Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Pai Pai Master wrote:
Clive-Rosfield wrote:Concord bombs and Wukong is a massive hit. Single-player games are back
what a pointless and toxic dunk against a game that champions diverse body types and features for its women characters, versus a game where a developer said "this monster has a woman's face so I think I can masturbate to it OK"

And this is exactly one of the major reasons Concord has bombed so hard. It's the same reason Dustborn has bombed even harder.

People don't want identity politics shoved into their games. The extreme-left are insufferable enough as it is on Era, Twitter and Reddit. Even worse when it's in videogames.

People play videogames to escape from reality. That's why games like Stellar Blade are a runaway success. Nobody wants to play as some wobbly fatass elephant woman in a game like Concord and pay $60 for the privilege.
Greatness Gone dateline='[url=tel:1724443894' wrote: 1724443894[/url]']
Concord: Pronouns, UGLY, Boring, 8 year dev time  Do Not Want Tocry

AstroBot: Based, Nintendo-esque, Cute, 4 year dev time Delicious Preach

Jim Ryan is the devil.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, D3RANG3D, Greatness Gone

Known antisemite Nepenthe wrote:I'm just sitting here wondering why folks are suddenly concerned about anti-Blackness within the Palestinian cause specifically when anti-Blackness has been a thing in American and international politics forever and you'd have people outright defending it.

Biden questioning our Blackness over our voting patterns. It's just a joke. Biden saying that we don't have a diverse political history unlike Hispanic people. Don't rain on the shout he's giving to Hispanics. Biden saying we need to fund the police. Applause. Biden jailing tons of us. Well, you Blacks were in on it too. Liberals telling us to vote for Bloomberg if it came down to it. Whatever is necessary to defeat Trump. Ukrainians preventing Black people from fleeing the war. It's too inconvenient to the current narrative. No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo. Hell, no one even giving a fuck about Cop City. Status quo.

Some pro-Palestinian folks are out of pocket? Real shit.

And to be clear, I'm not saying that anti-Blackness is ever okay. I am questioning the sudden upswell in concern about it when fighting it has largely never been a consistent principle to uphold by liberals and even the left. Like FD said within the video, shit's got psyop and terminally online written all over it.
(08-23-2024, 08:12 PM)Venice wrote:

Pai Pai Master wrote:
Clive-Rosfield wrote:Concord bombs and Wukong is a massive hit. Single-player games are back
what a pointless and toxic dunk against a game that champions diverse body types and features for its women characters, versus a game where a developer said "this monster has a woman's face so I think I can masturbate to it OK"

And this is exactly one of the major reasons Concord has bombed so hard. It's the same reason Dustborn has bombed even harder.

People don't want identity politics shoved into their games. The extreme-left are insufferable enough as it is on Era, Twitter and Reddit. Even worse when it's in videogames.

People play videogames to escape from reality. That's why games like Stellar Blade are a runaway success. Nobody wants to play as some wobbly fatass elephant woman in a game like Concord and pay $60 for the privilege.

It is me or they avoided showcasing half of the game roster when it was revealed? Because I didn’t remember Emari at all.
NepNep wrote:Ukrainians preventing Black people from fleeing the war.

relatable and grounded in the real world while keeping some of the details which make her so iconic

I love how out of place is that comment in all the drivel she wrote.

Remember how salty was MuslimEra over Ukraine getting the “spotlight”?
(08-23-2024, 08:11 PM)Nintex wrote: [Image: GVsIXscXkAANbdk?format=png]

why yall don't want to play as a fat trans gay ass clown folx?  ???

[Image: GVsIV7VWMAAairI?format=jpg]

or as a trans fat ass gay clown?  ???

It must be the lack of support for the Xbox retard controller, maybe we need to port it over Thinking

It must be so demoralizing being a designer forced to work on this shit. The whole point of power fantasies is to be something you're not, why the fuck would you want to play yourself in a game when yourself is a mentally ill obese welfare queen?
5 users liked this post: BananaBlast, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, HaughtyFrank, books
Quote: No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo.

Hey Nep, what about Haiti? They are also in a pretty critical situation… why don’t you give a fuck enough to mention them?
(08-23-2024, 08:23 PM)Echelon wrote: It must be so demoralizing being a designer forced to work on this shit. The whole point of power fantasies is to be something you're not, why the fuck would you want to play yourself in a game when yourself is a mentally ill obese welfare queen?

These are usually self inserts from those designers. One ugly "woman" on the team and this happens every single fucking time. Trumps
Quote:No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo.

First time she's mentioned Africa iirc.
Or it's outsourced to China or India or whatever shithole and they're just happy they're not getting flogged emptying cobalt mines instead.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Greatness Gone, Venice, D3RANG3D
Echelon dateline='[url=tel:1724444622' wrote: 1724444622[/url]']
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1724443865' wrote: 1724443865[/url]']
[Image: GVsIXscXkAANbdk?format=png]

why yall don't want to play as a fat trans gay ass clown folx?  ???

[Image: GVsIV7VWMAAairI?format=jpg]

or as a trans fat ass gay clown?  ???

