Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(09-15-2024, 11:05 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
BDubs wrote:Let's be really real: we can't be having people rationalizing this. That sort of thing goes nowhere good and fast.

You guys allowed people to grave dance on Shinzo Abe (whenever he deserve it or not). Why are you surprised that some longtime member will think is okay to rationalize political violence because “it worked that time and people here celebrated”.

Boredform, bud. You should know Resetera doesn't care about Asian people.  Stahp
(09-15-2024, 11:29 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: GamerJM and their 16,240 posts flushed down the toilet.

All you had to do was not praise an assassination attempt on an anti trans gaming forum.   Hmph

I wonder how many of those were four word drive-by’s, and Morgan Freeman pointing up meme?
(09-15-2024, 11:33 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Fiction wrote:Sorry, it's not you, I literally deal with batshit conspiracy theories as my literal job all day, so I'm really sensitive to these narratives spreading. This is my safe haven from the bs man lol.


Resetera is your safe space?

What does Fiction do that they're dealing with conspiracy theories all day?
(09-15-2024, 10:48 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(09-15-2024, 10:30 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(09-15-2024, 09:31 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Mike 

I really think your logic here is also flawed.

Your brain shuts down every time you discuss Trump or Elon. People trying to kill Hitler wasn't evidence that Hitler was bad; the mass graves he created were the evidence he was bad. Their logic requires implying MLK Jr. was bad because "look at all the people he upset and the chaos he created so they killed him." Use your brain and see that I'm making no claims about the merits of Trump, I'm pointing out their terrible logic.

They are saying he is creating chaos and enemies because he is a shit stirring asshole that became the most powerful person of the world for some years. We know the Secret Service has spoken about how difficult is to protect Trump given how he likes to do whatever he likes when is about security and places where he likes to go. In not justifying his assassinations attempts, just that saying he is not blameless is not a leap of logic given how uncompromising and confrontational the dude is in almost everything he does.

And is funny that you consider that I turn my brain off with Trump and Musk… when I think you guys do it too. Yeshrug

yeah likewise I would never justify rape but let's not pretend these ladies are blameless with how they dress, it's not a big leap of logic giving their very overtly-intended-to-turn-you-on sexy outfits

they're practically asking for it, play stupid games win stupid prizes, fuck around and find out, am I right
(09-15-2024, 11:59 PM)Uncle wrote:
(09-15-2024, 10:48 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(09-15-2024, 10:30 PM)PogiJones wrote: Your brain shuts down every time you discuss Trump or Elon. People trying to kill Hitler wasn't evidence that Hitler was bad; the mass graves he created were the evidence he was bad. Their logic requires implying MLK Jr. was bad because "look at all the people he upset and the chaos he created so they killed him." Use your brain and see that I'm making no claims about the merits of Trump, I'm pointing out their terrible logic.

They are saying he is creating chaos and enemies because he is a shit stirring asshole that became the most powerful person of the world for some years. We know the Secret Service has spoken about how difficult is to protect Trump given how he likes to do whatever he likes when is about security and places where he likes to go. In not justifying his assassinations attempts, just that saying he is not blameless is not a leap of logic given how uncompromising and confrontational the dude is in almost everything he does.

And is funny that you consider that I turn my brain off with Trump and Musk… when I think you guys do it too. Yeshrug

yeah likewise I would never justify rape but let's not pretend these ladies are blameless with how they dress, it's not a big leap of logic giving their very overtly-intended-to-turn-you-on sexy outfits

they're practically asking for it, play stupid games win stupid prizes, fuck around and find out, am I right

(09-15-2024, 11:56 PM)Potato wrote:
(09-15-2024, 11:33 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Fiction wrote:Sorry, it's not you, I literally deal with batshit conspiracy theories as my literal job all day, so I'm really sensitive to these narratives spreading. This is my safe haven from the bs man lol.


Resetera is your safe space?

What does Fiction do that they're dealing with conspiracy theories all day?

TikTok janitor
(09-16-2024, 12:03 AM)BIONIC wrote:
(09-15-2024, 11:56 PM)Potato wrote:
(09-15-2024, 11:33 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Triggered

Resetera is your safe space?

