Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
What's always amusing about the Burka thread is when they're upset that men and women dress differently

Someone said that female blacksmith character showed too much skin for working in a forge, someone else replied with this:

[Image: aqNINmF.png]

The response:

Quote:Ok but why is he not in high heels and booty shorts?

And he's muscular? Ugh, why would a blacksmith if all people be jacked.

[Image: 200.webp]
(08-27-2024, 07:32 PM)Jansen wrote:

PICK A SIDE Feeemales

I will never understand this. This is purely a sexual thing. Outside of having a T-shirt that says "I'm bi" how tf would anyone irl know, or care to know, unless subject bi is trying to fuck the person they're talking to. 99% of the folks I work with might be bi, but I can't ever imagine it coming up in normal conversation. It has just become another way for online incels to say, "I'm queer too!!!" 

Fucking faggot ass bitches, as per usual
SigmasonicX wrote:I don't care about the "confusing Sonic for Shadow" part, it's that the movies have made Sonic pro-cop.

(08-27-2024, 08:16 PM)Bootsthecat wrote:
(08-27-2024, 07:32 PM)Jansen wrote:
PICK A SIDE Feeemales
I will never understand this. This is purely a sexual thing. Outside of having a T-shirt that says "I'm bi" how tf would anyone irl know, or care to know, unless subject bi is trying to fuck the person they're talking to. 99% of the folks I work with might be bi, but I can't ever imagine it coming up in normal conversation.It has just become another way for incels to say, " I'm queer too!!!" 
Fucking faggot ass bitches, as per usual

yeah it literally doesn't matter and says nothing about how righteous you are, the only relevance is who you might choose to flirt with, who tf cares  Dizzy
(08-27-2024, 08:19 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
SigmasonicX wrote:I don't care about the "confusing Sonic for Shadow" part, it's that the movies have made Sonic pro-cop.


The "pro-cop" angle is maybe one of the most annoying new media literacy angles when talking about superheroes. Especially because I suspect that they Spiderman devs actually listened to it
[Image: ea272012a6eff34b4694df253943d6cf118134d9.png]


(08-27-2024, 07:14 PM)Potato wrote:
(08-27-2024, 04:54 PM)Jansen wrote:

Another day, another I wanna die thread

First reply is from a moderator I've never heard of. Who the fuck is The Artisan?

The Artisan is one of the dumbest mfers on the whole site and is one of the few people that can make Slayven seem like an intellectual. At least Slayven knows all about one thing, even if it is useless comic trivia.

Thread nuked or hidden.

See this being what finally pisses people online.

(Last trailer was bad, though.)

Quote:About 3 weeks ago. I tried everything, everything I could. It wasn't enough.

18 years.

My best friend. The only reason why I'm stable today.

I hate playing a drama, but I think now I have to. I really feel like I'm gonna die soon too. Nothing feels real anymore. It's just listless shit.

Sorry if I've been especially shitty lately Era. I really appreciate you all. And sorry for this thread. I just did it. Fuck it.

And another one. At least this user has a good reason for feeling like shit
(08-27-2024, 07:21 PM)Nintex wrote: What does the burqa brigade think about the latest new game character?

[Image: GV_wmy_WwAASvz_?format=jpg]

[Image: GV_wm1IXkAAXYNT?format=jpg]
It's funny how they hate the Atelier series for "selling out to the coomers" with Atelier Ryza; which was the first game to star a protagonist with big boobs and thick thighs.

Basically they lament that they used to love the series (because it's a series targeted at a female audience), but they now hate it because the games started to get a little horny.

(08-27-2024, 07:25 PM)Jansen wrote: IDK or care anymore because Benji killed the hypocrite kyuuji. Murdered in the digital realm, if you will.
Nah there's still plenty of amusing idiots in the burka thread; kyuuji wasn't even one of the most prominent posters.

(08-27-2024, 08:11 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:Ok but why is he not in high heels and booty shorts?

And he's muscular? Ugh, why would a blacksmith if all people be jacked.
It's supposed to their warped idea of a joke; basically ironically complaining that a random male character isn't as sexualized as a female character. But in reality, no one really does this. No one just starts complaining that a female NPC isn't in "booty shorts and high heels."

