Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): concern trolling
Flame Champion wrote:
shinobi602 wrote:I would love for there to be tons of legitimate parties with a variety of platforms. But I'm also a realist. She has no statistical chance of winning. Literal 0. So the other two choices are A)continuing to keep the country as an open democracy, or B)legitimately destroy it.

Statistics show she pulls votes from Dems every time. She's a spoiler, and when the genuine survival of our country can hinge on a 1% of votes, yeah I'd rather she fuck all the way off.
Your claims of the literal destruction of democracy ring hollow while you're upset that people are able to vote for someone other than your favorite party and then in your next post you say you're alright with the possibility that RFK Jr may be taking votes away from Trump but not Harris.

Royalan wrote:It is their choice.

It is not a smart choice...unless their choice is to throw away their vote.

A 3rd party candidate will never win the presidency, because this country has not fostered the conditions for that to ever happen. Nor have any of the major 3rd parties fostered a local presence to facilitate that eventual reality. The Greens, Libertarians, Working Families most regions go dormant until it's time to run for President. That will never win.

If the US, including 3rd parties, were at all interested in busting the US 2-party chokehold, then there's a lot of local, gritty, thankless hard work they could be doing.

They're not doing it.
Those alternate candidates stand for ideologies and policy positions that a non-negligible potion of Americans are passionate about, even if their chance of winning the presidency is unrealistic. Nobody's being tricked into voting for RFK Jr or Jill Stein or Cornell West, etc. I think trying to force people into the two party system even harder than we already are will do more harm than any perceived good.
Just hanging around at the top of the page

[Image: GVhiG-qWYAAl3AO?format=jpg]
Quote:All this Palestinian shitting on by leaders and delegates just pushed me to not vote for neither party. Throughout the DNC you have the Harris campaign basically put the noncommitted and anti-genocide protestors into a holding pattern. It's sickening. The Dems aren't representing me at this point.

Looks like someone is not willing to fight for Democracy by voting for the single acceptable candidate that was installed by the oligarchy and wealthy elites because of some concern trolling
(08-22-2024, 04:25 PM)Propagandhim wrote: god i'd lay my head under the scimitar of an andalusian warlord just to huff the farts from her toilet

would you throw darts at passing children until you managed to hit one in the eye so you'd have to live with the horror and shame of causing permanent damage to an innocent youth for the rest of your life just for the chance of standing in a room for 5 seconds where someone else who had huffed the farts from her toilet once described the experience aloud, where the lurid details of his account were quietly absorbed by the blank, silent walls
me neither

Uh oh it's the AI boogeyman
[Image: aVGrPqX.png]

dumbest forum on the internet lol
(08-22-2024, 06:07 PM)Nintex wrote:
(08-22-2024, 02:02 PM)Snoopy wrote: We’re Dustborn and you’re racist

[Image: GVmsYtDbgAQEZEJ?format=png&name=360x360]
(08-22-2024, 07:21 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:This is such a good panel discussion!!

[Image: 1ZHwges.gif]

[Image: FXQGce6.png]

oh sweet jesus no, he's rational AND an actual developer, how can we rationalize banning him Not like this! Stahp
AI is the coolest shit out of the past decade, perhaps even longer back.
It's going to make so many things much more affordable and accessible and free up a lot of time and we've only just scratched the surface.

I discover new things I can do with AI daily. Everytime I'm like, no way it can do this, it actually can.

If it was up to ResetEra we'd still be towing plows with horses.
(08-22-2024, 07:34 PM)Uncle wrote:
(08-22-2024, 04:25 PM)Propagandhim wrote: god i'd lay my head under the scimitar of an andalusian warlord just to huff the farts from her toilet

would you throw darts at passing children until you managed to hit one in the eye so you'd have to live with the horror and shame of causing permanent damage to an innocent youth for the rest of your life just for the chance of standing in a room for 5 seconds where someone else who had huffed the farts from her toilet once described the experience aloud, where the lurid details of his account were quietly absorbed by the blank, silent walls

Make it 10 seconds and that kid is shredded beef.
Post in thread wrote:   Really cool and epic that our elected officials are sleeping at the wheel here. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

Quote:We need regulation on this shit NOW

Yeah let's get the government involved so the only people involved in the authorship and generating of fake images is everyone but us!

Quote:the white men in silicon valley have decided that it is worth fundamentally fucking up everything for everyone in the pursuit of finding a way to profit off their plagiarism machine

Wait til this guy sees how far ahead China is in generative video.

Quote:It's simple, we nationalize NVIDIA and make them stop building cards that can generate these models.

(08-22-2024, 06:07 PM)Nintex wrote:
(08-22-2024, 02:02 PM)Snoopy wrote: We’re Dustborn and you’re racist

Hahaha what the hell is going on?
(08-22-2024, 07:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): downplaying sexism over a series of posts, account in junior phase
DeadbeatDisco wrote:Honestly, I had no interest in playing the game going back to when it was first announced, so really I have no dog in this fight.

But nothing about this feels any more concrete then before. At most we have confirmation of what 4 creators getting this email? How is there not more confirmation one way or the other. Makes no sense.
Damn, banned before the chips were all laid out. Were those trans posters banned for jumping on that story, that I don’t remember, too soon the other day
(08-22-2024, 04:53 AM)Echelon wrote: Curious dumbfucks of Retardera coming to visit for the first time, just a heads up that your dear leader is one of the chuds:
[Image: M7CNjUO.png]

Lots more here for you to sperg about:

Kudos to Uncle for doing hard hitting journalism with those screencaps.

