dynamics inherent to the site.

(06-29-2024, 03:12 PM)Snoopy wrote: Probably because they had to wait for the police to finish investigating. If that ex employee hadn’t leaked his shenanigans nobody would’ve ever heard about what he’d been up to

it's because the way they caught him is an admission that they spy on everything you say in private chats, which even if it's in their TOS that they reserve the right to blah blah blah could either land them in hot water or make all their users freak out

this is likely why when twitch originally banned him, he sued for breach of contract and they actually paid him, they didn't want it to go to court and discovery and have all the details come out about how they spy on their users
4 users liked this post: ClothedMac, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(06-30-2024, 12:16 AM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:Appealing to your woman-ness is not an argument. You being a woman does not make the numbers go away. The world does not revolve around your vagina.

Shocked Pikachu

What vagina
(06-29-2024, 11:53 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Menome, post: 125180724, member: 299 wrote:Era hasn't been a safe space for a long time now, and there isn't a safe space here to bring that up without warnings about "Moderation Discussion". Seen far too many good people Get Got or slip away.

I'll still be here in the thread to talk the talk at times, but it's just always with the foreknowledge these days that there's indignant children peeking in through a window and searchtower lights focused at all times.
(06-29-2024, 09:58 PM)benji wrote:
(06-29-2024, 07:48 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: What the fuck do they even have to hide? "Someone at work today said they like Stellar Blade  "
Stop demanding they put themselves in danger. (Of being mocked.)

(06-30-2024, 12:13 AM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:This thread literally exists so that users can have a space to discuss sexism and misogyny with more barriers to entry to avoid the usual instances of people trying to attack, ridicule and/or silence any conversation.
I just saw a bunch of people attack, ridicule and silence some guy for a conversation in which he was disagreeing with another poster.
Looks like I'm ridin' with Biden again.  Malarkey!
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:The draft guidelines would have lowered the age minimums to 14 for hormonal treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgeries, and 17 for genital surgeries or hysterectomies.

holy fuck. These kids can't even drink yet or get shipped off to war, some of them can't even drive, and the idea was to allow them the choice to alter their bodies in a way that couldn't be reversed?

Where's the common sense?

Quote:The final guidelines, released in 2022, removed the age-based recommendations altogether.

(06-30-2024, 04:14 AM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:This isn't helping, Biden.
TransERA may not want to hear it, but there are many things a child shouldn't be able to decide on their own given their immaturity and their heightened vulnerability to be influenced. Having permanent life-altering surgeries or taking drugs that mess up their natural development should be among them. It ain't that crazy of a restriction.
Happy pride month, the Zionist President wants us all dead. I'm so tired.
(06-29-2024, 07:32 PM)Nintex wrote:

This whole thing is just incredible. They start to make hidden posts to hide information and their bitch fights from everyone else apparently.
Because it is difficult to engage in a thread if you can't see half the posts, people post to see the hidden content, which are then called out for doing so.
After all the posts were hidden from the "unworthy" for a good reason.  wag

Two Hearts has moved to Famiboards
Quote:We've mostly ditched here for famiboards as it's smaller amd feels nicer and there's pride challenges and stuff. This is basically the only thread we still check here

TH gets a one day ban and turns their back on Ree  Feels bad, man

banananahammock wrote:Pre edit:

the majority of Americans oppose surgery for transgender minors. wouldn't this be a winning elections strategy if we're throwing all context out the window to get fun one liners out the gate before anyone else can post?
(06-30-2024, 12:13 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
NEETzsche wrote:
Kcannon wrote:Abortions are actually a major issue for all demographics. We've seen a palpable effect from it after Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

At the very least, it doesn't like people view Biden as too "left". His major supporters are actually older and value stable centrism. He's unpopular with the youth, who are all more over the place.
Here's a list of the most important issues as of May 2024.

4% of people say abortion is the most important issue. You know what's more than three TIMES as likely to be the most important thing than that? High cost of living and inflation. And let me tell you, not including food and energy prices in your inflation metrics will not save you. High cost of living / inflation is a key issue. Abortion is not. Honestly, Biden's poor leadership is a bigger issue than abortion, going by these numbers.

This needs to be addressed for what it is. Hyperventilating about Roe v. Wade and trans rights need to take a backseat to these topics if Democrats want, period.
NEETzsche wrote:
Naiad wrote:What the hell is this nonsense. I'm glad that I didn't take your first post seriously enough to answer after this.
Listen, facts and figures aren't "nonsense." Thinking that objective reality is "nonsense" is why you're at serious risk of losing in 2024, just like you lost in 2016. People have bills to pay. That's more important than your abortions and your pronouns. Period. End of discussion.

NEETzsche wrote:
Naiad wrote:Okay, you're not to be taken seriously. Got it.

You talk from a seat of privilege trying to mansplain to a woman that abortion and women's rights aren't important. Okay, my guy.
Appealing to your woman-ness is not an argument. You being a woman does not make the numbers go away. The world does not revolve around your vagina.

This whole exchange is hilarious.  Amazing that NEETzsche lasted as long as they did.
I'd kill myself over this latest Biden Betrayal except that's exactly what him and the chuds would want to help them sabotage Captain America's box office.

Royalan, post: 125187981, member: 41 wrote:Trying to figure out if the topic in this article is accurately represented, if there's a discussion to be had here, or if this is some bigoted stirring-the-pot shit and this thread should be closed.

I'm reading everything people are saying and the materials being posted. But if this is some BS I don't want to leave this thread open any longer than it has to be.

Y'all tell me.

“I’m a fat moron, do my job for me.”
(06-30-2024, 04:34 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(06-29-2024, 07:32 PM)Nintex wrote:

This whole thing is just incredible. They start to make hidden posts to hide information and their bitch fights from everyone else apparently.
Because it is difficult to engage in a thread if you can't see half the posts, people post to see the hidden content, which are then called out for doing so.
After all the posts were hidden from the "unworthy" for a good reason.  wag

Two Hearts has moved to Famiboards
Quote:We've mostly ditched here for famiboards as it's smaller amd feels nicer and there's pride challenges and stuff. This is basically the only thread we still check here

TH gets a one day ban and turns their back on Ree  Feels bad, man

If true, it's making me rethink Two Hearts being a troll. A troll doesn't switch to a smaller forum over a 1 day ban, but a mentally unstable forumdweller might. He might not actually be a troll. Which would be horrific, and I fear for all the children in his area.
I don’t understand what ree gains from pretending Joe Biden is coherent. It would probably be healthier to mentally prepare for Trump being president again rather than act like Jim Crow Joe is ok.
Fucking benji stealing the first post of page 1600. CAN SOMEONE STOP HIM?!
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D
(06-30-2024, 05:00 AM)BIONIC wrote:

Royalan, post: 125187981, member: 41 wrote:Y'all tell me.
What they'll tell you is:
TheGummyBear wrote:To the best of my understanding, it's not only not a thing, surgery for trans minors is not something the trans liberation movement advocates for, outside of extreme cases. It fundamentally goes against the gender affirming model
is this?
TheGummyBear wrote:Which indicates to me that, for all the positive coverage Biden gets for being supposedly pro trans, he's not listening to trans people or our allies, he's forming a lot of his understanding of trans people and our bodies by listening to conservative pundits, then spreading that misinformation.
AcademicSaucer wrote:Why put this topic on the spotlight right now? Who are they trying to cater to?
Quote:I'm kind of surprised so many people here didn't consider the known bias of the NYT
Let's ask one of's favorite trans liberation sources, and let's especially post this because of whose tweet is being quoted:

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