(07-29-2024, 06:52 PM)Jansen wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/my-brother-didnt-attend-my-wedding-last-year-now-he-wants-to-talk.939795/
Ah a "fuck your family" thread.
Quote:I tend not to post my personal shit on here but I dunno how to feel right now. Cautiously optimistic I guess? Foolishly optimistic? I just gotta get it out there cause it's making me feel so weird.
Quick context:
My husband and I have been together since 2012. We got engaged in late 2022 for a Friday, October 13th 2023 small wedding ceremony: just the courthouse with immediate family, then a dinner at a local restaurant across the street. My brother has known my husband for most of that time and has never once indicated, despite being more and more religious once he moved to North Carolina, that it was a problem for him. He was the first person besides my parents that I came out to back in 2012, and he was so supportive.
My birthday is on the 27th of July, and my brother's is on the 31st. If we're not celebrating together, we usually call each other. So on my birthday last year, he called and told me to expect "something" in the mail and to give him a call when I got it. I was of course excited! I got a handwritten letter a couple weeks later, right before work. I read it after getting ready, and my whole world seemed to crumble. "I love you, but I can't celebrate with you on your big day." I still have that letter, and it was two pages of cowardly bullshit about how gay relationships are against Biblical texts. He had been talking about the wedding for six months at this point, and it was closing in on three months to the event itself. My husband was fucking pissed.
I called my parents, furious and deeply upset, and when they heard they were similarly shocked and horrified. They asked him if he was serious and he said he was, so my parents told him to talk to me and they told me to not hold back. So I didn't. I told him that it felt like my whole self-confidence about being openly gay was built on a lie, that I felt betrayed and hurt. He gave some nonsense about "thinking about eternity" and I told him that until he can figure his shit out, lose my number. I'll be cordial at any family event that we both have to attend, but nothing else. I told him that when people asked where he was at the wedding, I would be honest. That was almost a year ago. I told my parents I wouldn't make them choose between us, but I was icing him out until he got his head out of his ass. They said okay and they understood.
So the 27th rolled by a couple days ago (wahoo 32 lol), and my brother texted me saying he wanted to talk. I was busy with my friends doing Magic The Gathering and board games, so I told him the next day would be best. He said okay, then I didn't hear from him yesterday. Today, he texted again. I told him I'm at work, give me half an hour, he said okay. So here I am, twiddling my thumbs at work. I'm hoping so badly that he figured out how much of an asshole he is. Icing out my brother didn't feel good, even if I know it was the right thing to do. I knew he was religious, but I never thought it would go so far as to blow up our relationship like this. I don't want to hear any more sanctimonious bullshit. If I do, I'm just gonna hang up and continue like normal. My mom's 60th birthday is in December and it'll be my parents, my husband and I, and my brother and his gf. Cynical part of me is thinking he wants to mend fences to keep mom's birthday from being awkward, cause he knows I will not give him the time of day on that vacation. I wonder if his new gf even knows what happened. My mom says the gf knows all about me and thinks I'm the bee's knees, so maybe I'm hoping that she got through to him.
And once he's done with me, he has to make things right with my husband, too. Good luck with that, he's still infuriated by it.
I dunno, man. This last 20 minutes of work is brutal.
His brother is definitely a piece of shit and eerily similar to my two older brothers but if he calls and offers a truce why would you still ice him out
For once I'm on the Reeee's side in this situation...unless, you know, they are being a little liberal in their interpretation of the truth.
Quote:I don't know what triggered you but if you continue with the personal attacks I'm gonna have a conversation with the mod team. Get a life
14 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, ClothedMac, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, NekoFever, Nintex, Chumbawumbafan69, PogiJones, Uncle, D3RANG3D, HaughtyFrank, Gameboy Nostalgia, DavidCroquet, Taco Bell Tower, benji
07-30-2024, 01:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 01:41 AM by benji.)
(07-29-2024, 03:26 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/wsj-study-shows-men-and-women-heavily-differ-on-childhood-trans-choice-w-o-parent-approval-women-are-divided-men-heavily-oppose.939492/post-126459708
Quote:The concept of toxic masculinity presented in chart form (07-29-2024, 05:05 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/wsj-study-shows-18-29-men-and-women-heavily-differ-on-childhood-trans-choice-w-o-parent-approval-women-are-divided-men-heavily-oppose.939492/post-126460812
Quote:Yeah, Tate, Rogan, and the other slime balls really did a number on that generation. (07-29-2024, 05:28 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/wsj-study-shows-18-29-men-and-women-heavily-differ-on-childhood-trans-choice-w-o-parent-approval-women-are-divided-men-heavily-oppose.939492/post-126461883
Quote:ClickyCal' said:
Deradicalizing transphobic men isn't the job for trans people to do.
Cis men suck??
