Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(08-01-2024, 01:38 PM)killamajig wrote: IOC spokesman Mark Adams indicated Tuesday no personal information about the boxers' medical histories would be disclosed. "They've been competing in boxing for a very long time," Adams told reporters. “They've achieved all the eligibility requirements in terms of sex and age. We're following the rules in place in Tokyo."

What's the eligibility criteria?
A passport could be key, based on comments from Adams, the IOC spokesman.

“I would just say that everyone competing in the women’s category is complying with the competition eligibility rules," he said. “They are women in their passports and it is stated that is the case.”

actually they didn't meet the requirements to compete, which is why they were banned by IBA. however the olympics didn't like that so they decided to remove IBA as governing body of the sport for this paris 2024 and created a new governing body run by them that did approve them to compete. weird how that works out Derp
Sounds like the intersex issue that was plagging athletics for a while.

[Image: gettyimages-592614228_wide-bbde7d065096f...=85&f=webp]

I watched the Zambia soccer team and I wouldn't be surprised if there were some among them as well.

I actually feel bad for these people. It's not like the cis men transitioning in their twenties and deciding to go compete against women all of a sudden.
(08-01-2024, 04:16 PM)benji wrote:
(08-01-2024, 04:13 PM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: Is this a case of two boxers in one weight class on extreme ends of the weight class?

It's 2024, you'd think they'd be a better metric for classification apart from weight.
The category appears to be 66kg. 145lbs in proper scientific units.

It's not the highest women category which is 75kg: wrote:The male boxers will contest matches in these seven weight classes:

51 kg
57 kg
71 kg
80 kg
92 kg
+92 kg

The female boxers will contest matches in these six weight classes:

50 kg
54 kg
57 kg
60 kg
66 kg
75 kg

Looking through their pages on olympics site.

Looks like italian girl sucks.  She was in a heavier class in '21 (69KG 9th place). Khelif moved up to a heavier (60kg 5th place)

why is era going white knightess over the loser?

Why did I just waste like 15 mins looking this up?

Not like this!
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, Alpacx
(08-01-2024, 04:13 PM)benji wrote: Followed a link from the Joanne thread and among the typical stuff was this: wrote:The thing is, a good report could actually provide useful and interesting information. For example, I've read that trans patients express much lower levels of regret after gender-affirming surgery than any other group with any kind of surgery. If resources were devoted to learning from this group, maybe from a psychological perspective, we could even help cis people who get surgery. But noooo, being total bigots is more important.

"lower levels of regret"
"than ANY other group"
"with ANY kind of surgery"

Welp, I'm convinced. See ya'll on the flipside!

Quote:trans patients express much lower levels of regret after gender-affirming surgery than any other group with any kind of surgery.
[Image: VobRFPa.gif]


User banned (permanent): transphobic rhetoric, prior ban for misogynistic and sexist rhetoric

Who didn't see that one coming
Do they use the passport test for all the qualifications? Or just the main one?
(08-01-2024, 04:43 PM)Jansen wrote:


User banned (permanent): transphobic rhetoric, prior ban for misogynistic and sexist rhetoric

Who didn't see that one coming

[Image: HDf9mrh.gif]
I think we should go the other way from broad categories in sports, we should have inclusive categories so specific everyone can be a Gold Medalist. Heart
Nothing Loud wrote:
War Eagle wrote:Congrats! What's your field? And dissertation topic?

And, if you don't feel comfortable answering these on a public forum, that's fine too!
I go into a bit more detail in my other thread (my research went viral the last two weeks lol) in the non-public section of the OT forum, but I'm a lot of things. Bachelors was chemical engineering, professional experience was food engineering, and then I went to grad school to specialize in clinical/medical bioengineering, joined a dual-discipline PhD program (bioengineering & data science), and became a computational systems biologist/bioinformatician. 70% of my dissertation was published as an article in a medical journal so it's a clinical topic related to bioinformatics.

Been an unspeakably long journey. I started graduate school with just 1 comp sci/programming class under my belt, then I had to do lab rotations, research, qualifying exam, and graduate coursework alongside freshman and sophomore level undergrad comp sci classes to level out my knowledge I was behind on. And then the pandemic started and my city shut down the day I chose my PhD research lab. So many classes, so many years.

