Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Like I said Speedstersonic is a literal reetard
also that kid needs to have his ass beat 

I can't imagine WTF would have happened to me if I did something like that. My grandma would destroy you for just closing a door too loudly

Kyrios wrote:Yup that's why that one part in the article sums it up perfectly
Quote:In fact, what I saw was a group of wounded, angry men who've never accomplished much in their own lives, looking for someone else to blame.
Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
That Mr Beast Kris Tyson pedo stuff seems to be growing, wonder when the eventual Era transphobia thread will appear:
(07-23-2024, 05:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: That Mr Beast Kris Tyson pedo stuff seems to be growing, wonder when the eventual Era transphobia thread will appear:

Dunno where the same energy is for this person when DrDisrespect was shit on within a day and EVERY big site covered it.

But nahh they wont because she's a transformer
(07-23-2024, 05:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: That Mr Beast Kris Tyson pedo stuff seems to be growing, wonder when the eventual Era transphobia thread will appear:

[Image: 8xyrrq.jpg]
AliceAmber wrote:Unfortunately I have such a miniscule in person friend group, but they are all super geeky and liberal. So they all align with era anyway.

In-laws and parents? hahahahahahano
AliceAmber wrote:Just a heads up, if you ever do decide to leave facebook people can kinda uh...forget about you. I don't regret my decision to leave, but it made it quite clear who actually cared about me.

Just a fun little tip <3 😭

Speedstersonic wrote:Why do we not have rules in place that elected people get caught lying and making shit up they aren't immediately reprimanded or kicked out of office?

I just dont get how shit keeps coming out of their mouths unfiltered and uncountered and there are barely ever repercussions.
Mr.Cynical wrote:Please don't judge me" sorry I am lol.

You kept over a grand on a closet shelf and a bank never even entered your mind apparently.

A safe did, which you acknowledge but say you wouldn't do because "that's where thieves would look first anyway"...but how would these hypothetical thieves get into the safe my dude. And you know who would be kept at bay by a safe?

Then you blamed your wife and your son's media diet for it all and took no responsibility yourself.

And on top of all that you had 1600 saved from a long time of saving, and say you think you'd have enough for your dream trip to, just the US in general?, in under a year? Assuming you nearly tripled the money you already had saved, an international trip for a family of 4 on 4500 euros does...not seem feasible. That would cover like, airfare and food for one day maybe? Honestly just none of this seems very well considered or responsibly thought-out.

Quote:People have set up GoFundMe's for less. Might be worth a try.

Mr Cynical wrote:My son spent over a grand on candy because I left loose bills in a shoebox. Please click below to donate to me." Also very normal!

It’s disappointing that Ree sees someone lose money and immediately suspects it’s Shred’s trying to fleece them for pennies again.
I notice the term pedojacketing is primarily used and understood in one specific community. weird!

People defame each other with spurious claims online for all kinds of stuff, all the time. But other groups aren't crying "X-jacketing"...welp, guess it's just one mystery that will never be solved.
(07-23-2024, 06:36 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Mr.Cynical wrote:Please don't judge me" sorry I am lol.

You kept over a grand on a closet shelf and a bank never even entered your mind apparently.

A safe did, which you acknowledge but say you wouldn't do because "that's where thieves would look first anyway"...but how would these hypothetical thieves get into the safe my dude. And you know who would be kept at bay by a safe?

Then you blamed your wife and your son's media diet for it all and took no responsibility yourself.

And on top of all that you had 1600 saved from a long time of saving, and say you think you'd have enough for your dream trip to, just the US in general?, in under a year? Assuming you nearly tripled the money you already had saved, an international trip for a family of 4 on 4500 euros does...not seem feasible. That would cover like, airfare and food for one day maybe? Honestly just none of this seems very well considered or responsibly thought-out.

Quote:People have set up GoFundMe's for less. Might be worth a try.

Mr Cynical wrote:My son spent over a grand on candy because I left loose bills in a shoebox. Please click below to donate to me." Also very normal!

It’s disappointing that Ree sees someone lose money and immediately suspects it’s Shred’s trying to fleece them for pennies again.

Speaking of fleecing

Quote: haven't actually reached my goal btw, my partner sent me money for food using Ko-Fi which made it appear that I did but none of that went into my "changing my name" fund, i just needed to eat. 

If you wanna help I still need money to change my name!

He had gotten like 150% of $120 goal iirc.

I'm still convinced the benefactor is mels, but I'm told otherwise
(07-23-2024, 05:47 PM)MMaRsu wrote:
(07-23-2024, 05:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: That Mr Beast Kris Tyson pedo stuff seems to be growing, wonder when the eventual Era transphobia thread will appear:

Dunno where the same energy is for this person when DrDisrespect was shit on within a day and EVERY big site covered it.