* shocked pikachu* (07-29-2024, 05:33 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Bebpo wrote:Yeah, GOP has been playing the long-game since Gamergate to brainwash young men.
It's been going on for so long, I'm not sure how this issue is even repaired. I guess if a large majority of the most popular streamers/influencers in the USA/World are liberal for a decade? But for whatever reason the influencers that gain popularity tend to be the right-wing ones :\ Alternative theory: people don't actually believe children should be able to do whatever they want, especially if it's permanently life altering and they'll suffer for and regret it, without their parents permission?
Because, you know, people don't believe children can consent.
(07-29-2024, 05:28 PM)killamajig wrote: Quote:generic_orb
I think contributions like this are harmful to everybody involved. They're too common and get almost no pushback, but they should. It's such a stupid thing to say.
Although at least for my own sanity, I think the deterioration in trans support over the past 10 years is also due to the fact it is being taken seriously and is mainstream, which I don't think it was before in modern history, correct me if I'm wrong. I look at the negativity as being people who had never even thought about this stuff before going 'what the fuck' and eventually, it will die down and wider acceptance will come.
But right now it's all very intertwined with things that are happening to everyone so it gets messy and complicated. I'll never understand how these people convince themselves of things that never happened that they lived through.
(07-29-2024, 05:54 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/wsj-study-shows-18-29-men-and-women-heavily-differ-on-childhood-trans-choice-w-o-parent-approval-women-are-divided-men-heavily-oppose.939492/page-2?post=126465627#post-126465627
JigglesBunny wrote:I don't think people who live with this kind of backwards and vicious hatred inside should be allowed to procreate. Poll me on that. Let me run on that platform. And now we're back to the state punishing blasphemers.
(07-29-2024, 09:27 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/wsj-study-shows-18-29-men-and-women-heavily-differ-on-childhood-trans-choice-w-o-parent-approval-women-are-divided-men-heavily-oppose.939492/page-2?post=126463461#post-126463461
brain_ wrote:Its pure insanity. Some dudes just can't handle that a woman they think is hot might be trans. Anything that in their minds might make them come off as gay must be put down immediately. Yeah, they might even decide they must not be men, they must be women. And also lesbians. Then have "sex" with only men who also claim to be lesbians.
(07-29-2024, 09:52 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/for-people-who-believe-in-rehabilitative-justice-where-are-your-limits-are-there-crimes-we-should-only-punish.939144/post-126472962
I don't think it really undermines her larger points about how the judicial system isn't actually set up to prevent rape in the first place, so using it as the final arbiter on how to deal with rapists is counterproductive and moreso just for the satisfaction of people who largely have nothing to do with the victims, or even have the forethought to ask what they even want. Then this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose of the judicial system.
It's actually hilarious because you claim to be ACAB and "radical abolitionist" yet you're demanding the state proactively prevent behavior with the justice system. Again, your only problem with the current police state is that it's not a hyper efficient panopticon state that enforces only your views.
Really wish Royalan would stop appropriating white culture.
POC should not be allowed to post in the White Dudes For Harris thread. They don't understand white struggles.
(07-30-2024, 02:01 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/white-dudes-for-harris-livestreaming-now-with-jeff-bridges-pete-buttigieg-and-more.940029/
Really wish Royalan would stop appropriating white culture.
![[Image: 41-m.jpg]](https://www.resetera.com/data/avatar/31722297696/41-m.jpg)
POC should not be allowed to post in the White Dudes For Harris thread. They don't understand white struggles.
Quote:Damn they got the Pope of White Dudes, Luke Skywalker himself.
Quote:I don't think having a Zionist come on here was the right call...
(07-30-2024, 01:12 AM)Boredfrom wrote: You should write doujinshis, uncle.
what if young Obi-Wan went around using the Force to detect if women were actually men and then Force-untucked their dicks at the least opportune time
lori, https://www.resetera.com/threads/israel-palestine-the-ongoing-israeli-genocide-in-gaza-icj-orders-halt-to-israeli-offensive-on-rafah-see-staff-posts-for-posting-guidelines.772478/post-126483444 wrote:Quote:
I'm just thinking of how many people have caught bans for saying this state should not exist.
Scrolling back up there's actually a hilarious discussion going on in that thread that would get you permanently banned if you said it about any other state except probably America (except Florida).
 "Islam gets some things wrong."
 "The population of this country is so inherently evil that the entire thing needs to be exterminated."
