Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Why are bloodsports still in the olympics anyway?
(08-01-2024, 08:38 PM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: Why are bloodsports still in the olympics anyway?

Quote:Incredibly dangerous behavior from Joanne, guess she saw the news about the British Medical Association and decided to act even more unhinged. She's dying on this hill if her current Twitter timeline is anything to go by.
Quote:She went full transvestigator uh?
Quote:She also targeted an athlete from Taiwan, so yeah. She's cooked.

And this guy Rolleyes
Quote:Seriously! No one could have foreseen this/s. In all seriousness, this all scares the shot out of me…like like me & khelif have very similar faces (thow I'm pale as shit & have more meat on me) & this reaction is making me wonder if it's only a matter of time before cis women are gonna start getting physically attacked! It's not an if either, this shit just keeps escalating & it's making me very scared…
[Image: hGuEzgL.png?1]
We’re all missing the real problem. The Algerian has cornrow braided hair. Cultural appropriation is NOT okay in 2024.
Tavernade wrote:If it's Shapiro they need to have a plan for damage control over his baggage ASAP. Get ahead of things before they bubble up.

“Sorry for being a je… Zionist.” ? 

Whenever I read Shapiro, I just think about Ben Shapiro and how funny a Kamala Harris / Ben Shapiro ticket would be.
(08-01-2024, 08:51 PM)Polident wrote: We’re all missing the real problem. The Algerian has cornrow braided hair. Cultural appropriation is NOT okay in 2024.

I really want to understand why this isn't a problem here but was such a big issue with some overwatch skin
Ex Lion wrote:The message discipline folks are going to be out in droves and insinuating anyone who has a problem with him is being antisemetic and downplaying any real concerns anyone has with regards to the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Can't wait! And I'm saying this as someone who is going to vote for her regardless of who she picks but yeah this is not going to be fun.

Given how you guys act, they will not be wrong. Yeshrug
17 medals all time for Algeria. None in 2024 so far. Just saying...
all y'all crying about a high test woman busting someones face in the Olympics while the real issue is SEAFOAMGAMING still not uploading new content.  Stahp
(08-01-2024, 03:25 PM)Polident wrote:
(08-01-2024, 03:13 PM)Snoopy wrote: I don’t know what you lot are reeing about. This is fucking brilliant. Just change your gender on your passport and you’re in. Easiest Olympic gold ever. Nice.


[Image: Villa-Parm-Wheels_1722500945147_hpMain_4x3.jpg]

Also Babydonthurtme trying to shit talk an Olympic competitor who knows when to throw in the towel is the biggest laugh of all.

Bro got shunned by PoliEra before the revolt for being bitch made.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx
(08-01-2024, 03:25 PM)Polident wrote:
(08-01-2024, 03:13 PM)Snoopy wrote: I don’t know what you lot are reeing about. This is fucking brilliant. Just change your gender on your passport and you’re in. Easiest Olympic gold ever. Nice.


[Image: Villa-Parm-Wheels_1722500945147_hpMain_4x3.jpg]

I now wish to identify as parmesan cheese
(08-01-2024, 03:29 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(08-01-2024, 01:38 PM)killamajig wrote: IOC spokesman Mark Adams indicated Tuesday no personal information about the boxers' medical histories would be disclosed. "They've been competing in boxing for a very long time," Adams told reporters. “They've achieved all the eligibility requirements in terms of sex and age. We're following the rules in place in Tokyo."

What's the eligibility criteria?
A passport could be key, based on comments from Adams, the IOC spokesman.

“I would just say that everyone competing in the women’s category is complying with the competition eligibility rules," he said. “They are women in their passports and it is stated that is the case.”

It seems like the whole "what is a woman" issue arrived in the mainstream. Like we don't even have really the language anymore to know what the boxers are or not. Saying "they're women" is meaningless since "trans women are women"

He's got XY chromosomes. That's why he failed previous gender tests. This is straight up cheating, especially if they are claiming he's not trans.
Sold out to big Parma
Pretty sure that's how they make blue cheese.
(08-01-2024, 04:39 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(08-01-2024, 04:13 PM)benji wrote: Followed a link from the Joanne thread and among the typical stuff was this: wrote:The thing is, a good report could actually provide useful and interesting information. For example, I've read that trans patients express much lower levels of regret after gender-affirming surgery than any other group with any kind of surgery. If resources were devoted to learning from this group, maybe from a psychological perspective, we could even help cis people who get surgery. But noooo, being total bigots is more important.

"lower levels of regret"
"than ANY other group"
"with ANY kind of surgery"

Welp, I'm convinced. See ya'll on the flipside!


