Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Imagine if they instead said “as a cis woman you’ll never understand what it means to be a cis woman in our cis woman spaces”. They would erupt lol

This should be a fun thread: ERA loves to casually throw around how much cash they have (when they have it)
(07-02-2024, 01:52 PM)Steven Snell wrote:

T002 Tyrant wrote:Hi there, I'm a Trans Woman. My voluntary job is as a consultant on Trans and Non-Binary issues. I have noticed a lot of Era members can be dismissive or not understand Genderqueer people. This isn't to say everyone here is I know how sensitive cis people can be when someone says anything that makes them think they're being accused of anything. Or there may be many here in fact harbouring closeted instincts about their own gender identity.

I want to publicly extend my DMs to:

1) Those willing to learn and understand and ask questions that may even seem insulting or stupid to ask in private. I will not however be answering questions in this thread. The Genderqueer are not up for debate, whereas I can have a one on one conversation and educate. This includes being able to provide a thought exercise on what it can be like to be genderqueer.
2) Speak to those questioning (which is healthy to do) or in the closet
3) Give advice to those who have recently come to a realisation and need someone to speak to.

Rules, be kind, be respectful. Have love in your heart and the ability to change your mind.

I would like to state that as an intersectional minority this isn't my responsibility to educate people. I'm doing this out of the need to educate, as cis people tend to think they know what they're talking about with trans people can can sometimes be so off the mark it hurts.

Will I regret this? Probably. I can always just leave the forum if it gets overwhelming 😅

PS: Remember its DMs open, I won't be responding to stuff on here. When its public it becomes a debate, one to one it becomes a conversation.


I like how it's highlighted, B-Dumbs gave it a like.
Im trans AMA!

But only in DMs. You see we can’t be opening up our highly debatable views to any type of discourse or criticism. The whole thing kinda falls apart unless everyone shuts up and listens to me.
Quote:Given what's happened in the last few days, we think it might be a good idea to give the members of this thread a bit more power in terms of moderating it.

Great idea B-Dubs. Thumbsup 

Quote:If the person in question starts abusing their power and tries to turn the thread into a fiefdom, we will obviously step in and put an end to it.
They would never do this Trumps 

Quote:You can choose the person and how long they have these powers. If you want them to have it for 6 months and then someone else takes over, easily done. If you want them to keep it for good, we can do that too.
Of course we want them to keep it, in Russia we have a saying: friendship is short, trust lasts forever Putin
Kyuuji wrote:Congrats on the highlighted 🎖️ well deserved!

T002 Tyrant wrote:What does it mean?

(07-02-2024, 06:03 PM)clockwork5 wrote: Im trans AMA!

But only in DMs. You see we can’t be opening up our highly debatable views to any type of discourse or criticism. The whole thing kinda falls apart unless everyone shuts up and listens to me.

No one is gonna know how dilating works unless they ask!
I love the condescending tone.

*sigh* I'll guess its up to me to make you guys cut your dicks off  Social Justice Warrior 2 

Oh, you are a woman? Why don't you send me some nudes so I can assess your queerness  Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
Quote:If the person in question starts abusing their power and tries to turn the thread into a fiefdom, we will obviously step in and put an end to it.

The meltdowns are going to be fucking glorious. It will go south, either because other groups are pissed they didn’t get the courtesy of demi-mod status, or because the whole concept goes off the rails in 20 seconds. Likely both.

It’ll be like Christmas in July for the Bore (cuz seriously, do we expect it to last the month without major drama?)

(07-02-2024, 06:24 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Congrats on the highlighted 🎖️ well deserved!

Translation: the trans mafia has noted B-Dubs act of fealty and deference, and signals tentative approval.

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Pedantic and Inappropriate Commentary User Banned (2 Weeks): Pedantic and Inappropriate Commentary
starpower wrote:
boredandlazy wrote:People whom are most likely perverted themselves.
I have noticed this certain use of the word "pervert" lately, so excuse me for interjecting and speaking on something besides your point. That I may agree with actually! I just don't feel this is the appropriate use of that description/label. Perhaps "predator" or something else? There is such a thing as good perverts is what I'm saying
(07-02-2024, 12:10 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
persephone wrote:deep breath*


I hate him so much. Cunt.

persephone wrote:Mods wanna ban a woman for using it they can idgaf

And they did

Kyuuji wrote:How can it be misogynistic when used by a woman toward a man threatening the rights of women. Seems silly to me.

