Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-28-2024, 08:51 PM)wizardora wrote: Lets say someone wanted to go out in style on ResetEra, and in the knowledge that Hecht and co. read these pages (as per their admission) what is the best way to go out causing maximum damage?

Honestly, they do enough damage to themselves. The Nepenthe-Antisemitism shit practically infected the forum with entitilitus, and her subsequent non-apology certainly didn’t help matters. 

If a farewell gesture is required, I think the subtle stuff wakes people up more than anything. I forget the poster’s name, bit he had a Jack Nicholson smoking a cigar avatar. Someone posted some milquetoast Elon Musk tweet and the guy was just like “I agree with Elon”. Everyone spent a page or so begging him to recant like he had just stood up to the tank column in Tiananmen Square. 

I forgot if he was banned or deleted or what but just the communal shock, and understanding of consequence was like…wtf.
(07-28-2024, 08:51 PM)wizardora wrote: Lets say someone wanted to go out in style on ResetEra, and in the knowledge that Hecht and co. read these pages (as per their admission) what is the best way to go out causing maximum damage?

Just give me your password Trumps
(07-28-2024, 08:51 PM)wizardora wrote: Lets say someone wanted to go out in style on ResetEra, and in the knowledge that Hecht and co. read these pages (as per their admission) what is the best way to go out causing maximum damage?

Start a thread saying you're in big trouble, but keep it vague.  You have to keep it vague.  That's the key.   Say what's happening to you is very traumatic and it has a lot to do with your identity as a black trans person.  Boom.  They're hooked on that spinach ike Dennis Kucinich.   Tell them you have to keep things private for your safety, and you can allude to that time you were almost killed because you wanted to use the female dressing rooms at Lady Footlocker but they saw your size 12 foot. They won't question the fact that they don't have dressing rooms at footlocker, and if they do, say your community is suffering from food deserts so they run things different over there.  Anyway, moving on:   Find an image of a black person with bruises on their arms and take pics of it and say it's you.    Say, "This is what they did to me.  Ohhh La Policia, la policia...." You're using Spanish to keep things exotic if they get too bored/used to the black identity.  Trust me.  Just allude to your situation with words like "trauma" and "stochastic abuser" or something and keep dropping breadcrumbs about being harmed.  You can say "social harm" or "organizational harm" or something too.   By page 20 the government is involved.  A famous politician sent you a threatening e-mail and you're in big trouble - big *trans* trouble.  But we're still keeping it vague - "God, I just wanted to transition in peace...but they didn't let me...they couldn't let me...they wouldn't let me....and perchance...they shouldn't let me, perchance?"  Some replies are gonna start pouring in, "OH NO THEY SHOULD ABSOLUTELY LET YOU, DONT YOU DARE THINK YOU CAN"T TRANSITION"  Now you got them on your side.  That's when you type "threatening vague email to trans POC about not being allowed to transition, but don't be specific about anything.  Keep 'em on their toes like Charlie Rose." into ChatGPT.  So now you have a letter about some vague person saying some vague person can't transition.  That's enough.  You may think it's not enough, but it's enough.  Trust a nigga on this one.  Anyway, as long as we're using AI to do our emotional labor, open up ElevenLabs cuz we're gonna do some voicecloning on Beyonce's voice - type in something to blend in with what they'd say.  We're making you *real* because your pain needs to be *heard*.  You're now posting audio clips.  Keep it authentic like, "Oh my trauma.  This is some deep ass trauma right here.  On a scale of 1 to gross this trauma can't even gross.  I'm losing faith in my ability to deal with Israel rn." Now you've given voice to your pain like the apostle Paul from the Bible and other such stories, but not only that, at this point the thread reaches 50 pages and everyone is involved - the POCs, the trans, Poli-Era, that's a threefor.  Let's make it a fourfor:    We gotta get Nepenthe in here.   Post that the bruises are capitalistic in nature and as a person of the global south, you don't think you're going to survive unless you drop some theory.   Remind everyone you can't type, as the white man has taken your keyboard from you, as is customary for the white man to do in the gobal south. But first, you gotta change your voice.  Go ahead and open up ElevenLabs and train a voice on this, please:  You're gonna drop that load of theory now.   You're going to now post from the audio that is solely trained on that huge orgasm - the words may or may not come out, we don't know.  It could just sound like a man cumming or it could actually come out as words, again, this is the great dilemma of our time with AI.    If they question why you sound like a big orgasming black fella instead of Beyonce, you hit the report button.  You listen to me.  You hit that fucking button as many times as you can, from your fingertips to god's ears, fo you understand me?  You will not allow that sort of transphobia in your thread.   Anyway, you will post Nepenthe's globs of cum furry fanfic in the orgasm voice, in FULL.  If youi have to pay for a Premium Gold Membership to ElevenLabs to fit it all, you're going to fucking do it.  When you're done.  You will be making a looping gif of this and post it, as the fanfic audio is playing like some fucked up visual storytelling     
And you're outtie like Robert Downey (JR.)
Finally they can let loose
(07-28-2024, 08:51 PM)wizardora wrote: Lets say someone wanted to go out in style on ResetEra, and in the knowledge that Hecht and co. read these pages (as per their admission) what is the best way to go out causing maximum damage?