Any kind? So, like, people who’ve had tumours removed are regretting their surgery in appreciable numbers?
(08-01-2024, 09:57 PM)Straight Edge wrote: Pretty sure that's how they make blue cheese.

Imagine the smell.

Spoiler:  (click to show)

My wife and I will be going to Turkiye in about a month. September 2 to the 12th. Flying out of PHL (that's where the deal flew out of 🤷🏻‍♂️, never flown internationally out of Philly lol)

It's actually a tighter trip than usual for us, as we were in Thailand for 3 weeks in April, so we aren't hitting up too much.

I LOVE driving in foreign countries, so, we land in Istanbul, and IMMEDIATELY drive to Izmir lol. Staying there for 2 days ish (Or three. 🤔) then driving back.

Rest of our time will be in Istanbul. We are staying in...Fatih I think. Right along the river. Easy access everywhy, etc.

So, we can't wait for the food, the historical sites, and some beaching too of course (love reading on the beach these days, with staff bringing me drinks 🤷🏻‍♂️)

I'm a HUGE history nut, can't wait to see major Roman and Byzantine sites.

Got any cool under the radar places to check out?

How are cabs around? I understand public transportation is great? I return the car when we settle back in Istanbul.

Reseters are either rich assholes or living with their parents. 

Viva la revolución, Comrades!!!
its the usual communist group, a mixture of trust fund kiddies and homeless drug addicts.
(08-01-2024, 03:25 PM)Polident wrote:
(08-01-2024, 03:13 PM)Snoopy wrote: I don’t know what you lot are reeing about. This is fucking brilliant. Just change your gender on your passport and you’re in. Easiest Olympic gold ever. Nice.


[Image: Villa-Parm-Wheels_1722500945147_hpMain_4x3.jpg]

do you think she farted on that cheese wheel and do you think it's still available
wtf I didn't think you guys would still be talking about it pages later
Top of the page are like our Inception totems.

That's how we know we haven't gone too deep into the ResetEra dumpster.
(08-01-2024, 04:43 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:trans patients express much lower levels of regret after gender-affirming surgery than any other group with any kind of surgery.
[Image: VobRFPa.gif]

I looked into this at one point

it's basically like the UK liars who said trans kid suicides have gone up 1600% or whatever since the Cass review was taken seriously and puberty blockers were stopped, just lies using every scrap of information to paint things in the most positive light for their cause possible

they ask them very shortly afterward if they regret it which is when they're still in the honeymoon period and everyone they know who groomed them into it is lovebombing them saying "omg so jealous!! you're gonna love your new pussy!! except when it ruptures and your intestines start leaking feces into it, but that'll be a long way off!! omg"

it's before the reality of endless dilating sets in, before the pain and the long term side effects, the lack of follow-up from the medical industry who say not my problem, the cosmetic surgery is over, go see your normal doctor who will just shake his head and say what the fuck, no you're gonna have chronic problems from this, there's nothing I can do

and also they disregard all the people they weren't able to get in touch with afterward, it's a goddamn mystery why they couldn't be found for comment, oh well we can assume they probably didn't regret it and just went off-grid
(08-01-2024, 10:39 PM)Uncle wrote: wtf I didn't think you guys would still be talking about it pages later

I've been busy and haven't been able to respond until this afternoon!  Stahp
Lol, bitch had her chin up and threw two lazy jabs while dropping her left hand, of course she got sparked out.

Since you all care so much about womens combat sports you'll be watching Hart v Starling in this weekends BKFC main event yeah?
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, DavidCroquet, Gameboy Nostalgia
Wtf happened to my pfp? Ah well, time for a new one.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(08-01-2024, 10:50 PM)Uncle wrote:
(08-01-2024, 04:43 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:trans patients express much lower levels of regret after gender-affirming surgery than any other group with any kind of surgery.
[Image: VobRFPa.gif]

they ask them very shortly afterward if they regret it which is when they're still in the honeymoon period and everyone they know who groomed them into it is lovebombing them saying "omg so jealous!! you're gonna love your new pussy!! except when it ruptures and your intestines start leaking feces into it, but that'll be a long way off!! omg"

It's even worse than that. The 2% figure the trans activists peddle is based on Swedish records from 1954-20something. They took every adult that underwent the surgery and the way they counted "regret" was the people changing the sex in their government records back to "male"

So it doesn't count anybody who regretted and died, anybody who regretted but tried to carry on their life as best they could despite the mutilation, doesn't count people who can't bear to go back to their butchers, etc.

No other medical procedure measures regret with that method.
(08-01-2024, 07:54 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: So it’s confirmed they aren’t trans?


Been gone for months, but these PFPs are throwing me for a loop. I feel conflicted, confused...

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