But nahh they wont because she's a transformer

Alphabet person, protected class.
(07-23-2024, 05:20 PM)MMaRsu wrote: Where was the outrage when Kingdom Come tried to be historically accurate and not have a bunch of black folks roam around the countryside of Poland in the year 1100 or some shit

Oh right, the outrage was that this was ridiculous, and ofcourse there should be black people in the game! Because its POSSIBLE that some black people traveled there.

I remember being flabbergasted it wasn't even covered by Giantbomb. In those days they made a quicklook for every game under the sun.
But not Kingdom Come Deliverance! It had some weird people working on it! And no black folks! What a racist ass game.

What also gets me is how selective this shit is. Hellblade 2 was just released and only featured white people and absolutely no one was bothered by that. Ridley Scott made The Last Duel with only white people and again absolutely no one gave a shit. But hey, let's go after that one small polish dev
TheIceMan_2288 wrote:Addressing this as to "our Japanese community" is nonsense, this is almost exclusively a white American meltdown. Japanese players seem unanimously OK with Yasuke.

Vimto wrote:The replies under the Japanese tweet say otherwise.

To say the Japanese community is fine with the situation is misrepresenting the situation.

Angelus Errare wrote:At least 1/4 of them are white people armed with Google translate.

Sure sounds like dismissing concerns of Asian people to me
(07-23-2024, 10:23 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:

This will be potentially be a good one to watch. Have seen it on twitter the Japanese aren’t happy about some aspects, naturally era is fully onboard with the war against the chuds, but what if the Japanese don’t actually like it.

Blah blah “not historically accurate” 🤣

good job Ubisoft, erasing black queer history like that  Feeemales

Yasuke was a queer black samurai and also the best samurai. There were documents about this stored in the Weimar Republic Library.
Guess, who burned those? Right, the same Nazis. Guess who they allied with? Right, Japan.

I can't anymore.
(07-23-2024, 04:39 PM)Vertigo wrote:

Thordinson, post: 126214599, member: 46373 wrote:I will say that mom and pop stores are not some inherently good thing either. They can steal wages just as Walmart does.

It's not a good look but mass incarceration is not the solution either.
That's wild. Hey, what happens if you steal or are upset about your employment conditions/pay under socialism?
Resetera: (American) Black Womyn Are The Most Oppressed Evarrr

Also Resetera:
(07-23-2024, 05:38 AM)benji wrote: wrote:I will say this, underestimate black women at your own peril. We have, oh, all of history behind that one.

What's funny to me is how brazen Ubisoft is with the game. Like did none of the sweetbaby inc. guys wonder that it can maybe come off as western orientalism to have your foreigner fully decked out in samurai gear walking through a village with all the Japanese peasants bowing before him? I haven't seen that happen in Nioh or Last Samurai.
Or how that guy will then literally curbstomb small japanese footsoldiers or behead them while yelling that he's here to deliver justice? It doesn't really give the impression of them approaching the culture with respect but instead as a playground.

I'm so 100% certain that if they had picked a white Samurai the game would get absolutely demolished on Resetera and game journo sites.
Like fuck, they called Sifu racist because it had some martial arts cliches and was created by white guys
Reply wrote:
Quote:When you encourage violence against trans women, it doesn't stop there.

??????? Are you high?

Thank you for your service!
Guaraná wrote:the only engagement these people deserve is a punch in the face.

General Guide to Resetera wrote:Advocating Violence

We do not allow advocacy of violence, explicit or otherwise. This policy can encompass posts with a wide range of severity, depending on the context and contents of the post. The penalty for breaking this rule can therefore vary greatly, all the way up to a permanent ban. Advocating murder will always result in a permanent ban.

Weird how this doesn't apply anymore lol
(07-23-2024, 11:32 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Assassin's Creed basically wants to have it's cake and eat it too. They'll argue that it's historically accurate to include Yasuke but then go on to talk about how it's actually just meant to be a fun videogame with a made up plot.

Modern Gaming Journalists: "I don't want to just discuss the game, everything is political, and my politics are the most important thing we need to talk about, and the other sides politics are just nothing burgers from grifters its just a game bro"

Also Modern Gaming Journalists: "Nobody reads my work, fuck youtubers, where did my ad dollars go, I have to finish a fortnite guide by when?"
KtotheRoc wrote:
JD Vance has THOUGHTS about The Last Jedi. He can't be allowed anywhere near the Vice Presidency (never mind the Presidency).