[Image: HlFuJu.gif]
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): Dismissing concerns of racism
Zeliard wrote:
Star-Lord wrote:I feel horrible everybody I'm really sorry about this whole situation. I'm sorry if I upset anyone here with this thread :(
You're fine, they're old black dudes with similar names, it isn't the crime of the century.
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): Dismissing concerns of racism
Red Hunter wrote:
Imran wrote:I don't think they look all that similar, though.
Weird implication, just seems like an honest fuckup.
(07-02-2024, 12:54 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(07-02-2024, 12:53 PM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:
(07-02-2024, 12:39 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: Is Persephone a real woman or MtF? Need to know before questioning the use of the C card

I'm not sure. But what I am sure of, is that they are a cunt.

One of the later posts seems to confirm they are not a cis woman.

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Conspiracy Theorizing
Th3BranMan wrote:
GYODX wrote:What's level-headed about being anti-vax?
Nothing, but he's not an antivaxxer. That's propaganda. If you actually listen to what he's been saying for years what he is calling for is more oversight from independent scientists, not tests run by the same companies actually producing the drugs.
(07-02-2024, 12:55 PM)malfoyking wrote: They legitimately believe they are the exact same as the women who birthed them. This new movement is just nuts

Yet they also reserve the right to detransition back to a man at any point in the future and insist that they were always a man.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Misogynistic Slur
Ostinatto wrote:Just play the game you cunts 

(07-02-2024, 01:10 PM)EaldNarche wrote: Are we allowed to say the c-word slur here?? I'm new I don't wanna get in trouble. :x

Yes, cunt. Every cunt here is allowed to say cunt. You got that, cunt?
(07-02-2024, 01:23 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Pretty sure Kyuuji was going to bat for the initial cunt ban way back.  Oopsie doodle!

Hypocrisy, thy name is Cuntyuji!

Nepenthe wrote:Yeah no shit.

Our culture war squabbles, the "battle for the soul of the nation," are motivated just as much, if not more, by whites being embarrassed of other whites who hold different-enough moral values as it is about actually consistently fighting for steadfast political principles on their own.

Conservatives wonder why liberals try to fight for the rights of outgroups, either because they're dumb and simply bigoted or because they're at least smart enough to know these groups' well-being are fundamentally in conflict with even liberals' own interests as white capitalists and thus think they're virtue signalling. Liberals wonder how in the world conservatives can be so embarrassingly ignorant and hateful of minorities to the detriment of their own well being, unable to consider the link between nationalistic rhetoric and capitalistic degradation of their communities, and instead wish they could get the fuck over it and understand that including minorities in the American machine will benefit white well-being too.

Meanwhile minorities are caught within the crossfire of the bullshit.

Where do you live that your community suffers from "capitalistic degradation"?  lol  

Gee, this community has *too* much private property rights and ability to make a living off of free trade.  It's a complete dilapidated mess of people with jobs exchanging money!  I would pay money to get Nepenthe to spend some time in an actual poor country.

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Conspiracy Theorizing
The Citizen Kane of Games wrote:
Temascos wrote:This is the Biden that needs to show up constantly now. I have no idea how the difference can be so sharp, but he needs to really show he can still do off-the-cuff statements that stick to the heart of the matter in every platform possible. Get some savvy influencers to spread the word and get wild.
They tweaked the drug cocktail for this event just right.
Kyuuji lore:

Kyuuji wrote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

As Osu says above, not feeling 'trans enough' to be trans and simultaneously being desperate to find anything else it could be that truly fits are very common things for people to go through prior to acceptance. I had a full year determined to make the non-binary label work, desperate for that to be enough to resolve the problems through things like nail polish without detonating all that I held close and dear to me. I knew, deep within me, that if I opened the Pandora's box of 'trans woman' that that femininity I felt in me would flood me like a vessel and that terrified me with all it would mean.

