Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-16-2023, 03:04 PM)BIONIC wrote:
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1689455849' wrote: 1689455849[/url]']

B-Dubs, post: 108995031, member: 143 wrote:You know, I've never had someone try and bludgeon me with my own condition before. Congratulations. Turns out things have changed, people are bigger jackasses than ever.

WhoaIsThatMars, post: 108996054, member: 5512 wrote:Look at all your posts in this thread and then re-read this post. What are we doing here?

ABK281, post: 109004076, member: 41771 wrote:Good thing you have such a high up position on this forum, because I've been banned for much more reasonable responses than this.

Not sure that moderation should have such favoritism, but hey, it is what it is.

roguesquirrel, post: 109005729, member: 24072 wrote:man full offense but if you werent the general manager of this forum, you wouldve copped a warning/ban for hostility for this post if not an earlier one. every post of yours in this thread is dripping with smug contempt, is at a level of antagonism the posts you're replying to dont warrant & are inventing sleights that arent in the posts you're responding to (ie claiming the OP thinks the world is "destroyed"). And its not just this thread -- this seems to be your MO in every thread Ive seen you in recently that isnt about forum policy (and even then those posts tend to contain some dig about how the average user on this forum is jackass you dont look forward to handling).

I dont know if its this forum or something else in your life but it seems like you need a big break from something. Taking the position in every thread you're the rational correct voice and then angrily lashing out anyone who says something different (who then have to walk eggshells around you because you're high on the proverbial food chain) isn't a sustainable attitude. I hope you find what you need to take a break from and you're able to get it.

Phil32, post: 109011390, member: 21342 wrote:Showing that that rudeness and hostility are allowed when you're on staff when it shouldn't be allowed for anyone here.
Makes this forum even more miserable and hostile than it needs to be when staff are perpetuating it.

Popcorn Sickos

Captain C, post: 109017117, member: 14600 wrote:Again, what the fuck are these posts.

FSLink, post: 109027881, member: 596 wrote:Wtf

Witchcraft, post: 109031070, member: 126540 wrote:Glad someone said it because it’s a recurring theme with them in almost every thread I’ve seen them post in.

Froli, post: 109031739, member: 4078 wrote:I don't meant any offense but what kind of attitude is this?
It feels like you are mocking everyone who has been affected and life changed because of the pandemic including me and others
And some pointed out that your posts have similarities on other threads. That's alarming

show me your skeleton, post: 109036110, member: 22719 wrote:b-dubs showing his ass as always.

qq more, post: 109037538, member: 4019 wrote:Remembering the time when B-Dubs made a very insensitive post towards one of my partners earlier this year and it made her cry. I'm not ever going to let that go. (And if you're wondering the "It's so frustrating" part was in context of awful trans news going on in the US. He felt the need to show little class with "You're frustrated?")

[Image: xyYs9a8.png]

matrixman92, post: 109026282, member: 8804 wrote:I feel in general Covid brought the absolute worst out of certain groups and its been full throttle since.

sara1312, post: 109040745, member: 149499 wrote:and it's all on full display in this thread alone. not least because of that one community manager.

Rangerx, post: 109039545, member: 5126 wrote:Completely agree with this. Tbh a lot of staff here are the same.


Quote:one of my partners
Imagine making someone's partners cry because you refuse to ban stuff.
Actually "one of their partners" 

Why is every second resetera member in some atypical relationship  lol
“Partner” only ever met them on a furry role play discord server Teehee
Quote:It's always a good sign when specific top members of the admin team are specifically pointed at as reasons for why queer people and POC are leaving Era in droves when they pull shit like in that screenshot, acting like banning HL was like pulling teeth and taking out the anger on trans people (especially after the Cyberpunk debacle), or coming in this thread with the most "fuck you got mine" take imaginable for immunocompromised people. Then if you call it out, it always goes like

[we should improve society meme, but with Curious Saying  user banned for metacommentary ]

I get that currently, things are much closer to what was "normal" than they were in 2020. But speaking as someone who lives with an immunocompromised person, there's been new precautions and anxieties that we never had before COVID. I wish that people still wore masks if they felt sick and still came to work, for example! But no, if you wear a mask and go anywhere, you'll get the occasional trashy people giving you dirty looks, or even worse, if a store has a "NO MASKS ALLOWED" sign for some asinine reason


Can’t wait for this to become a graveyard soon.
Look out Era, the monkeys you trained to bite are getting antsy!
One might think it leads to a bad forum culture if you allow people to behave like assholes as long as they're on the "right side" and ban everyone else. In the end you have a bunch of assholes on power trips
Quote:You know, I've never had someone try and bludgeon me with my own condition before. Congratulations. Turns out things have changed, people are bigger jackasses than ever.
Quote:I took a step back on this response and slept on it in order to not react. However, it honestly still bothers me and I need to say something.