Also it's also a mixture of them being hypocritical fujoshis (or gay if they're men)
(08-27-2024, 09:46 PM)BananaBlast wrote: It's funny how they hate the Atelier series for "selling out to the coomers" with Atelier Ryza; which was the first game to star a protagonist with big boobs and thick thighs.

Basically they lament that they used to love the series (because it's a series targeted at a female audience), but they now hate it because the games started to get a little horny.

but isn't it nice when games that used to maintain an insular user base broaden their appeal? like when male focused games start adding content to appeal to women and minorities? making a bigger tent for everyone is always good, right Thinking

or are we going to admit that sometimes "broadening appeal" sacrifices part of the experience the former audience enjoyed?
Good point. Because Ree is pretty transparent in their beliefs, it's safe to say they don't want many different games to appeal to straight men anymore, especially not horny straight male weebs, lol.
TissueBox wrote:Hey bisexuals, what be your preferences?

Sometimes it's a 70/30, sometimes a 50/50; sometimes you prefer the opposite sex romantically and the same sex physically; sometimes it literally depends on the MONTH. And in some cases you may feel forever "bi-curious." xD That's the fun in being a two-way player; the permutations are endless! xP

If you're comfortable with it, feel free to share your own leanings below..!!
Dice wrote:I honestlly dunno. But hearing so much bad shit happen to women around the world lately really isn't helping me think better of fellas right now, ngl.
Was this really necessary, Dice? Did the topic have anything to do with men mistreating women? Anything at all? 

Man hating cunt.
(08-27-2024, 05:24 PM)killamajig wrote:
I've been there with this kind of breakup. In college I found out, through a mutual friend uploading photos to facebook, that my then gf had hooked up with her ex at a party I couldn't go to because of work. It's the sort of betrayal that's hard to deal with and it's hard to learn to trust again, but you eventually do. Some people just decide to do that kind of shit for whatever reason, it doesn't mean you did something wrong. The fact you feel so disappointed in yourself and blame yourself tells me that you really did care and really did try your best. Her doing this shit ain't on you, it's on her. When you're able to get a little distance you will see that more clearly, but right now you're in the thick of it and that's not a fun place to be. Trust me on that one. Now is the time to call a friend and hang out, to let someone be there for you and help you through it.

So that explains his GAF sexist posts a lot  Ohhh
Female audiences are also horny, even if is female characters getting sexualized. Is just that the past decade geek discourse has been so self destructive and vindictive that people forget that the Burka esque people are a minority. Not mention a hypocritical self hating vocal minority.
the new #metoo: when a bi girl says something like Dice just posted. Just respond “Me Too!”

60% of the time, it works every time.

A lot of it really is americans being weird because by and large they're a bunch of religious loonies. It's baked into them, like cowboys and saying a little prayer before dinner or banning alcohol when we had electric lights and motor cars. This gets exported into discussions across nerd fandoms, like the dominos in the korean war  ufup
Holy shit, AliceAmber is an administrator? The porn model Benji mentioned?
(she's bi)


You see this bullshit article from this bullshit hypocrites? When it was Hogwarts Legacy that these fucking assholes wanted to fail at all costs, they sure as shit didn't give a fuck about the developers even though the goddamn game had been in dev since like 2018. 

But oh no, their pronoun shooter made for their gender cult shit fails and now its so mean.

Gamespot, Eurogamer, Edge never even reviewed Hogwarts Legacy. Those Eurogamer ladies were happy to not review it because fuck the game and the devs. 

Even these PC gamer fuckers posted a nonsense review by some fat awful person trashing it.

They were happy to ignore it for things like art direction during game awards seasons.

But now its bad? These assholes that happily supported all the doxxing, harassment and all that insanity that happened because of the game.

I swear the best thing to happen to that game was being the best selling game of the year and shutting these assholes up.

They are just such massive hypocrites. Fucking hell!
(08-27-2024, 09:46 PM)BananaBlast wrote:
(08-27-2024, 07:21 PM)Nintex wrote: What does the burqa brigade think about the latest new game character?

[Image: GV_wmy_WwAASvz_?format=jpg]

[Image: GV_wm1IXkAAXYNT?format=jpg]
It's funny how they hate the Atelier series for "selling out to the coomers" with Atelier Ryza; which was the first game to star a protagonist with big boobs and thick thighs.

