Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Uncle, I'm sorry, I was going to respond, but that would just distract from this masterpiece of social commentary
(08-28-2024, 10:47 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Paquete_PT wrote:[Image: Screenshot-20240828-104741-2.png]
The same Guardian gave it a 5/5 from Patricia Hernandez (I didn't know she moved there now) someone I wouldn't expect to look past these issues so easily (even if I never cared for her style).
I guess you can still view the game as its own thing, completely separate from the people that made it. But there's still discussion to be had around supporting and buying games made by people that act/say these things.
I never get tired of seeing the immediate tone shift to equivocation and conciliation when certain people are found out not to tow the party line.

Ya’ll were on the cusp of running back the Korean war last week!
I wonder if the security guard at Walgreens is still trying to track down Benji. 

All I know is once Nep saw a picture of her parents house floating around she stopped calling for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. I mean how can you be against that?
clockwork5 dateline='[url=tel:1724853482' wrote: 1724853482[/url]']
I wonder if the security guard at Walgreens is still trying to track down Benji. 

All I know is once Nep saw a picture of her parents house floating around she stopped calling for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. I mean how can you be against that?

On resetera, presumably she still posts those feelings on Twitter or elsewhere.
(08-28-2024, 02:08 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote:
clockwork5 dateline='[url=tel:1724853482' wrote: 1724853482[/url]']
I wonder if the security guard at Walgreens is still trying to track down Benji. 

All I know is once Nep saw a picture of her parents house floating around she stopped calling for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. I mean how can you be against that?

On resetera, presumably she still posts those feelings on Twitter or elsewhere.

So you’re saying there is still more work to be done.
Here's my two cents on the doxing thing. If it's legal it's fine. 

But as to the moral question, if you don't want shit thrown on you don't start throwing shit at other people and don't be shocked when it comes back at you. Remember, these are the people that are trying to get people fired and shamed. I don't feel one bit bad when they get shamed themselves or even fired for what they say online.  It's counter punching in my opinion. Reseters think their shit don't stink so you remind them by throwing it back in their face. Notice how the some of those cunts seem to simmer down when it starts coming back their way. Looking at you Kyuuji.

To summarize, don't lie with dogs if you don't want fleas. Don't start shit, if you don't want shit. When you start punching other people expect to get punched back.
As long as it’s trustable public info you aren’t hacking accounts to get it seems fine to me. Pretty sure I’ve sussed out Jawmuncher completely via LinkedIn and his multiple Twitter accounts but haven’t posted it fully yet due to making sure it’s him completely. But won’t feel bad about posting it one bit, especially given he was part of the cancel mob to get a woman fired at LRG and then took her job over completely.
It's all benefit (us having irl info to clown on these fucktards) and no risk ( as Benji articulated, it's all out there if you're willing to take 5 mins to search public stuff, and evident nobody has taken steps to bother them irl that I am aware of)

So, fuck them, and thanks Benji for giving me more lulz that I would've otherwise gotten.

Like, info on phil has him living 20 mins from me. Am I gonna risk getting arrested to go to his house n laugh at him? Of course not. Who gives a fuck.

This place is getting too serious, seems against the goal of innocent lulz
If you’re trying to be a big voice and arbiter of morality on the internet: expect attention.

PlayStation giving the new Harry Potter quidditch game away for free. Will it fall under the Hogwarts legacy ban lol
(08-28-2024, 03:40 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

PlayStation giving the new Harry Potter quidditch game away for free. Will it fall under the Hogwarts legacy ban lol

Sony paying for the day one release

Thank you for your service!
Not sure how well it’ll sell, the game is pretty damn fun from the beta at least. Could be a serious e sport but being paid vs free to play will dampen that imo 

But we know people love Harry Potter so we will see 😈

P MAC wrote:Lol I was watching Harry Potter with my wife the other day and randomly brought up the Quidditch World Cup game from PS2.

Was saying they should do something similar again for new consoles, but apparently they have? Never heard of it and now I get it free. Fun times.

Social Justice Warrior
I’m genuinely surprised there isn’t more noise questioning the value of a gaming discussion site where some of the biggest hits and IPs are either hard or softbanned (i.e. you can barely have a conversation about it without crybabies scolding up the whole thread).
Quote:I've been saying it for a while here but the English speaking creator/streamer/influencer world needs more "Hasan Type" guys that are tall and physically strong to speak to a variety of topics and niches to pull away kids and young men.

Even someone like creator Ludwig mentioned that he started working out and getting fit because he didn't want to appear like a "soy boy" online while having leftist views even though he tries not to get political.

I don't understand why even here you have pushback against Hasan even though he's literally one of the few progressive online voices that works to move men away from radicalization.