This response is inappropriate (especially from a staff member) and has rightfully gotten criticized for this by members here for unneeded hostility. Worse, I know this isn't the first time B-Dubs has upset multiple people for their attitude (as evidenced in this thread alone). I recall specifically requesting the ability to ignore moderators because of the way B-Dubs has responded in the past that has upset me.

I'm beginning to feel this thread is turning into a witch-hunt. I realize I risk further perpetuating that with this post, but people are understandably upset, and I don't think being silent on the issue solves the problem. I recognize these forums are the staff's domain. It is a privilege for us to post here. But at some point, when there's enough voices saying the same thing or feeling the same way and it comes up time and time again, it does warrant questioning as to whether this position is the right one to take for the sake of the community.

I know the moderators might be feeling pressured into closing this thread to avoid further conflict. I do fear it will be kicking the can down the road, though. Regardless of their decision, I hope internal discussions and reflection are had at the very least.
Dude got so angry he needed to sleep in to make a comment.
Transistor wrote:I have a Nissan Ariya. I've been a Nissan owner for a long time and I've rarely had issues, so I decided to bite the bullet and get one. I absolutely love it.
This explains so much.
1 user liked this post: Greatness Gone
(07-16-2023, 01:54 PM)Uncle wrote: that quote Kobeyuck 

I feel like history tends to look down on anti-scientific nonsense

satanic panic = there's nothing magic about D&D or fantasy stories, let people enjoy them

gay marriage = there's nothing magic about marriage, let two humans cohabitate any way they like

transition = there's nothing magic about hormones, you are still your birth sex with whatever advantages that confers

Will Uncle go down in history as one of the greatest monsters of the 21st century?
The mods giving into the cyberpunk and then hogwarts legacy bans are what will ultimately be their undoing.
Quote:Hope this ends in a perma ban
Now why would they hope such a thing
[Image: IMG-0291.jpg]
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Greatness Gone, BIONIC

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 week): Inappropriate metacommentary, driving thread derail over multiple posts
Angie wrote:
Helix wrote:I get your frustration and I hate that this motherfucker is being rewarded for basically enabling all the garbage that has ruined ABK but unfortunately, Bobby was instrumental in making CoD and Activision the company it is today and yeah while he is a vile filth of a human being, nothing....not even MS could stop him from getting his payout because that is part of a legally binding contract to get a payout by being the largest shareholder
My frustration comes from the fact people celebrate someone that caused years of harassement and even someone killing herself getting a payoff

But I guess this place is not so left leaning like I thought.

But hey. Everyone celebrate. Congratulations for the shareholders
So, what caused B-Dumbs' latest mental breakdown?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-16-2023, 06:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 week): Inappropriate metacommentary, driving thread derail over multiple posts
Angie wrote:
Helix wrote:I get your frustration and I hate that this motherfucker is being rewarded for basically enabling all the garbage that has ruined ABK but unfortunately, Bobby was instrumental in making CoD and Activision the company it is today and yeah while he is a vile filth of a human being, nothing....not even MS could stop him from getting his payout because that is part of a legally binding contract to get a payout by being the largest shareholder
My frustration comes from the fact people celebrate someone that caused years of harassement and even someone killing herself getting a payoff

But I guess this place is not so left leaning like I thought.

But hey. Everyone celebrate. Congratulations for the shareholders

That user mostly posts false gaming stuff lol so they would rather Bobby to continue to do the harassment stuff and all when he's getting the boot after the deal?
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Quote:I don’t see how any of that is different than the last gen, hell with Switch 2 getting CoD now we can get an infusion of teenagers so we can relive the CoD4 days
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(07-16-2023, 06:38 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I don’t see how any of that is different than the last gen, hell with Switch 2 getting CoD now we can get an infusion of teenagers so we can relive the CoD4 days

Sony pony on the verge of pulling out the, "Nintendo is teh kiddeh" line.