Don't. Just leave. Don't interact with the exhibits.

Edit: Failing that, develop some headmates (at least two littles) that seem to have some strange fetishes. Potentially a furry as well.
(07-28-2024, 09:11 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:The Sopranos.
Ugly womanizer tries to make his mafia successful while literally every person supposed to help and assist him (family, friends and colleagues) sabotage him at every turn. Rinse and repeat.
Given the consensus I was really hoping to see this takeoff at some point but no. Just an insufferable gallery of characters and not one you can root for.

If I can't root for someone it's bad. 

Minds of children.

Ironic that a forum where everyone is an arsehole can't handle a show where everyone is an arsehole...

(07-28-2024, 11:08 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(07-28-2024, 08:51 PM)wizardora wrote: Lets say someone wanted to go out in style on ResetEra, and in the knowledge that Hecht and co. read these pages (as per their admission) what is the best way to go out causing maximum damage?

Start a thread saying you're in big trouble, but keep it vague.  You have to keep it vague.  That's the key.   Say what's happening to you is very traumatic and it has a lot to do with your identity as a black trans person.  Boom.  They're hooked on that spinach ike Dennis Kucinich.   Tell them you have to keep things private for your safety, and you can allude to that time you were almost killed because you wanted to use the female dressing rooms at Lady Footlocker but they saw your size 12 foot. They won't question the fact that they don't have dressing rooms at footlocker, and if they do, say your community is suffering from food deserts so they run things different over there.  Anyway, moving on:   Find an image of a black person with bruises on their arms and take pics of it and say it's you.    Say, "This is what they did to me.  Ohhh La Policia, la policia...." You're using Spanish to keep things exotic if they get too bored/used to the black identity.  Trust me.  Just allude to your situation with words like "trauma" and "stochastic abuser" or something and keep dropping breadcrumbs about being harmed.  You can say "social harm" or "organizational harm" or something too.   By page 20 the government is involved.  A famous politician sent you a threatening e-mail and you're in big trouble - big *trans* trouble.  But we're still keeping it vague - "God, I just wanted to transition in peace...but they didn't let me...they couldn't let me...they wouldn't let me....and perchance...they shouldn't let me, perchance?"  Some replies are gonna start pouring in, "OH NO THEY SHOULD ABSOLUTELY LET YOU, DONT YOU DARE THINK YOU CAN"T TRANSITION"  Now you got them on your side.  That's when you type "threatening vague email to trans POC about not being allowed to transition, but don't be specific about anything.  Keep 'em on their toes like Charlie Rose." into ChatGPT.  So now you have a letter about some vague person saying some vague person can't transition.  That's enough.  You may think it's not enough, but it's enough.  Trust a nigga on this one.  Anyway, as long as we're using AI to do our emotional labor, open up ElevenLabs cuz we're gonna do some voicecloning on Beyonce's voice - type in something to blend in with what they'd say.  We're making you *real* because your pain needs to be *heard*.  You're now posting audio clips.  Keep it authentic like, "Oh my trauma.  This is some deep ass trauma right here.  On a scale of 1 to gross this trauma can't even gross.  I'm losing faith in my ability to deal with Israel rn." Now you've given voice to your pain like the apostle Paul from the Bible and other such stories, but not only that, at this point the thread reaches 50 pages and everyone is involved - the POCs, the trans, Poli-Era, that's a threefor.  Let's make it a fourfor:    We gotta get Nepenthe in here.   Post that the bruises are capitalistic in nature and as a person of the global south, you don't think you're going to survive unless you drop some theory.   Remind everyone you can't type, as the white man has taken your keyboard from you, as is customary for the white man to do in the gobal south. But first, you gotta change your voice.  Go ahead and open up ElevenLabs and train a voice on this, please:  You're gonna drop that load of theory now.   You're going to now post from the audio that is solely trained on that huge orgasm - the words may or may not come out, we don't know.  It could just sound like a man cumming or it could actually come out as words, again, this is the great dilemma of our time with AI.    If they question why you sound like a big orgasming black fella instead of Beyonce, you hit the report button.  You listen to me.  You hit that fucking button as many times as you can, from your fingertips to god's ears, fo you understand me?  You will not allow that sort of transphobia in your thread.   Anyway, you will post Nepenthe's globs of cum furry fanfic in the orgasm voice, in FULL.  If youi have to pay for a Premium Gold Membership to ElevenLabs to fit it all, you're going to fucking do it.  When you're done.  You will be making a looping gif of this and post it, as the fanfic audio is playing like some fucked up visual storytelling     
And you're outtie like Robert Downey (JR.)

