Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-02-2024, 03:43 PM)Superstar wrote: Is I saw the tv glow some actual trans shit or another case of its trans because we want it to be

They explicitly said that is Trans allegory. 

Yet, I feel regret and melancholy are not  exclusive feelings of the trans experience, so I question the “egg” stuff.
(07-02-2024, 07:32 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Conspiracy Theorizing
Th3BranMan wrote:
GYODX wrote:What's level-headed about being anti-vax?
Nothing, but he's not an antivaxxer. That's propaganda. If you actually listen to what he's been saying for years what he is calling for is more oversight from independent scientists, not tests run by the same companies actually producing the drugs.
So we can trust corporations and CEOs as long as they're pharmaceutical ones?

(07-02-2024, 07:38 PM)Propagandhim wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:Conservatives wonder why liberals try to fight for the rights of outgroups, either because they're dumb and simply bigoted or because they're at least smart enough to know these groups' well-being are fundamentally in conflict with even liberals' own interests as white capitalists and thus think they're virtue signalling.
Conservatives do not wonder this. Then she goes on to say that racists/white supremacists are correct about non-whites. Jesus christ.

(07-02-2024, 07:40 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Kyuuji lore:

Kyuuji wrote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

As Osu says above, not feeling 'trans enough' to be trans and simultaneously being desperate to find anything else it could be that truly fits are very common things for people to go through prior to acceptance. I had a full year determined to make the non-binary label work, desperate for that to be enough to resolve the problems through things like nail polish without detonating all that I held close and dear to me. I knew, deep within me, that if I opened the Pandora's box of 'trans woman' that that femininity I felt in me would flood me like a vessel and that terrified me with all it would mean.

So I ran from it, scared to stare it in the face and intent on only allowing what could comfortably co-exist with this life I had built. Across the span of that year though the reality began to erode at these attempts, and eventually in the span of a short amount of time I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire, played The Last of Us: Part 2 and listened to The Caretaker by Half Waif. The bells of resonance ringing inside me from various aspects of each, on top of all I knew I was desperate to keep at bay, became too much to ignore and eventually I accepted (which to me felt more like relented) that I was a trans woman.

Non-public thread regarding someone asking if they're trans or not.
If this is screenshot I'll put it on:
(07-02-2024, 08:56 PM)benji wrote: If this is screenshot I'll put it on:

[Image: e9be8da49d01b13c964597bc3e8e10ea.png]

Sidenote Kyuuji mentions stuff about a relationship and an upcoming marriage. I guess that went tits up considering they're shagging Uzzy these days.
(07-02-2024, 07:57 PM)Propagandhim wrote:

Nepenthe wrote: 
SchrodingersDog wrote: 
Surely the fact we've seen some good indie games come out doesn't imply improvements to wider process of game creation might lead to much larger numbers of even better games being possible in the future?
This is where we differ.

You view AI as an improvement to the artistic process. I view it as getting rid of the process altogether. Which it is, because again the selling point is you need no actual artistic knowledge or practical skill to use it. "It's democratized," aka any idiot can do it. You type in keywords and it's done for you. None of that effort getting in the way.

People seem to view having to sit down, learn, and practice making art as, in and of itself, a waste of time that should be excised out as part of an effort to achieve perfect efficiency, that it gets in the way of developers- indie or otherwise- from making "what they really want to make," (which is a bold presumption, that we're being technologically hamstrung from our true potential, but I digress). I'd argue that the human ingenuity and effort involved is why art is even meaningful in the first place, and handing the process off to a generative tool means the tool is simply the one doing the art, and it's pretty hard to talk to OpenAI for the job well done.
SchrodingersDog said: wrote: 
For a start, it's a bit of a meme that a ton of indie games use pixel art. I doubt every other indie game devs lifelong dream has been specially to make pixel art games - it's the consequence of factual limitations. You just won't be able to whip up the next RDR2 visually with a small indie team, so teams end up choosing an art style that suits their budget, time and skill constraints.

I knew you were going to say something to this effect.

"No indie can whip up the next RDR2/Final Fantasy/Overwatch alone!"

Why the fuck do I want to play janky, AI-generated indie clones of better games that already exist? Why do you want to play that? Why are you incapable of just playing RDR2 which is already there? Why do you want the same thing from a different artist, with a different voice, and different life experiences than the collective of Rockstar who made the game you literally already have?