What does Fiction do that they're dealing with conspiracy theories all day?

TikTok janitor

For who though? 

Is uncle implying that Trump is a slut?
(09-16-2024, 12:14 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Is uncle implying that Trump is a slut?

Will we finally get somebody banned?
(09-15-2024, 10:20 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
Quote:You have to be a crazy person to try to kill a former president.
I disagree. If you think that doing so will have a net positive impact on the world, some actions are more important than your own life. See the guy who killed Shinzo Abe.


Bdumbs going be talking to the fbi tomorrow

Edit: User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations

I think that’s a new one

[Image: ixVepyT.png]

Abe was a cunt, lets not pretend that people like Reinhard Heydrich, Julius Caesar or John Lennon didn't deserve it.

Sounds like abe had it coming

Quote:Prefacing this with the note that I don't endorse assassination/murder of any sort:

The aftermath of the Abe assassination was bizarre in that the assassin was the victim of a Korean cult (Unification Church) with significant membership in Japan that Abe was in the pocket of / had some sketchy deals with, it wasn't motivated by current/electoral politics so much as a cult victim lashing out (The cult being Korean, the leaders weren't anywhere within Japan so Abe was seen as the next best target by the guy, I guess). So, in the aftermath of that, there was a lot of negative attention on that cult and a lot of folks in Japan are in favour of cracking down on them moreso than before.

My personal POV is it's not comparable to most political assassinations though anyways - and it's less that it achieved something via his death and more the existence of someone so harmed by a cult they'd turn to violence like that raised a lot of alarm about certain cults in Japan and esp. the Unification Church, as well as questions over why some politicians have such close ties to those groups and let them get away with what they do.

Fuck around and find out
(09-15-2024, 11:56 PM)Potato wrote:
(09-15-2024, 11:33 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Fiction wrote:Sorry, it's not you, I literally deal with batshit conspiracy theories as my literal job all day, so I'm really sensitive to these narratives spreading. This is my safe haven from the bs man lol.


Resetera is your safe space?

What does Fiction do that they're dealing with conspiracy theories all day?

Could be a case worker, works in a mental ward or in a recovery center 

When I worked in a recovery org it was all trump is great and conspiracy shit all day from the clients (most coming from jail on a home plan).

Wes1986 wrote:[Image: 514623QANFL.jpg]

Fuck these movie cover designers.....
And before you go "that movie is a 100 years OLD"
New people are born them shit like this is as new as stuff that came out last week.

Hate it
Implied Facepalm
(09-16-2024, 12:33 AM)Rendle wrote:
(09-15-2024, 10:20 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
Quote:I disagree. If you think that doing so will have a net positive impact on the world, some actions are more important than your own life. See the guy who killed Shinzo Abe.


Bdumbs going be talking to the fbi tomorrow

Edit: User banned (permanent): rationalizing political assignations

I think that’s a new one

[Image: ixVepyT.png]

Abe was a cunt, lets not pretend that people like Reinhard Heydrich, Julius Caesar or John Lennon didn't deserve it.

Or Benjamin S. Pwns Virtual Reality
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower

Trump nearly got shot because of Russia gate or was this guy CIA?
Quote:It's interesting you bring up pre-release stuff because that's an annoying habit some fandoms get into, assuming everyone follows all the pre-release hype, interviews etc (and then get very angry when someone asks a benign questions because OBVIOUSLY everyone should know this by now (aka days before release)) or related to this thread, read all the leaks and get arsey or spoilery with people. I know the Pokémon fandom here on ERA polices itself with this because it can be a big issue there.

My view on spoilers, very much depends on the place and who I'm interacting with.

On the one hand, I am beyond done with straights getting pissed off at LGBTQ+ people for "spoiling" the fact a gay character is in the game or that a certain character is gay or bi or trans. It's very othering (you never see this BS with straight characters and relationships), often comes across as telling LGBTQ+ people to shut up and quite bluntly borders and often is chud behaviour. I've seen this happen a few times on ERA and elsewhere and it always comes across as nasty and shit. Let us be happy you.

On the other, If I know a friend of mine is going to the cinema to see a movie, I'm not going to spoil it unless their someone I know who doesn't care about spoilers. That doesn't even just include new stuff, if I know a friend is watching an old show for the first time and doesn't know the story like say a friend watching The Prisoner, I won't spoil and use spoiler tags; this is especially true about mystery fiction because you only get one chance of watching it to guess who the killer is yourself.

I also fully get what people are meaning about manga and anime being rotten with spoilers. I remember DBS youtubers being absolutely terrible with this, like an hour after the Japanese release on an episode and they'd already be posting spoilery videos with spoilers in the titles and they seem to pop up in your feed even if you weren't watching DB stuff.

That being said, if you're going into a discussion thread that allows spoilers or are reading an article explicitly talking about story details and STILL complain about spoilers, I don't get what you were expecting and I've seen this behaviour for decades.
Abe's assassination was fascinating because the public actually sympathized heavily with the killer and way more than the victim, the killer was basically vindicated by the press, the government passed laws targeted at helping shūkyō nisei, the UC was shut down... he basically got everything he set out to achieve. And doing it with a homemade weapon was baller too
(09-16-2024, 12:44 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Wes1986 wrote:[im g][/img]

Fuck these movie cover designers.....
And before you go "that movie is a 100 years OLD"
New people are born them shit like this is as new as stuff that came out last week.

Hate it
Implied Facepalm

soft agree

no need to throw a huge fit but like imagine you buy citizen kane and on the cover in bold print it says ROSEBUD WAS HIS SLED, GET IT, BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONE TIME IN LIFE HE WAS TRULY HAPPY
3 users liked this post: PogiJones, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(09-15-2024, 01:57 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Hrist wrote:This shit contributes to actual trans people getting more and more obstacles in the way of surgery, both because doctors back out, and because right-wing mobs push for it and now have even more ammo to use, a direct case of trans surgery being just whim of someone who didn't need it. But that's fine, because even mild criticism is thought policing and punishing. Apparently.

It's ironic that the men yelling "thought policing" are sure doing a good job policing allowed criticisms of direct harm
Perfect example of how these people are totalitarians. In this case the "direct harm" of the possibility of people not doing what you want is used as a justification for demanding no criticism at all on any topic.

(09-15-2024, 07:56 PM)Venice wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:A celebrity who said the n-word long enough ago for liberals to determine that it's not "reflective of who they are" (even though they don't know these celebrities and have no idea what they've done for the advancement of Black causes, much less how they feel about Black people today) absolutely will get a pass. See the OneyPlays/Smiling Friends guys.

Part of it is also because racism is a way for white youth to rebel, establish friendships, and reinforce bonds. "Everyone's said stupid shit when they were younger!" is what we're told, without any awareness that, no, saying slurs is not some universal act of coming-of-age.
So is it, or is it not? Do we all live under a global Thousand Year Reich of capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy or not?

(09-15-2024, 08:29 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:On a personal level, I recently had a significant portion of my healthcare over the past year denied by my health insurance in Florida because someone added to my chart that I was seeing doctors for reasons related to gender dysphoria. What was 50 bucks here and there for psych, endo (history of thyroid issues), GP, etc. suddenly reverted to several thousand dollars of medical debt. It should go without saying, but I (and many folks) don't have the kind of money to deal with that, and the overall cost of transitioning is one of many reasons why it's so difficult. Many people will leave their homes and communities and move states just to potentially get some coverage. Meanwhile, Steve-O can just plan a big ol gag where he flaunts his ability to easily pay for lifesaving care that many of us cannot access just to have a yuck yuck about it at the end of the day. It fucking sucks yall.
In this case, the poster is talking about Medicaid, the state insurance for low income people. Which they were utilizing for thousands of dollars of irrelevant pseudoscientific drugs and cosmetic surgeries their community insists are both life saving and unnecessary.

(09-15-2024, 09:50 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
BDumbs wrote:It's likely a result of the current political climate. Trump, along with the GOP in general and social media algorithms refusing to moderate any sort of extremist political content, have created a political climate that normalizes extremism, insanity, and violence. Political violence is the end point of the sort of nonsense Trump has been pushing this entire time. It's likely going to get worse as we get closer and closer to the election. This will likely happen again.
I wonder if any of the normalizing of extremism and violence or "end point of the sort of nonsense ... has been pushing the entire time. It's likely to get worse as we get closer and closer to the election" might have to do with the claims that if Trump wins democracy is permanently over, fascism is here and everyone will be genocided?

BUT THAT'S TRUE Social Justice Warrior 

(09-15-2024, 11:14 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(09-15-2024, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: pTpdg5W.png]
wtf is a truscum and trandsmed, trans who are transphobic or something?
Truscum and transmedicalists are slurs in the trans community for people who believe you need to transition through medical means: HRT, surgeries, etc. This is bigoted and genocidal, no one should have to seek or want essential life saving care to feel valid in their gender identity. You should have to do nothing but identify (to yourself, telling others is unnecessary, they should ask) as your chosen gender which then requires everyone else to treat you as that gender or else be forced to.

Mom - I don't care dear.
checking in with noodlesoup

Quote:The more time I spend on social media, the more I find myself becoming more increasingly angry at how pervasive conservativism is in everything I enjoy.

It's insane to go from having a genuine and eye-opening conversation with one of my professors at school to arguing with complete brain-dead idiots on Twitter/Reddit who believe that absolutely nothing happens and everything is as superficial as they see fit.

On the other hand, I can't enjoy video games/movies/TV shows nowadays because there's always some dumbass anti-woke grifter chirping about wokeness. Shit blows.

(09-16-2024, 12:58 AM)Rendle wrote: Abe's assassination was fascinating because the public actually sympathized heavily with the killer and way more than the victim, the killer was basically vindicated by the press, the government passed laws targeted at helping shūkyō nisei, the UC was shut down... he basically got everything he set out to achieve. And doing it with a homemade weapon was baller too

I think it helps that the country is very apathetic about politics and Abe already plagued by corruption scandals over the years.
(09-16-2024, 01:07 AM)Uncle wrote: checking in with noodlesoup

Quote:On the other hand, I can't enjoy video games/movies/TV shows nowadays because there's always some dumbass anti-woke grifter chirping about wokeness. Shit blows.

Why would this keep you from enjoying it? If anything this only means those games are catering to you ???
(09-15-2024, 04:12 PM)Steven Snell wrote: [Image: 1b29652290bed7b8ceccbb27a6fe320e.png]

Shit like this is so pathetic. As soon as Clickity, Kyuuji, Melody and others don't get their way. I could only liken it to a kid playing on a playground and as soon as it doesn't go the way they want they take their ball and go home.
The entire modern trans thing is about power.

If you want to be something, others should be forced to accept it as true.

If you want to do absolutely nothing about that, others should still be forced to believe your claims are true.

If you want to do something about that, others should be forced to provide it for you.

If you want to speak for all trans people (or women or queers), others should be forced to agree with you.

If you want to never hear any disagreement at all, other people should be forced to not disagree.

If you want to control how others speak about you, others should be forced to only speak about you in ways you want.

If you want to be a lesbian, lesbians should be forced to have sex with you.

It's an endless series of weak claims that certain narcissists (namely me) should be an exalted caste towards which all others must emotionally labor at all times.
Booshka wrote:Biden should seize Elons companies tonight, just nationalize them and kick him out of the country.


Can you shut the fuck up for once?
(09-16-2024, 01:25 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Booshka wrote:Biden should seize Elons companies tonight, just nationalize them and kick him out of the country.


Can you shut the fuck up for once?

Isn't this like fascism or something
haha cops should just seize citizens property and deport them whenever they want

We'll ignore that Elon's not the sole owner of most of his companies, that just shows how based the cops would be for helping anyone who fucked around with Elon get to the finding out stage.
it's not fascism if we do it.  Juche
Nationalize Twitter to get rid of the hate speech!

Shit, now Twitter's bound by the First Amendment. Stahp

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