He's trying to get permabanned, not become a mod.

(07-28-2024, 11:09 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Finally they can let loose

not gonna happen…long time ago, motivated by transphobia ( lol ), he’s changed, too big to fail, the good he does is worth it, etc etc.

the “you’re misgendering her!” scold referring to a post that uses “they” in one sentence and “her” in another is worth a chuckle though.
Today we learned ree are so stupid they don't understand The Sopranos.

(07-28-2024, 11:09 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Finally they can let loose

[Image: cZSKY4J.png]

because of chris? 5000% yes

one of the tweets of all time

everyone warned him, fucken everyone
(07-28-2024, 11:56 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(07-28-2024, 11:09 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Finally they can let loose

not gonna happen…long time ago, motivated by transphobia ( lol ), he’s changed, too big to fail, the good he does is worth it, etc etc.

the “you’re misgendering her!” scold referring to a post that uses “they” in one sentence and “her” in another is worth a chuckle though.

Quote:Bubble Metropolis said:

Genuinely, does "they" also possess potential for misgendering? I thought it was a safe, gender-neutral option for cases of ambiguity or uncertainty.

'They' can be misgendering absolutely yes.

If someone has shared their pronouns any others are misgendering.

If you say 'I'm not sure of their pronouns' that's totally fine though.

See, the gender thing is not confusing at all.

Remember when the trans-malds said "they" was OK if you were unsure?

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[Image: avFRoSR.jpg]
Instead of 'they' being neutral that can be used for anyone it's now the '3rd pronoun'.

That's how you beat the gender binary. By making it a trinary

notice how subtly neopronouns just kind of quietly got shunted off into the embarrassing parts of the internet

they legitimately tried to push adoption of xir/xem, and that was THE MOST POPULAR/ACCEPTED ONE, there was deerself and starself and 5000 others

kind of strange how you never see anyone talking about them anymore, I thought they were your whole identity, the thing that best matches how you see yourself, and causes intense trauma if you're not called that

I don't
(07-28-2024, 03:08 AM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:ZeoVGM said:
I think people underplay how much actors just genuinely enjoy working with Marvel Studios.

Evans and RDJ have had very different trajectories after Endgame. Evans hasn't done too much and RDJ won an Oscar for Best Actor yet both seem to be like, "Yeah, I wanna go back to that."
I can see Evans doing the Deadpool cameo mostly for fun because it's mocking a role he hated after he got a chance to redeem himself, but Downey Jr. was becoming so expensive they refused to ever make another Iron Man film because of the boost he would receive as the star something he doesn't get as "ensemble" but you're nuts if you don't think he's pulling down at least $25 million in every MCU appearance.

Same reason all these actors will do franchise films, you get paid well to spend a few days in front of a green screen and then you can turn around and work for closer to scale on shit you actually care about.

Compare to the Snyder actors saying they would only return to their roles if Snyder is the director, something they know Warner would never do while Warner giving them a bunch of money would be considered.

(07-28-2024, 04:55 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
crossing eden wrote:Absolutely love that it's legal for the richest man in the world to buy what was the best realtime news website/an amazing community for artists/POC/LBGT/Progressive cause and turn it into 4chan litte to spite his ex wife and daughter. Love that that's legal.𝕏tt𝕏r-dr𝕏m𝕏-𝕏t-let’s-keep-it-here-parody-🔵-official-ꕤ.649272/page-1073?post=126429597#post-126429597
You think it should be illegal for the owners of a website to sell to a moron willing to massively overpay? That the owners should be forced to operate it against their will?

When Cerium wakes up from his nap he's going to be upset about this.