Ree is very well aware, even forgave him
(08-22-2024, 08:16 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(08-22-2024, 04:53 AM)Echelon wrote: Curious dumbfucks of Retardera coming to visit for the first time, just a heads up that your dear leader is one of the chuds:
[Image: M7CNjUO.png]

Lots more here for you to sperg about:

Kudos to Uncle for doing hard hitting journalism with those screencaps.

Ree is very well aware, even forgave him

All my white friends say I’m not a racist so deal with it. Also, cool to see a Bire member defend a child rapist in the Imgur link.
(08-22-2024, 08:16 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Ree is very well aware, even forgave him

[Image: amJ2ciR.png]

Rofl i knew profqueef was a goofy looking forever alone virgin, should have expected him to be captain save a ho too
(08-22-2024, 11:52 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

The king has spoken. Kneel.

Noodlesoup wrote:How can any liberal look at this and continue to cheer on the Democrats at the DNC as if all is well is sickening and — fuck it — outright evil.

Everything about this is depressing. The world won't forget about this.

Bitch, Resetera already forgot about YOUR sacrifice, what makes you think anyone gives a shit about a bunch of fucking terrorists who murder people in their beds?
(08-22-2024, 04:23 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Zeo was getting cooked on X yesterday , this comment chain 

And crying about wukong in another thread lol 

The only thing those two conversations prove is that everyone on Twatter is a fucking retard.
(08-22-2024, 06:07 PM)Nintex wrote:
(08-22-2024, 02:02 PM)Snoopy wrote: We’re Dustborn and you’re racist

So, basically, this game is the Resetera/Reddit mod wet dream. I imagine it's going to sell like dogshit then...
(08-22-2024, 06:24 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So did the trannny mafia just back off recently? Abandon ree? Not a controversial peep from kuji, t002, shreds, etc lately that I've seen. I know clickyfaggy is banned, but it can't just be him that kicked off the silence, or was it

Probably all playing the monkey game
(08-22-2024, 06:14 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Oh god, Crossing Eden is right back to "Acolyte is amazing actually, please ignore how it failed on every level"

It's amazing how a single dude can ruin an entire thread

I saw them doing it this morning I was in the mood for a verbal scrap, but then I thought to myself why am I arguing with this dolt over a now cancelled show?

lmao Success Point and Laugh

Let him stew in his own juices.
(08-22-2024, 07:14 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:The game will surely irritate some, by loudly and clearly stating its characters’ politics: namely, Nazis are bad. It also doesn’t really say anything more noteworthy. The setting, for example, doesn’t withstand even cursory examination – a paranoid JFK, upon surviving his assassination attempt, is said to have “basically resurrected Nazi Germany”. To be clear, Dustborn’s setting in no way reflects the horrors of Nazi Germany. The problem is that it might think it does. There are references to book-burning, people talking about “the fight”, but it never really culminates in anything substantial. A lot of ideas are fighting for real estate – robots, a near-apocalyptic event, the dangers of totalitarianism – with nothing getting the space it deserves.

Sounds a whole lot like the current Democratic Party Trumps

Kind of want to play this to see how utterly stupid it gets...then I remember I have a life and that would be retarded.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, Nintex, D3RANG3D

Grunty wrote:Good lord. I couldn't tell the difference in any single one of those photos in the OP

Then you would have to be an absolute stupid, inbred, my-momma-is-my-sista and my pa-is-my-grandpa, moron not to be able to tell these are either AI images or photoshopped:

Image 1: Where are the water ripples from a helicopter that's crashed into a river??
Image 2: Who the hell draws up 2 fat lines of cocaine on a rug??
Image 3: There's a dead body and a crashed car, but no police cars or ambulances?
Image 4: Who stands and takes a picture of a bomb with smoke coming out of a bag and is about to go off?

[Image: 2BVegc1.jpeg]
[Image: noTaXBc.png]

I honestly think the reason why ResetEra is so afraid of AI photography is because, just like they fall for fake stories and tweets and always jump to conclusions without ever waiting 5 seconds for even one fact to slip out, they are the exact type of people who will fall for a fake image every single time: dumb, gullible, stupid and somehow getting through life with one retarded brain cell.
Bdubs free to reign over a community of the most vulnerable despite years of abusive and bigoted comments and behavior
Spoiler:  (click to show)
but BlackChamber made one jokey tweet 
Quote:Brawly Likes to Brawl said:
it's absolutely horrifying because I'm certain that at some point somebody is going to get absolutely screwed in court because a convincing enough AI photo is used as evidence and wasn't debunked in time.


And you know it's gonna be either a Black or queer person bearing the burden.
[Image: ZIwSo6d.png]

so can we imagine the circumstances that leads someone to be found guilty based on an AI photo

is the accused's lawyer so stupid as to not raise the possibility that it was AI? what camera produced the photo? is the image consistent with other images produced on that camera, same resolution, same forensics match to the type of images captured by it including things like minor lens scratches? does the accused not have an alibi? do they actually own the clothes that are made up in the photo? does the hairstyle actually match them, and the length it would've been at that time? were there no witnesses?

did the illegal event even happen? who was harmed, do they say they were harmed as depicted? is it worth it to them to risk literally lying in court and getting caught just to stick it to someone?
Lightsong wrote:Quick reminder that the director and lead writer of this game, Daniel Vávra, is a gamergater and racist. Some of his shit is mentioned here, but you can easily find more of it on Google.

[Image: himcsCh.png]

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