It's like when people were cloning Ghibli's art style (much to my disgust), completely ignorant to the fact that we go and watch Ghibli movies not just because of the animation quality, but because Miyazaki is a fucking talented director with unique insights on childhood, nature, and life from his own lived experience that are bold, honest, and refreshing. I'm not watching a movie from some fucking techbro merely copying Ghibli's style when the only way he can imagine the world and human nature is entirely one through transactions and power consolidation. This tech is being championed in part by empty, antisocial people with nothing interesting to say about anything, which is why you can only imagine this technology just giving us shittier retreads of shit that already exists.

The art follows the artist. It is not the other way around.

SchrodingersDog said: wrote: 
Now many argue AI hampers creativity. I'd argue it has the potential to really boost it though by removing all the restrictions that define the creative boundaries within which indie teams must operate.

Again, you are missing the point of, like, art. The "restrictions" are not inherently an impediment to the ability to create something unique and meaningful. The necessity of hundreds of people to make certain games means that you are simply compounding the collective input on that one product. You are getting hundreds of insights instead of just one, and collaboration is an extremely important part of works that are multidisciplinary, both for the end product and for the personal development of the people who work on it.

It would be impossible to get, for example, the Overwatch we have with just one person, even if they had a button to shit out a game of similar technical quality, because one person's insights are not enough to account for the amount of cultural diversity on display. Hell, would the guy with the button even think of adding people with more melanin than a paper bag? Considering the make up of the gaming community and it's consistent hostility to minorities, probably fucking not. Again, who wants to play this shit? Who wants to play a white, straight Overwatch??????

You need other people for certain artistic exploits. You need to cooperate, bounce ideas around, learn when you're not cooking and be humbled. Collaboration isn't a fucking weakness. It's a strength of our species.
Lot of words to come out against SpeedTree and shaders in general, Nepenthe. She literally seems to think the only use for AI is shoving prompts into image generators.

Makes you wonder why all those artists in the gaming industry haven't been throwing their sabots in the machines over the last few decades. hmm
There is another relative recent film about the subject of regret and living different lives that is not Trans allegory:
Is Nepenthe against dynamic lighting in video games? How about real time physics? Or are routines only bad when they mimic human decision making?
(07-02-2024, 07:40 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Kyuuji lore:

Kyuuji wrote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

As Osu says above, not feeling 'trans enough' to be trans and simultaneously being desperate to find anything else it could be that truly fits are very common things for people to go through prior to acceptance. I had a full year determined to make the non-binary label work, desperate for that to be enough to resolve the problems through things like nail polish without detonating all that I held close and dear to me. I knew, deep within me, that if I opened the Pandora's box of 'trans woman' that that femininity I felt in me would flood me like a vessel and that terrified me with all it would mean.

So I ran from it, scared to stare it in the face and intent on only allowing what could comfortably co-exist with this life I had built. Across the span of that year though the reality began to erode at these attempts, and eventually in the span of a short amount of time I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire, played The Last of Us: Part 2 and listened to The Caretaker by Half Waif. The bells of resonance ringing inside me from various aspects of each, on top of all I knew I was desperate to keep at bay, became too much to ignore and eventually I accepted (which to me felt more like relented) that I was a trans woman.
I actually read this now and look how fucking vain and narcissistic it is. And obsessed with labels that are completely irrelevant and based on ignorant stereotypes. And so utterly fucking superficial by targeting "finding yourself" in a way that "yourself" is completely perfect and the only errors are in how you're classified. I'm a mess but if only people stereotyped me properly they'd make me Godkingqueen of a "video game" forum!
Quote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

Wait what?

An effeminate man wouldn’t necessarily still be a person wanting to be a woman. If anything, that idea is perpetuating gender roles and stereotypes.
Noodlesoup wouldn't be afraid to say it.

(07-02-2024, 06:24 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Congrats on the highlighted 🎖️ well deserved!

T002 Tyrant wrote:What does it mean?


Why this highlight when there's not even a full page worth of replies?  ???
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, benji
(07-02-2024, 09:05 PM)benji wrote: Is Nepenthe against dynamic lighting in video games? How about real time physics? Or are routines only bad when they mimic human decision making?