It must be the lack of support for the Xbox retard controller, maybe we need to port it over Thinking

It must be so demoralizing being a designer forced to work on this shit. The whole point of power fantasies is to be something you're not, why the fuck would you want to play yourself in a game when yourself is a mentally ill obese welfare queen?

I’m playing concord to see what’s it’s like to be a prominent user at resetera.
The FD signifier video actually calls out exactly the Nepenthe online type, the kind who is more interested In getting their dunk in I.e: "oh, you're voting for a Cop??" than actual change, but the guy seems overly cautious to expand that critical lens beyond white of course Nepenthe doesn't notice how much if this applies the her as well
(08-23-2024, 08:24 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote: No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo.

Hey Nep, what about Haiti? They are also in a pretty critical situation… why don’t you give a fuck enough to mention them?

Russia and China have plenty of military, business and political ties to each of those three countries. Let them sort out the problems Nep. Why do you keep demanding the US be the World Police?
(08-23-2024, 08:26 PM)books wrote:
Quote:No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo.
First time she's mentioned Africa iirc.
We love The Congo, The Congo is great. I have great friends in The Congo. They had a great King. The King of The Congo, he was a real King. The late great Leopold of The Congo. He was fierce but he got it done. He was the real deal. Not like the Burger Kings they have now.

4 users liked this post: Vertigo, Taco Bell Tower, ClothedMac, books
Concord doing worse numbers then redfall lol
(08-23-2024, 08:23 PM)Echelon wrote:
(08-23-2024, 08:11 PM)Nintex wrote: [Image: GVsIXscXkAANbdk?format=png]

why yall don't want to play as a fat trans gay ass clown folx?  ???

[Image: GVsIV7VWMAAairI?format=jpg]

or as a trans fat ass gay clown?  ???

It must be the lack of support for the Xbox retard controller, maybe we need to port it over Thinking

It must be so demoralizing being a designer forced to work on this shit. The whole point of power fantasies is to be something you're not, why the fuck would you want to play yourself in a game when yourself is a mentally ill obese welfare queen?

I mean, it is still a power fantasy. Is just that Power Fantasies usually were more about trying to attain some idealistic form over “self acceptance” (well, more like promoting the idea that the “ugly” me is enough for the rest of the world). 

Is Plato VS Aristotle but stupid.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
New Nepenthe stupidity. Already getting called out within a few posts. Expect a wave of bans:

Nepenthe wrote:This is like the fourth time I've been aggressively honked at by an impatient guy for yielding to cross traffic at a stop sign or yellow light in the past month and I'm trying to figure out why.

Do you expect me to cut off a car and injure or kill myself and others just so you can move up to the stop bar? Because it's not happenin' cap'n.

Like am I wrong for giving the right of way when necessary? Is it me????

What pressed me about the inciting incident today is that the dude pulled up beside me in an attempt to go around. However, he had to slam on brakes for every failed attempt to merge onto the road because- surprise fucking surprise- there was way too much cross traffic to safely merge. To add irony into the mix, when the traffic slowed up because a car was making a turn, indicated with their blinker and all, I took the opening and he was very slow on the ball. So like what the fuck was all that bluster for?!

But he was still pissed enough to honk at me after driving by. Huh?!

Like seriously, what is wrong with y'all? What has been wrong with y'all, because your driving has tanked since covid (some time ago I had to see about a dude after he flipped over off the highway due to recklessness.) Where the fuck do you have to go that's so important? And I ask this as a fast driver.

Are y'all okay?????

And getting called out:

fundogmo wrote:This is absolutely not a behavior that is gendered.

banananahammock wrote:wild that a mod is just like yeah, so what tho right? Lmfao

Jiraiya wrote:I'm legit offended at the generalization in this title. Terrible drivers exist everywhere and they commit different sins pretty much every day.

JoJo'sDentCo wrote:male drivers!!!! amirite???

Aiii wrote:Those darn men amirite.

Edit, alright these 2 are definitely gonna be gone by the end of the weekend lol

[Image: zPCITnR.png]

[Image: TFBUfRa.png]
banananahammock wrote:
fundogmo wrote:This is absolutely not a behavior that is gendered.
wild that a mod is just like yeah, so what tho right? Lmfao
Quote:I am not black, I don't claim to be, but the attacks I've seen from Pro Palestinian content creators against black Americans the past couple of days have been unbelievable.

Small Town Sheriff wrote:Then don't involve yourself in our affairs on our behalf.

why are they obsessed with that fd signifier guy, all he does is offer obvious high school level takes but people slobber over it because hes a black guy

every time ive seen part of a video of his i just think yeah, no shit dude
(08-23-2024, 08:46 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:I am not black, I don't claim to be, but the attacks I've seen from Pro Palestinian content creators against black Americans the past couple of days have been unbelievable.
Small Town Sheriff wrote:Then don't involve yourself in our affairs on our behalf.

you can't win with them, they bitch that they have no 'allies' but they chase all of them away, i guess its just easier to stay a victim and always have something to whinge about
Booshka wrote:There are papers on petromasculinity and motonormativity if you are interested in learning more. This is a real phenomenon, war on cars podcast has some content about it.