Yeah, the solution is having the exact same types of obnoxious bros, but this time yelling "trans rights are human rights" and "free Gaza" instead.
Was about to post that lol. Its like what they did for Rocket League which was give it away for free first for ps before charging for it. But at least, if this game doesn't do well Im sure we'll get the PCGamer articles dancing on its grave.
lol Quidditch game on PS+…going about as you would expect over in the zoo
Funny because Hasan was ejected from the DNC last week and made the media bias list of unreliable sources. Not a good week for him lol
(08-28-2024, 03:57 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: I’m genuinely surprised there isn’t more noise questioning the value of a gaming discussion site where some of the biggest hits and IPs are either hard or softbanned (i.e. you can barely have a conversation about it without crybabies scolding up the whole thread).

oh I absolutely expect that moba has passed down directives from on high telling them to stop banning games from discussion
(08-28-2024, 04:11 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: lol Quidditch game on PS+…going about as you would expect over in the zoo

But again, I genuinely want you to consider how it would come off if some of the comments made in that thread were actually said to the dev team in person. How would that come off?
(08-28-2024, 04:17 PM)Uncle wrote:
(08-28-2024, 03:57 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: I’m genuinely surprised there isn’t more noise questioning the value of a gaming discussion site where some of the biggest hits and IPs are either hard or softbanned (i.e. you can barely have a conversation about it without crybabies scolding up the whole thread).

oh I absolutely expect that moba has passed down directives from on high telling them to stop banning games from discussion

They're just going on mental banning sprees instead, which has the same effect. That site isn't sustainable if a game as big as Wu Kong can't get to 30 pages in a week any more.
Propagandhim dateline='[url=tel:1724850272' wrote: 1724850272[/url]']
PogiJones dateline='[url=tel:1724845060' wrote: 1724845060[/url]']
^ This is what too much spaghetti does to you

Potato dateline='[url=tel:1724845364' wrote: 1724845364[/url]']

lol see this is what im talking about.  Like this is exactly what I'm talking about.  lol.  The inability to empathize.    Like, it's actually insane how the bore, and by extension, the world at large, runs on anti-Italianness.  It's everywhere.  It's in every aspect of our lives.  You may not think about Italians but we're ubiquitous fixtures in your minds, modes of being, and subconscious biases.  We wash our pasta before putting it in water to get the preservatives off that the Northern White has attached to our food in order to commodify, package and sell our not-for-profit products in capitalismo.  Durrr the starch and preservatives gets cooked off durrrrrr, durrrr why are you washing it if you're gonna put it in water anyway, how bout fuck you nigga?   They say the World Runs on Dunkin, i say it runs on Anti-Italianness since the Industrial Revolution.  All of our shit gets taken and reappropriated for the northern european to profit from without any accreditation to my people.  It's what the French call the Sbarro-fication of Italianness that produces a kind of, lets say "whiteness vis a vi ontological darkness" or what the French call, "Socio-Culturelle Oppressivisme" of the European South.  

Let's look at the evidence:  The Punisher, a highly regarded film from the cultural institution the French refer to as "Marvél" from 2004: Who played the Punisher?  Thomas Jane.  

Exhibit A: Thomas Jane 

[Image: 1tKfUuy.png]

Now take a look at Exhibit B:  [Image: zRsngGW.png]

Now to Exhibit C: [Image: AC09Edp.png]

Why is the entire collective nation of Jewish people dressing up, CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY, as an Italian man with the dago necklace (i can say it, you can't*) and exposed chest hair?  Why would a Jew wear a crucifix if not to mock our strong genetic inclination to wear crosses atop a bed of chest hair in an open shirt? You might be asking yourself, "What are you talking about?" or "This guy represents all Jews?" or "aren't you the bigot for assuming all Italians look like this?" or "what's your point?".  My point?  Let's take a look at the evidence.  The Punisher is actually a man of Italian descent.

Exihibit D:

[Image: tpNXwdC.png]

Exhibit E:

[Image: IbE0A6w.png]

So, through these Bayesian prior proofs I have presented, we have successfully deduced A) The Punisher was intended and developed as a realistic depiction of an Italian, not unlike the prestigious Mario from the Mario saga of games that span both time and space.    And B) Northern Whites and the entire collective nation of Jews is both appropriating our identities as costumes and are taking acting work from us.  You can see how the World Runs on Dunkin On Italians because they had to Anglify his last name.  Our people and our culture constantly have to hide, we're constantly told to be ashamed.  We're constantly running, and fam, I'm tired.  Nobody can know that Frank is of Italian descent.  That's a HUGE secret.  Anne Frank Castle in the attic.  An open depiction of a hot-blooded Italian man beating the shit out of people with no regard to a moral code or empathy in fiction?  You'll never see it.  Only the N. Whites and the Jews have access to that kind of privilege. 