That's a good point - how do you extricate the output of something like tessellation shaders from the output of the artist who comes up with a polygonal model that uses these shaders, their creation is a function of each other.  And it feeds into itself too - the textures the artist creates then influences the tessellation.   The technology is baked into the artistic process itself.   But then, the artist sets up control parameters and guides the overall look, while the shader automates the process of generating additional geometry and procedural elements not explicitly modeled by the artist.  How does she reconcile this?   lol
(07-02-2024, 09:05 PM)benji wrote: Is Nepenthe against dynamic lighting in video games? How about real time physics? Or are routines only bad when they mimic human decision making?

(07-02-2024, 09:09 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

Wait what?

An effeminate man wouldn’t necessarily still be a person wanting to be a woman. If anything, that idea is perpetuating gender roles and stereotypes.

Also, wouldn't you never be confused about this?  If I was born in the wrong body, I wouldn't have a phase of my life where I was confusedly saying to myself, "I feel feminine, but am I gay?  Wait a second, I don't like men"  Shouldn't it be extremely obvious you're in the wrong body?  I dont wake up in the morning and look at my dick and say, "Oh yeah, I'm a guy".  It's self-apparent and obvious what gender i am at all times.
It's almost as if moderation is choosing to highlight their special causes instead of allowing the user like system to show what is actually worthy of attention.  Thinking
(07-02-2024, 07:29 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): Dismissing concerns of racism
Zeliard wrote:
Star-Lord wrote:I feel horrible everybody I'm really sorry about this whole situation. I'm sorry if I upset anyone here with this thread :(
You're fine, they're old black dudes with similar names, it isn't the crime of the century.
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): Dismissing concerns of racism
Red Hunter wrote:
Imran wrote:I don't think they look all that similar, though.
Weird implication, just seems like an honest fuckup.


Quote:Star-Lord, OP

Quote: Cop User Banned (Duration Pending): Highly-inappropriate thread creation regarding the passing of a Black man

Still pending.
(07-02-2024, 09:09 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

Wait what?

An effeminate man wouldn’t necessarily still be a person wanting to be a woman. If anything, that idea is perpetuating gender roles and stereotypes.
I've come to the conclusion that it's apparently literally impossible for a trans person to describe any of this "complexity" without revealing what stereotypes they believe about genders and sexualities while insisting these are essential properties of them.

It's fascinating that progressives are okay with it, just like how Nepenthe or whoever can go on diatribes about how Black people are inhuman and be praised for their bold truth speaking.
(07-02-2024, 09:12 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(07-02-2024, 09:05 PM)benji wrote: Is Nepenthe against dynamic lighting in video games? How about real time physics? Or are routines only bad when they mimic human decision making?

That's a good point - how do you extricate the output of something like tessellation shaders from the output of the artist who comes up with a polygonal model that uses these shaders, their creation is a function of each other.  And it feeds into itself too - the textures the artist creates then influences the tessellation.   The technology is baked into the artistic process itself.   But then, the artist sets up control parameters and guides the overall look, while the shader automates the process of generating additional geometry and procedural elements not explicitly modeled by the artist.  How does she reconcile this?   lol
Tessellation is perfect, it was exactly the kind of thing I was trying to think of. There's all kinds of shit like this in modern engines, they used to be things companies would come out and promote because they could do a few of them. Now so much of it is just automated and ARTISTS WANT THIS THEY DO NOT WANT TO SIT THERE DRAWING EVERY FUCKING PIXEL WHEN IT CAN BE PREDICTED.

Yet this sends Nepenthe, a person with one (1) video game or anything else credit, into a blind rage at how it's devaluing art. Sorry, you're too late!

And what's this shit about "value"? That sounds pretty fucking capitalist!
(07-02-2024, 09:22 PM)benji wrote:
(07-02-2024, 09:12 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(07-02-2024, 09:05 PM)benji wrote: Is Nepenthe against dynamic lighting in video games? How about real time physics? Or are routines only bad when they mimic human decision making?

That's a good point - how do you extricate the output of something like tessellation shaders from the output of the artist who comes up with a polygonal model that uses these shaders, their creation is a function of each other.  And it feeds into itself too - the textures the artist creates then influences the tessellation.   The technology is baked into the artistic process itself.   But then, the artist sets up control parameters and guides the overall look, while the shader automates the process of generating additional geometry and procedural elements not explicitly modeled by the artist.  How does she reconcile this?   lol
Tessellation is perfect, it was exactly the kind of thing I was trying to think of. There's all kinds of shit like this in modern engines, they used to be things companies would come out and promote because they could do a few of them. Now so much of it is just automated and ARTISTS WANT THIS THEY DO NOT WANT TO SIT THERE DRAWING EVERY FUCKING PIXEL WHEN IT CAN BE PREDICTED.

Yet this sends Nepenthe, a person with one (1) video game or anything else credit, into a blind rage at how it's devaluing art. Sorry, you're too late!

And what's this shit about "value"? That sounds pretty fucking capitalist!

A hand drawn game that flopped hard even when it had a lot of community support and initial goodwill.
(07-02-2024, 09:12 PM)Propagandhim wrote: That's a good point - how do you extricate the output of something like tessellation shaders from the output of the artist who comes up with a polygonal model that uses these shaders, their creation is a function of each other.  And it feeds into itself too - the textures the artist creates then influences the tessellation.   The technology is baked into the artistic process itself.   But then, the artist sets up control parameters and guides the overall look, while the shader automates the process of generating additional geometry and procedural elements not explicitly modeled by the artist.  How does she reconcile this?   lol

she simply has no idea how any of that works, so it doesn't count Rollsafe
Holy shit, I still want to see the film but:

Quote:Two years later, Owen's mother Brenda is terminally ill. Owen is unable to watch The Pink Opaque live due to his bedtime curfew and his father Frank deriding it as "for girls", so Maddy tapes the episodes for him to watch later. Owen approaches Maddy to ask if she would like to watch an upcoming episode together. Maddy reveals that she is a lesbian, is no longer friends with Amanda, and has been ostracized at school after a rumor circulated that she grabbed Amanda's breast.

Does nepnep even have a job? AI can't put her out of one if she's not working to begin with. Unless AI can write condescending forum posts now it isn't going to take her admin "job" away.
(07-02-2024, 09:09 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

Wait what?

An effeminate man wouldn’t necessarily still be a person wanting to be a woman. If anything, that idea is perpetuating gender roles and stereotypes.

Not attracted to men, but has a femcock and is sticking it in Uzzy's bussy.

It's fun watching how upset thy get that the rules they advocated for gets applied equally. People like Kyuuji wanted the cunt ban, got it, and then get pissy when the rule applies to them as well. Makes no sense, right?

But this all do makes sense when you realize people like Kyuuji make these "rules" first as a form of social control over the people not in their in-group. The cunt ban was meant for all the plebs outside of Kyuuji's in-group; it wasn't suppose to be applied equally. Certainly not to Kyuuji or a close "ally" like Persephone.

These are people in their 30s and 40s engaging in grade school/high school bullshit.
(07-02-2024, 09:12 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(07-02-2024, 09:05 PM)benji wrote: Is Nepenthe against dynamic lighting in video games? How about real time physics? Or are routines only bad when they mimic human decision making?

That's a good point - how do you extricate the output of something like tessellation shaders from the output of the artist who comes up with a polygonal model that uses these shaders, their creation is a function of each other.  And it feeds into itself too - the textures the artist creates then influences the tessellation.   The technology is baked into the artistic process itself.   But then, the artist sets up control parameters and guides the overall look, while the shader automates the process of generating additional geometry and procedural elements not explicitly modeled by the artist.  How does she reconcile this?   lol

Nep has no internal logic or consistency. She just says whatever is going to get her the most virtual backpats from people she will never meet while seated in her safe space in her parents lovely suburban home.
It's fairly standard cult practice, the Jehovas Witnesses and Mormons excel at this kind of rules for thee and not for me moral leadership (and group wanks)
(07-02-2024, 09:16 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: It's almost as if moderation is choosing to highlight their special causes instead of allowing the user like system to show what is actually worthy of attention.  Thinking

Who could have predicted that? How? The administration assured us that was impossible!
(07-02-2024, 09:35 PM)Averon wrote: It's fun watching how upset thy get that the rules they advocated for gets applied equally. People like Kyuuji wanted the cunt ban, got it, and then get pissy when the rule applies to them as well. Makes no sense, right?

But this all do makes sense when you realize people like Kyuuji make these "rules" first as a form of social control over the people not in their in-group. The cunt ban was meant for all the plebs outside of Kyuuji's in-group; it wasn't suppose be applied equally. Certainly not to Kyuuji or a close "ally" like Persephone.

These are people in their 30s and 40s engaging in grade school/high school bullshit.