Patriarchy sucks ass

Lol. Bad drivers is a universally hated thing and Nep can't even get that right.
Quote:No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo

[Image: E2NEpWf.png]

[Image: eskGUkt.png]

[Image: 6daNBJr.png]

(08-23-2024, 08:48 PM)books wrote: Lol. Bad drivers is a universally hated thing and Nep can't even get that right.

If I need to guess, the driver was probably a black man and that why Nepenthe needed to rationalize by the next bad thing on leftist politics over racism: males.
(08-23-2024, 08:22 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
NepNep wrote:Ukrainians preventing Black people from fleeing the war.

relatable and grounded in the real world while keeping some of the details which make her so iconic

I love how out of place is that comment in all the drivel she wrote.

Remember how salty was MuslimEra over Ukraine getting the “spotlight”?

Nepenthe sucks but this one is true. There were videos of mostly pocs being pushed out of trains when the war started
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
I don't care one bit that Nepenthe generalizes male drivers but as usual it's the hypocrisy that gets me
(08-23-2024, 08:17 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Known antisemite Nepenthe wrote:I'm just sitting here wondering why folks are suddenly concerned about anti-Blackness within the Palestinian cause specifically when anti-Blackness has been a thing in American and international politics forever and you'd have people outright defending it.
Biden questioning our Blackness over our voting patterns. It's just a joke. Biden saying that we don't have a diverse political history unlike Hispanic people. Don't rain on the shout he's giving to Hispanics. Biden saying we need to fund the police. Applause. Biden jailing tons of us. Well, you Blacks were in on it too. Liberals telling us to vote for Bloomberg if it came down to it. Whatever is necessary to defeat Trump. Ukrainians preventing Black people from fleeing the war. It's too inconvenient to the current narrative. No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo. Hell, no one even giving a fuck about Cop City. Status quo.
Some pro-Palestinian folks are out of pocket? Real shit.
And to be clear, I'm not saying that anti-Blackness is ever okay. I am questioning the sudden upswell in concern about it when fighting it has largely never been a consistent principle to uphold by liberals and even the left. Like FD said within the video, shit's got psyop and terminally online written all over it.
Has anyone watched the video?  I'm hoping it targets Nepenthe's. 

(08-23-2024, 08:08 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Not surprised, even my wife who doesn't game at all is asking me if I'm buying this game.

I told her no since I don't play this type of games and why she asked since she's never took interest in my gaming habits and she was like "Oh it been all over weibo, xiaohongshu, douban telling people to buy this game since racist western media is trying to make us look bad since they're jealous and racist".

So that IGN article has probably been a positive to the game sales. Ironically gavinized the Chinese market.

Why the banned this guy? He is not dismissing anything in that post, just telling you why there is a big segment of Chinese people buying the game. This has happened multiple times and many at RE are aware how insane the Chinese nationalists can get or that they are also not above misinformation (ironic Curious ).

A permanent ban.   ???

(08-23-2024, 08:12 PM)Venice wrote:
Pai Pai Master wrote:
Clive-Rosfield wrote:Concord bombs and Wukong is a massive hit. Single-player games are back
what a pointless and toxic dunk against a game that champions diverse body types and features for its women characters, versus a game where a developer said "this monster has a woman's face so I think I can masturbate to it OK"
And this is exactly one of the major reasons Concord has bombed so hard. It's the same reason Dustborn has bombed even harder.
People don't want identity politics shoved into their games. The extreme-left are insufferable enough as it is on Era, Twitter and Reddit. Even worse when it's in videogames.
People play videogames to escape from reality. That's why games like Stellar Blade are a runaway success. Nobody wants to play as some wobbly fatass elephant woman in a game like Concord and pay $60 for the privilege.
It's not that they don't want them it's that they don't care.  You don't buy a game just because it's like every other game but diverse.  I mean some people do but when you make the first all non-gender RPG you better have more than that to expect people to buy it.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, books, D3RANG3D
Other drivers just want to distance themselves from a furry in a Nissan Versa ASAP to not catch the Monkeypox you moron ufup
(08-23-2024, 08:28 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The FD signifier video actually calls out exactly the Nepenthe online type, the kind who is more interested In getting their dunk in I.e: "oh, you're voting for a Cop??" than actual change, but the guy seems overly cautious to expand that critical lens beyond white of course Nepenthe doesn't notice how much if this applies the her as well

nice.  I can't wait to see the unique cognitive dissonance rationalization she uses to "explain" why she's not that but everyone else is.  

(08-23-2024, 08:46 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:I am not black, I don't claim to be, but the attacks I've seen from Pro Palestinian content creators against black Americans the past couple of days have been unbelievable.
Small Town Sheriff wrote:Then don't involve yourself in our affairs on our behalf.

How is he involving himself in their affairs?  Did she even read what he wrote.  Why did that guy feel the need to even write that?  OH, because of people like Nepenthe.  He had to give his milquetoast opinion cover from people like her and it just made her attack him more.
Well now. What do we have here, a white boy with an opinion? You don’t want to be round these here parts when the sun goes down.

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