(07-28-2024, 06:50 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:no. it's stalking. i guess a pi is less likely to do something to the person they're stalking as opposed to a normal stalking situation, but it's stalking.
Quote:sitting out side someone house and watching is not stalking in any way
Quote:Do that to a rich/famous person and the police wouldn't agree
Private investigators are registered with the police and licensed by the state, they aren't just random dudes.

(07-28-2024, 07:44 PM)killamajig wrote:
I've been reading a lot of climate related literature recently. And the idea of just completely rewilding and abandoning vast swathes of land should be much more meaningfully discussed than it currently is.
Not just a few acres here and there. Entire states should be returned to nature.
Entire states are effectively already "returned" to nature. Especially in the west where most land is owned by the federal government and much of the land that is owned privately is not being used for anything.

Also, humans are natural. You're not asking for the land to be "returned to nature" you're asking for violence to be used by elites to stop specific species from using it.

Being ignorant about reality and deciding that your ignorance is other people's fault and they need to receive violence for it is a choice. You don't have to choose any of this.
There is a place for punishment, for banishment, and even capital punishment, but unfortunately the way our society prioritizes capital over human flourishing, those most deserving of punishment are more likely to be the ones helping to propagate our carceral state.

How we define violence, power and who gets to mete out punishment to whom is fundamentally backwards in our classist society.

lol lol Carceral lol lol

Ignoring the other nonsense, I have to point this out because it made me laugh. 

I worked in a prison and I never heard anyone use that word. They try so hard to sound like they know what they are talking about over there.
(07-29-2024, 12:55 AM)killamajig wrote:
(07-28-2024, 11:56 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(07-28-2024, 11:09 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Finally they can let loose

not gonna happen…long time ago, motivated by transphobia ( lol ), he’s changed, too big to fail, the good he does is worth it, etc etc.

the “you’re misgendering her!” scold referring to a post that uses “they” in one sentence and “her” in another is worth a chuckle though.

Quote:Bubble Metropolis said:

Genuinely, does "they" also possess potential for misgendering? I thought it was a safe, gender-neutral option for cases of ambiguity or uncertainty.

'They' can be misgendering absolutely yes.

If someone has shared their pronouns any others are misgendering.

If you say 'I'm not sure of their pronouns' that's totally fine though.

See, the gender thing is not confusing at all.

Remember when the trans-malds said "they" was OK if you were unsure?

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Nsfw Nsfw
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[Image: avFRoSR.jpg]

I was never asked nor have explicitly given permission for anyone who knows my gender to call me “they”. Am I entitled to compensation?  Tophat
The talk about returning land to the Native Americans is hilarious because it's also historically ignorant. They're always picturing reservations out west of the Mississippi. The bulk of the tribes aren't from there, they came from the East, where people like Nepenthe and the rest of you probably live. The state violated their property rights multiple times and shipped them west.

This is part of why they don't give a shit about "their land" out there. It's not their land. It was the "compensation" they were given after they had already been forced off land because others wanted the state to redistribute their land to "better use" by society rather than whatever the owners wanted.

Many of the tribes still in the east already got "their land" after they had integrated into larger society, you can usually find it because of the casinos. But you're ignorant about this too because you're probably clueless about how the tribes share those profits, generally they're only shared among elite families and the impoverished are a lower status that also get condemned socially if they leave it. Less than a handful resemble our more egalitarian American society. You don't care about this because you believe non-whites shouldn't be held to any kind of standards since you think they're lesser humans.

And it's beyond hilarious that you want to enforce ancient unclaimed property rights on racial lines based on your historically ignorant belief that there was some kind of "ideal" distribution of races in the past and that they sprung out of the ground or God placed them where "they belong" or some shit while denying every single person who lives today of any and all property rights as if this will lead to some kind of moral state of justice rather than just start and perpetuate a further chain of injustices.

Yes, you offend me. Your constant desire to use mass violence against other people because you're ignorant is offensive and you should stop.
(07-28-2024, 06:50 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:I was warned one may end up following me in the future, and it would kinda ruin my life. I wish I could do something about it.

I'm not doing anything sketchy or illegal, but someone I'm close to has been tracked by a very bad person.
Does this guy live in a place where it is a crime to enjoy a succulent chinese meal? What’s he worried about? Big “no wrongdoing” vibes.

There is nothing of interest to know about my activities vs. It will ruin my life.
You gotta pick one or the other, fella
(07-29-2024, 01:18 AM)killamajig wrote:
but unfortunately the way our society prioritizes capital over human flourishing
Capital is the result of human flourishing. You don't want human flourishing, you want everyone forced into their "proper" place and no opportunity to escape it. But you're so dishonest that you refuse to actually tell people this is the "liberation" you want for them because you know they know it sucks.