ZeoVGM wrote:This is unironically very telling.

The Unsent wrote:I assume he hates Brie Larson as well and the female led Ghostbusters.

Amnixia wrote:Lmao, I already hated this guy.

But somehow him hating TLJ makes it even worse.
(07-23-2024, 07:18 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: wrote:
Quote:When you encourage violence against trans women, it doesn't stop there.

??????? Are you high?

Thank you for your service!

Aren't most of the evil Terfs they rage against women?
(07-23-2024, 04:24 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Thordinson wrote:I don't know how anyone would feel safe with the Secret Service period.

I still remember when they didn't know someone shot at the White House in like 2011 until days later when a housekeeper reported broken glass.

They are cops. They've always been incompetent.

Counterpoint: Thordinson still has access to the internet to communicate his ideas, which would never fly under the highly effective stasi he wishes were in charge
(07-23-2024, 05:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: That Mr Beast Kris Tyson pedo stuff seems to be growing, wonder when the eventual Era transphobia thread will appear:

[Image: michael-caine-never.gif]
(07-23-2024, 07:05 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
TheIceMan_2288 wrote:Addressing this as to "our Japanese community" is nonsense, this is almost exclusively a white American meltdown. Japanese players seem unanimously OK with Yasuke.

Vimto wrote:The replies under the Japanese tweet say otherwise.

To say the Japanese community is fine with the situation is misrepresenting the situation.

Angelus Errare wrote:At least 1/4 of them are white people armed with Google translate.

Sure sounds like dismissing concerns of Asian people to me

It’s alright, they ran of all the Asians so nobody left to fight, though they’d only ban the Japanese users anyway for being a chud
(07-23-2024, 06:52 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Speaking of fleecing

Quote: haven't actually reached my goal btw, my partner sent me money for food using Ko-Fi which made it appear that I did but none of that went into my "changing my name" fund, i just needed to eat. 

If you wanna help I still need money to change my name!

He had gotten like 150% of $120 goal iirc.

I'm still convinced the benefactor is mels, but I'm told otherwise

goddamn some sus art on that profile
Fj0823 wrote:
Watership wrote:If this turns out to be good, there will be some "film art" backlash to this movie. Marvel was in decline, film lovers everywhere were elated and happy. The fall of comic book movies is upon us. Film as art will rise. Real cinema won. Etc.

Having a fun, popular, comic book movie is going to make a lot of people hostile.
Who gives a shit?

They sincerely thought cheering alongside the internet's worst human beings for the failure of a single Marvel film would mean a renaissance of TRUE FILMs (aka the films they like) dominating the box office.

They are not smart people.
Fj0823 wrote:
Timu wrote:3 hours from now(though 1 review dropped hours ago).

I expect the review thread to be insane if it's bad or fine if it's good, there's no middle ground here.
It'll be a shitshow regardless, you see cinema was saved when The Marvels failed at the box office, ushering a new era of deep and complex movies making bank such as Godzilla x Kong and Despicable Me 4. This doing well means Marvel is back at full force in their attacks on real cinema by making movies I don't like and they MUST be STOPPED.
Fj0823 wrote:
Mekanos wrote:I mean if it's something like 70% I don't think there will be much controversy. That's like saying "yeah it's fine." (This is with the caveat that RT scores are an aggregate of yes/no basically, not an actual grade on a scale.)
Consider the following:

1-This movie has zero mouthbreathers poisoning the web algorithms with videos on how the movie/show will fail months before release like The Marvels or The Acolyte

2- It's at the "Event" level hype where people already have made up their mind that this is a must see

That tells me that this can be a Venom/Mario scenario where reviews don't matter. It can score a 30% and people will simply move on and say critics are full of shit.
Umad Crybaby
(07-23-2024, 05:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: That Mr Beast Kris Tyson pedo stuff seems to be growing, wonder when the eventual Era transphobia thread will appear:

Anyone that dares make that thread will have it instantly derailed by Kyuuji and company, with the mods conveniently "absent" as the derail take over the thread. Then, after the thread is thoroughly derailed, it gets locked and the OP and anyone that took the OP seriously, even half jokingly, gets banned.
Quote:Leaf -くん🏳️‍⚧️ they/them‬ ‪‬
Honestly though being a little girl in an anime would be so aesthetic. Maybe just still keeping the adult body for like alcohol reasons, so maybe it could be a Nanaka 7/16 situation

Imma keep the adult body, cuz like, you know, I need alcohol and stuff teehee.

See this right here is how you know they are 100% full of shit.

Where the fuck is the FBI, you know blusky is just a pedo ring.

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