Basically they lament that they used to love the series (because it's a series targeted at a female audience), but they now hate it because the games started to get a little horny.

(08-27-2024, 07:25 PM)Jansen wrote: IDK or care anymore because Benji killed the hypocrite kyuuji. Murdered in the digital realm, if you will.
Nah there's still plenty of amusing idiots in the burka thread; kyuuji wasn't even one of the most prominent posters.

(08-27-2024, 08:11 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:Ok but why is he not in high heels and booty shorts?

And he's muscular? Ugh, why would a blacksmith if all people be jacked.
It's supposed to their warped idea of a joke; basically ironically complaining that a random male character isn't as sexualized as a female character. But in reality, no one really does this. No one just starts complaining that a female NPC isn't in "booty shorts and high heels."

Also it's also a mixture of them being hypocritical fujoshis (or gay if they're men)

They're a bunch of boring nobodies. What made kyuuji the best was how blatant they were at being a hypocrite.
(08-27-2024, 12:52 PM)killamajig wrote:
One of the things that drives me up the wall in political discussion is the lack of understanding of how the branches of government work or what federalism even is.

ERA is not my only online home--unfortunately lol. So I find myself discussing politics in other areas of the internet. The amount of people that think the President is some God king that can will laws into existence is baffling. And just 1 in 3 of natural born citizens can pass a citizenship exam.

Recently, I've been perplexed at what folks think the VP does. Folks blaming Kamala for things that she has no Constitutional authority to do.

What's crazy is that the same folks that think The Constitution is infallible and that it should be followed to the letter, like some holy text, have never read it! I guess you see that in religious fundamentalism too funnily enough, cherry picked texts without full context.

I'm not going to blame individuals. It's definitely a systemic educational flaw here. From what I've seen Civics tends to be taught in HS mostly and in the later grades. Many times it is an elective too. But, as most Americans know, we check out in the later grades of HS. This seems very bad since voting and a representative democracy needs and informed population for it to work. At the same, there seems to be worldwide clamoring for autocratic nonsense, which is a more complex topic honestly.

To answer my own question, I took dedicated Civics in the 10th grade.

Also, I do have to give props to Schoolhouse Rocks.
Wait until he sees what gets posted on from its most prominent members!
(08-27-2024, 10:28 PM)malfoyking wrote:
How much games journalism is about lecturing and chastising random people on the internet who aren't going to even read it?
[Image: fR79axw.png]

"You bankrupted a bunch of naive movie videogame folks. Folks from Hollywood Washington where values are different They weren't thinking about the money, they just wanted to tell a story. A story about a radioactive man concord. And you slick small towners gamers took them for all they were worth made fun of them"
[Image: GWBaI58XQAA4vDx?format=jpg&name=medium]

From the same fucking website too! But this was an xbox game so it deserved to fail but please leave pure "queer" alone.
(08-27-2024, 04:09 PM)Straight Edge wrote: Complete history of Norway

780  Vikings invade British Isles
1994 Varg Vikernes convicted of burning down stave church
2024 Dustborn is released
2030 Bottom surgery required for all AMABs

let me know if I missed anything
My 20 year relationship with my ex (2 kids) ended last year, you know what I did, got my shit together, accepted it was done and that it wasn’t that great for a while and would be better and more quality time with my kids and sorted out somewhere to move to, hit the gym and went out socialising making friends, not posting like a sad cunt online how my life is over for a pity party with people who don’t give a fuck about you.
(08-27-2024, 04:32 PM)Venice wrote:
(08-27-2024, 02:19 PM)BananaBlast wrote: To be fair, I don't really know much about Melody. I don't know if this is part of a grift or not. Either way, the person seems to be mentally suffering and I'm not usually the type to kick a person when they're down (in most instances.)

BananaMan: "I'm not gonna be mean to widdle Mewody Shweds because Mewody seems to be suffewwing"  Stahp

Melody Shreds, sitting on his fat ass, begging for donations, dreaming of being a cum-guzzling, barebacking hooker, and building Gundam models (that cost hundreds of dollars) all day:  Success

[Image: 7ALdXXe.png]

90-120 dollars for that single gunpla there. That's 1 week of food begging for old Malds.

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