So I ran from it, scared to stare it in the face and intent on only allowing what could comfortably co-exist with this life I had built. Across the span of that year though the reality began to erode at these attempts, and eventually in the span of a short amount of time I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire, played The Last of Us: Part 2 and listened to The Caretaker by Half Waif. The bells of resonance ringing inside me from various aspects of each, on top of all I knew I was desperate to keep at bay, became too much to ignore and eventually I accepted (which to me felt more like relented) that I was a trans woman.

Non-public thread regarding someone asking if they're trans or not.
(07-02-2024, 02:03 PM)nobody of note wrote:
(07-02-2024, 01:49 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Anyone wanna see what’s going on in constructive? 

This post was linked so assuming they’re arguing about it

No responses from staff at this point, just a bunch of people annoyed that the rule is being applied to everyone:
Jubilant Duck wrote:Can I politely request a temporary re-evaluation on moderation action around usage of the c-word over the next few days in British politics-specific threads?

As the staff will be aware, we are currently undergoing a rather historic election in the UK, one with huge implications for the lives of millions. Temperatures are running red-hot given the huge emotional weight of 14 years of rightwing rule causing measurable devastation across all levels of society (ultra rich aside) plus outright state vandalism on the key institutions and services required to keep the country running and the populace alive, along with wedging divisions between ourselves and the rest of our friends and families in the EU, a group we used to belong to until it was ripped away from us.

Compounding this matter, we have had a very unfortunate forced-culture war in the past two-three years, spearheaded by rightwing media and JK Rowling to attack trans women's rights and dignity of life (the existence of trans men always ignored for... reasons). This sickness of a memetic talking point seemingly popped up overnight and has infected all the frontrunner political parties and causing us to slide backwards, so even with much worth celebrating about the imminent change in government it's still going to be a horrendously bitter pill to swallow.

I don't need to educate anyone on this forum that the c-word has an entirely different cultural weight and meaning in the UK than it does the US or some other countries. And that same culture also ties the word to British conservatism quite strongly.

There is about to be a huge moment of collective catharsis for the British members of this site when the Conservatives are ousted, coupled with the aforementioned bitterness that conservatism is also infecting the next, traditionally leftwing, government in ways that make us scared about the future.

In this deeply emotional context, perhaps some leniency can be observed? Temporarily deploying warnings rather than bans? Or just outright ignoring it as a moderation point all together for a few days so long as the usage is kept quarantined to British politics talk?
Kyuuji wrote:Amen. Other elements of moderation are context dependent including offensive terms. There's a difference between calling Starmer a c*** for trying to take away the rights of women and some random loser on the forum shouting it at a female member, and I don't see why the former needs to be actioned at all.
Mindwipe wrote:The c word ban has always been a crazy bit of American enthno-centrism and embarrasses the forum.
Hasney wrote:Yeah, it's an absolute joke. Doubly so when it's a woman using the word. Had to walk away because I was so angry I was close to posting it in solidarity and not caring if I was banned even.
Camoxide wrote:To echo what's been said, if the C word is used, can we have warnings instead for UK threads for the next few days?
Ref thread:

Also where is it documented that the C word is banned, the first time I've heard it of it being banned is seeing another user get banned for it.
Maximo wrote:Was banned last week for calling a pedophile the c word, the recent banning of a poster for using it against a transphobic POS, is to be frank, a bloody joke.
Blanket week banning for using the word regardless context or even given a warning is nuts, im surprised I haven't casually said it before as an Aussie, and caught myself out.
Windrunner wrote:That ban is a double betrayal as not only was actioned against someone personally affected, it also diverted attention away from the important topic at hand.

Think things through before swinging the axe ffs.
PallasKitten wrote:Agreed on the re-evaluation of moderation of the C-word. I'm a cis woman and have been tone policed plenty throughout my life, and I know it's a common experience for other women as well. Seeing that user banned in the recent thread for calling Starmer a c*** was beyond infuriating to be honest. Can we please just be allowed to express our anger without being finger waggled on our choice of language for once, please?