Quote:How we define violence, power and who gets to mete out punishment to whom is fundamentally backwards in our classist society.
See, you give the game away too easily. You aren't actually against violence or power, you just want it in different hands. And for some stupid reason you imagine those hands will be yours.
Benji wrote:And for some stupid reason you imagine those hands will be yours.

Booshka: “uh, excuse me. I have a Chinese wife and I’m a male nurse. Smug I obviously deserve to be part of the elite when socialism rises and dethrones capitalism oh my gosh…” Social Justice Warrior 2
[Image: 40d.jpg]

ClickerCarl wrote:Yup...he's gonna back to posting let's plays like normal soon and what he did to Emily and the rest will be forgotten :/

Motherfucker, you don’t get to bitch about this stuff anymore. lol
(07-29-2024, 01:33 AM)benji wrote:
(07-29-2024, 01:18 AM)killamajig wrote:
but unfortunately the way our society prioritizes capital over human flourishing
Capital is the result of human flourishing. You don't want human flourishing, you want everyone forced into their "proper" place and no opportunity to escape it. But you're so dishonest that you refuse to actually tell people this is the "liberation" you want for them because you know they know it sucks.
This is why I laugh at all the handwringing about people (read: cis, heterosexual whites) preferring comfort over doing the right thing.

My dude, the highest aspiration of all human progress has been “comfort”. No shit people don’t give that up easily.
return to monke is a chud right wing mime, implying that appealing to baser desires i.e. "just want to have fun and be left alone" "just want to grill" is superior to an intelligent approach to respecting each others' autonomy and equitable treatment of ourselves and our world
Quote:My view is that if you know someone's pronouns do not include they, but you call them they anyway, that's misgendering. If you don't know someone's pronouns and you call them they, most of the time, most people will not consider that misgendering.
Quote:^^^ That is also my take re: pronouns.

You can usually tell when cis people are conspicuously only saying gender-neutral or direct-name references to refer to a trans dude or lady because they have A Problem With Us. They're not slick

Bonus points for "this individual" "this person" etc lol
Games as a Service
(07-29-2024, 01:18 AM)killamajig wrote:
There is a place for punishment, for banishment, and even capital punishment, but unfortunately the way our society prioritizes capital over human flourishing, those most deserving of punishment are more likely to be the ones helping to propagate our carceral state.

How we define violence, power and who gets to mete out punishment to whom is fundamentally backwards in our classist society.

lol lol Carceral lol lol

Ignoring the other nonsense, I have to point this out because it made me laugh. 

I worked in a prison and I never heard anyone use that word. They try so hard to sound like they know what they are talking about over there.

They constantly use words and phrases that I like to refer to as, "words that I think make me sound smarter but actually have the opposite effect".

Whilst, egregious, efficacy, and lots of others.
(07-29-2024, 01:23 AM)benji wrote: The talk about returning land to the Native Americans is hilarious because it's also historically ignorant. They're always picturing reservations out west of the Mississippi. The bulk of the tribes aren't from there, they came from the East, where people like Nepenthe and the rest of you probably live. The state violated their property rights multiple times and shipped them west.

This is part of why they don't give a shit about "their land" out there. It's not their land. It was the "compensation" they were given after they had already been forced off land because others wanted the state to redistribute their land to "better use" by society rather than whatever the owners wanted.

Many of the tribes still in the east already got "their land" after they had integrated into larger society, you can usually find it because of the casinos. But you're ignorant about this too because you're probably clueless about how the tribes share those profits, generally they're only shared among elite families and the impoverished are a lower status that also get condemned socially if they leave it. Less than a handful resemble our more egalitarian American society. You don't care about this because you believe non-whites shouldn't be held to any kind of standards since you think they're lesser humans.

And it's beyond hilarious that you want to enforce ancient unclaimed property rights on racial lines based on your historically ignorant belief that there was some kind of "ideal" distribution of races in the past and that they sprung out of the ground or God placed them where "they belong" or some shit while denying every single person who lives today of any and all property rights as if this will lead to some kind of moral state of justice rather than just start and perpetuate a further chain of injustices.

Yes, you offend me. Your constant desire to use mass violence against other people because you're ignorant is offensive and you should stop.

I know a Native American guy. There is no way he's giving up his Playstation to go hunt deer and pick berries out in the forest.
indigenous peoples have been reduced to these happy hunting grounds  Gloomy

[Image: 8fVQqdP.png]

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