26 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Tucker's Law, Chudder Barbarity, ClothedMac, MoonlightJazz, Straight Edge, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, JoeBoy101, NekoFever, Polident, Nintex, BIONIC, Propagandhim, Daffy Duck, Potato, Chumbawumbafan69, kaleidoscopium, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx, killamajig, Uncle, Boredfrom, Gameboy Nostalgia, DavidCroquet, PogiJones, HaughtyFrank
"As an anti-imperialist progressive I believe that the United States has a duty to invade and dismember a state it's not at war with and re-educate the entire populace and if they resist, well, talk shit get hit fuck around and find out.  "
Between this and Wu wanting to invade Lebanon it's a banner week for "progressives" getting on board with the agenda of the first term Bush Administration.
War on Terror People Who Refuse To Do Basic Human Decency
None of these "White" guys make me want to donate.
NYT trying to pretend they aren't well known far-right transphobes.
07-30-2024, 03:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 03:23 AM by benji.)
More evidence that ResetERA.com is a far-right fascist forum:
Nicolas Maduro, progressive, https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1818014549880308108 wrote:[Elon Musk] is the representation of the fascist ideology in the world. The economic power supporting the fascist ideology of the extreme right. This man is bravely fighting for democracy and against capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy yet they condemn him and call him terrible things and want a coup to remove him after a fair and free election while refusing to abandon Twitter.
That thread is still saying he "stole" the election when all he did was correct the results for the effects of toxic masculinity.
Quote:MAGA Republicans and Trump taking notes...
Quote:Trump taking notes.
Quote:Quote:Elon tweet
Even the man who is pretty much in the wrong with every single political take is calling it out
This one is because it doesn't align with his own agenda. He's already using it to support a Trump Victory using Venezuela as a spooky tale
Speedstersonic wrote:I'm sorry for any Venezuelans that are going through what a lot of us in the US are fearing is in our own future. This fucking sucks. It's frustrating how many countries are trying to be controlled by regimes like this against it's own people's will. Quote:He's got his plan for unlimited power already
Quote:Can we please not give the man behind the coup in Boliva some years ago a voice?
Quote:Seems like a bunch of left wing people on Twitter are happy about this since he supports Palestine, and because they see US sanctions as a form of neo-Imperialism, so I guess they have to support the guy being sanctioned?
Quote:There's a lot of "slacktivism" online that operates on fairly low amounts of information especially on an international geopolitical level. It's not surprising even if it's disappointing to see people on Twitter talk through this stuff with large blinders on.
Quote:A bunch of left wing people are more than happy to support retrograde and dictatorial governments if only to spite the west. They are less left wing and more antiwestern. Hence why for instance they take the correct choice on supporting Palestine but then dont say anything about Ukraine (or like Maduro, directly support Russia).
Quote:Seeing a ridiculous amount of pro Maduro propaganda on TikTok, like anything about the Venezuelan election is that maduro legitimately won and any criticism or mention of Maduro losing is just colonialism, while protests are liberal American propaganda.
B-Dubs wrote:To cut it short, pretty much every dictator or wannabe dictator has come out in favor of the results. The whole thing remains incredibly pathetic. Quote:I've been pleasantly surprised to see most people in this thread recognizing that Maduro (once again) stole the election.
Quote:As someone who has been on this board since the GAF days, count me among the pleasantly surprised at this thread. I will admit things have gotten a lot better on that front in recent years, but still nice to see.
This is exactly why trans people don't feel safe on the forum, this kind of dangerous centrism.
(07-29-2024, 08:15 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: (07-29-2024, 02:19 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/hostess-releases-new-mystery-flavor-twinkies.939315/
OK, what's this guys deal with junk food? I hope he works in that field. Cuz otherwise 
He works in either fast food/junk food or automotive. Guy spawns anti Tesla articles like no tomorrow, never positive. And conversely only positive articles for Toyota, Nissan etc
If I was being generous, I'd say he worked as a PR consultant.
However, we all know that he's most likely some weird shut-in who just really likes fast food and cars and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of random useless facts about both. Probably has a skin suit from his victims too.
(07-29-2024, 10:13 PM)Potato wrote: (07-29-2024, 05:14 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/have-you-ever-been-afraid-to-fall-asleep.939651/
Guess who
After falling asleep while driving on the highway twice in the same drive? Yeah. Yeah, I've been afraid to fall asleep.
I got off the highway after the second one and parked my ass in a McDonald's and guzzled down 2 or 3 large Cokes until I got enough of an energy boost to finish the drive safely.
That's not how you "finish the drive safely" you fucking idiot, that's increasing the risk. A 20 minute nap in the car would have been the best option. But if course you knew that because you, magically, know everything and once had a career as a sleep therapist or something, I'm sure... Nah. Imagine doing something rational like pulling over for a kip when you feel too fucked to drive on (especially if you're not going anywhere important?) That's stupid af.
Just eat mc donalds and drink 3 cokes and stare into the void for 1:30. Once the healing powers of cocacola hit the bloodstream sleep will be a distant memory. Amazing that this fucker hasn't wrapped his car around a tree yet.