Also the only reason I mention I'm cis is because the user that was recently banned in the Keir Starmer thread is non-binary, and I really hope this had nothing to do with how their ban was handled, especially given the subject matter of the thread. I wasn't even aware the C-word was banned here until recently, and if I had been the one banned for uttering it, I hope I wouldn't be let of with a lighter ban simply for being cis.
PinkSpider wrote:I brought this up in the UK thread, it's either an international forum or it's a US one and a large volume of us are just tagging along. Brought it up as a big politicial satiricist was shared and he used the word in a non gender slur context and the podcast (Pod Save The World) I'd been listening to all day had again used it to reference a party and again non gender related. These are allowed on YouTube and Facebook and much bigger communities.

Even the Wiki definition is clear what it means outside of the US.
Guppeth wrote:The staff are really, really bad at communicating rule changes. The C word rule was posted in the previous version of this thread, and this thread is buried out of sight. I think they intentionally try to limit the volume of feedback they receive, especially about contentious issues, because when we've asked about making this thread more visible it's been totally ignored.

Knowledge of the C word ban has mostly spread by word of mouth, and by seeing people get banned like today.
ShapeGSX wrote:Context matters. Doling out bans because a word was used without taking any context into account is beyond childish.

Then there's the fact that context is actually used to determine some bans, but not others, depending on the word that was used is ridiculous. Be consistent. Either ban words outright and treat everyone equally or use the context everywhere and treat people fairly. Personally, I'm for the 2nd one.

"I'm really angry so I, specifically, should be able to use the word cunt, you cunts!"
(07-02-2024, 03:16 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Limless wrote:What's never considered with these bathroom obsessed transphobes is how banning bathrooms also effectively bans and restricts access for people with disabilities. Especially considering how often disabled toilets (and one or more gendered toilets) are closed or inaccessible. From an accessibility standpoint public bathrooms should never be formally restricted. Of course TERFs, a group of people hateful towards one marginalised group do not care about other marginalised groups.

Are they saying that trans is a disability….. 


Seems pretty logical to me.
Incel cunts

Nepenthe wrote: 
SchrodingersDog wrote: 
Surely the fact we've seen some good indie games come out doesn't imply improvements to wider process of game creation might lead to much larger numbers of even better games being possible in the future?
This is where we differ.

You view AI as an improvement to the artistic process. I view it as getting rid of the process altogether. Which it is, because again the selling point is you need no actual artistic knowledge or practical skill to use it. "It's democratized," aka any idiot can do it. You type in keywords and it's done for you. None of that effort getting in the way.

People seem to view having to sit down, learn, and practice making art as, in and of itself, a waste of time that should be excised out as part of an effort to achieve perfect efficiency, that it gets in the way of developers- indie or otherwise- from making "what they really want to make," (which is a bold presumption, that we're being technologically hamstrung from our true potential, but I digress). I'd argue that the human ingenuity and effort involved is why art is even meaningful in the first place, and handing the process off to a generative tool means the tool is simply the one doing the art, and it's pretty hard to talk to OpenAI for the job well done.
SchrodingersDog said: wrote: 
For a start, it's a bit of a meme that a ton of indie games use pixel art. I doubt every other indie game devs lifelong dream has been specially to make pixel art games - it's the consequence of factual limitations. You just won't be able to whip up the next RDR2 visually with a small indie team, so teams end up choosing an art style that suits their budget, time and skill constraints.

I knew you were going to say something to this effect.

"No indie can whip up the next RDR2/Final Fantasy/Overwatch alone!"

Why the fuck do I want to play janky, AI-generated indie clones of better games that already exist? Why do you want to play that? Why are you incapable of just playing RDR2 which is already there? Why do you want the same thing from a different artist, with a different voice, and different life experiences than the collective of Rockstar who made the game you literally already have?