Now you might think this is a coincidence.  Yeah, you're right.  I'm generalizing.  I'm over extrapolating.  I'm getting ahead of myself and I need to calm down.
OH wait, they did it again in 2017????  Ladies and gentlemen of the systematically anti-italic jury, I present to you exhibit F:

[Image: RddIR4q.png]

Yes, it's The Punisher again.  
Surely they won't make the same "mistake" of subjugating and stomping a boot on our faces again?  Surely these crackas must have slipped from their inability to dance and got their dirty little eichmann boots all over our face by accident?

[Image: ZfjWNNt.png]

[Image: tUp85xk.png]



[Image: K2hrTis.png]  [Image: theguido.jpg]

Am I supposed to believe this is a fucking coincidence???  They just magically dress up as us like little magical fucking hermit crabs using us as a fucking costume?

[Image: walking-dead-jon-bernthal-shirtless-dog-walk-03.jpg]

Here's an image of him getting pissed off that someone is honking at him, getting out of his car in the middle of rush hour traffic, shirtless, yelling and ready to hit the guy honking at him with a baseball bat which IS WHAT WE DO.  They're going to put this move in Fortnite tomorrow.  You'll be able to buy The Bad Impulse Control for $4.99.  They feed the children anti-Italianess.  The clothe the children in a makeshift costume of our skin.  And what recompense do we get?  What rebuff is there in this deranged, hellscape of a world?   Until we can abolish capitalism, and establish a post-scarcity society and return to non-profit pasta, we'll just continue to be used, mocked, and predated upon.   Northern Whites and The Collective Nation of Jews run this well olive oiled machine.  And this forum is the last space where I can spend hours of my day discussing this, and working on a solution.  And yall just fucking laugh at me?  "Mama Mia" you fucking bitch?  Talk about fragility.

*reclaimed vernacular

Hey, how about less toppings on that pie, you Ragu slurping deigo wop!
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(08-28-2024, 01:58 PM)clockwork5 wrote: I wonder if the security guard at Walgreens is still trying to track down Benji. 

All I know is once Nep saw a picture of her parents house floating around she stopped calling for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. I mean how can you be against that?

I mean, that’s legitimate hacktivism. 

Benji is the Noodlesoup of The Bire. He does way more to make this world better than anybody else here.
Dust wrote:When was this Quidditch shit even announced? Never heard of it.

Gee, I wonder why lol 

the gold hawk wrote:At one of Geoff's many shows. To much booing, thankfully.

They know it’s on camera and we can watch it right? People were not booing at all lol 

Empyrean Coctus wrote:Well at least I don't have to give money to JK.

Although I'm guessing that part of my PS Plus sub money went to WB to get this game on Plus.

Then again, I resubbed last Thanksgiving to Essential when it was on sale, AND I used gift cards that were on sale at Dollar General.

This has to be a joke right…. Right…?
(08-28-2024, 04:25 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Dust wrote:When was this Quidditch shit even announced? Never heard of it.

Gee, I wonder why lol 

the gold hawk wrote:At one of Geoff's many shows. To much booing, thankfully.

They know it’s on camera and we can watch it right? People were not booing at all lol 

Empyrean Coctus wrote:Well at least I don't have to give money to JK.

Although I'm guessing that part of my PS Plus sub money went to WB to get this game on Plus.

Then again, I resubbed last Thanksgiving to Essential when it was on sale, AND I used gift cards that were on sale at Dollar General.

This has to be a joke right…. Right…?

So much idiot math to avoid being angry at PlayStation for putting it on +.
Quote:Hey, how about less toppings on that pie, you Ragu slurping deigo wop!

seems excessively harsh

Sad attempt at controlling the narrative + cope thread from the 10M copies sold thread.

Most people didn't even know about the alleged "don't discuss feminism or COVID" review code guidelines, and if they did care enough to notice, they're more likely to go "based" or "um this document looks pretty fake" or "yeah I don't have a problem with this because I don't care about politics or feminism".

CaptainMatilder wrote:3 million plus sold copies = backlash?

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of misogyny
"Dismissing concerns of misogyny" They're not even trying at this point lol
Surprised I haven't seen a streamer boycott campaign yet. It went so well last time when they made one female streamer cry and a v-tuber quit
Quote:I legit think they kept quidditch out of Hogwarts legacy because they knew they were making this
[Image: 4sz987.jpg]

Sheev wrote:Hopefully less transphobia in their future games.


(08-28-2024, 04:42 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Quote:Hey, how about less toppings on that pie, you Ragu slurping deigo wop!

seems excessively harsh

Would you prefer I said somethin’ classier like Bertolli, Chachi?

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