I also got a PhD certificate in computational molecular biology so my career/job/profile/"headline" comes with many names. Engineer, scientist, code monkey, medical researcher, just kinda depends on how you look at it.
Egomaniac Games as a Service
(08-01-2024, 04:43 PM)Jansen wrote:


User banned (permanent): transphobic rhetoric, prior ban for misogynistic and sexist rhetoric

Who didn't see that one coming
Idiot just got yelled at by B-Dubs for that one Israel thread so he never had a chance. lol
(08-01-2024, 04:43 PM)Jansen wrote:


User banned (permanent): transphobic rhetoric, prior ban for misogynistic and sexist rhetoric

Who didn't see that one coming

lmao, just yesterday he was defending Hamas but this is what gets him
And now for the olympic backpedaling race

Quote:I apologize I didn't know what was going on. I didn't want to offend anyone but it seems I put my foot in my mouth again. I shouldn't be making light of a sensitive subject and I don't want to derail the thread with my own stupidity, so I'm sorry for unintended toxicity.
(08-01-2024, 04:48 PM)jooseloose wrote:
Nothing Loud wrote:
War Eagle wrote:Congrats! What's your field? And dissertation topic?

And, if you don't feel comfortable answering these on a public forum, that's fine too!
I go into a bit more detail in my other thread (my research went viral the last two weeks lol) in the non-public section of the OT forum, but I'm a lot of things. Bachelors was chemical engineering, professional experience was food engineering, and then I went to grad school to specialize in clinical/medical bioengineering, joined a dual-discipline PhD program (bioengineering & data science), and became a computational systems biologist/bioinformatician. 70% of my dissertation was published as an article in a medical journal so it's a clinical topic related to bioinformatics.

Been an unspeakably long journey. I started graduate school with just 1 comp sci/programming class under my belt, then I had to do lab rotations, research, qualifying exam, and graduate coursework alongside freshman and sophomore level undergrad comp sci classes to level out my knowledge I was behind on. And then the pandemic started and my city shut down the day I chose my PhD research lab. So many classes, so many years.

I also got a PhD certificate in computational molecular biology so my career/job/profile/"headline" comes with many names. Engineer, scientist, code monkey, medical researcher, just kinda depends on how you look at it.
Egomaniac Games as a Service
His article is literally just linear regressions from survey data.

Like, I'm not making this up, he literally looked at the ordinal survey results for how often they pooped. Then it's a bunch of regressions against genetic stuff or whatever this is. He didn't look at anybody's poop or anything, the data was from before he was even in the program.
(08-01-2024, 04:47 PM)benji wrote: I think we should go the other way from broad categories in sports, we should have inclusive categories so specific everyone can be a Gold Medalist. Heart

I could finally achieve my dream of winning a slam dunk competition. Let do it.
They totally waited for an opening not Palestine related. lol 

Fucking embarrassing that was the reason for his ban and not being an hyper aggressive asshole bigot.
Oof, I'm glad I looked at Nothing Loud's paper:
Quote:Declaration of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process
During the preparation of this work, the first author used Google Gemini (formerly Bard) and Microsoft Copilot in order to query primary sources in the references, suggest minor revisions of written excerpts, and debug code. After using this tool/service, the authors reviewed and edited the content as needed. The authors take full responsibility for the content of this publication.
(08-01-2024, 04:53 PM)Snoopy wrote: And now for the olympic backpedaling race

Quote:I apologize I didn't know what was going on. I didn't want to offend anyone but it seems I put my foot in my mouth again. I shouldn't be making light of a sensitive subject and I don't want to derail the thread with my own stupidity, so I'm sorry for unintended toxicity.

I'm not sure why Snoopy here had to come up with this groveling apology...this was an eminently fair, even fight between competitors within an acceptable range of skill and physical prowess. Any suggestion otherwise is grossly transphobic.

Since this is just a normal contest under unremarkable circumstances, why should Snoopy feel sorry for making a completely normal dunk on the losing participant? Such commentary is very typical for normal sporting events all over the world, including Era.
(08-01-2024, 04:53 PM)benji wrote:
(08-01-2024, 04:48 PM)jooseloose wrote:
Nothing Loud wrote:I go into a bit more detail in my other thread (my research went viral the last two weeks lol) in the non-public section of the OT forum, but I'm a lot of things. Bachelors was chemical engineering, professional experience was food engineering, and then I went to grad school to specialize in clinical/medical bioengineering, joined a dual-discipline PhD program (bioengineering & data science), and became a computational systems biologist/bioinformatician. 70% of my dissertation was published as an article in a medical journal so it's a clinical topic related to bioinformatics.