It's like when people were cloning Ghibli's art style (much to my disgust), completely ignorant to the fact that we go and watch Ghibli movies not just because of the animation quality, but because Miyazaki is a fucking talented director with unique insights on childhood, nature, and life from his own lived experience that are bold, honest, and refreshing. I'm not watching a movie from some fucking techbro merely copying Ghibli's style when the only way he can imagine the world and human nature is entirely one through transactions and power consolidation. This tech is being championed in part by empty, antisocial people with nothing interesting to say about anything, which is why you can only imagine this technology just giving us shittier retreads of shit that already exists.

The art follows the artist. It is not the other way around.

SchrodingersDog said: wrote: 
Now many argue AI hampers creativity. I'd argue it has the potential to really boost it though by removing all the restrictions that define the creative boundaries within which indie teams must operate.

Again, you are missing the point of, like, art. The "restrictions" are not inherently an impediment to the ability to create something unique and meaningful. The necessity of hundreds of people to make certain games means that you are simply compounding the collective input on that one product. You are getting hundreds of insights instead of just one, and collaboration is an extremely important part of works that are multidisciplinary, both for the end product and for the personal development of the people who work on it.

It would be impossible to get, for example, the Overwatch we have with just one person, even if they had a button to shit out a game of similar technical quality, because one person's insights are not enough to account for the amount of cultural diversity on display. Hell, would the guy with the button even think of adding people with more melanin than a paper bag? Considering the make up of the gaming community and it's consistent hostility to minorities, probably fucking not. Again, who wants to play this shit? Who wants to play a white, straight Overwatch??????

You need other people for certain artistic exploits. You need to cooperate, bounce ideas around, learn when you're not cooking and be humbled. Collaboration isn't a fucking weakness. It's a strength of our species.

The only art that is *true* art is the thing I do.   AI that helps someone produce something about the human experience into code?  Okay because that's not art.  AI that puts handy and craftwork together?  Ok, not art.  AI that helps professionals that build businesses from the ground up to get in touch with, help, empathize with, and network with other people?  Okay, not art.   AI that can help people summarize and put together information about the human experience?  That's ok - not art.  AI that weaves together the common tapestry of human biology in the framework of science to extract treatments and cures for human ailments?  Okay not art.   All of these things can improve life and are important, fine but the pictures that i make with ink or paint?  No, you can't' "democratize" the thing *I* do so any idiot can do it.  That removes the aspect of what makes it important!  And lol at using that focus-group, banal shit fps Overwatch as a bellwether example of true artistic craft because your idea of risk-taking in creativity is entirely encompassed in racial identity.  Fuck you, dude.  lol

What if someone wants to make a video game about their life experience in the same way Miyazaki's anime expresses his life experience, but uses AI to help draw the pixel art to cut down on dev time, costs, or because they're a marginalized gay-adjacent frogfemme gigglewitch that can't buy Clip Studio Paint or a Wacom pad until their Kofi money comes in ?  It suddenly stops being art?   What about the value of more readily realizing an artistic vision or any high-level, top-down ideas from other parts of the creative process?    What about AI tools that could make certain forms of artistic expression more accessible to those who may lack resources for training - like say, those that don't live in a nice suburb in the richest country on earth?  Try putting "democratize" in quotes for those people.  What about the evolving nature of art and that throughout history, new tools and technologies have changed artistic practices?  Or what about the essence of art - that it's subjective expression and being an exclusionary cunt is antithetical to its nature.   Does Nepenthe have like a genetic disorder that makes her unable to see and open her mind to any aspect of humanity outside of the purview of her own tiny life?    

[Image: dPrGOPR.png]

Ya don't say....
(07-02-2024, 07:40 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Kyuuji lore:

Kyuuji wrote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

As Osu says above, not feeling 'trans enough' to be trans and simultaneously being desperate to find anything else it could be that truly fits are very common things for people to go through prior to acceptance. I had a full year determined to make the non-binary label work, desperate for that to be enough to resolve the problems through things like nail polish without detonating all that I held close and dear to me. I knew, deep within me, that if I opened the Pandora's box of 'trans woman' that that femininity I felt in me would flood me like a vessel and that terrified me with all it would mean.

So I ran from it, scared to stare it in the face and intent on only allowing what could comfortably co-exist with this life I had built. Across the span of that year though the reality began to erode at these attempts, and eventually in the span of a short amount of time I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire, played The Last of Us: Part 2 and listened to The Caretaker by Half Waif. The bells of resonance ringing inside me from various aspects of each, on top of all I knew I was desperate to keep at bay, became too much to ignore and eventually I accepted (which to me felt more like relented) that I was a trans woman.

Non-public thread regarding someone asking if they're trans or not.

Reads like a case of autogynephilia to me. Whenever they go off about these nebulous feelings of "femininity" (which are always very superficial and glittery, like nail polish) and how they're struggling to understand it despite "not liking men" you just know it's a fetish for them. They've watched so much porn they decided making themselves into the woman would be hotter and now it's their whole life. No wonder JKR doesn't want to share the loo with them.
(07-02-2024, 07:40 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Kyuuji lore:

Kyuuji wrote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

As Osu says above, not feeling 'trans enough' to be trans and simultaneously being desperate to find anything else it could be that truly fits are very common things for people to go through prior to acceptance. I had a full year determined to make the non-binary label work, desperate for that to be enough to resolve the problems through things like nail polish without detonating all that I held close and dear to me. I knew, deep within me, that if I opened the Pandora's box of 'trans woman' that that femininity I felt in me would flood me like a vessel and that terrified me with all it would mean.

So I ran from it, scared to stare it in the face and intent on only allowing what could comfortably co-exist with this life I had built. Across the span of that year though the reality began to erode at these attempts, and eventually in the span of a short amount of time I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire, played The Last of Us: Part 2 and listened to The Caretaker by Half Waif. The bells of resonance ringing inside me from various aspects of each, on top of all I knew I was desperate to keep at bay, became too much to ignore and eventually I accepted (which to me felt more like relented) that I was a trans woman.

Non-public thread regarding someone asking if they're trans or not.

Mentally unwell.
(07-02-2024, 07:37 PM)Potato wrote:
(07-02-2024, 01:23 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Pretty sure Kyuuji was going to bat for the initial cunt ban way back.  Oopsie doodle!

Hypocrisy, thy name is Cuntyuji!

I can forgive hypocrites…they’re some of my favorite people (and also me)!

What makes it so ridiculous is Kyuuji going from

“now now fellow ladies, English is a broad and versatile language…this ban should be no issue if we take a moment to be thoughtful about our word choices before posting!”


[Image: FpOi_ZqaQAErrhs.jpg]
(07-02-2024, 07:38 PM)Propagandhim wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:Yeah no shit.

Our culture war squabbles, the "battle for the soul of the nation," are motivated just as much, if not more, by whites being embarrassed of other whites who hold different-enough moral values as it is about actually consistently fighting for steadfast political principles on their own.

Conservatives wonder why liberals try to fight for the rights of outgroups, either because they're dumb and simply bigoted or because they're at least smart enough to know these groups' well-being are fundamentally in conflict with even liberals' own interests as white capitalists and thus think they're virtue signalling. Liberals wonder how in the world conservatives can be so embarrassingly ignorant and hateful of minorities to the detriment of their own well being, unable to consider the link between nationalistic rhetoric and capitalistic degradation of their communities, and instead wish they could get the fuck over it and understand that including minorities in the American machine will benefit white well-being too.

Meanwhile minorities are caught within the crossfire of the bullshit.

Where do you live that your community suffers from "capitalistic degradation"?  lol  

Gee, this community has *too* much private property rights and ability to make a living off of free trade.  It's a complete dilapidated mess of people with jobs exchanging money!  I would pay money to get Nepenthe to spend some time in an actual poor country.

If I'm reading this right first Nepenthe says that not all white people are bad or even the same.

And then goes on to say that white liberals have good ideas?!  Wha?!
Don't worry - her black and white thinking will lead her back to white liberals as the myopic, insulated ones again.  The only real consistent beliefs Nepenthe has are, "ME"

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