PlanetSmasher, post: 126484704, member: 6260 wrote:To be fair, I spent more than an hour and a half loitering at that McDonald's, digesting my food and drinks until I was certain I was awake enough to actually move. I was not going to get back on the highway until I knew for sure I could make it the remaining 20 miles back to campus.
11 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, ClothedMac, Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, killamajig, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, Propagandhim, Boredfrom, books, benji
I think all of you need to remember that you are not staff members so you are not qualified to judge whether or not PlanetSmasher was too impaired to drive.
18 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Chudder Barbarity, Gameboy Nostalgia, ClothedMac, Taco Bell Tower, PogiJones, killamajig, MJBarret, kaleidoscopium, DavidCroquet, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, Propagandhim, BIONIC, Potato, Boredfrom, books, remy
07-30-2024, 04:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 05:00 AM by books.)
Planetsmasher and JeffMarvel should be enemies and fight. Someone should engineer this by making a reasonable comment.
Edit- who cares about Venezuela enough to have an opinion?
Quote:After how Tales of Arise deals with genocide and how Final Fantasy XVI deals with slavery, I'm fully convinced that Japanese videogame writers should avoid tackling serious political subjects in their videogames. The chance of fucking it up is too high, and I'm really done with dealing with their bullshit. Even Persona 5, a game I enjoyed, gets wonky with social commentary.
Dumb PlanetSmasher didn't know to just pound some more prescription meth he's taking to fight his anxiety like TransEra would have done.
07-30-2024, 06:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 06:24 AM by benji.)
Aw sweet, a thread that should be full of bad legal takes: https://www.resetera.com/threads/elon-musk-takes-fire-for-posting-fake-video-of-kamala-harris.940080/
Quote:This is clearly election interference, isn't he like a foreigner? USA doesn't have laws for that?
That's it? THAT'S IT?
There's like 60 posts from Elonphobes mad how attracted they are to him and want him to die. There's like five posts about how anyone who uses Twitter is part of the problem. But this. THIS is the only bad legal take???
(07-30-2024, 04:45 AM)remy wrote: (07-29-2024, 10:13 PM)Potato wrote: (07-29-2024, 05:14 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/have-you-ever-been-afraid-to-fall-asleep.939651/
Guess who
That's not how you "finish the drive safely" you fucking idiot, that's increasing the risk. A 20 minute nap in the car would have been the best option. But if course you knew that because you, magically, know everything and once had a career as a sleep therapist or something, I'm sure... Nah. Imagine doing something rational like pulling over for a kip when you feel too fucked to drive on (especially if you're not going anywhere important?) That's stupid af.
Just eat mc donalds and drink 3 cokes and stare into the void for 1:30. Once the healing powers of cocacola hit the bloodstream sleep will be a distant memory. Amazing that this fucker hasn't wrapped his car around a tree yet.
PlanetSmasher, post: 126484704, member: 6260 wrote:To be fair, I spent more than an hour and a half loitering at that McDonald's, digesting my food and drinks until I was certain I was awake enough to actually move. I was not going to get back on the highway until I knew for sure I could make it the remaining 20 miles back to campus.
It takes 20 minutes for caffeine to take effect. After 1.5 hours, that shit has worn off. This is what straight up lying to make yourself look "cool" looks like kids...
07-30-2024, 06:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 06:35 AM by Potato.)
(07-30-2024, 04:58 AM)books wrote: Planetsmasher and JeffMarvel should be enemies and fight. Someone should engineer this by making a reasonable comment.
Edit- who cares about Venezuela enough to have an opinion?
Venezuela is full of hot women and cool places to visit. I'd like to go there one day and not have to deal with a shitty government that oppresses is people and make the whole place dangerous.
Lots of Europeans immigrated there to work in the 70s. Used to be such a nice country.
Yeah, before the unchecked brutal capitalism.
07-30-2024, 10:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-30-2024, 10:53 AM by HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth.)
(07-30-2024, 01:31 AM)Potato wrote: ...unless, you know, they are being a little liberal in their interpretation of the truth.
A reseteran being liberal with the truth? Surely not!
Speaking of brutal capitalism,
Quote:Sources say Marvel is plunking down $80 million for Anthony and Joe Russo to direct “Avengers: Doomsday” and “Avengers: Secret Wars” and “significantly more” for Downey to tackle uber-villain Doctor Doom in the two tentpoles. The Russos’ deal doesn’t include back-end compensation, but it does contain performance escalators that kick in at the $750 million and $1 billion thresholds.
Quote:For Downey … his deal also is filled with perks that include private jet travel, dedicated security and a whole “trailer encampment”
12 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Gameboy Nostalgia, Chumbawumbafan69, ClothedMac, benji, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, Boredfrom, killamajig, DavidCroquet, kaleidoscopium, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth