Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Kaitos A Mod wrote:You have to be a crazy person to try to kill a former president.
GamerJM wrote:I disagree. If you think that doing so will have a net positive impact on the world, some actions are more important than your own life. See the guy who killed Shinzo Abe.

Nice forum, BDubs.
Dude's twitter is something else. He's autistically dedicated to killing Putin, I'll give him that.
Quote:User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations
(09-15-2024, 10:20 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
Quote:You have to be a crazy person to try to kill a former president.
I disagree. If you think that doing so will have a net positive impact on the world, some actions are more important than your own life. See the guy who killed Shinzo Abe.


Bdumbs going be talking to the fbi tomorrow

Edit: User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations

I think that’s a new one

Assignations? Was Slayven the mod on that ban?
Bdubs is officially "tired."
(09-15-2024, 10:29 PM)Cheststrongwell wrote: Bdubs is officially "tired."

bdumbs wrote:I am so fucking tired

2 more months baby!
(09-15-2024, 09:31 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(09-15-2024, 09:23 PM)PogiJones wrote: So many posts in there saying "Hopefully the country will see this as how much chaos he causes." Like, it's insane how they can't see "We know he's bad because his enemies are trying to kill him," is some of the worst logic ever. That would mean every murder victim ever is a bad guy, because "why else would anyone want to murder them?"


I really think your logic here is also flawed.

Your brain shuts down every time you discuss Trump or Elon. People trying to kill Hitler wasn't evidence that Hitler was bad; the mass graves he created were the evidence he was bad. Their logic requires implying MLK Jr. was bad because "look at all the people he upset and the chaos he created so they killed him." Use your brain and see that I'm making no claims about the merits of Trump, I'm pointing out their terrible logic.

Bdumbs wrote:That's because only crazy people try this sort of thing. Remember the Reagan assassin? Motherfucker wanted to impress Jody Foster after having watched Taxi Driver.

             Armchair diagnosis
is this?
(09-15-2024, 09:38 PM)ComeAgain wrote:
(09-15-2024, 09:22 PM)Ribosome wrote: Baby lesbian/gay would be like a teenager that just came out and is finding their way. 

Almost certainly that person using it on Era is appropriating it.

Got it. Genuinely never had heard or read it put that way and thought it was some Era only kind of thing.
I won’t say I’ve never heard a woman use the term, but I mostly hear it in trans convos —shocker, I know.
After the rationalizing political assignations

Quote:I hope Trump is afraid to leave his house every day for the rest of this life. Fucking sicko

Quote:Damn. That's a shame. Nobody should get banned over hating Trump. :(

Quote:As a former Admin of another message board, I get it. I just hate seeing long-standing members of the community being permanently banned.

Not complaining, just bummed it had to happen.

And don’t forget about the real victims of this attack

Quote:They better not close this road now like they did around his house. I need to get to that post office across the street


Quote:Let the mods deal with it asshole

(09-15-2024, 10:30 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(09-15-2024, 09:31 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(09-15-2024, 09:23 PM)PogiJones wrote: So many posts in there saying "Hopefully the country will see this as how much chaos he causes." Like, it's insane how they can't see "We know he's bad because his enemies are trying to kill him," is some of the worst logic ever. That would mean every murder victim ever is a bad guy, because "why else would anyone want to murder them?"


I really think your logic here is also flawed.

Your brain shuts down every time you discuss Trump or Elon. People trying to kill Hitler wasn't evidence that Hitler was bad; the mass graves he created were the evidence he was bad. Their logic requires implying MLK Jr. was bad because "look at all the people he upset and the chaos he created so they killed him." Use your brain and see that I'm making no claims about the merits of Trump, I'm pointing out their terrible logic.

They are saying he is creating chaos and enemies because he is a shit stirring asshole that became the most powerful person of the world for some years. We know the Secret Service has spoken about how difficult is to protect Trump given how he likes to do whatever he likes when is about security and places where he likes to go. In not justifying his assassinations attempts, just that saying he is not blameless is not a leap of logic given how uncompromising and confrontational the dude is in almost everything he does.

And is funny that you consider that I turn my brain off with Trump and Musk… when I think you guys do it too. Yeshrug
2 users liked this post: clockwork5, Taco Bell Tower
Americans and their silly guns  Oh hi, Mark
(09-15-2024, 09:25 PM)PogiJones wrote: "Trump was asking for it. Did you see what he was wearing?"

“Rich politician and ex celebrity that constantly attacks others and has confrontational and polarizing opinions about almost every single issue he asked about.”  = “Girl that dresses with revealing clothing”.
(09-15-2024, 10:20 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
Quote:You have to be a crazy person to try to kill a former president.
I disagree. If you think that doing so will have a net positive impact on the world, some actions are more important than your own life. See the guy who killed Shinzo Abe.


Bdumbs going be talking to the fbi tomorrow

Edit: User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations

I think that’s a new one

Wow, a prominent person with 16,000 posts. I wonder how they survived that long, Bduuuuuuuuuuuuubs?
BDubs wrote:Let's be really real: we can't be having people rationalizing this. That sort of thing goes nowhere good and fast.

You guys allowed people to grave dance on Shinzo Abe (whenever he deserve it or not). Why are you surprised that some longtime member will think is okay to rationalize political violence because “it worked that time and people here celebrated”.
Multiple reports coming in of "exhausted" posters. Most of them longtime posters.
(09-15-2024, 07:08 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(09-15-2024, 05:23 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(09-14-2024, 08:05 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I thought RA was crippled.  Thinking

He's the weirdo who made a huge fuss regarding some streamer beating Elden Ring with one hand. And getting clapped by people so much that mods had to start banning people and lock the thread.

Ra wrote:Is this impressive? Sorry to be a buzzkill but I'm a fucking quadriplegic and beat this shit.
Able-bodied people doing weird shit doesn't move me. Perspective.

How he was able to roundhouse kick his mother… never mind sleepwalking?

*Roundhouse flick
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]

wtf is a truscum and trandsmed, trans who are transphobic or something?
4 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, BananaBlast, Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia
Look let’s not rationalize this, it isn’t like our mod Nep rationalized a soldier who was going through a mental health breakdown burned himself alive because what was happening during the Israel - Palestine crisis by calling him “Brave” like he was some sort of martyr.
(09-15-2024, 11:14 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]

wtf is a truscum and trandsmed, trans who are transphobic or something?

Trans who are close to medically considered actual trans that don’t like trans who are just trans because they are going through a mental identity crisis caused by depression.

It’s about as ridiculous sounding as the buzz word soup that poster threw up.
5 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx, Gameboy Nostalgia
B-dubs needs to lock the Ukraine thread. He's helping in the creation of assassins.  Hmph
3 users liked this post: TylenolJones, Potato, Taco Bell Tower
(09-15-2024, 11:14 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]

wtf is a truscum and trandsmed, trans who are transphobic or something?

Actual trans folks who know that being trans is a medical issue and isn't just something someone does on vibes. A lot of the old school trans community are this.
Boredfrom, I'll walk you through the logic very slowly. The posters in that thread are saying they hope people will see this as evidence of how bad Trump is. "Evidence" means that it favors one model over another. It gives weight to one model over another. When the so-called evidence favors no model, it isn't evidence. If I say I broke my arm, that isn't evidence that I ride motorcycles instead of skiing, because it fits both models just as well. When people are trying to kill Trump, that does not favor that he's a Hitler over him being an MLK Jr., because someone trying to kill him fits both models perfectly well. Trump constantly saying dumb and divisive things is evidence that he's dumb and divisive. Someone trying to shoot him for it is not, because people also shoot people for being good guys sometimes. It fits both models. You keep saying, "But it fits my model of him being evil!" Yeah, it does, and it also fits a Trumper model of him being a savior and near-martyr that evil people are trying to kill. It fits both, and is therefore not evidence either way. And to think otherwise, you have to adopt the absurd notion that assassination attempts only happen to bad people, which is clearly not true. It's completely terrible logic.

Edit: top of page carepost
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: The_Care_Bear_Stare_in_the_colors_of_the_rainbow.jpg]
(09-15-2024, 11:19 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(09-15-2024, 11:14 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]

wtf is a truscum and trandsmed, trans who are transphobic or something?

Actual trans folks who know that being trans is a medical issue and isn't just something someone does on vibes. A lot of the old school trans community are this.

I think a legit definition is… Pedos that became trans to blend in to a rare community of people, and those people are pissed about it. It’s like you’re actually trans, and TwoHearts shows up to your clubhouse spouting a bunch of shit they just learned, and you ignore them.

I feel this happens in every fan nerd community. You know a shit ton about a nerd show, or whatever, and you got a loser that wants to hang out with you.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(09-15-2024, 11:19 PM)PogiJones wrote: Boredfrom, I'll walk you through the logic very slowly. The posters in that thread are saying they hope people will see this as evidence of how bad Trump is. "Evidence" means that it favors one model over another. It gives weight to one model over another. When the so-called evidence favors no model, it isn't evidence. If I say I broke my arm, that isn't evidence that I ride motorcycles instead of skiing, because it fits both models just as well. When people are trying to kill Trump, that does not favor that he's a Hitler over him being an MLK Jr., because someone trying to kill him fits both models perfectly well. Trump constantly saying dumb and divisive things is evidence that he's dumb and divisive. Someone trying to shoot him for it is not, because people also shoot people for being good guys sometimes. It fits both models. You keep saying, "But it fits my model of him being evil!" Yeah, it does, and it also fits a Trumper model of him being a savior and near-martyr that evil people are trying to kill . It fits both, and is therefore not evidence either way. And to think otherwise, you have to adopt the absurd notion that assassination attempts only happen to bad people, which is clearly not true. It's completely terrible logic.

Edit: top of page carepost
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 71z4uf+YUSL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg]



Dude, I will give you this, your logic is solid until that part. Because, for all their faults, I have never called neither Trump or Musk as evil. 

Fair enough, about how you rationalized your argument. Yeshrug I concede in that sense.

I’m going to protest ever calling them evil. Vile assholes, sure, but “evil”?
GamerJM and their 16,240 posts flushed down the toilet.

All you had to do was not praise an assassination attempt on an anti trans gaming forum.   Hmph
(09-15-2024, 10:20 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
Quote:You have to be a crazy person to try to kill a former president.
I disagree. If you think that doing so will have a net positive impact on the world, some actions are more important than your own life. See the guy who killed Shinzo Abe.


Bdumbs going be talking to the fbi tomorrow

Edit: User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations

I think that’s a new one
Quote:I disagree. If you think that doing so will have a net positive impact on the world, some actions are more important than your own life. See the guy who killed Shinzo Abe.
Ree mods and admins just killed a trans person  Thank you for your service!
Quote:7 year old account with 16,000 posts, gone like tears in the rain

EDIT: LMAAAOOO I just re-read the ban message for this "User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations"
Whatever mod did this was so flustered they couldn't spell "assassinations"
Fiction wrote:Sorry, it's not you, I literally deal with batshit conspiracy theories as my literal job all day, so I'm really sensitive to these narratives spreading. This is my safe haven from the bs man lol.


Resetera is your safe space?
Quote:Locking this thread. There has been an extreme amount of dismissiveness and hostility to the concerns and viewpoints of disabled people, so we'll be going through and actioning posts accordingly. And as a result of people bumping this thread to continue the toxicity, some folks might be actioned for posts from August. A new message will be posted once reports are processed.
Which is never.
Edited: Just saw the dates, still stand by the bold sentence lol
(09-15-2024, 11:05 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
BDubs wrote:Let's be really real: we can't be having people rationalizing this. That sort of thing goes nowhere good and fast.

You guys allowed people to grave dance on Shinzo Abe (whenever he deserve it or not). Why are you surprised that some longtime member will think is okay to rationalize political violence because “it worked that time and people here celebrated”.

Mind you they even allowed Deepwater back after he condoned Abe's assassination and asked for more politicians to get shotgunned to death.

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