It's the same thing that happened with the hate speech laws. People never think they would ever apply to themselves because they're the good ones after all and then it suddenly turns out that calling Sunak "a coconut" is actually racist Shocked Pikachu
(07-02-2024, 09:22 PM)benji wrote:
(07-02-2024, 09:12 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(07-02-2024, 09:05 PM)benji wrote: Is Nepenthe against dynamic lighting in video games? How about real time physics? Or are routines only bad when they mimic human decision making?

That's a good point - how do you extricate the output of something like tessellation shaders from the output of the artist who comes up with a polygonal model that uses these shaders, their creation is a function of each other.  And it feeds into itself too - the textures the artist creates then influences the tessellation.   The technology is baked into the artistic process itself.   But then, the artist sets up control parameters and guides the overall look, while the shader automates the process of generating additional geometry and procedural elements not explicitly modeled by the artist.  How does she reconcile this?   lol
Tessellation is perfect, it was exactly the kind of thing I was trying to think of. There's all kinds of shit like this in modern engines, they used to be things companies would come out and promote because they could do a few of them. Now so much of it is just automated and ARTISTS WANT THIS THEY DO NOT WANT TO SIT THERE DRAWING EVERY FUCKING PIXEL WHEN IT CAN BE PREDICTED.

Yet this sends Nepenthe, a person with one (1) video game or anything else credit, into a blind rage at how it's devaluing art. Sorry, you're too late!

And what's this shit about "value"? That sounds pretty fucking capitalist!

Won't somebody think of all the battle scene extras that this AI put out of work?
(07-02-2024, 09:35 PM)Averon wrote: It's fun watching how upset thy get that the rules they advocated for gets applied equally. People like Kyuuji wanted the cunt ban, got it, and then get pissy when the rule applies to them as well. Makes no sense, right?

But this all do makes sense when you realize people like Kyuuji make these "rules" first as a form of social control over the people not in their in-group. The cunt ban was meant for all the plebs outside of Kyuuji's in-group; it wasn't suppose to be applied equally. Certainly not to Kyuuji or a close "ally" like Persephone.

These are people in their 30s and 40s engaging in grade school/high school bullshit.

Before we get all high and mighty, remember that even thebore has been subject to stupid ingroup/outgroup behaviour at least twice since I joined.
(07-02-2024, 09:30 PM)EaldNarche wrote: Does nepnep even have a job? AI can't put her out of one if she's not working to begin with. Unless AI can write condescending forum posts now it isn't going to take her admin "job" away.
From what she's said, she used to be a pharmacy tech (the aides to the pharmacist who take the pills from the big bottle and put them in the little bottle) at Rite Aid but quit around COVID (though maybe not because of it I forget the timeline, she may have quit before it and just didn't go back during pandemic, I'd have to look it up) to become a "freelance animator" working on that video game and only that video game. But she's since indicated that she's back working at Rite Aid, which is a lucky break because it meant she can ask the security guard for legal advice regarding contacting the police (ACAB) about The Bire.
(07-02-2024, 07:40 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Kyuuji lore:

Kyuuji wrote:All of this with the exception that discovering gender identity as a concept was a eureka moment for me in that I'd always been stuck contextualising my feelings of femininity and desire to be a woman around sexuality (I feel this well of femininity inside me -> I must be gay -> I'm not attracted to men -> ???) and it allowed me a lens through which I could finally start unpacking it properly.

As Osu says above, not feeling 'trans enough' to be trans and simultaneously being desperate to find anything else it could be that truly fits are very common things for people to go through prior to acceptance. I had a full year determined to make the non-binary label work, desperate for that to be enough to resolve the problems through things like nail polish without detonating all that I held close and dear to me. I knew, deep within me, that if I opened the Pandora's box of 'trans woman' that that femininity I felt in me would flood me like a vessel and that terrified me with all it would mean.

So I ran from it, scared to stare it in the face and intent on only allowing what could comfortably co-exist with this life I had built. Across the span of that year though the reality began to erode at these attempts, and eventually in the span of a short amount of time I watched Portrait of a Lady on Fire, played The Last of Us: Part 2 and listened to The Caretaker by Half Waif. The bells of resonance ringing inside me from various aspects of each, on top of all I knew I was desperate to keep at bay, became too much to ignore and eventually I accepted (which to me felt more like relented) that I was a trans woman.

Non-public thread regarding someone asking if they're trans or not.

Not attracted to men…that old chestnut for MtF trans lesbians

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