Been an unspeakably long journey. I started graduate school with just 1 comp sci/programming class under my belt, then I had to do lab rotations, research, qualifying exam, and graduate coursework alongside freshman and sophomore level undergrad comp sci classes to level out my knowledge I was behind on. And then the pandemic started and my city shut down the day I chose my PhD research lab. So many classes, so many years.

I also got a PhD certificate in computational molecular biology so my career/job/profile/"headline" comes with many names. Engineer, scientist, code monkey, medical researcher, just kinda depends on how you look at it.
Egomaniac Games as a Service
His article is literally just linear regressions from survey data.

Now he's got a promising career at starbucks ahead of him to pay back those student loans.  lol
Conclusion wrote:Blood levels of 3-IS were independently associated with both BMF and eGFR, which led us to the hypothesis that 3-IS may mediate the potential influence of BMF on eGFR. Indeed, we observed a significant ADE of BMF on eGFR (p = 0.012) and a highly significant ACME for 3-IS (p < 2E−16; Figure 7B). Together, these results indicate that aberrant BMF-associated increases in 3-IS are associated with declining kidney function in a generally healthy cohort, which is consistent with similar associations that have been observed between 3-IS and poorer outcomes in patients with CKD.55
Actual part of paper wrote:Finally, given that microbially derived 3-IS was independently associated with both eGFR and BMF, we hypothesized that 3-IS may be mediating, in part, the impact of BMF on eGFR. To test this hypothesis, we ran a causal mediation analysis (using the mediation library in R31; see STAR Methods) on the generally healthy Arivale individuals with BMF, eGFR, and the blood metabolomics data (N = 572; Figures 7B and S7). BMF categories were merged into “Low” (low-normal BMF and constipation) and “High” categories (high-normal BMF and diarrhea participants) in order to consolidate the BMF categories with very small Ns (i.e., constipation and diarrhea). The total effect of the overall model did not quite pass our significance threshold of alpha <0.05 (total effect, p = 0.064), but we saw a significant average direct effect (ADE) of BMF on eGFR (ADE = −4.458, p = 0.012) and a highly significant average causal mediation effect (ACME) of BMF via 3-IS on eGFR (ACME = 1.343, p < 2E−16; Figure 7B).
Figure 7B wrote:(B) BMF affects eGFR directly (average direct effect, ADE) and indirectly (average causal mediated effect, ACME) through 3-IS (a metabolite). Both effects are significant (N = 572); the total effect was not significant (N = 572; ADE = −4.458, p = 0.012; ACME = 1.343, p < 2E−16). The total effect and the proportion-mediated terms did not pass our significance threshold of ɑ = 0.05.
So your hypothesis was in fact wrong? ???

I love how often he repeats the "significance threshold of alpha" in this thing as if it isn't just 0.05 like everyone everywhere uses. lol

edit: I'm sure this graphic is fine in whatever field this is but what do you think this is actually supposed to indicate?
[Image: Ia0gQwU.png]
(08-01-2024, 04:43 PM)Jansen wrote:


User banned (permanent): transphobic rhetoric, prior ban for misogynistic and sexist rhetoric

Who didn't see that one coming

I remember when all this guy was into was wrestling, and now his obsession became posting anti-Semitic propaganda.

Wonder how long till this one gets locked. The hamas sympathizers haven't shown up to run defense for the terrorist leader (AKA the Muslim Nelson Mandela) yet.
(08-01-2024, 05:19 PM)EaldNarche wrote:

Wonder how long till this one gets locked. The hamas sympathizers haven't shown up to run defense for the terrorist leader (AKA the Muslim Nelson Mandela) yet.

b-dubs wrote:Look, this should go without saying, but just because this guy was an asshole doesn't mean you need to cheer this sort of thing on. These sorts of extra judicial killings have an incredibly negative effect on the people who live not only in these countries but across the entire region. When things get destabilized as a result of stuff like this it leads to innocent people who just want to live their lives being harmed. It's easy to look at this stuff and laugh or cheer it on, but that's only because we're not the ones who get stuck facing the consequences. We aren't the ones who will have to face the crackdowns or the violent aftermath. Stuff like this has the potential to cause a war and that isn't something we should forget. This is a scary moment in time for the people living in the region, for your friends and fellow members who live in that region, and it would be nice if we could keep that in mind when posting.