[Image: 7sri5c.jpg]
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
(07-16-2023, 07:07 PM)Potato wrote:
(07-16-2023, 06:38 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I don’t see how any of that is different than the last gen, hell with Switch 2 getting CoD now we can get an infusion of teenagers so we can relive the CoD4 days

Sony pony on the verge of pulling out the, "Nintendo is teh kiddeh" line.

[Image: 7sri5c.jpg]

FACT CHECK: Children, 50 year old neets and Nintex playing on the Switch will reenergise the cod franchise!  lol
(07-16-2023, 05:03 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:You know, I've never had someone try and bludgeon me with my own condition before. Congratulations. Turns out things have changed, people are bigger jackasses than ever.
Quote:I took a step back on this response and slept on it in order to not react. However, it honestly still bothers me and I need to say something.

This response is inappropriate (especially from a staff member) and has rightfully gotten criticized for this by members here for unneeded hostility. Worse, I know this isn't the first time B-Dubs has upset multiple people for their attitude (as evidenced in this thread alone). I recall specifically requesting the ability to ignore moderators because of the way B-Dubs has responded in the past that has upset me.
Dude got so angry he needed to sleep in to make a comment.

is this? Is this mis-gendering?

User banned (3 months): mis-gendering, being mean to the general manager, not prostrating correctly to the more equal animals.

I thought bdumbs went by he/him...unless he transitioned to non-binary to give himself some cancellation armour?

More than one user has used they/them to refer to him. This is bdumbs' opportunity to use their own shitty rhetoric against the trans mafia.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
Walpurgisnacht, post: 109050648, member: 68547 wrote:Essential worker here, only reason I was able to work from home is because my dad was undergoing treatment for cancer and my place of work basically became a skeleton crew - and I'm pretty thankful for that. It's one of the very few times during the pandemic the municipality actually came through for us - given how hostile our provincial government was to us at the time. One of my coworkers was hospitalized and died 5 months into the pandemic, and this was just treated as a neccesary sacrifice.

It was a very public facing job with a vulnerable sector of the population, so if I absolutely had to stay in the office I would have been screwed too because of a chronic lung condition.

A lot of this served as the backdrop for a very close friend of mine dying to Covid (mid 20's, perfectly healthy) and a long term relationship falling apart because of it.

So speaking subjectively, yes my mind is instinctively drawn to a very before/after framing of things.

B-Dubs is rightfully eating a lot of shit for his commentary right now and honestly? Good.

We can't all have the luxury of working as a community manager for a video game forum (and yes, I'm being sarcastic here since he seems to treat this like a job). I really hope this pushback is cause for some introspection on the part of the staff team but I kind of doubt it.

(07-16-2023, 07:09 PM)jorma wrote:
(07-16-2023, 07:07 PM)Potato wrote:
(07-16-2023, 06:38 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:

Sony pony on the verge of pulling out the, "Nintendo is teh kiddeh" line.

[Image: 7sri5c.jpg]

FACT CHECK: Children, 50 year old neets and Nintex playing on the Switch will reenergise the cod franchise!  lol

I mean, if half of thebore found Nintex posting Trump tweets to be so hurtful they scurried off like rats to a private discord server, imagine what all the CoD players are going to do.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
(07-16-2023, 07:17 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Walpurgisnacht, post: 109050648, member: 68547 wrote:Essential worker here, only reason I was able to work from home is because my dad was undergoing treatment for cancer and my place of work basically became a skeleton crew - and I'm pretty thankful for that. It's one of the very few times during the pandemic the municipality actually came through for us - given how hostile our provincial government was to us at the time. One of my coworkers was hospitalized and died 5 months into the pandemic, and this was just treated as a neccesary sacrifice.

It was a very public facing job with a vulnerable sector of the population, so if I absolutely had to stay in the office I would have been screwed too because of a chronic lung condition.

A lot of this served as the backdrop for a very close friend of mine dying to Covid (mid 20's, perfectly healthy) and a long term relationship falling apart because of it.