Now they caution to not celebrate death??  lol

These fuckers said it was okay to cheer about Queen Elizabeth dying but cheering for the death of a guy who organized countless of terror attacks and didn't give a fuck about the actual population of Gaza while he chilled outside the country is too much?
(08-01-2024, 04:48 PM)jooseloose wrote:
Nothing Loud wrote:
War Eagle wrote:Congrats! What's your field? And dissertation topic?

And, if you don't feel comfortable answering these on a public forum, that's fine too!
I go into a bit more detail in my other thread (my research went viral the last two weeks lol) in the non-public section of the OT forum, but I'm a lot of things. Bachelors was chemical engineering, professional experience was food engineering, and then I went to grad school to specialize in clinical/medical bioengineering, joined a dual-discipline PhD program (bioengineering & data science), and became a computational systems biologist/bioinformatician. 70% of my dissertation was published as an article in a medical journal so it's a clinical topic related to bioinformatics.

Been an unspeakably long journey. I started graduate school with just 1 comp sci/programming class under my belt, then I had to do lab rotations, research, qualifying exam, and graduate coursework alongside freshman and sophomore level undergrad comp sci classes to level out my knowledge I was behind on. And then the pandemic started and my city shut down the day I chose my PhD research lab. So many classes, so many years.

I also got a PhD certificate in computational molecular biology so my career/job/profile/"headline" comes with many names. Engineer, scientist, code monkey, medical researcher, just kinda depends on how you look at it.
Egomaniac Games as a Service

Quote:Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking behaviors, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriate seduction and an excessive desire for approval. People diagnosed with the disorder are said to be lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, extraverted and flirtatious.

HPD lies in the dramatic cluster of personality disorders, also known as the Cluster B. People with HPD have a high desire for attention, make loud and inappropriate appearances, exaggerate their behaviors and emotions, and crave stimulation.[1] They very often exhibit pervasive and persistent sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others. Associated features include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own wants.

People diagnosed with HPD may be dramatic.[2][3][4] They often fail to see their own personal situation realistically, instead dramatizing and exaggerating their difficulties. Patients with this disorder can have rapidly shifting emotions and a decreased ability to recognize the emotions of others.[5] Their emotions may appear superficial or exaggerated to others. This disorder is associated with extraversion,[6] a lower tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification,[7] and openness to new experiences. People with HPD may have little self-doubt and often appear egocentric.[8]

Research has also shown those with histrionic personality have a greater desire for social approval and reassurance and will constantly seek it out, making those with HPD more vulnerable to social media addiction.[9] People with this disorder often display excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval.[10] They will work hard to get others to pay attention to them,[11] possibly as a method of testing the stability of relationships.[12] They may enjoy situations in which they can be the center of attention, and may feel uncomfortable when people are not paying attention to them.[6] It is common for people with this disorder to wear flamboyant clothing, try body modifications,[13] and fake medical conditions in an attempt to draw other's attention.[6][14] They may be inappropriately sexually provocative,[15][16] flirtatious,[6][17][18] or exploitative.[19] Sexually suggestive and exhibitionist behavior are also behaviors people with this condition sometimes exhibit.[20] Some people with histrionic traits or personality disorder change their seduction technique into a more parental style as they age.[21] When their desire for attention is not met, it can heighten the severity of their symptoms.[22] They tend to be impressionable and easily manipulated, especially by those they respect.[6][23][24]

Patients with HPD are usually high-functioning, both socially and professionally. They usually have good social skills, despite tending to use them to make themselves the center of attention.[6] HPD may also affect a person's social and romantic relationships, as well as their ability to cope with losses or failures. People with HPD tend to consider relationships closer than they usually are.[25][26][27] They may seek treatment for clinical depression when romantic (or other close personal) relationships end.[26] Substance disorders,[28] such as alcohol use disorder or opioid use disorder,[29][30] are all common in patients with histrionic personality disorder.[31][32] They are also at higher risks of suicide,[33][34] body dysmorphia (a preoccupation with perceived flaws in one's physical appearance),[35][36] and divorce.[37] They may go through frequent job changes, as they become easily bored and may prefer withdrawing from frustration (instead of facing it). Because they tend to crave novelty and excitement, they may place themselves in risky situations. All of these factors may lead to greater risk of developing clinical depression.[4] People with this condition can have an impressionistic and undetailed style of speech.[38]

Despite these traits, they can be prideful of their own personality, and may be unwilling to change, viewing any change as a threat. They may even blame their personal failures or disappointments on others.[21]

It's him to a T
(08-01-2024, 04:43 PM)Jansen wrote:


User banned (permanent): transphobic rhetoric, prior ban for misogynistic and sexist rhetoric

Who didn't see that one coming

Yet another proud supporter of Palestinians getting tossed aside be the Zionist cabal.
Albatross going off on Era doublethink. Always respected his ability to walk the tight rope.