So speaking subjectively, yes my mind is instinctively drawn to a very before/after framing of things.

B-Dubs is rightfully eating a lot of shit for his commentary right now and honestly? Good.

We can't all have the luxury of working as a community manager for a video game forum (and yes, I'm being sarcastic here since he seems to treat this like a job). I really hope this pushback is cause for some introspection on the part of the staff team but I kind of doubt it.


You can tell how terrified Walpurgisnacht is of getting banned with that post, hence kissing as much ass of moderators as possible in the hopes someone will stick up for him.

At any rate, always fun watching Era occasionally turning on each other, especially moderators.

It's like watching monkeys flinging shit at each other in a zoo.
ShillNinja wrote:Yeah can we not post nonsense tweets like that here it adds nothing
quite possibly the unintentionally funniest post ever on era

i really do wonder if the abk deal is going to break sonyera in a way that fucks up the forum completely. its been clear that many of them have felt invincible forever, and they're showing that they can't avoid the dreaded metacommentary when it comes to this

the critical mass of sonyera not splintering off is one of the only reasons gaming side hasn't completely died yet, imo
(07-16-2023, 08:15 PM)DSC wrote:
ShillNinja wrote:Yeah can we not post nonsense tweets like that here it adds nothing
quite possibly the unintentionally funniest post ever on era

i really do wonder if the abk deal is going to break sonyera in a way that fucks up the forum completely. its been clear that many of them have felt invincible forever, and they're showing that they can't avoid the dreaded metacommentary when it comes to this

the critical mass of sonyera not splintering off is one of the only reasons gaming side hasn't completely died yet, imo

The Ree Sony Ponies responses to that tweet  lol
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

Ree is going to implode when this turns out to be another Smollet sized hoax.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Quote:User Banned (Duration Pending Admin Review): Inflammatory accusations, recent ban for identical behavior
Quote:Pro-consolidation people are right wing stooges.

All this talk of "choice" from Microsoft and Phil Spencer when consolidation reduces exactly that is some heinous gaslighting.

Now Sony will probably buy a publisher and franchises that Xbox owners were previously able to enjoy will be denied those too. Where's the "choice" in that?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Hap Shaughnessy
(07-16-2023, 08:39 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:User Banned (Duration Pending Admin Review): Inflammatory accusations, recent ban for identical behavior
Quote:Pro-consolidation people are right wing stooges.

All this talk of "choice" from Microsoft and Phil Spencer when consolidation reduces exactly that is some heinous gaslighting.

Now Sony will probably buy a publisher and franchises that Xbox owners were previously able to enjoy will be denied those too. Where's the "choice" in that?

...and you fucking imbeciles will be cheering for Sony the whole time.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Can we PLEASE stop with these ridiculous suggestions already? Thinking that Microsoft gave Sony anything more than just keeping CoD on PlayStation for 10 years is some flat Earth tier bullshit.
Quote:It's not ridiculous. Offer was made to Sony during the acquisition.

Quote:Microsoft says Activision's Bobby Kotick offered to extend Sony's Call of Duty
This dude claims to have a degree for attorney or something but can't fucking read.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Bobby Kotick should try acting again. He was pretty good in Moneyball.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Sony figured they could just bodyslam Microsoft via the FTC but they didn't count on the trash lawyers of the FTC fucking up the case.

If Sony had taken it to court themselves with some decent lawyers they would've probably been more succesful. 

As for Sony buying Square Enix and others. I repeat again, what do they gain when buying Square Enix? 
They likely lose the part of the business that actually makes money (Square Enix games co-published by Nintendo on Switch) and they have to fully fund the many flops Square Enix develops. Considering Sony just got rid of most of their Japanese development teams it wouldn't make any sense to buy Square Enix. We've also seen that Final Fantasy doesn't move the needle one bit when it comes to console sales and Dragon Quest only does so in Japan. 

As for Microsoft, it would be fucking hilarious to watch them try and keep afloat a Japanese corporate dinosaur as the sales in Japan plunge to 0 and the executives discover they didn't just buy Final Fantasy but a manga publishing house, arcade machine rental business and film production company and whatever else is part of Square Enix business holdings. And that's after they find out that half of the most valuable IP's are co-owned by the likes of Bird Studio and Disney.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

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