Fun response from Lord Dummy trying to mix it up with a Real Poster.

Lord Fanny wrote:I will have to look up more information about the specific bill you're talking about, but it's actually pretty off base and deeply condescending to make it seem like those on the left fell for some cheap line here. KOSA had deep opposition from LGBTQ groups from the beginning and while some of the national groups relinquished that opposition, a lot of groups in people in the community continued to oppose it even when it had overwhelming support in the Senate. They didn't fall for some line, there was a lot of real concerns there. And frankly if you don't think the targeting of marginalized communities is a real concern then you pretty disconnected from our modern reality
"I don't know anything about what you're talking about and haven't read about it, but HOW DARE YOU imply that we've fallen for cheap FUD that is aimed at uninformed people!".

EDIT: More cognitive dissonance to enjoy:

Lmo2017 wrote:This was was basically a way for the GOP to ban LGBTQ+ content via "think of the children!" Once it actually was going to be controlled by people who weren't crazed bigots, they didn't want it anymore.
THE TITLE OF THE THREAD wrote:House Republicans will not bring up KOSA, effectively killing bill
Interesting strategy, GOP.
(08-01-2024, 05:30 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(08-01-2024, 05:19 PM)EaldNarche wrote:

Wonder how long till this one gets locked. The hamas sympathizers haven't shown up to run defense for the terrorist leader (AKA the Muslim Nelson Mandela) yet.

b-dubs wrote:Look, this should go without saying, but just because this guy was an asshole doesn't mean you need to cheer this sort of thing on. These sorts of extra judicial killings have an incredibly negative effect on the people who live not only in these countries but across the entire region. When things get destabilized as a result of stuff like this it leads to innocent people who just want to live their lives being harmed. It's easy to look at this stuff and laugh or cheer it on, but that's only because we're not the ones who get stuck facing the consequences. We aren't the ones who will have to face the crackdowns or the violent aftermath. Stuff like this has the potential to cause a war and that isn't something we should forget. This is a scary moment in time for the people living in the region, for your friends and fellow members who live in that region, and it would be nice if we could keep that in mind when posting.
But what if they were landlords or owned a mom-and-pop store? Like, wage theft is a real problem, you know.
BDumbs wrote:This is a scary moment in time for the people living in the region, for your friends and fellow members who live in that region, and it would be nice if we could keep that in mind when posting.

How many members live in that region?
(08-01-2024, 05:39 PM)benji wrote:
(08-01-2024, 05:30 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(08-01-2024, 05:19 PM)EaldNarche wrote:

Wonder how long till this one gets locked. The hamas sympathizers haven't shown up to run defense for the terrorist leader (AKA the Muslim Nelson Mandela) yet.

b-dubs wrote:Look, this should go without saying, but just because this guy was an asshole doesn't mean you need to cheer this sort of thing on. These sorts of extra judicial killings have an incredibly negative effect on the people who live not only in these countries but across the entire region. When things get destabilized as a result of stuff like this it leads to innocent people who just want to live their lives being harmed. It's easy to look at this stuff and laugh or cheer it on, but that's only because we're not the ones who get stuck facing the consequences. We aren't the ones who will have to face the crackdowns or the violent aftermath. Stuff like this has the potential to cause a war and that isn't something we should forget. This is a scary moment in time for the people living in the region, for your friends and fellow members who live in that region, and it would be nice if we could keep that in mind when posting.
But what if they were landlords or owned a mom-and-pop store? Like, wage theft is a real problem, you know.
Or what if they're simply a distasteful person of any kind?
megachao24 wrote:Rest in piss in shit asshole.

May the souls you mocked and denied the existence of torment you in the eternal abyss.
Google "Resetera rest in piss". Enjoy your browsing. 
All the scum already posting in that thread, including people that cheered for others deaths.

You are a piece of shit, BDubs. Hope you continue to be miserable.  FUCK THE

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